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Partage pcLinux / Macbook

darta gnan gnan

Messages recommandés


est-on obligé de passer par le protocole samba pour partager un dossier et une imprimante avec :

1/ pc linux (maître)

2/ MacBbookPro MacosX

Si je me fais mal comprendre : imprimante et dossier (boite de depôt) sur PC, et le but, est que le mac puisse imprimer et, déposer ou prendre dans /home/public



Modifié par darta gnan gnan
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Pour partager des imprimantes entre deux machines basées sur Unix, pourquoi aller piocher dans des technologies Microsoft alors que lpd fait cela à merveille (partager des queues d'impression en réseau) ?

Avec lpd (lpd, lprng, cups, etc.) il est tout à fait possible de partager une imprimante en réseau, il suffit de déclarer une nouvelle imprimante réseau et de donner comme "imprimante" la machine sur laquelle tourne le daemon lpd... Toute la subtilité consiste alors à la déclarer comme imprimante PostScript et faire la manip en local pour transformer les documents reçus en PS en choses comprises par l'imprimante - pas de panique, c'est prévu dans quasi-tous les drivers d'impression Linux, on peut spécifier un filtre -

Pour ce qui est du partage de fichiers, NFS ou le plus évident pour du matériel Apple : AppleTalk et en particulier AFP. AppleTalk est disponible sous Linux par Netatalk et la configuration réseau est grandement facilitée par l'installation d'une couche de "découverte" de type Bonjour, Rendez-Vous, ZeroConf (appelez-ça comme vous voulez) : Avahi.

Un petit howto, un peu vieux mais toujours d'actualité pour ce qui est de AppleTalk :


Si Linux sait parler nativement à un Mac, pourquoi forcer les deux machines à faire du Microsoft ? (on me souffle à l'oreille "peut-être parce qu'on est sur un site qui traite du PC en général"... c'est pas faux !)

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ah ben c'est bien ce que je pensais...... c'est deux unix donc pas besoin de crosoft :P

Peux tu donner plus détail sur cup je pense avoir tout fait et le mac n'accede pas à l'imprimante.

merci kewlcat

je repasserais peut être si j'ai des soucis.

Modifié par darta gnan gnan
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en fait, ni le partage de fichier, ni l'impresion du mac ne fonctionne.... ca fait 5 mois que je découvre linux... alors (newbie^^) je pense avoir bien installé netatalk mais je ne sais pas m'en servir, j'ai netatalk-config mais je vois pas à quoi il sert. J'ai bien lu les pages en anglais, peux tu m'expliquer comment le configurer (netatatalk), si j'ai bien compris il va me servir pour le partagae fichier et imprimante.

j'ai essayé de me connecter du mac--> afp:// n'a pas marché.

je viens de me rendre compte que cupsdconf existe et qu'il se lance en "mode" kde alors que je suis sous gnome (grave?), donc pour l'impression ca va peut etre marcher, je fais des test et je te tiens au courant. j'ai aussi /etc/atalk/atalkd.conf et afpd.conf, mais je ne sais pas les configurer.

l'interface c'est eth1 et le mac c'est un ip fixe :

ps : l'imprimante est brachée en parallele et l'impression marche du pc.


Modifié par darta gnan gnan
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OK, désolé pour le délai...

Netatalk va te permettre d'envoyer sur le réseau des paquets que MacOS "comprend" (un peu comme quand tu mets Samba pour que Windows te 'voie' dans le voisinage réseau).

Comment as-tu installé netatalk ? Téléchargé les sources depuis le site ? Installé le package appartenant à ta distrib ? ...

Est-ce que les daemons se lancent bien ?

A quoi resemblent tes fichiers atalkd.conf et afp.conf ?

Est-ce que cups est bien lancé sur ta machine ? Est-ce que tu as accès à http://localhost:631 ? Est-ce que tu as installé un package se nommant "cups-lpd" ou quelque chose d'approchant (ou sinon, est-ce que tu as un fichier /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-lpd) ?


Si tu peux, loggue-toi root, vérifie le contenu des fichiers /var/log/messages et /var/log/syslog et essaie de lancer atalkd et voir s'il y a des lignes qui s'ajoutent dans ces fichiers (ça pourrait nous en dire un peu plus sur ce qui se passe)


Au fait, as-tu un firewall ?

Make sure TCP ports 548 and 427, and UDP ports 548 and 5353 are open between your file server and the Mac (UDP 5353 is actually for Rendezvous/Zeroconf)
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Merci pour la réponse,

je précise bien que le but est que le mac puisse faire monter le dossier public du pc et que le mac (encore..) puisse imprimer sur l'imprimante branché pc en parralèle.

Réseau sur eth1

les daemons ont l'air de bien démarrer, je l'ai installé avec yum.

atatalk.conf :


# Format of lines in this file:


# interface [ -seed ] [ -router | -dontroute ]

# [ -phase { 1 | 2 } ] [ -addr net.node ]

# [ -net first[-last] ] [ -zone ZoneName ] ...


# -seed only works if you have multi-interfaces. Any missing arguments are

# automatically configured from the network. Note: lines can't actually be

# split, tho it's a good idea.


# -router is like -seed but it allows single-interface routing. -dontroute

# disables routing for the specified interface.


# Some examples:


# The simplest case is no atalkd.conf. This works on most platforms

# (notably not Solaris), since atalkd can discover the local interfaces

# on the machine.


# Very slightly more complicated:


# le0

# or

# eth0


# for Solaris/SunOS or Linux.


# A much more complicated example:


# le0 -phase 1

# le1 -seed -phase 2 -addr 66.6 -net 66-67 -zone "No Parking"


# This turns on transition routing between the le0 and le1

# interfaces on a Sun. It also causes atalkd to fail if other

# routers disagree about it's configuration of le1.








# Each line defines a virtual server that should be available.

# Empty lines and lines beginning with `#' are ignored.

# Options in this file will override both compiled-in defaults

# and command line options.


# Format:

# - [options] to specify options for the default server

# "Maison" [options] to specify an additional server


# The following options are available:

# Transport Protocols:

# -[no]tcp Make AFP-over-TCP [not] available

# -[no]ddp Make AFP over AppleTalk [not] available. if you

# have -proxy specified, specify -uamlist "" to

# prevent ddp connections from working.


# -transall Make both available (default)


# Transport Options:

-ipaddr <> Specifies the IP address the server should respond

# to (default is the first IP address of the system)

# This option also allows one machine to advertise

# TCP/IP for another machine.

# -server_quantum <number>

# Specifies the DSI server quantum. The minimum

# value is 1MB. The max value is 0xFFFFFFFF. If you

# specify a value that is out of range, you'll get

# the default value (currently the minimum).

# -admingroup <groupname>

# Specifies the group of administrators who should all

# be seen as the superuser when they log in. Default

# is disabled.

# -ddpaddr x.y Specifies the DDP address of the server. the

# default is to auto-assign an address

# (0.0). this is only useful if you're running

# on a multihomed host.

# -port <number> Specifies the TCP port the server should respond

# to (default is 548)

# -fqdn <name:port> specify a fully-qualified domain name (+

# optional port). this gets discarded if the

# server can't resolve it. this is not honored

# by appleshare clients <= 3.8.3 (default: none)

# -proxy Run an AppleTalk proxy server for specified AFP/TCP

# server (if address/port aren't given, then

# first IP address of the system/548 will be used).

# if you don't want the proxy server to act as

# a ddp server as well, set -uamlist to an

# empty string.

# -noslp Don't register this server with the Service

# Location Protocol.



# Authentication Methods:

# -uampath <path> Use this path to look for User Authentication Modules.

# (default: /usr/lib/atalk)

# -uamlist <a,b,c> Comma-separated list of UAMs. (default:



# some commonly available UAMs:

# Allow guest logins


# ( or

# Allow logins with passwords

# transmitted in the clear.


# Allow Random Number and Two-Way

# Random Number exchange for

# authentication.


# ( or

# Allow Diffie-Hellman eXchange

# (DHX) for authentication.


# Password Options:

# -[no]savepassword [Don't] Allow clients to save password locally

# -passwdfile <path> Use this path to store Randnum

# passwords. (Default: /etc/atalk//afppasswd. The only

# other useful value is ~/.passwd. See 'man afppasswd'

# for details.)

# -passwdminlen <#> minimum password length. may be ignored.

# -[no]setpassword [Don't] Allow clients to change their passwords.

# -loginmaxfail <#> maximum number of failed logins. this may be

# ignored if the uam can't handle it.


# AppleVolumes files:

# -defaultvol <path> Specifies path to AppleVolumes.default file

# (default /etc/atalk//AppleVolumes.default,

# same as -f on command line)

# -systemvol <path> Specifies path to AppleVolumes.system file

# (default /etc/atalk//AppleVolumes.system,

# same as -s on command line)

# -[no]uservolfirst [Don't] read the user's ~/AppleVolumes or

# ~/.AppleVolumes before reading

# /etc/atalk//AppleVolumes.default

# (same as -u on command line)

# -[no]uservol [Don't] Read the user's volume file



# Miscellaneous:

# -authprintdir <path> Specifies the path to be used (per server) to

# store the files required to do CAP-style

# print authentication which papd will examine

# to determine if a print job should be allowed.

# These files are created at login and if they

# are to be properly removed, this directory

# probably needs to be umode 1777

# -guestname "user" Specifies the user name for the guest login

# (default "nobody", same as -g on command line)

# -loginmesg "Message" Client will display "Message" upon logging in

# (no default, same as -l "Message" on commandline)

# -nodebug Switch off debugging

# -client_polling With this switch enabled, afpd won't advertise

# that it is capable of server notifications, so that

# connected clients poll the server every 10 seconds

# to detect changes in opened server windows.

# Note: Depending on the number of simultaneously

# connected clients and the network's speed, this can

# lead to a significant higher load on your network!

# -sleep <number> AFP 3.x wait number hours before disconnecting

# clients in sleep mode. Default 10 hours

# -tickleval <number> Specify the tickle timeout interval (in seconds).

# Note, this defaults to 30 seconds, and really

# shouldn't be changed. If you want to control

# the server idle timeout, use the -timeout option.

# -timeout <number> Specify the number of tickles to send before

# timing out a connection. The default is 4, therefore

# a connection will timeout in 2 minutes.

# -icon Use the platform-specific icon.

# -[un]setuplog "<logtype> <loglevel> [<filename>]"

# Specify that the given loglevel should be applied

# to log messages of the given logtype and that

# these messages should be logged to the given file.

# If the filename is ommited the loglevel applies to

# messages passed to syslog.

# Each logtype may have a loglevel applied to syslog

# and a loglevel applied to a single file. Latter

# -setuplog settings will override earlier ones of

# the same logtype (file or syslog).

# logtypes: Default, Core, Logger, CNID, AFPDaemon





# for example:

# -setuplog "logger log_maxdebug /var/log/netatalk-logger.log"

# -setuplog "afpdaemon log_maxdebug /var/log/netatalk-afp.log"

# -unsetuplog "default level file"

# -setuplog "default log_maxdebug"


# -signature { user:<text> | host }

# Specify a server signature. This option is useful while

# running multiple independent instances of afpd on one

# machine (eg. in clustered environments, to provide fault

# isolation etc.). "host" signature type allows afpd generating

# signature automatically (based on machine primary IP address).

# "user" signature type allows administrator to set up a signature

# string manually. Examples: three servers running on one machine:

# first -signature user:USERS

# second -signature user:USERS

# third -signature user:ADMINS

# First two servers will act as one logical AFP service - if user logs in to

# first one and then connects to second one, session will be automatically

# redirected to the first one. But if client connects to first and then to third,

# will be asked for password twice and will see resources of both servers.

# Traditional method of signature generation causes two independent afpd instances

# to have the same signature and thus cause clients to be redirected automatically

# to server (s)he logged in first.

# -k5service <service>

# -k5realm <realm>

# These are required if the server supports Kerberos 5 authentication


# Codepage Options:

# -unixcodepage <CODEPAGE> Specifies the servers unix codepage, e.g. "ISO-8859-15" or "UTF8".

# This is used to convert strings to/from the systems locale, e.g.

# for authenthication. Defaults to LOCALE if your system supports it,

# otherwise ASCII will be used.


# -maccodepage <CODEPAGE> Specifies the mac clients codepage, e.g. "MAC_ROMAN".

# This is used to convert strings to the systems locale, e.g.

# for authenthication and SIGUSR2 messaging. This will also be

# the default for volumes maccharset.


# CNID related options:

# -cnidserver ipaddress:port Specifies the IP address and port of a cnid_metad server.





# Some examples:


# The simplest case is to not have an afpd.conf.


# 4 servers w/ names server1-3 and one w/ the hostname. servers

# 1-3 get routed to different ports with server 3 being bound

# specifically to address

# -

# server1 -port 12000

# server2 -port 12001

# server3 -port 12002 -ipaddr


# a dedicated guest server, a user server, and a special

# ddp-only server:

# "Guest Volume" -uamlist -loginmesg "Welcome guest!"

# "User Volume" -uamlist -port 12000

# "special" -notcp -defaultvol <path> -systemvol <path>


# default:

# -transall -uamlist, -nosavepassword







# Each line defines a virtual server that should be available.

# Empty lines and lines beginning with `#' are ignored.

# Options in this file will override both compiled-in defaults

# and command line options.


# Format:

# - [options] to specify options for the default server

# "Maison" [options] to specify an additional server


# The following options are available:

# Transport Protocols:

# -[no]tcp Make AFP-over-TCP [not] available

# -[no]ddp Make AFP over AppleTalk [not] available. if you

# have -proxy specified, specify -uamlist "" to

# prevent ddp connections from working.


# -transall Make both available (default)


# Transport Options:

-ipaddr <> Specifies the IP address the server should respond

# to (default is the first IP address of the system)

# This option also allows one machine to advertise

# TCP/IP for another machine.

# -server_quantum <number>

# Specifies the DSI server quantum. The minimum

# value is 1MB. The max value is 0xFFFFFFFF. If you

# specify a value that is out of range, you'll get

# the default value (currently the minimum).

# -admingroup <groupname>

# Specifies the group of administrators who should all

# be seen as the superuser when they log in. Default

# is disabled.

# -ddpaddr x.y Specifies the DDP address of the server. the

# default is to auto-assign an address

# (0.0). this is only useful if you're running

# on a multihomed host.

# -port <number> Specifies the TCP port the server should respond

# to (default is 548)

# -fqdn <name:port> specify a fully-qualified domain name (+

# optional port). this gets discarded if the

# server can't resolve it. this is not honored

# by appleshare clients <= 3.8.3 (default: none)

# -proxy Run an AppleTalk proxy server for specified AFP/TCP

# server (if address/port aren't given, then

# first IP address of the system/548 will be used).

# if you don't want the proxy server to act as

# a ddp server as well, set -uamlist to an

# empty string.

# -noslp Don't register this server with the Service

# Location Protocol.



# Authentication Methods:

# -uampath <path> Use this path to look for User Authentication Modules.

# (default: /usr/lib/atalk)

# -uamlist <a,b,c> Comma-separated list of UAMs. (default:



# some commonly available UAMs:

# Allow guest logins


# ( or

# Allow logins with passwords

# transmitted in the clear.


# Allow Random Number and Two-Way

# Random Number exchange for

# authentication.


# ( or

# Allow Diffie-Hellman eXchange

# (DHX) for authentication.


# Password Options:

# -[no]savepassword [Don't] Allow clients to save password locally

# -passwdfile <path> Use this path to store Randnum

# passwords. (Default: /etc/atalk//afppasswd. The only

# other useful value is ~/.passwd. See 'man afppasswd'

# for details.)

# -passwdminlen <#> minimum password length. may be ignored.

# -[no]setpassword [Don't] Allow clients to change their passwords.

# -loginmaxfail <#> maximum number of failed logins. this may be

# ignored if the uam can't handle it.


# AppleVolumes files:

# -defaultvol <path> Specifies path to AppleVolumes.default file

# (default /etc/atalk//AppleVolumes.default,

# same as -f on command line)

# -systemvol <path> Specifies path to AppleVolumes.system file

# (default /etc/atalk//AppleVolumes.system,

# same as -s on command line)

# -[no]uservolfirst [Don't] read the user's ~/AppleVolumes or

# ~/.AppleVolumes before reading

# /etc/atalk//AppleVolumes.default

# (same as -u on command line)

# -[no]uservol [Don't] Read the user's volume file



# Miscellaneous:

# -authprintdir <path> Specifies the path to be used (per server) to

# store the files required to do CAP-style

# print authentication which papd will examine

# to determine if a print job should be allowed.

# These files are created at login and if they

# are to be properly removed, this directory

# probably needs to be umode 1777

# -guestname "user" Specifies the user name for the guest login

# (default "nobody", same as -g on command line)

# -loginmesg "Message" Client will display "Message" upon logging in

# (no default, same as -l "Message" on commandline)

# -nodebug Switch off debugging

# -client_polling With this switch enabled, afpd won't advertise

# that it is capable of server notifications, so that

# connected clients poll the server every 10 seconds

# to detect changes in opened server windows.

# Note: Depending on the number of simultaneously

# connected clients and the network's speed, this can

# lead to a significant higher load on your network!

# -sleep <number> AFP 3.x wait number hours before disconnecting

# clients in sleep mode. Default 10 hours

# -tickleval <number> Specify the tickle timeout interval (in seconds).

# Note, this defaults to 30 seconds, and really

# shouldn't be changed. If you want to control

# the server idle timeout, use the -timeout option.

# -timeout <number> Specify the number of tickles to send before

# timing out a connection. The default is 4, therefore

# a connection will timeout in 2 minutes.

# -icon Use the platform-specific icon.

# -[un]setuplog "<logtype> <loglevel> [<filename>]"

# Specify that the given loglevel should be applied

# to log messages of the given logtype and that

# these messages should be logged to the given file.

# If the filename is ommited the loglevel applies to

# messages passed to syslog.

# Each logtype may have a loglevel applied to syslog

# and a loglevel applied to a single file. Latter

# -setuplog settings will override earlier ones of

# the same logtype (file or syslog).

# logtypes: Default, Core, Logger, CNID, AFPDaemon





# for example:

# -setuplog "logger log_maxdebug /var/log/netatalk-logger.log"

# -setuplog "afpdaemon log_maxdebug /var/log/netatalk-afp.log"

# -unsetuplog "default level file"

# -setuplog "default log_maxdebug"


# -signature { user:<text> | host }

# Specify a server signature. This option is useful while

# running multiple independent instances of afpd on one

# machine (eg. in clustered environments, to provide fault

# isolation etc.). "host" signature type allows afpd generating

# signature automatically (based on machine primary IP address).

# "user" signature type allows administrator to set up a signature

# string manually. Examples: three servers running on one machine:

# first -signature user:USERS

# second -signature user:USERS

# third -signature user:ADMINS

# First two servers will act as one logical AFP service - if user logs in to

# first one and then connects to second one, session will be automatically

# redirected to the first one. But if client connects to first and then to third,

# will be asked for password twice and will see resources of both servers.

# Traditional method of signature generation causes two independent afpd instances

# to have the same signature and thus cause clients to be redirected automatically

# to server (s)he logged in first.

# -k5service <service>

# -k5realm <realm>

# These are required if the server supports Kerberos 5 authentication


# Codepage Options:

# -unixcodepage <CODEPAGE> Specifies the servers unix codepage, e.g. "ISO-8859-15" or "UTF8".

# This is used to convert strings to/from the systems locale, e.g.

# for authenthication. Defaults to LOCALE if your system supports it,

# otherwise ASCII will be used.


# -maccodepage <CODEPAGE> Specifies the mac clients codepage, e.g. "MAC_ROMAN".

# This is used to convert strings to the systems locale, e.g.

# for authenthication and SIGUSR2 messaging. This will also be

# the default for volumes maccharset.


# CNID related options:

# -cnidserver ipaddress:port Specifies the IP address and port of a cnid_metad server.





# Some examples:


# The simplest case is to not have an afpd.conf.


# 4 servers w/ names server1-3 and one w/ the hostname. servers

# 1-3 get routed to different ports with server 3 being bound

# specifically to address

# -

# server1 -port 12000

# server2 -port 12001

# server3 -port 12002 -ipaddr


# a dedicated guest server, a user server, and a special

# ddp-only server:

# "Guest Volume" -uamlist -loginmesg "Welcome guest!"

# "User Volume" -uamlist -port 12000

# "special" -notcp -defaultvol <path> -systemvol <path>


# default:

# -transall -uamlist, -nosavepassword


j'ai pas atatalk en commande,


[root@localhost fred]# at

at atktopbm atq atrm attr


par contre j'ai


[root@localhost fred]# net

net netatalk-config netstat


j'ai accès à localost:631 et c'est tres joli.

dasn "add new printer" la "location" de l'imprimante c'est ? /etc/??/


J'arrete pour ce soir c'est fatiguant linux...mais je persevère demain.

encore merci.

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Pour cups, la "location" de l'imprimante c'est le port sur lequel on doit écrire pour discuter avec elle : par exemple, chez moi elle est branchée sur le port parallèle et sa "location" est "/dev/lp0". Si c'est une imprimante USB, c'est peut-être /dev/ttyUSB0 ou autre chose (en fonction de tes devices, etc. etc.) mais tu devrais retrouver cette info en tapant "dmesg" (il y a toujours un peu de blabla qui indique que le kernel a reconnu une imprimante sur <tel port>)


Je regarderai les fichiers de config demain. Tout ce que j'ai vu pour l'instant dedans, c'est que c'est quasiment tout du commentaire !

Il y a peut-être une erreur à la ligne "-ipaddr <> Specifies the IP address the server should respond".

As-tu plusieurs interfaces réseau ? (que donne "ifconfig" ?)

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