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Apparemment ça concernerait HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\C07ft5Y\WinXP


This is SecDrv version 4.3.86


1) Should I update the driver?


Microsoft will be deploying an automatic update of the latest SECDRV.SYS driver through Microsoft Update; therefore, no specific action is required if you have upgraded to Windows XP SP2 or higher and have set the Automatic Update option to ON.


You may want to consider updating to the latest version if you have a lower version of SECDRV.SYS 4.3.86 and will not receive the automatic update via Microsoft Update mentioned above.


2) How do I check what version I have?

Locate the SECDRV.SYS file in your C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\SecDrv.sys




Navigate from the Start button:

Start->Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager->View->Show Hidden Devices->Non-Plug and Play Drivers->SecDrv->Properties->Driver->Driver Details


3) How do I update the driver?

- You must be logged in as an administrator in order to update the driver.

- Extract this .zip file

- Right click on the .inf file contained within the .zip file

- Select install


Install the update offered by Macrovision:


link du *.zip>>


Des infos la dessus ?? meme pour les users SP1 | SP2

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