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Messages recommandés

Posté(e) (modifié)
I dont understand why users have to revert to bashing the software when the original poster asks for help with the software.


The original poster was not looking for help uninstall Spyware Terminator, or help finding information about Spyware Terminator or Crawler Toolbar.


He simply wanted to know how to enable ClamAV in Spyware Terminator, and furthermore, whether it conflicts with AVG. Why can't anyone answer the simple questions without adding unnecessary information?

To enable ClamAV realtime shield, you must first active HIPS from the Advanced tab of the Real-time protection settings tab. Then you must right click the Spyware Terminator system tray icon, and enable HIPS by clicking on "HIPS (Disabled)". It will change to "HIPS (Building Database)". You must wait for it to say "HIPS (Enabled)" before you can enable ClamAV. Once it says "HIPS (Enabled)" you can click on "ClamAV (Disabled)" and enable the shield.


ClamAV might conflict with AVG considering both of them are antivirus programs. You may enable both and if you experience performance problems, you can disable ClamAV.




Il arrive trop tard ! (pour tirer la couverture à lui et faire de la promo !) Et en plus, il n'a pas tout compris ! :P


For Tokar :


The problem is solved, he was told how to enable ClamAv. The conflict is stopped by the desactivation of ClamAV ! All the others things were just informations ! Only you though that it's unnecessary informations ! Sorry !

Modifié par cyrilcvcf

Posté(e) (modifié)

I can't control when people use other security forums to solve their problems. We don't mind it, but we hope that when users do ask for help from these forums they are not flooded with extra unnecessary negative information for how to remove Spyware Terminator.


The information is unnecessary for solving the problem and does not help the original poster.


I may be the only one thinking it is unnecessary, but I think the original poster would have had the same solution to the problem WITHOUT the extra information.

Modifié par Tokar
I can't control when people use other security forums to solve their problems. We don't mind it, but we hope that when users do ask for help from these forums they are not flooded with extra unnecessary negative information for how to remove Spyware Terminator.


The information is unnecessary for solving the problem and does not help the original poster.


I may be the only one thinking it is unnecessary, but I think the original poster would have had the same solution to the problem WITHOUT the extra information.


Why ? Having more informations is really good ! Why just help someone, instead od help him and inform him ?!


I don't mind that kind of information when a user comes asking for background information about Spyware Terminator.


But I do mind this kind of information when it is in response to a problem a user has. The user has chosen to use the software and has a problem with it. The solution does not involve convincing the user that the software is bad and that removal is the only cure.


Instead of trying to dissaude the user from using the software title, why not just try to help him solve the problem?




I can understand if the problem is with ROGUE software which causes problems, but Spyware Terminator is not a "problem" and the user has chosen to use it.


I may work for Spyware Terminator, but when users come to our forum asking for advice on how to fix certain issues with competing products and conflicts with our software I try to help in any way I can.

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