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garantie chez kingmax

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voila on me propose de la ram kingmax 1 giga pc 6400 garantie a vie mais sans facture..


donc bref pour moi garantie a vie sans facture ça vaut rien vue que normalement le sav demande la facture pour faire marcher la gantie...


bref voici un resumé du texte present sur leur site mais j'ai pas tout compris :P


When you need a repair service for the defective goods, you must, firstly, apply for the RMA(Return Merchandise Authorization) number by contacting our sales window to get the repair application form(named "Customer Complaint Management Form") for to fill out some needed information about useage, such as the failure phenomenon, hardware specs & software versions...etc., and then ship out the defective goods to Kingmax.


Before you ship out the defective goods to Kingmax, please be sure that you had put a copy of packing list(we recommend you to use our "Customer Complaint Management Form" for it) together with the defective goods, and we will check it out base on the packing list you provided! Otherwise we can just check it out by actual goods we received!


When you ship out the defective goods to Kingmax, please prominently display the RMA number on the outside of the package for identification! Otherwise your defective goods will not be accepted and will be returned to you!


Please properly package every piece of the defective goods to prevent any damage of collision between them, and use the strong paperboard carton for outer. Kingmax will not take any responsibility caused by a poor package during the transit.


When we received the defective goods from you and completed the checking, if it is all matched to the packing list, we will complete the repair or replacement within 14 calendar days. If any difference found(like shortage, not matching item..etc.), we will inform you by e-mail first, and stop the counting of working day before the uncertain is clear.


Please pay attention to these items below that Kingmax will not accept RMA:

Damage cause of accident(like the collision, drop down...etc.)

Misuse (like improper insertion into or pull-out from socket¡Ketc.)

Abuse (like using as a testing tool, reliability test...etc.)

Natural or man-made calamity

Any disassembly, repair or modification without Kingmax's authorization



bref s'il y avait une ame anglophonne charitable ça m'aiderai pas mal


En gros il te dise de remplir un formulaire de demande de Retour Marchandise, il vont te filer un numéro RMA et tu envoie le formulaire, les barrettes chez Kingston.


Sinon Google traduction.....ici


Bonjour Tchou, bonjour Bell@tor. Vous roulez?


Mais ça, c'est en cas de retour...


C'est quoi, cette absence de facture? Toute société qui vend un truc doit émettre une facture.

Si tu l'achètes à un particulier, et qu'il a perdu la facture, là, oui, c'est différent.



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