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désinstallation - plantage

Messages recommandés




j'ai un problème avec mon logiciel que je n'arrive pas à supprimer. Lorsque j'utilise "ajout et suppression de programmes", il ne veut pas me le supprimer. J'ai supprimer le dossier manuellement mais évidemment ça entraine quelques soucis. Le logiciel figure toujours dans la liste "ajout et suppression de programmes". Le problème c'est que quand je veux réinstaller le logiciel (à la base il ne fonctionnait plus correction, c'est pour ça que j'ai voulu le réinstaller) il ne me propose que "réparer"(la fonction réparer ne résoud rien non plus) et "supprimer".

Que dois-je faire? Je suppose qu'il reste encore quelques fichiers sur mon PC



tu ne dis pas quel logiciel te fait des misères, c'est difficile de te répondre;

As-tu tenté ces manips en mode sans échec ?

Désolé je pensais qu'en le mettant dans le titre se serais plus clair. C'est Adobe premiere pro 2.


je viens de trouver ça sur le site du repaire. Mais l'ennuie c'est que je ne comprend pas grand chose.


Manually remove Adobe Production Studio (Windows)


What's covered




Before you begin


Remove Adobe Production Studio using the uninstaller


Remove remaining folders and files for Adobe Production Studio


Remove remaining registry entries for Adobe Production Studio


Remove shared components


Complete the removal




Adobe recommends that you use the Adobe Production Studio uninstaller in the Add Or Remove Programs utility in Windows to remove Adobe Production Studio from the computer. Occasionally, however, damaged files or a partial installation may prevent the Adobe Production Studio uninstaller from working correctly or may cause the uninstaller to leave files or empty application folders on the system after the removal is performed. You may also notice Adobe Production Studio missing from the Add Or Remove Programs list or find that the installer only displays the Repair and Remove options when you try to install Adobe Production Studio.


Manually removing Adobe Production Studio ensures that all files and folders are removed. Please note that these instructions are for removing Adobe Production Studio Premium. If you have Adobe Production Studio Standard, then you will not have all of the applications and components listed below. If you have previous versions of Adobe applications installed, then be sure to remove only the files below that relate to Adobe Production Studio. These steps also remove any extra content (for example, Goodies or Functional Content) that you may have installed with Adobe Production Studio. If you reinstall Adobe Production Studio, you will need to reinstall its extra content as well.


For help removing an individual program from within Adobe Production Studio, please see the manual removal document for that application.


Note: Your system may not contain all of the files and folders listed in this document. If you do not find a listed file or folder on your system you should proceed to the next file or folder on the list.


Before you begin


Some of these procedures require you to locate hidden files and hidden folders. Some procedures require you to locate files by their full file names, which include extensions (for example, example_filename.ini). By default, Windows Explorer doesn't show hidden files, hidden folders, or file name extensions that it recognizes.


To show hidden files, hidden folders, and all file name extensions in Windows Explorer:


1. In Windows Explorer, choose Tools > Folder Options.


2. Click the View tab in the Folder Options dialog box.


3. In Advanced Settings, select Show Hidden Files And Folders.


4. Deselect Hide Extensions For Known File Types.


5. Click OK.


Remove Adobe Production Studio using the uninstaller


The uninstaller is designed to remove�everything installed by Adobe Production Studio. When you start any of the applications included in Adobe Production Studio for the first time, or when you modify the preferences, new folders and files�may be created. To ensure the complete removal of all additional folders and files, proceed to "Remove remaining folders and files for Adobe Production Studio" below after you use the uninstaller.


To use the uninstaller:


1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add Or Remove Programs.


2. Select Adobe Production Studio and click Remove. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove Adobe Production Studio.


Note: When you run the uninstaller, you will be prompted to remove, keep, or transfer activation. If you plan to reinstall Adobe Production Studio on the same machine, you may want to keep your activation. However, after you complete the manual removal, you will most likely need to re-activate Adobe Production Studio. If you plan to install Adobe Production Studio on a different machine, you should transfer your activation.


Remove remaining folders and files for Adobe Production Studio


Back up any personal files you want to save from the following directories, and then remove the listed folders and files:


Documents and Settings\Administrator\Adobe Encore DVD_VUI.pref


Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Adobe\


-- Adobe Encore DVD 2.0


-- Adobe Illustrator CS2 Settings


-- After Effects\7.0


-- Audition\2.0


-- CameraRaw


-- ImageReady\CS2


-- Photoshop\9.0


-- Premiere Pro\2.0


-- Save For Web AI\9.0


-- Workflow


Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Adobe\Premiere Pro\2.0


Documents and Settings\Administrator\SendTo\Adobe Audition 2.0.lnk


Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\


-- Adobe After Effects 7.0.lnk


-- Adobe Audition 2.0.lnk


-- Adobe Encore DVD 2.0.lnk


-- Adobe Illustrator CS2.lnk


-- Adobe ImageReady CS2.lnk


-- Adobe Photoshop CS2.lnk


-- Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0.lnk


Program Files\Adobe\


-- Adobe After Effects 7.0


-- Adobe Audition 2.0


-- Adobe Encore DVD 2.0


-- Adobe Illustrator CS2


-- Adobe Photoshop CS2


-- Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0


-- Adobe Production Studio


Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Launch\


-- Aftereffects\7.0


-- audition\2.0


-- encore\2.0


-- illustrator\12.0


-- photoshop\9.0


-- premierepro\2.0


Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\SVG Viewer 3.0




-- {01CEC7E5-70FD-4D06-8FAD-BF21DF0CC6DC}


-- {236BB7C4-4419-42FD-0409-1E257A25E34D}


-- {2A780209-2A41-4C75-932A-F6F0390D430A}


-- {2ECE7ECE-D15B-4999-8B8D-01C998F489D5}


-- {57922B53-02D4-4DFC-AC24-A3519DC1F49A}


-- {998AD896-5B25-466D-8D56-CC0CC9228A68}


-- {B2F5D08C-7E79-4FCD-AAF4-57AD35FF0601}


-- {DD362256-A7A2-4524-9457-213DDC2AFC2A}


-- {EC1963C6-8EA9-40DF-8CD7-F63E174FCAEC}


-- {F6F6C08A-ED6F-4968-8292-A08E9F02584F}


-- {FA17A726-B229-4116-B793-A2AB1A4EAE2E}


WINDOWS\system32\Adobe\SVG Viewer 3.0


Remove remaining registry entries for Adobe Production Studio


Remove the application registry keys from the registry, if they are available.


Note: You must be logged into the computer as an Administrator to modify your registry.


Disclaimer: This procedure involves editing the Windows registry. Adobe doesn't support editing the registry, which contains critical system and application information. For information on the Windows Registry Editor, see the documentation for Windows or contact Microsoft Technical Support. You may not have all of these files.


Important: Make a backup copy of the registry before you edit it.


1. Choose Start > Run, and type regedit in the Open text box; click OK.


2. Navigate to one of the registry keys listed below and select it in the left panel; it will appear in the registry editor as a folder.


3. Choose Edit > Delete. Click Yes in the Confirm Key Delete dialog box.


4. Repeat steps 1-3 as needed for any remaining registry entries.


Remove the following registry entries:




-- 35B229754D20CFD4CA423A15D91C4FA9


-- 4C7BB6329144DF244090E152A7523ED4




-- 627A71AF922B61147B392ABAA1E4EAE2


-- 652263DD2A7A4254497512D3CDA2CFA2


-- 698DA89952B5D664D865CCC09C22A886


-- 6C3691CE9AE8FD04C87D6FE371F4ACCE


-- 902087A214A257C439A26F0F93D034A0


-- A80C6F6FF6DE869428290AE8F92085F4


-- C6387B3BDA1A65A418C11CA8DB5EAEDA


-- C80D5F2B97E7DCF4AA4F75DA53FF6010


-- ECE7ECE2B51D9994B8D8109C894F985D




-- 35B229754D20CFD4CA423A15D91C4FA9


-- 4C7BB6329144DF244090E152A7523ED4




-- 627A71AF922B61147B392ABAA1E4EAE2


-- 652263DD2A7A4254497512D3CDA2CFA2


-- 698DA89952B5D664D865CCC09C22A886


-- 6C3691CE9AE8FD04C87D6FE371F4ACCE


-- 902087A214A257C439A26F0F93D034A0


-- A80C6F6FF6DE869428290AE8F92085F4


-- C6387B3BDA1A65A418C11CA8DB5EAEDA


-- C80D5F2B97E7DCF4AA4F75DA53FF6010


-- ECE7ECE2B51D9994B8D8109C894F985D




-- Adobe Encore DVD\2.0


-- Audition\2.0


-- Photoshop\9.0


-- Premiere Pro\2.0




-- Adobe Encore DVD\2.0


-- Adobe SVG Viewer


-- After Effects\7.0


-- Audition\2.0


-- Photoshop\9.0


-- Premiere Pro\2.0


-- Registration\Suite




-- 35B229754D20CFD4CA423A15D91C4FA9


-- 4C7BB6329144DF244090E152A7523ED4




-- 627A71AF922B61147B392ABAA1E4EAE2


-- 652263DD2A7A4254497512D3CDA2CFA2


-- 698DA89952B5D664D865CCC09C22A886


-- 6C3691CE9AE8FD04C87D6FE371F4ACCE


-- 902087A214A257C439A26F0F93D034A0


-- A80C6F6FF6DE869428290AE8F92085F4


-- C6387B3BDA1A65A418C11CA8DB5EAEDA


-- C80D5F2B97E7DCF4AA4F75DA53FF6010


-- ECE7ECE2B51D9994B8D8109C894F985D




-- 35B229754D20CFD4CA423A15D91C4FA9


-- 4C7BB6329144DF244090E152A7523ED4




-- 627A71AF922B61147B392ABAA1E4EAE2


-- 652263DD2A7A4254497512D3CDA2CFA2


-- 698DA89952B5D664D865CCC09C22A886


-- 6C3691CE9AE8FD04C87D6FE371F4ACCE


-- 902087A214A257C439A26F0F93D034A0


-- A80C6F6FF6DE869428290AE8F92085F4


-- C6387B3BDA1A65A418C11CA8DB5EAEDA


-- C80D5F2B97E7DCF4AA4F75DA53FF6010


-- ECE7ECE2B51D9994B8D8109C894F985D




-- 35B229754D20CFD4CA423A15D91C4FA9


-- 4C7BB6329144DF244090E152A7523ED4




-- 627A71AF922B61147B392ABAA1E4EAE2


-- 652263DD2A7A4254497512D3CDA2CFA2


-- 698DA89952B5D664D865CCC09C22A886


-- 6C3691CE9AE8FD04C87D6FE371F4ACCE


-- 902087A214A257C439A26F0F93D034A0


-- A80C6F6FF6DE869428290AE8F92085F4


-- C6387B3BDA1A65A418C11CA8DB5EAEDA


-- C80D5F2B97E7DCF4AA4F75DA53FF6010


-- ECE7ECE2B51D9994B8D8109C894F985D




-- Adobe After Effects 7.0


-- Adobe Audition 2.0


-- Adobe Encore DVD 2.0


-- Adobe Illustrator CS2


-- Adobe Photoshop CS2 - {236BB7C4-4419-42FD-0409-1E257A25E34D}


-- Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0


-- Adobe SVG Viewer


-- {01CEC7E5-70FD-4D06-8FAD-BF21DF0CC6DC}


-- {236BB7C4-4419-42FD-0409-1E257A25E34D}


-- {2A780209-2A41-4C75-932A-F6F0390D430A}


-- {2ECE7ECE-D15B-4999-8B8D-01C998F489D5}


-- {57922B53-02D4-4DFC-AC24-A3519DC1F49A}


-- {998AD896-5B25-466D-8D56-CC0CC9228A68}


-- {AAB061B3-99A6-4EE5-93F4-6EB1F60295C4}


-- {B2F5D08C-7E79-4FCD-AAF4-57AD35FF0601}


-- {B3B7836C-A1AD-4A56-811C-C18ABDE5EAAD}


-- {DD362256-A7A2-4524-9457-213DDC2AFC2A}


-- {EC1963C6-8EA9-40DF-8CD7-F63E174FCAEC}


-- {F6F6C08A-ED6F-4968-8292-A08E9F02584F}


-- {FA17A726-B229-4116-B793-A2AB1A4EAE2E}


Remove shared components


Adobe applications typically install a number of shared components that are often used by multiple Adobe applications. Information about removing these shared components can be found in the following knowledgebase documents:


328358 : "Manually remove Adobe Bridge (Windows)"


333451 : "Manually remove Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit (Windows)"


333450 : "Manually remove Adobe Help Center (Windows)"


333458 : "Manually remove Adobe Stock Photos (Windows)"


Note: Adobe recommends against removing shared files, folders, and registry keys if other Adobe applications (for example, Adobe Premiere Pro) are installed. Deleting shared files may cause problems that require you to reinstall the affected application.


Complete the removal


Empty your Recycle Bin and restart your computer.

Posté(e) (modifié)

RE oui c'est la façon de le desinstaller correctement malheureusement en anglais (même sur le site d'adobe d'ailleur) il te faut un bon traducteur style systran sinon tu a ce style de logiciel (performant dans la desinstallation de programme) payant mais version d'essai 30 jours : tu as aussi celui la un peu moin performant mais gratuit:

Modifié par JANGO-FEET

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