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Myth War



Harumi was going back home after a hard day of skill training.

Snow started to fall as she walked back to Blython.


“You are late!” she thought.


Snow soflty sank as she stepped on it, the flakes were caressing her face.

Her arms were hurting because of the intense moves needed to cast the spells. The twin bloodpedes around her neck were also tired. The ghost warrior carried the little crazy bandit on his back.


Down at the church, lights and voices. They seemed worried. Harumi went down there to know what happened.


“Santa Princess’ gifts were stolen! We need to get them back before Christmas eve!”


“Who stole them?”


“A gang of Cyclopses. The Princess already knows where they are, we need to find them and get the gifts back.”


Harumi thought for a moment. Then, went to the bar to get her pets something to drink. That day was pretty exhausting; a Sky Lord didn’t stop chasing them through the plains. A few minutes later, she was back, ready to help. She couldn’t join a group, so she decided to go alone.


Walking through Sunset Plains again, she stopped near Burial portal to rest and have some water. A shadow loomed in darkness near her and she could identify a huge square creature moving carefully but fastly. Like a cat, Harumi approached and jumped over the prey.


The furious blue monster lifted his axe and tried to hit her head, but being small and thin as she was, all he got on the blade was sand. Wolves appeared to help him, trying to bite and cast spells on her. More blue creatures appeared.


Harumi reached for the bag where the gifts were hidden; she cut it with her sword, caught it and ran away. Seconds later, the warrior groups arrived, scaring the monsters and making them run to shadows.


Tripping on the stairs, the girl gave the Princess the bag. She smiled and rewarded her with two velved small bags. When she unfastened the ropes, the surprises were revealed; a music box and a Romantic Sparks set.


Moon was high on the sky. Little by little, everyone gave Santa Princess the gifts back. Soon, everyone was playing with their fireworks, trying to sell some dragon’s eyes and bones, gathering around the lucky ones that got the Armor of Dreams.


Harumi climbed the bar stairs to go for her bedroom. As she opened the door, her bloodpedes ran to her and started licking her hands and her sword blades. That was when she saw it; they were covered with dry blood. They could smell it from miles away.


The clock showed; twenty minutes to midnight. Moonlight came into her room.


Something just flashed inside her mind: it was Christmas.


“Didn’t they want to celebrate too?”


Fifteen minutes to midnight; her hands and the blades were already clean. She got her music box and her sparks set.


She walked to Sunset Plains. On the way, she stole some ornaments from the decorated trees.


There, near Burial portal, she stopped to rest, as she did before. Ghost Warrior and baby Crazy Bandit got the ornaments and started to put them on a dry shrub. Harumi put the sparks around and ligthened them. Now it was a dry and simple version of Christmas tree. She stunned some branches with her spell to make them look like frozen.


Attracted by the lights, the cyclopses approached carefully, axes ready to defend them. Harumi opened the music box and the Christmas song started to play. The monsters came closer to the shrub, sitting and admiring it.


She got her swords and walked to Blython.


Under the moonlight, stars got blind by the fireworks exploding at Blython City.


Harumi was at the desert yet. But she didn’t hurry; she just sat and watched the show with her pets.


That was Christmas: a moment of peace and happiness shared by everyone, even the ones that don’t believe on it.


“They don’t believe on it, but they also want to feel it. It’s a moment that should be shared by everyone, everyday.”



Modifié par dylav

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