My ATI Radeon DDR graphics card is unstable. How can I fix it?
The latest 4.13.7075 driver set are known to be stable with this board. I have also been informed that the recent 7078 beta drivers work well.
One user also reported that there is a sequence you need to follow in loading the board drivers and VIA's AGP driver. He recommended the following:
Fully remove the previous ATI driver set using uninstall.
Choose PCI Adapter and reboot.
Load DirectX 7.0a or 8 - reboot
Load latest VIA AGP driver - reboot
Load ATI driver set - reboot
Reload latest VIA AGP driver - reboot
Reload DirectX - reboot
You may need to set the AGP driving strength to 68.
If you have difficulty running at AGPx4 ABIT recommend you download the latest drivers from radeon_win98_drivers.html at ATI or win-9x-me.html at 3DChipset.
One user found that by disabling P2C/C2P Concurrency in the Advanced Chipset Features menu of the BIOS instabilities were solved.