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RESOLU impossible de lance msnhotfix

Messages recommandés

Posté(e) (modifié)


j'ai voulu lancer un fichier bat pour nettoyer un virus , ce fichier c'est

msn hotfix, mais quand je le lance la fenetre s'ouvre et se referme aussitot,

je ne vois pas d'ou ca vient ce probleme,

pouvez vous m'aider svp?


Modifié par jobelin4

Posté(e) (modifié)

des fois c'est normal , le fichier bat s'ouvre quand tu clique dessus,et ce referme une fois la modif appliquee (et si la modif s'applique tres vite,la fenetre ce referme aussitot)

surtout si ce hotfix , sert a fixer une faille de securitee,tu a rien d'autre a faire qua cliquer sur fichier "bat" et la modif s'effectue (ca s'ouvre ce referme , et la faille est corigee)


je connais pas le "hotfix" pour MSN , mais renseigne toi sur son utilisation , ou quelqun sur le site l'ayant deja utilisee te renseigneras mieux

tu l'a eus ou ce "hotfix"

Modifié par hamagil
des fois c'est normal , le fichier bat s'ouvre quand tu clique dessus,et ce referme une fois la modif appliquee (et si la modif s'applique tres vite,la fenetre ce referme aussitot)

surtout si ce hotfix , sert a fixer une faille de securitee,tu a rien d'autre a faire qua cliquer sur fichier "bat" et la modif s'effectue (ca s'ouvre ce referme , et la faille est corigee)


je connais pas le "hotfix" pour MSN , mais renseigne toi sur son utilisation , ou quelqun sur le site l'ayant deja utilisee te renseigneras mieux

tu l'a eus ou ce "hotfix"



merci pour ta reponse,

en fait j'ai supprimer un truc sur mon 2eme pc avec ce hotfix, mais la le probleme vient de mon 1er pc , il semble qu'il manque une dll :


je sais pas si c'est la cause du probleme mais je ne peux pas faire 'ping' ou ipconfig, la fenetre se ferme tout de suite.

J'ai essayé ccleaner mais ca marche pas mieux


Posté(e) (modifié)

tu fais comment pour "lancer" un ping ?

tu dois faire : executer,cmd,et apres taper "ping+le nom ou l'adresse de ton ping" , pareil pour "ipconfig"

si tu fais executer,et apres tu tape ping,ca peut pas le faire

Modifié par hamagil
tu fais comment pour "lancer" un ping ?

tu dois faire : executer,cmd,et apres taper "ping+le nom ou l'adresse de ton ping" , pareil pour "ipconfig"

si tu fais executer,et apres tu tape ping,ca peut pas le faire


j'ai fait cmd puis dans la fenetre , ping

Posté(e) (modifié)



Modifié par jobelin4
Posté(e) (modifié)

comment ca : erreur , sorry ,

tu as resolus ton prob ou pas ? , tu tapais bien la commande ? si tu a resolus ton prob,passe le en resolus et explique comment


sinon si tu tape bien la commande,regarde dans tout les progs,accessoires,invite de commande,pour voir si elle ce lance par la

et regarde dans ses proprietees si son chemin est bon , le chemin doit etre celui la : %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe

ou bien le fichier cmd.exe est peut etre corompus,a tu essayer de le copier depuis un autre pc (si tu en a un) ou de le reparer (en tentant une reparation de winxp)

Modifié par hamagil
comment ca : erreur , sorry ,

tu as resolus ton prob ou pas ? , tu tapais bien la commande ? si tu a resolus ton prob,passe le en resolus et explique comment


sinon si tu tape bien la commande,regarde dans tout les progs,accessoires,invite de commande,pour voir si elle ce lance par la

et regarde dans ses proprietees si son chemin est bon , le chemin doit etre celui la : %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe

ou bien le fichier cmd.exe est peut etre corompus,a tu essayer de le copier depuis un autre pc (si tu en a un) ou de le reparer (en tentant une reparation de winxp)


ah merci, tu m'as bien conseillé, en allant voir dans C:\WINDOWS\system32 en cliquant sur cmd, maintenant ca marche,

je pensais que c'etait plus grave. :P enfin je veux dire que je peux faire un ping, mais je ne vois pas comment faire

pour que quand je lance le fichier hot fix il s'ouvre avec le cmd


je connais pas particulierement le "hotfix" d'ont tu parle,mais si ca ce trouve , il fonctionne comme je te l'ais explique dans ma 1ere reponse

tu est sur que le "hotfix" d'ont tu parle d'oit "s'ouvrir" dans l'invite de commande ,pour que tu "rentre " une commande dedans? , si il corrige une faille,il y a rien d'autre a faire que de "l'appliquer" en cliquant dessus

je connais pas particulierement le "hotfix" d'ont tu parle,mais si ca ce trouve , il fonctionne comme je te l'ais explique dans ma 1ere reponse

tu est sur que le "hotfix" d'ont tu parle d'oit "s'ouvrir" dans l'invite de commande ,pour que tu "rentre " une commande dedans? , si il corrige une faille,il y a rien d'autre a faire que de "l'appliquer" en cliquant dessus


tu as raison, pas besoin de l'invite de commande pour lancer ce fichier, il faut juste cliquer dessus.

Sinon, lefichier MSNFix, quand je l'ai lancé sur l'autre pc, il y a eu un scan qui a chercher un fichier et qui l'a supprimer, puis l'ordinateur a redemarrer en faisant un scan au demarrage et a verifier que le pc est clean.

ps: voila ce que donne ce fichier MSNFix quand je clique sur modifier, pour que tu aies une idée de ce qu'il comporte:


"@echo off

rem Thanks for translation help / Merci pour l'aide apportée à la traduction


rem ÁcÅ餤¤å ... Credits ...¥§§J² nickjian@taiwan

rem Dutch ... Credits ...Luuk Bom

rem English ... Credits ...Jintan

rem Deutsch ... Credits ...Ruby

rem Italiano ... Credits ...LadyHawke

rem Svenska ... Credits ...Jonatan

rem Turkce ... Credits ...Alvin

rem Español ... Credits ...Christian D

rem Dane ... Credits ...?

rem ............................................................incl............................................................

rem ..............................................................................................................................

rem ...........................................................Process.exe

rem Process.exe by Craig.Peacock (

rem ........................................................... swreg.exe

rem SteelWerX Registry Console Tool 2.0 (

rem Written by Bobbi Flekman 2006 ©

rem ........................................................... zip.exe


rem ........................................................... msnchk.exe

rem Malware Analysis & Diagnostic (

rem ..............................................................................................................................

rem ............................................................incl............................................................


title MSNFix

cd %~dp0

set winsys=%windir%\system32

incl\process.exe -k Strad.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Zser.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Xeyu.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Xsfr.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Cfreer.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Nzil.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Negdo.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Juegs.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Ttt.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Avconsol.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Zap.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Hide32.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k avp.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k mgrs.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Icon010.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k IEXPLORER.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k IEXPLORE.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k nvscvse.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k te32.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k FF.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k mssq.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k %temp%\*.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k syst.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Mwsx.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k server.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k serverivy.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k %Temp%\svchost.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k msnworm.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k oddysee.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k tsorfib.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k BRISA.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k orgut.scr >NUL

incl\process.exe -k korn.scr >NUL

incl\process.exe -k directxd.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k dwwin.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k drwtsn32.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k win.scr >NUL

incl\process.exe -k winfp.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k svhostt32.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k WormList.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k Windows32.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k msnmsnr.scr >NUL

incl\process.exe -k bsyys.scr >NUL

incl\process.exe -k svhost.exe >NUL


set fix=MSNFix

rem ******************************************************** fin part 1 **************************************************************

set vers=1.573


rem ******************************************************** part 2 **************************************************************


set urlupload=


VER|find "Windows 95">NUL

IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set verwin=9x

VER|find "Windows 98">NUL

IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set verwin=9x

VER|find "Windows Millennium">NUL

IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set verwin=9x

ver|find "Windows XP">nul


ver|find "Windows 2000">nul


if %OS%==Windows_NT set verwin=NT


if not exist incl\MD5File.exe goto erroruse

if not exist incl\swreg.exe goto erroruse

if not exist incl\Process.exe goto erroruse

if not exist incl\zip.exe goto erroruse

if not exist incl\banker.reg goto erroruse


goto :testlang




color 1F

TITLE %fix% - erreur




echo %fix% %vers%


echo Error ... Error .... Error .... Error



if not exist "%userprofile%\Bureau" (

echo Please Unzip

echo in recommended location %systemdrive%\MSNFix

echo before beginning



if exist "%userprofile%\Bureau" (

echo SVP Veuillez decompresser avant de commencer

echo il est recommende de le placer dans le dossier %systemdrive%\MSNFix



echo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo. %auteur% Contact: %contact%

echo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------


echo %touchquitt%

pause >nul

goto fin




if exist "%userprofile%\Bureau" goto fran

goto langue




TITLE %fix% - Language

color 1F


echo %fix% %vers%


echo Choose language



echo A. ÁcÅ餤¤å

echo B. Dane

echo C. Espa¤ol

echo D. Dutch

echo E. English

echo F. Francais

echo G. Deutsch

echo I. Italiano

echo S. Svenska

echo T. Turkce




echo If you want translate in other language, please contact me




set menu=''

set /p menu=%sChoice% Choose your language and press enter

if "%menu%"=="f" goto fran

if "%menu%"=="F" goto fran

if "%menu%"=="e" goto eng

if "%menu%"=="E" goto eng

if "%menu%"=="i" goto itali

if "%menu%"=="I" goto itali

if "%menu%"=="d" goto dutch

if "%menu%"=="D" goto dutch

if "%menu%"=="t" goto turkce

if "%menu%"=="T" goto turkce

if "%menu%"=="A" goto chinese

if "%menu%"=="a" goto chinese

if "%menu%"=="s" goto swe

if "%menu%"=="S" goto swe

if "%menu%"=="g" goto german

if "%menu%"=="G" goto german

if "%menu%"=="b" goto danish

if "%menu%"=="B" goto danish

if "%menu%"=="c" goto spa

if "%menu%"=="C" goto spa

goto langue



set chx=Choisissez une action:

set forcnetreg=Nettoyer le registre et quitter

set prenet= Pressez une touche pour lancer le nettoyage

set rech=Rechercher

set quitt=Quitter

set avert=L'utilisation se fait … vos risques et p‚rils.

set scandate=Fix exécuté le

set mse=mode sans échec

set nommode=mode normal

set chfichpres=Recherche les fichiers présents

set nofich=Aucun Fichier trouvé

set chdospres=Recherche les dossiers présents

set nodoss=Aucun dossier trouvé

set infepres=Infection Pr‚sente

set nett=Nettoyage en cours

set aff=Afficher le rapport et Quitter

set infnopres=Infection Absente

set infnodetect=L'infection n'a pas ‚t‚ d‚tect‚e

set fichaprrede=Les fichiers encore présents seront supprimés au prochain redémarrage

set suppfich=Suppression des fichiers

set suppdoss=Suppression des dossiers

set netreg=Nettoyage du registre

set suspectfile=Fichiers suspects

set netpref=Nettoyage du dossier

set execdans=Executable dans le dossier

set avertcursor=ces fichiers nécessitent un avis expérimenté avant toute intervention

set infosauv=Les fichiers et clés de registre supprimés ont été sauvegardés dans le fichier

set verwinnosupp=Version de Windows non prise en charge

set signalhel=Veuillez le signaler … la personne vous ayant propos‚ ce fix

set touchquitt=Appuyez sur une touche pour quitter

set fichdossencpres=Des fichiers sont encore pr‚sents

set redemfin=Veuillez Red‚marrer votre ordinateur pour terminer le nettoyage

set auteur=Auteur : !aur3n7

set upload=SVP merci d'envoyer le fichier

set upload2=sur %urlupload%

goto crea



set chx=Elija una acci¢n:

set prenet=Pulse cualquier tecla para empezar la limpieza

set forcnetreg=Limpiar el registro y cerrar

set rech=Buscar

set quitt=Salir

set avert=Usa esta herramienta bajo tu propio riesgo.

set scandate=Escaneo finalizado el

set mse=Modo Seguro

set nommode=Modo Normal

set chfichpres=Comprobando Archivos

set nofich=No se ha encontrado ningún archivo

set chdospres=Comprobando carpetas

set nodoss=No se ha encontrado ninguna carpeta

set infepres=Programa malintencionado encontrado

set nett=Limpieza en progreso

set aff=Ver archivo log y cerrar

set infnopres=No encontrado

set infnodetect=No se ha encontrado ningún programa malintencionado

set fichaprrede=Algunos archivos se borrarán despues de reiniciar en el modo normal

set suppfich=Borrando archivos del programa malintencionado

set suppdoss=Borrando carpetas del programa malintencionado

set netreg=Limpiando el registro

set suspectfile=Archivos Sospechosos

set netpref=Limpiando Carpetas

set execdans=Se han encontrado archivos ejecutables en la carpeta

set avertcursor=Los archivos detectados deberían ser posteados en foros especializados antes de que los cambios se puedan hacer

set infosauv=Los archivos borrados y las modificaciones del registro se han guardado en el archivo

set verwinnosupp=No soporta esta versión de Windows

set signalhel=Por favor informa de esto a la persona que te sugirió esta herramienta

set touchquitt=Pulsa cualquier tecla para salir

set fichdossencpres=Algunos archivos aún son detectados

set redemfin=Por favor reinicia tu sistema en el modo normal para finalizar la limpieza

set auteur=Autor : !aur3n7

set upload=Por favor sube el archivo

set upload2= a %urlupload%

goto crea



set chx= Vælg en funktion :

set prenet= Tryk på en vilkårlig knap for at starte rengøringen

set forcnetreg= Tøm registeret og luk

set rech= Søg

set quitt= Exit

set avert= Brug af dette værktøj er på eget ansvar

set scandate= Scannet den

set mse= Sikker tilstand

set nommode= normal tilstand

set chfichpres= Checker filer

set nofich= Ingen filer fundet

set chdospres= Checker Mapper

set nodoss= Ingen Mapper fundet

set infepres= Malware Fundet

set nett= Rengøring igang

set aff= Vis logfil og luk

set infnopres= Ikke fundet

set infnodetect= Malware ikke fundet

set fichaprrede= Andre filer vil blive slettet efter genstart i normal tilstand

set suppfich= Sletter malware filer

set suppdoss= Sletter malware mapper

set netreg= Register rengøring

set suspectfile= Mistænkelige filer

set netpref= Mappe rengøring

set execdans= .exe filer fundet i mappe

set avertcursor= De fundne filer skal kontrolleres af en hjælper før andre handlinger udføres

set infosauv= De slettede Filer og Register er blevet gemt i

set verwinnosupp= Understøtter ikke denne Version af Windows

set signalhel= Informer det venligst til personen der foreslog dette værktøj til dig.

set touchquitt= Tryk på en vilkårlig knap for at lukke

set fichdossencpres= Filer stadig opdaget

set redemfin= Genstart venligst systemet i normal tilstand for at gøre rengøringen færdig

set auteur= Lavet af : !aur3n7

set upload= Upload venligst filen

set upload2= på

goto crea



set chx=Wähle eine Tätigkeit !

set prenet= Drücke auf irgendeine Taste, um die Reinigung zu beginnen

set forcnetreg=reinige die Registrierung und verlasse sie

set rech=Suche

set quitt= Exit

set avert=verwende dieses Programm auf eigenes Risiko

set scandate=Scan ausgeführt

set mse=abgesicherter Modus

set nommode=normaler Modus

set chfichpres=Datei Prüfung

set nofich=Keine Dateien gefunden

set chdospres=Verzeichnis Kontrolle

set nodoss=keine Verzeichnisse gefunden

set infepres=gefundene Malware

set nett=Reinigung läuft

set aff=Schau dir das Logfile an und exit

set infnopres=nicht gefunden

set infnodetect=Malware nicht gefunden

set fichaprrede=die anderen Dateien werden gelöscht, wenn der Rechner in den normalen Modus gestartet wird

set suppfich=die Malware Dateien werden gelöscht

set suppdoss=die Malware Verzeichnisse werden gelöscht

set netreg=Reinigung der Registrierung

set suspectfile=Verdächtige Dateien

set netpref=Reinigung der Verzeichnisse

set execdans=*.exe Dateien gefunden, im Ordner

set avertcursor=Die angegebenen Dateien müssen von einem Forums Mitarbeiter kontrolliert werden, bevor Änderungen durchgenommen werden dürfen.

set infosauv=Die gelöschten Dateien und Registrierungseinträge wurden gespeichert in

set verwinnosupp=unterstützt diese Version von Windows nicht

set signalhel=Bitte informiere den Helfer, der dir dieses Tool empfohlen hat.

set touchquitt=Drücke auf irgendeine Taste zum exit

set fichdossencpres=Es werden noch Dateien entdeckt

set redemfin=starte deinen Rechner in den normalen Modus, um die Reinigung zu beenden

set auteur=Hersteller : !aur3n7

set upload=Lade bitte die Datei hoch

set upload2= zu %urlupload%

goto crea




set chx=Valj funktion :

set prenet=Tryck valfri knapp for att borja sokningen

set forcnetreg=Rensa datorn och Avsluta

set rech=Ta bort

set quitt=Avsluta

set avert=Anvand pa egen risk.

set scandate=Sokningen var klar pa

set mse=Felsakert lage

set nommode=normalt lage

set chfichpres=Kollar filer

set nofich=Inga Filer Funna

set chdospres=Kollar mappar

set nodoss=Inga Mappar Funna

set infepres=Virus Hittat

set nett=Tar bort virus

set aff=Granska loggen och Avsluta

set infnopres=Kunde inte hitta nagot

set infnodetect=Kunde inte hitta nagot virus

set fichaprrede=Resten av filerna tas bort efter omstart

set suppfich=Tar bort virus filer

set suppdoss=Tar bort virus mappar

set netreg=Rensar registret

set suspectfile=Misstankta Filer

set netpref=Rensar Mappar

set execdans=.exe Filer funna i mappen

set avertcursor=Dem funna filerna maste kontrolleras innan borttagning

set infosauv=Filerna och Registernycklarna har sparats i karantan

set verwinnosupp=Programmet fungerar ej med denna Windowsversion

set signalhel=Var snall och tala om det for personen du fick detta program av

set touchquitt=Tryck pa valfri knapp for att Avsluta

set fichdossencpres=Filer hittas fortfarande

set redemfin=Var snall och starta om datorn for att ta bort rester av viruset.

set auteur=Gjord av : !aur3n7

set upload=Var snall och ladda upp filen

set upload2= on %urlupload%

goto crea



set chx=Bir islem Secin :

set prenet=Temizlemeye baslamak icin herhangi bir tusa basin

set forcnetreg=Registry yi temizle ve cik

set rech=Dosyalari Ara ve Temizle

set quitt=Cikis

set avert=Bu programi kullanmak kendi insiyatifinizdedir.

set scandate=Temizleme tamamlandý

set mse=Güvenli mod

set nommode=Normal mode

set chfichpres=Dosyalar araniyor

set nofich=Dosya bulunamadi

set chdospres=Dizin kontrol ediliyor

set nodoss=Dizin bulunamadi

set infepres=Virus bulundu

set nett=Temizleniyor

set aff=Sonuclara bak ve cik

set infnopres=Bulunamadi

set infnodetect=Virus bulunamadi

set fichaprrede=Diger dosyalar bilgisayar yeniden basladiktan sonra silinecek.

set suppfich=Virus dosyalari siliniyor

set suppdoss=Virus dizinleri siliniyor

set netreg=Kayit defteri temizleniyor

set suspectfile=Supheli dosyalar

set netpref=Dizin temizleniyor

set execdans=.exe dosyalari bulundu. Dizin :

set avertcursor=Bulunanan dosyalar kontrol edilmeli

set infosauv=Dosyalar ve Kayýt duzenleyicinde silinen kayitlar asagidaki dizine kaydedildi

set verwinnosupp=Bu Windows versiyonu desteklenmiyor

set signalhel=Bu programi arkadaslariniza da önerin

set touchquitt=Cikmak icin bir tusa basin

set fichdossencpres=Viruslu dosyalar halen var

set redemfin=Lutfen temizlemeyi bitirmek icin bilgisayarinizi yeniden baslatin

set auteur=Autor : !aur3n7

set upload=Lutfen dosyayi upload edin

set upload2= on %urlupload%

goto crea



set chx=Choose an action :

set prenet=Press any key to start cleaning

set forcnetreg=Clean the registry and quit

set rech=Search

set quitt=Exit

set avert=Use this tool at your own risk.

set scandate=Scan done at

set mse=Safe mode

set nommode=normal mode

set chfichpres=Checking Files

set nofich=No files found

set chdospres=Checking Folders

set nodoss=No Folders Found

set infepres=Malware Found

set nett=Cleaning in progress

set aff=View logfile and Exit

set infnopres=Not found

set infnodetect=Malware Not found

set fichaprrede=Others Files will be deleted after a reboot to normal mode

set suppfich=Deleting malware Files

set suppdoss=Deleting malware Folders

set netreg=Registry Cleaning

set suspectfile=Suspect Files

set netpref=Folder Cleaning

set execdans=.exe Files found in folder

set avertcursor=The detected files must be reviewed by a forum Helper before changes can be made

set infosauv=The File and Registry deletions have been saved in

set verwinnosupp=Doesn't support this Windows Version

set signalhel=Please tell this to the Helper who suggested this tool

set touchquitt=Press any key to Exit

set fichdossencpres=Files are still detected

set redemfin=Please reboot your system to normal mode to finish cleaning

set auteur=Author : !aur3n7

set upload=Please upload the file

set upload2= to %urlupload%

goto crea



set chx=Kies een actie:

set prenet=Druk op een toets om het opschonen te starten

set forcnetreg=Schoon het register op en sluit af

set rech=Zoek

set quitt=Afsluiten

set avert=Gebruik van dit programma is voor eigen risico

set scandate=Scan voltooid op

set mse=Veilige modus

set nommode=Normale modus

set chfichpres=Controleren van bestanden

set nofich=Geen bestanden gevonden

set chdospres=Controleren van mappen

set nodoss=Geen map gevonden

set infepres=Malware gevonden

set nett=Bezig met opschonen

set aff=Bekijk logbestand en sluit af

set infnopres=Niet gevonden

set infnodetect=Malware niet gevonden

set fichaprrede=De resterende bestanden zullen worden verwijderd na

set herstarten in de normale modus

set suppfich=Verwijderen van malware bestanden

set suppdoss=Verwijderen van malware map

set netreg=Register Opschonen

set suspectfile=Verdachte bestanden

set netpref=Map Opschonen

set execdans=.exe-bestanden gevonden in map

set avertcursor=De gevonden bestanden moeten gecontroleerd worden door een

set helper voor er actie wordt ondernomen

set infosauv=De verwijderde bestanden en registersleutels zijn opgeslagen in

set verwinnosupp=Deze Windows-versie wordt niet ondersteund

set signalhel=Geef het door aan de persoon die dit programma aan u

set voorstelde

set touchquitt=Druk op een toets om af te sluiten

set fichdossencpres=Bestanden zijn nog steeds beschadigd

set redemfin=Herstart alstublieft de pc in normale modus

set auteur=Maker : !aur3n7

set upload=Upload het bestand alstublieft

set upload2=op

goto crea



set chx=Scegliere una azione:

set forcnetreg=Ripulire il Registro e uscire

set prenet= Premere un tasto per lanciare la rimozione

set rech=Cercare

set quitt=Uscire

set avert=L'uso è fatto … vostro rischio e pericolo.

set scandate=Fix effettuato il

set mse=modalità sicura

set nommode=modalità normale

set chfichpres=Cercare i files presenti

set nofich=Nessun files trovato

set chdospres=Ricerca le cartelle presenti

set nodoss=Nessuna cartella trovata

set infepres=Infezione Presente

set nett=Rimozione in corso

set aff=Visualizzare il rapporto e uscire

set infnopres=Infezione non presente

set infnodetect=L'infezione non è stata trovata

set fichaprrede=I files ancora presenti saranno eliminati al prossimo riavvio

set suppfich=Eliminazione dei files

set suppdoss=Eliminazione delle cartelle

set netreg=Pulizia del Registro

set suspectfile=Files sospetti

set netpref=Pulizia delle cartelle

set execdans=Eseguibili nelle cartelle

set avertcursor=questi files necessitano di un parere esperto prima di qualsiasi intervento

set infosauv=I files e le chiavi di registro eliminati sono stati salvati nel file

set touchquitt=Premere un tasto per uscire

set fichdossencpres=Alcuni files sono ancora presenti

set redemfin=Riavviate il vostro computer per terminare la rimozione

set auteur=Auteur : !aur3n7

set upload=Vi saremo grati se vorrete inviare il file

set upload2= su %urlupload%

goto crea



set chx=½Ð¿ï¾Ü°Ê§@ :

set prenet=½Ð«ö¥ô·NÁä¶}©l§R°£¯f¬r

set forcnetreg=²M°£µù¥UÀɤÎÂ÷¶}

set rech=´M§ä

set quitt=Â÷¶}

set avert=·í±z¨Ï¥Î¦¹³nÅé®É±z¥²¶·©Ó¨ü¨ä©Ò±a¨Ó¥i¯àªº­·ÀI.

set scandate=±½´yµ²§ô¦b

set mse=¦w¥þ¼Ò¦¡

set nommode=¤@¯ë¼Ò¦¡

set chfichpres=ÀˬdÀÉ®×

set nofich=¨S¦³µo²{¥ô¦óÀÉ®×

set chdospres=Àˬd¥Ø¿ý

set nodoss=¨S¦³µo²{¥ô¦ó¥Ø¿ý

set infepres=µo²{´c©Ê³nÅé

set nett=Àˬd¥¿¦b°õ¦æªº³nÅé

set aff=Àˬd°O¿ýÀɤÎÂ÷¶}

set infnopres=µLµo²{

set infnodetect=µLµo²{´c©Ê³nÅé

set fichaprrede=¨ä·í±z­«¶}¾÷¨Ã¥Ñ¤@¯ë¼Ò¦¡¶i¤J§@·~¡A¥LÀÉ®×±N³Q§R°£

set suppfich=§R°£´c©ÊÀÉ®×

set suppdoss=§R°£´c©Ê¥Ø¿ý

set netreg=µù¥UÀɲM°£¤¤

set suspectfile=·j´M¥i¯à¦³¯f¬rªºÀÉ®×

set netpref=¥Ø¿ý²M°£¤¤

set execdans=¦b¥Ø¿ý¤¤µo²{ .exe ÀÉ®×

set avertcursor=¦b±z¨Ï¥Î¤U¦CÀɮפ§«e¥²¶·¨Ï¥Î¨ä¥L³nÅé¨Ó¨ó§U½T»{¡A

set infosauv=³Q§R°£ªºÀɮפεù¥UÀɱNÀx¦s¦b

set verwinnosupp=¤£¤ä´©³o­Ó Windows ª©¥»

set signalhel=

set touchquitt=«ö¥ô·NÁäÂ÷¶}

set fichdossencpres=Àɮפ´µM³Q°»´ú¨ì

set redemfin=½Ð­«·s¶}¾÷¨Ã¥Ñ¤@¯ë¶}¾÷µ{§Ç¨Ó§¹¦¨²M°£°Ê§@

set auteur=Autor : !aur3n7

set upload=½Ð¤W¶Ç¦¹ÀÉ

set upload2= ¨ì %urlupload%

goto crea




if "%verwin%"=="9x" goto noos


echo Option Explicit>GetPaths.vbs


echo Dim Shell>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Dim KeyPath>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Dim ObjFileSystem>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Dim ObjOutputFile>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Dim ObjRegExp>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Dim File>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Dim TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Dim Var>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Dim Accent>>GetPaths.vbs


echo KeyPath = "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\">>GetPaths.vbs

echo File = "SetPaths.bat">>GetPaths.vbs


echo Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Set ObjFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Set ObjOutputFile = ObjFileSystem.CreateTextFile(File, TRUE)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Set ObjRegExp = New RegExp>>GetPaths.vbs


echo Function ShortFileName(Path)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Dim f>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Set f = ObjFileSystem.GetFolder(Path)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ShortFileName = f.ShortPath>>GetPaths.vbs

echo End Function>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Function Accents(Str)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjRegExp.Pattern = "[^a-zA-Z_0-9\\: ]">>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjRegExp.IgnoreCase = True>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjRegExp.Global = True>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Accents = ObjRegExp.Replace(Str, "?")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo End Function>>GetPaths.vbs


echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "Desktop")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set desktop=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "Favorites")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set favorites=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "Programs")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set startprg=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "Start Menu")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set startm=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "Startup")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set startup=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "Cache")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set usercache=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "Local AppData")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set locuseappdata=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo KeyPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\">>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "Common Desktop")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set audesktop=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "Common Programs")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set austartprg=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "Common Start Menu")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set austartm=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "Common Startup")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set austartup=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "Common AppData")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set locallappdata=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo KeyPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\">>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "ProgramFilesDir")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set ProgFiles=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = Shell.RegRead (KeyPath ^& "CommonFilesDir")>>GetPaths.vbs

echo TmpVar = ShortFileName(TmpVar)>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Var = "Set fichcommuns=" ^& TmpVar>>GetPaths.vbs

echo ObjOutputFile.WriteLine(Var)>>GetPaths.vbs


echo ObjOutputFile.Close>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Set objFileSystem = Nothing>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Set Shell = Nothing>>GetPaths.vbs

echo Set ObjRegExp = nothing>>GetPaths.vbs



cscript //I //nologo GetPaths.vbs

del GetPaths.vbs

Call SetPaths.bat

del SetPaths.bat

set winsys=%windir%\system32


rem ******************************************************** fin part 2 **************************************************************




> incl\upload.txt (

echo %winsys%\






> incl\fichier.txt (

echo %appdata%\addon.dat

echo %appdata%\inside.exe

echo %austartm%\carlton

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echo %austartup%\ashServ.exe

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echo %austartup%\bios.exe

echo %austartup%\BRISA.exe

echo %austartup%\bsyys.exe

echo %austartup%\bsyys.scr

echo %austartup%\carlton

echo %austartup%\ccssrss.exe

echo %austartup%\cmd.exe

echo %austartup%\Computador.exe

echo %austartup%\Diup.exe

echo %austartup%\dll.exe

echo %austartup%\dllvirtual.exe

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echo %austartup%\ExAlien.exe

echo %austartup%\fbguad.exe

echo %austartup%\firefoxx.exe

echo %austartup%\Flash.exe

echo %austartup%\GbpSvc.exe

echo %austartup%\HelpDesk.exe

echo %austartup%\Hide32.exe

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echo %austartup%\JVM0.exe

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echo %austartup%\klpp.exe

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echo %austartup%\msnmsgr.exe

echo %austartup%\msnsgs.exe

echo %austartup%\mxjxde.exe

echo %austartup%\My_Love.exe

echo %austartup%\Ndtstat.exe

echo %austartup%\norton32.exe

echo %austartup%\ntvvm.exe

echo %austartup%\pdvsym.exe

echo %austartup%\qtapp.exe

echo %austartup%\regfixxsx.exe

echo %austartup%\registtry.exe

echo %austartup%\remote.cmd

echo %austartup%\repara_ae.bat

echo %austartup%\Rg2catbd.exe

echo %austartup%\rundl32.exe

echo %austartup%\rxnetq.exe

echo %austartup%\smss.scr

echo %austartup%\svchost.exe

echo %austartup%\svchostss.exe

echo %austartup%\svhost.exe

echo %austartup%\sxrork.exe

echo %austartup%\sxrsym.exe

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echo %austartup%\system32.exe

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echo %austartup%\task.exe

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echo %austartup%\voieup.exe

echo %austartup%\voiork.exe

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echo %austartup%\Win XP.exe

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echo %austartup%\WMedPlayer.exe

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echo %austartup%\wsnctfy.exe

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echo %austartup%\ying.exe

echo %austartup%\yong.exe

echo %austartup%\ZaZ.exe

echo %commonprogramfiles%\Carlson\carlton

echo %commonprogramfiles%\Delsim\del.exe

echo %fichcommuns%\Microsoft Shared\DAO\svchost.exe

echo %fichcommuns%\tmp.scr

echo %homedrive%\

echo %locuseappdata%\addon.dat

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echo %ProgFiles%\a.txt

echo %ProgFiles%\Adobe\AdobeLanc.exe

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echo %ProgFiles%\GbPlugin\yong.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\GbpSvc.exe

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echo %ProgFiles%\Internet Explorer\realplayerp.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\ISM2\ISMPack7.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\klog.dat

echo %ProgFiles%\login.scr

echo %ProgFiles%\Logun.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\mdll.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\messenger.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Messenger\msmsg.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Messenger\Msnmsgr.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\mexe*.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Microsoft Office Update\file.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Microsoft Studio Files\file.exe

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echo %ProgFiles%\Microsoft\svhost32.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Movie Maker\ja_era_hehe.exe

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echo %ProgFiles%\MSN Messenger\instalar guiños.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\msng.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\msnmsg.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\My_Love.exe

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echo %ProgFiles%\NetMeeting\maisumviado.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\orkut.scr

echo %ProgFiles%\outloo~1\express.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\outloo~1\update.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\outlook express\express.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Outlook Express\inyourface.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Outlook Express\OutlookEx.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Outlook Express\setup40.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Perfect.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\photopaint.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\QdrModule\QdrModule9.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Real.dll

echo %ProgFiles%\regedti.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Remove.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Rg2catbd.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\rm.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Sandboxie\Control.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\schoty.cmd

echo %ProgFiles%\service.bat

echo %ProgFiles%\smss.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\SOUND.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\spiider.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\svchost.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\System\CDRom.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\System\Flash.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\System\Windows32.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Tasks.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Temporary\wininstall.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\udll.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\update.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\usnsvcu.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\VTTimers.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Wapp.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Widows.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\WinAble\winable.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\Windows32.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\winINI.exe

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echo %ProgFiles%\WinPop\UnInstall.exe.lzma

echo %ProgFiles%\winpop\winpop.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\WinPop\winpop.exe.lzma

echo %ProgFiles%\Wm2emt.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\wmplay.exe

echo %ProgFiles%\yong.exe

echo %startup%\ashDisp.exe

echo %startup%\ashServ.exe

echo %startup%\avgccc.exe

echo %startup%\bios.exe

echo %startup%\bsyys.scr

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echo %startup%\cmd.exe

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echo %startup%\dll.exe

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echo %startup%\ExAlien.exe

echo %startup%\fbguad.exe

echo %startup%\firefoxx.exe

echo %startup%\Flash.exe

echo %startup%\InstallHelp.exe

echo %startup%\javsu.exe

echo %startup%\juchek.exe

echo %startup%\klpp.exe

echo %startup%\logon.exe

echo %startup%\lsssas.exe

echo %startup%\messengerr.exe

echo %startup%\messgrr.exe

echo %startup%\msm.cmd

echo %startup%\msnmsgr.exe

echo %startup%\My_Love.exe

echo %startup%\norton32.exe

echo %startup%\ntvvm.exe

echo %startup%\pdvsym.exe

echo %startup%\qtapp.exe

echo %startup%\qupdate.exe

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echo %startup%\sxrsym.exe

echo %startup%\system32.exe

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echo %startup%\Tasks.exe

echo %startup%\voieup.exe

echo %startup%\voiork.exe

echo %startup%\wepaint.exe

echo %startup%\Win XP.exe

echo %startup%\Windows Update.exe

echo %startup%\Windows32.exe

echo %startup%\windowsupdate.exe

echo %startup%\Winhost.exe

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echo %startup%\WMedPlayer.exe

echo %startup%\wrloginpro.exe

echo %startup%\wuaucltt.exe

echo %systemdrive%\111z.exe

echo %SystemDrive%\2.exe

echo %systemdrive%\3d3t4t8n7l.exe

echo %systemdrive%\521785.txt

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echo %SystemDrive%\adv.exe

echo %systemdrive%\aklr.exe

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echo %systemdrive%\animacao.scr

echo %systemdrive%\Annoying crazy frog getting killed.pif

echo %systemdrive%\Arquivos de programas\rem.exe

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echo %systemdrive%\AVG_BETA\Tools\msnmsgr.exe

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echo %systemdrive%\British National Party.jpg

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echo %systemdrive%\Call.exe

echo %systemdrive%\cartao.scr

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echo %systemdrive%\claro.exe

echo %systemdrive%\cmd.exe

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\13.bmp

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\15.bmp

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\3.jpg

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\cax2.jpg

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\info.gif

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\logo.jpg

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\ms.exe

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\msm.cmd

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\msm.exe

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\msmFF.cmd

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\msmho.cmd

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\nc.gif

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\nd.gif

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\nn.gif

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\NOVOBB.gif

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\novobb.jpg

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\novobb2.jpg

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\novoSB.gif

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\ork.cmd

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\tec.jpg

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\win.scr

echo %systemdrive%\contato.exe

echo %systemdrive%\Crazy-Frog.Html

echo %systemdrive%\Crazy frog gets killed by train!.pif

echo %systemdrive%\Crazy frog gets killed by train!.pif Fat Elvis! lol.pif

echo %systemdrive%\csrs.txt

echo %systemdrive%\csrss.exe

echo %systemdrive%\ctl3diac.exe

echo %systemdrive%\DB\arquivo.txt

echo %systemdrive%\diy.EXE

echo %SystemDrive%\dkotyrxbb.exe

echo %systemdrive%\dll.exe

echo %systemdrive%\dllwin.exe

echo %systemdrive%\dnsajobe.dat

echo %systemdrive%\dnsajobe.dll

echo %systemdrive%\dnsajobe.exe

echo %systemdrive%\download1591.exe

echo %systemdrive%\dpl1npwm.dat

echo %systemdrive%\dpl1npwm.dll

echo %systemdrive%\dpl1npwm.exe

echo %systemdrive%\dpv1bidi.dll

echo %systemdrive%\Drunk_lol.pif

echo %systemdrive%\dydhcp.exe

echo %systemdrive%\emai.exe

echo %systemdrive%\email.inf

echo %systemdrive%\Enviado.123

echo %systemdrive%\er-1-1148.exe

echo %systemdrive%\Fat Elvis! lol.pif

echo %systemdrive%\fFa4vV0rR170S5S2.exe

echo %systemdrive%\File.exe

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echo %winsys%\

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echo %winsys%\

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echo %winsys%\

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echo %winsys%\wingo.exe

echo %winsys%\winHelp.exe

echo %winsys%\

echo %winsys%\

echo %winsys%\

echo %winsys%\

echo %winsys%\winhelp5.cmd

echo %winsys%\

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echo %winsys%\wpabalnm.exe

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echo %winsys%\yspoint.dll

echo %winsys%\ZaZ.exe

echo %winsys%\zitrat.scr

echo %winsys%\zpoa.scr

echo %winsys%\zser.exe




> incl\dossier.txt (

echo %commonprogramfiles%\Carlson\

echo %commonprogramfiles%\Delsim\

echo %ProgFiles%\\ISM\

echo %ProgFiles%\\ISM2\

echo %progfiles%\Bifrost\

echo %ProgFiles%\ddm\

echo %ProgFiles%\InetGet2\

echo %ProgFiles%\Insider\

echo %ProgFiles%\QdrModule\

echo %ProgFiles%\Temporary\

echo %ProgFiles%\WinAble\

echo %ProgFiles%\WinPop\

echo %ProgFiles%WinAble\

echo %systemdrive%\AVG_BETA\

echo %systemdrive%\Conf\

echo %systemdrive%\Install\

echo %systemdrive%\Lixo\

echo %systemdrive%\oddysee\

echo %systemdrive%\Temp\

echo %windir%\_tmp\

echo %windir%\htmCache\

echo %winsys%\B1\

echo %winsys%\B2\

echo %winsys%\openfile\

echo %winsys%\Security\

echo %winsys%\service\

echo %winsys%\updatelinkmsn\



rem ******************************************************** part 3 **************************************************************

color 1F

if "%1"=="/pass2" goto pass2




TITLE %fix% - menu

color 1F


echo %fix% %vers%


echo %chx%



echo R. %rech%


echo Q. %quitt%



echo L. Select other Language



echo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo. %auteur% Contact: %contact%

echo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------


echo %avert%


if exist "%userprofile%\Bureau" (

echo Seul constitu la source officielle de ce fichier

echo Toute autre localisation est prohibee car sans autorisation



set menu=''

set /p menu=%sChoice% %chx% R Q L and press enter :

if "%menu%"=="R" goto scan

if "%menu%"=="r" goto scan

if "%menu%"=="q" goto fin

if "%menu%"=="Q" goto fin

if "%menu%"=="l" goto langue

if "%menu%"=="L" goto langue

goto menu




if exist %winsys%\kbdemsdm.exe do call set msn=alert

for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" ^|find.exe /i "Nassim"') do call set photo=%%a

if "%photo%"=="" goto WUPD

echo %photo%>>fichier.txt


for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" ^|find.exe /i "Windows Update"') do call set WUPD=%%a

if "%WUPD%"=="" goto msvb

echo %WUPD%>>fichier.txt

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt



for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "msvb"') do call set msvb=%%a

if "%msvb%"=="" goto sysdx

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\msvb.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "msvb"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%msvb%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%msvb%\InProcServer32]








for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "sysdx"') do call set sysdx=%%a

if "%sysdx%"=="" goto w32s

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\sysdx.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "sysdx"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%sysdx%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%sysdx%\InProcServer32]








for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "w32s"') do call set w32s=%%a

if "%w32s%"=="" goto mjd

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\w32s.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "w32s"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%w32s%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%w32s%\InProcServer32]








for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "mjd"') do call set mjd=%%a

if "%mjd%"=="" goto version3

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\mjd.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "mjd"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%mjd%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%mjd%\InProcServer32]








for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "version3"') do call set version3=%%a

if "%version3%"=="" goto Version1

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\version3.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "version3"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%version3%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%version3%\InProcServer32]


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%version3%]


echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%version3%]




for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "Version1"') do call set Version1=%%a

if "%Version1%"=="" goto Version

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\Version1.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "Version1"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%Version1%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%Version1%\InProcServer32]




echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%Version1%]





for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "Version"') do call set Version=%%a

if "%Version%"=="" goto prodigy1

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\Version.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "Version"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%Version%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%Version%\InProcServer32]








for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "prodigy1"') do call set prodigy1=%%a

if "%prodigy1%"=="" goto ersvsync

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\prodigy1.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "prodigy1"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%prodigy1%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%prodigy1%\InProcServer32]


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%prodigy1%]


echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%prodigy1%]




for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "ersvsync"') do call set ersvsync=%%a

if "%ersvsync%"=="" goto prodigys323

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\ersvsync.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "ersvsync"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%ersvsync%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%ersvsync%\InProcServer32]


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%ersvsync%]


echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%ersvsync%]




for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "prodigys323"') do call set prodigys323"=%%a

if "%prodigys323%"=="" goto prodigy323

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\prodigys323.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "prodigys323""=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%prodigys323%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%prodigys323%\InProcServer32]


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%prodigys323%]


echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%prodigys323%]




for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "prodigy323"') do call set prodigy323=%%a

if "%prodigy323%"=="" goto drivers

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\prodigy323.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "prodigy323"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%prodigy323%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%prodigy323%\InProcServer32]


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%prodigy323%]


echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%prodigy323%]





for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "drivers"') do call set drivers=%%a

if "%drivers%"=="" goto modems

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\drivers.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "drivers"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%drivers%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%drivers%\InProcServer32]




echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%drivers%]



incl\swreg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" backup\drivers.reg



for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "modems"') do call set modems=%%a

if "%modems%"=="" goto antivirus

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\modems.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "modems"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%modems%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%modems%\InProcServer32]




echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%modems%]



incl\swreg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" backup\modems.reg



for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "antivirus"') do call set antivirus=%%a

if "%antivirus%"=="" goto printers

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\antivirus.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "antivirus"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%antivirus%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%antivirus%\InProcServer32]


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%antivirus%]


echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%antivirus%]



incl\swreg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" backup\antivirus.reg



for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "printers"') do call set printers=%%a

if "%printers%"=="" goto irclot

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\printers.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "printers"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%printers%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%printers%\InProcServer32]


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%printers%]


echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%printers%]



incl\swreg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" backup\printers.reg


for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "sysprinters"') do call set sysprinters=%%a

if "%sysprinters%"=="" goto ircinf

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\sysprinters.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "sysprinters"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%sysprinters%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%sysprinters%\InProcServer32]


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%sysprinters%]


echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%sysprinters%]


incl\swreg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" backup\sysprinters.reg





for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "syshosts"') do call set syshosts=%%a

if "%syshostst%"=="" goto testa

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\syshostst.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "syshosts"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%syshosts%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%syshosts%\InProcServer32]


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%syshosts%]


echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%syshosts%]


incl\swreg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" backup\syshosts.reg



for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "rdshost"') do call set rdshost=%%a

if "%rdshost%"=="" goto test2

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\rdshost.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "rdshost"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%rdshost%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%rdshost%\InProcServer32]




echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%rdshost%]


incl\swreg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" backup\rdshost.reg



for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "rdihost"') do call set rdihost=%%a

if "%rdihost%"=="" goto test3

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\rdihost.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "rdihost"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%rdihost%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%rdihost%\InProcServer32]




echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%rdihost%]


incl\swreg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" backup\rdihost.reg



for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "syshelps"') do call set syshelps=%%a

if "%syshelps%"=="" goto test4

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\syshelps.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "syshelps"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%syshelps%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%syshelps%\InProcServer32]


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%syshelps%]


echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%syshelps%]


incl\swreg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" backup\syshelps.reg



for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "rdfhost"') do call set rdfhost=%%a

if "%rdfhost%"=="" goto xesf

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\rdfhost.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "rdfhost"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%rdfhost%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%rdfhost%\InProcServer32]




echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%rdfhost%]


incl\swreg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" backup\rdfhost.reg



for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('incl\swreg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" ^|find.exe /i "xesf"') do call set xesf=%%a

if "%xesf%"=="" goto nordshost

echo. >%windir%\presreg.txt

>incl\xesf.reg (



echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad]

echo "xesf"=-


echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%xesf%\InProcServer32]

echo @=-


echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\%xesf%\InProcServer32]






incl\swreg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" backup\xesf.reg





echo %fix% %vers% >%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo %cd% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo %scandate% %date% - %time% By %username% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if defined safeboot_option (echo %mse% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt)

if not defined safeboot_option (echo %nommode% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt)

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist %windir%\presf.txt del %windir%\presf.txt


if exist incl\fichier.txt goto scanfich

goto prescandoss




echo ************************ %chfichpres% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist %windir%\presf.txt del %windir%\presf.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (incl\fichier.txt) do ( if exist "%%a" echo ... %%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist "%%a" echo %%a >>%windir%\presf.txt)

if exist %windir%\upload.txt del %windir%\upload.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (incl\upload.txt) do ( if exist "%%a" echo ... %%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist "%%a" echo %%a >>%windir%\presf.txt

if exist "%%a" echo %%a >%windir%\upload.txt)

"%winsys%\PING" -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL


if exist %userprofile%\*.exe (

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "38003F635DAF795E30E7BE27C422FE90">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "6282F0C700702922A5B49C89C4B3270B">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "8F340870336716C0326538DE03FE8455">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "DC4421DA8D874A0EB079ED5A3EA32C55">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "57A9960E43B1EB599DEAB1AB65F28591">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "8DCA3C16D0CE421147CC72A5F7C28AA4">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9081A2A584B5C7167569F4622E65F515">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "F5849E133ADD0F0F384F410073D617B0">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "269E67D92B5FB6B23F5EB34FED14B6B7">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "AFC383072B16C4557311674914DAF54F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "AA50EBC4A42D901A0F20D73D625AC305">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "69625F6C368F5DFB0C70A3D8554AC320">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "42B5AA63C3B5A962CC05DFBA23129FCE">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "B05B40D0A07916BE51F9ECCF1E7A066E">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "F4E81B2D7459BD514718F78C338C4582">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9971CBC544F90E95C8E2858C36815446">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "133CED78D2FAE6FD7F9CB92773CAB82F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "7DD67A24A726D0F914603145F6B9D1FB">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "953767B78A039A51303399A05536AE67">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "0C3DA0DB0FC8B0FBC25E14C9BB14D78F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "A5DA8D57EE1C76F4A40E44BD09D41F0F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "68328B5B8AA33D196D01CE713A78CBDD">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C61882B7609EE88CF853B05C3E7A50C7">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "2BBC7A05F7C611F797FBB9BEC998B5B8">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "69A694101EB51D6D654EE06203E303A5">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "EFC6AC3B233F7503957EA65F7F58F25F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "275265CBA451F1EB05A9EB3A34B814E5">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "0D58961B9F807AB41F65E149F82100B8">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "05B1EB19D51CA741FAD72A860855E02F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "B5EE243FD22F59F6AFC319683CF150D7">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "AE221EF9C7D30BB424985885DCA04DE9">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "BEDCF3B3822C6FDC11AF0DB6F30C8691">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "275265CBA451F1EB05A9EB3A34B814E5">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "0D58961B9F807AB41F65E149F82100B8">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "05B1EB19D51CA741FAD72A860855E02F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "EFC6AC3B233F7503957EA65F7F58F25F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "B5EE243FD22F59F6AFC319683CF150D7">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "014BEC4FF9087A07C57AF4E4C3BF1727">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3C354958FA3CC8CD7281C08DEC1CD15B">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "785C1C850990DA4A4D9374982DCAE7A3">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C6CE463F93A1705DC3700D19A1EA7EDE">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.scr"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C6CE463F93A1705DC3700D19A1EA7EDE">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3A8C5E1D235FCA02ABC376BCCA438A6F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "BDB45EECF48544FEB32786300C297BD8">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "CBBBDBFBBD117AC1BBFD5AF4CADB85EC">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "AE476F4E95B8E9F136E5270929303A7D">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "F779DA32AD020A7A51AEEAD817CC862D">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "1786138E8958343824A5487B511778E4">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9D2EBE86DC4EFF82E64098C275FBC179">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9D2EBE86DC4EFF82E64098C275FBC179">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "6042C699CFB6EFADBC11FF7DB0272BD0">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "07E1C033767D0679AA494FC5E51EA7EC">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "04293E1F1DB0B4EE6FC88AC31A38F7DF">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9894386634e6cfcb1c14b737dd6e8790">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "ACD2FCE801C5C43BF8637EE68129CC03">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "ADB7E3762EB651DF396FF034E461160D">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "7624B393C098DE039E496251E30A2B07">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C9BD774208F266293C9CD2083B5E83FA">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "ca4707baa4c3ddd31bcfc951b9dfa36a">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "052DE714B3EFC0F73E1E479FD3302BF6">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C8DF654F84D244D6E611B214F8C5A3BF">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9D86CC30C135D3E6309A1029456A6DC5">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "B7560DF22CD5592503A9919D5305DB87">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "BECC434F5B4C85CABDC9A411255B44C8">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "F9D493F6B243EB05D17D50FE419327B2">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "B6BDCBE2231C6D73F7A3BA457E45C7EB">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "023484B2B3136C84938B621D804B82B5">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "e2d7afcb47f06a07db15a45d5dac093b">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "89D88196A7304079FD00C9335CB79681">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58D628D57E70F37CF7EC0D1D65CB0442">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58d628d57e70f37cf7ec0d1d65cb0442">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "FE87B5D36CA84B100989CDE557D10C9B">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "38751056D57BC20B22C95EC58BDCADD2">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "B787E1522313A2480FB5C858CDD6D6A0">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "325472601571F31E1BF00674C368D335">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58d628d57e70f37cf7ec0d1d65cb0442">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "68F5E8A9E9BC1715B24AFFF58F4BE3B3">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58d628d57e70f37cf7ec0d1d65cb0442">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "68F5E8A9E9BC1715B24AFFF58F4BE3B3">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "69625F6C368F5DFB0C70A3D8554AC320">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "42B5AA63C3B5A962CC05DFBA23129FCE">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)


"%winsys%\PING" -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%winsys%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%winsyse%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9894386634e6cfcb1c14b737dd6e8790">nul && echo %winsys%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)


if exist %systemdrive%\*.exe (

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "BF9F35A51B058647813FC657FB5D7912">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "DA6A311C6FB9213F444836F2AA465048">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "15D7688E41BB73AA73F32CBE7B3B9FF9">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "69F8456321CE9676FBA01399AD99A7D6">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3FDEC6A5235F33CD4C416152CFF4D794">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "38003F635DAF795E30E7BE27C422FE90">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "E036223EFD7A9D9A7467C343A4FBEC7F">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "dc4421da8d874a0eb079ed5a3ea32c55">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "69F8456321CE9676FBA01399AD99A7D6">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "D7262E4C1C1B3FCF5A2E5D656424579B">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "E5E189B410BFE48BECB70B6A48921009">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "A20A71CF24B280A71679999105D34C7C">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "cd1a604801ad24f41c5830595145c509">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3D6E1C36B078000C78CCF23143C754C2">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3F19DFCE457D81015D74D9BA1A81C7C4">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "D8B63D8B0352F2F0C12E69181E0F9A0B">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3D6E1C36B078000C78CCF23143C754C2">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3D6E1C36B078000C78CCF23143C754C2">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3F19DFCE457D81015D74D9BA1A81C7C4">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "D8B63D8B0352F2F0C12E69181E0F9A0b">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C578138FB019512A75E3E86072E1CE0F">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58d628d57e70f37cf7ec0d1d65cb0442">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "325472601571F31E1BF00674C368D335">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58d628d57e70f37cf7ec0d1d65cb0442">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C45C86AE48EAF2A4545ED8968225E34A">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9894386634e6cfcb1c14b737dd6e8790">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "7E555F08A3B3CAEC4B6E54772DABC77E">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C219B1F1C0BD7440F2AC45E2F4B1EA11">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "06D36E7FEA33A8A6A5EE105D02D12CF6">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "EC4F665D323D1C258D2659E9FD31A654">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "5D3739D475648658DCAC5BA9B63AAD7A">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "0B3ECEA6DA853CAC6020E0A6BAFA383E">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C6CE463F93A1705DC3700D19A1EA7EDE">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C6CE463F93A1705DC3700D19A1EA7EDE">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9D5A1246D382A1A71B19607EC7EFFFDD">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "1990F0523FA9854DC9AF3FB485EBAF9D">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "2F0359358FA3FDC500C8E59B3F46F695">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9827AD6A3D406080C75895D3A2DD675C">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "6FDBB240FA78C063502B758177A0E784">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "7C2769027921F5F798F5F482A80D2C06">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C6CE463F93A1705DC3700D19A1EA7EDE">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "632A7AA01A2D7DB4EF1DF7C79C7A8F09">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "8B3BA5820B21098AFA9489E10A61A711">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C9BD774208F266293C9CD2083B5E83FA">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "0DFE37FE846E4E4B11D8D3398200884B">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "5946BFE3C7782ACD72642A37B5A6386A">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "E71E01F51737925CB3395034A4EB26FC">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C9BD774208F266293C9CD2083B5E83FA">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "82AE5A7154ED0E6BB7766C582E93697C">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "7E1B6AC43626BDE97B3CE6D5E79A0348">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C9BD774208F266293C9CD2083B5E83FA">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "adb7e3762eb651df396ff034e461160d">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "7624b393c098de039e496251e30a2b07">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "fff4769d85561b62cbbd6af363c47d0a">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C9BD774208F266293C9CD2083B5E83FA">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "E2671EE75F17E6A03AC3FA299FBE95D2">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "F9D493F6B243EB05D17D50FE419327B2">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "66B72E7A1E38EE3C2F15A9EC6256969A">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "A9843897ABF4311FAC691BA442A12FAE">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "36E8D85151149A3AABE85EDD3FAC8132">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3824546A2420CDC280A39C10E34C8ECB">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "A822234B5FBC8DA65923E9B3D0707B56">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "DFDFD77411A4C3E4BE2620D64DC268D9">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "D3DA105AE24EA4E0E5AD4D8FBF2497FC">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "1CE1C9B5E2FCB04BED19FC39AB607A0A">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "50D35B574938E731E5E2679F2C643555">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "06862CF831E48A46C382AE729068D619">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "620F0B67A91F7F74151BC5BE745B7110">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "2FC78E60259278C93E55F93621118CA8">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "89d88196a7304079fd00c9335cb79681">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "36E8D85151149A3AABE85EDD3FAC8132">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58D628D57E70F37CF7EC0D1D65CB0442">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58D628D57E70F37CF7EC0D1D65CB0442">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "FD62601AE181D26FBF0932FDD3C5F6DB">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "325472601571F31E1BF00674C368D335">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "0e0cbfd4f1a9e296e46aa9b1eccaeac8">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)


"%winsys%\PING" -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL

if exist %windir%\albu*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\albu*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\imag*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\imag*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\photo*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\photo*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\pic*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\pic*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\summe*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\summe*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\photos2007_*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\photos2007_*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\dc*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\dc*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\webcam-photos*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\webcam-photos*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\myalbum*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\myalbum*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\*Paris Hilton* dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\*Paris Hilton*" 2>nul |find /I "Paris Hilton">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\itsME*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\itsME*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\img*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\img*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\love*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\love*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\DSC03435*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\DSC03435*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\IMG84387*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\IMG84387*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\beachpicture*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\beachpicture*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\secretimages*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\secretimages*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\* dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\*" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\MyGallery*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\MyGallery*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\mtv_clip*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\mtv_clip*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\new_clip*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\new_clip*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\video_clip*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\video_clip*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\webcam_pics*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\webcam_pics*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\youtube*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\youtube*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\*«°«*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\*«°«*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\VIDEO*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\VIDEO*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\files*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\files*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\news*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\news*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\JPGimage*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\JPGimage*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\look*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\look*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\file*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\file*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\downloadme*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\downloadme*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\?msss.exe dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\?msss.exe" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\?rsrs.exe dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\?rsrs.exe" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\?rsrss.exe dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\?rsrss.exe" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\?rsss.exe dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\?rsss.exe" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\?srss.exe dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\?srss.exe" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\csrss*.* dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\csrss*.*" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\csrss*.* dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\csrss*.*" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\news*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\news*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\picts-*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\picts-*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\pet*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\pet*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\jenny*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\jenny*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\picts*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\picts*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\crazy*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\crazy*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\display*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\display*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\mydisplay*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\mydisplay*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\myprofile*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\myprofile*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\profile*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\profile*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\yellow.bmp*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\yellow.bmp*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\ dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\home*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\home*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\Hotmail-Album-*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\Hotmail-Album-*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt


if exist %windir%\presfwin.txt (

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%windir%\presfwin.txt) do ( if exist "%windir%\%%a" echo ... %windir%\%%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist "%windir%\%%a" echo %windir%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

del %windir%\presfwin.txt



"%winsys%\PING" -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL



if not exist %windir%\presf.txt echo %nofich% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if not exist %windir%\presf.txt goto prescandoss



echo ************************ MSNCHK ***** ^/!^\ beta test ^/!^\>>%windir%\msnfix.txt

copy incl\msnchk.exe %windir% >nul

if exist %windir%\msnchk.exe (


pushd %windir%\

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%windir%\presf.txt) do ( msnchk.exe "%%a"|find.exe /I "infected" >>%windir%\msnfix.txt)


del /q %windir%\msnchk.exe


copy incl\msnchk.exe %systemdrive% >nul

if exist %systemdrive%\msnchk.exe (


pushd %systemdrive%\

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%windir%\presf.txt) do ( msnchk.exe "%%a"|find.exe /I "infected" >>%windir%\msnfix.txt)


del /q %systemdrive%\msnchk.exe


copy incl\msnchk.exe %winsys% >nul

if exist %winsys%\msnchk.exe (


pushd %winsys%\

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%windir%\presf.txt) do ( msnchk.exe "%%a"|find.exe /I "infected" >>%windir%\msnfix.txt)


del /q %winsys%\msnchk.exe






if exist %windir%\presd.txt del %windir%\presd.txt

if exist incl\dossier.txt goto scandoss

goto result



echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo ************************ %chdospres% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (incl\dossier.txt) do ( if exist "%%a" echo ... %%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist "%%a" echo %%a >>%windir%\presd.txt)


if not exist %windir%\presd.txt echo %nodoss% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt



if exist %windir%\pres?.txt GOTO INFPRES

if exist %windir%\presreg.txt GOTO INFPRES

if exist %windir%\presreg.txt GOTO INFPRES

if NOT exist %windir%\pres?.txt GOTO INFABS




color 1F

TITLE %fix% - resultat


echo /!\ %infepres% /!\


echo %fix% %vers%




echo %prenet%



echo Q. %quitt%


echo %avert%


echo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo. %auteur% Contact: %contact%

echo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------



set MENU=''

set /p MENU=%sChoice% %chx% -Q- for exit or other for cleaning :

if "%MENU%"=="Q" goto fin

if "%MENU%"=="q" goto fin

goto net




color 1F

TITLE %fix% - result


echo **** %infnopres% ****


echo %fix% %vers%


echo %infnodetect%



echo A. %aff%


echo R. %forcnetreg%


echo Q. %quitt%




echo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo. %auteur% Contact: %contact%

echo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------


set MENU=''

set /p MENU=%sChoice% %chx% -A Q- and press enter :

if "%MENU%"=="A" goto affich

if "%MENU%"=="a" goto affich

if "%MENU%"=="r" goto netreg

if "%MENU%"=="R" goto netreg

if "%MENU%"=="Q" goto fin

if "%MENU%"=="q" goto fin

goto result



set nom=%date%

set nom=%nom:/=%

set nom2=%time%

set nom2=%nom2::=%

set nom2=%nom2:,=%



if exist %windir%\err.txt goto errpres

goto errnopres



echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo %fichaprrede% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

incl\swreg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v "MSNFix" /d "%cd%\MSNFix.bat /pass2"

incl\swreg.exe add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v "MSNFix" /d "%cd%\MSNFix.bat /pass2"

goto messred




echo %suspectfile% .


if not exist %desktop%\Upload_Me mkdir %desktop%\Upload_Me


if exist %windir%\Cursors\*.exe (

dir /b %windir%\Cursors\*.exe >MD5.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (MD5.txt) do (incl\MD5File.exe %windir%\Cursors\%%a>>temp.txt

copy "%windir%\Cursors\%%a" %desktop%\Upload_Me >nul )



if exist %windir%\*.zip (

dir /b %windir%\*.zip >MD5.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (MD5.txt) do (incl\MD5File.exe %windir%\%%a>>temp.txt

copy "%windir%\%%a" %desktop%\Upload_Me >nul )



if exist %winsys%\*.zip (

dir /b %winsys%\*.zip >MD5.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (MD5.txt) do (incl\MD5File.exe %winsys%\%%a>>temp.txt

copy "%winsys%\%%a" %desktop%\Upload_Me >nul )



if exist %temp%\*.zip (

dir /b %temp%\*.zip >MD5.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (MD5.txt) do (incl\MD5File.exe %temp%\%%a>>temp.txt

copy "%temp%\%%a" %desktop%\Upload_Me >nul )



if exist %systemdrive%\*.zip (

dir /b %systemdrive%\*.zip >MD5.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (MD5.txt) do (incl\MD5File.exe %systemdrive%\%%a>>temp.txt

copy "%systemdrive%\%%a" %desktop%\Upload_Me >nul )



if exist %systemdrive%\*.exe (

dir /b %systemdrive%\*.exe >MD5.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (MD5.txt) do (incl\MD5File.exe %systemdrive%\%%a>>temp.txt

copy "%systemdrive%\%%a" %desktop%\Upload_Me >nul )



if exist %systemdrive%\*.pif (

dir /b %systemdrive%\*.pif >MD5.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (MD5.txt) do (incl\MD5File.exe %systemdrive%\%%a>>temp.txt

copy "%systemdrive%\%%a" %desktop%\Upload_Me >nul )



if exist %userprofile%\*.exe (

dir /b "%userprofile%\*.exe" >MD5.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (MD5.txt) do (incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a">>temp.txt

copy "%userprofile%\%%a" %desktop%\Upload_Me >nul )



if exist %ProgFiles%\*.exe (

dir /b "%ProgFiles%\*.exe" >MD5.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (MD5.txt) do (incl\MD5File.exe "%ProgFiles%\%%a">>temp.txt

copy "%ProgFiles%\%%a" %desktop%\Upload_Me >nul )




if exist MD5.txt del MD5.txt


echo %suspectfile% .......

if not exist temp.txt goto noexclus





echo %suspectfile% ........

rem ******************************************************** fin part 3 **************************************************************

Find /V /I "13012228D29D56358D8CC93E3B30893C" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "6896D0403B2169BDE78F897EB89F5362" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "BC0137B41D9075C1826EAFBDFC9EB9BC" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "7D1AC936D9DF19094F033837F5EA9860" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "B55B459A70E45E036E766098790B5937" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "bd6f65959e0623574653353bf68c7e9f" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "834fb4fadd00a9733653f74368c3fcc3" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "5E063F3294317F1D6CD71AB96E5162F3" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "3D5D36C903D4F65978E9F63281B7D126" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "88C714875E65C4354BF6507813B65D95" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "6C1C7307B8C3C7AA9CBD16FAA52C63B1" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "6A2BAFFB1FFE16FA54DEEBA0BD915A6A" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "1331E709EE682AD4F2EAFF31933E38BC" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "52B21A4E0CFE5634CB6BFCBECB0E4401" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "978979FB943F1748451948DA7F14A605" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "757D4C54671D141E3F7524E201B15DE0" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "AB3BB50990B2F9DB9D8764BC8A223B47" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "875A31ACF4B91D778035625BAAA5EC23" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "B1945A6364B73CB37E826BB072E237BC" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "2A8120F77281D717A2E99A7968D8F630" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "1DDF6B225B2949A61B3D55F4D5C8D7F1" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "WLXPGSS.SCR" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "DEC996F2FBD251EB834428F96D954D75" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "516E62BE41A2A43A4AF8552186339CB6" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "766DA465DEF967FBB73EC462D1FDAD00" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "485F13E92CA974C00D5168793604A939" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "7EA0F2F11BB02492E852539EA8825906" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "8CC358D442ED2746049AB62E46E88396" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "C700AA24D0A67408D5EB5F855F909A6D" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "A9C49B10E0FB2117391A83A7FF31C55B" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "3977F3216D0F62AC9C9C7777240EBE65" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "475C092D67C9A9B0F9F276104AE91C16" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "D7C25B425D00308D37E4BF7949DBC81E" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "B448DE0F1F8EEAA41EDAC45F297F0ADE" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "7251DC9286BBB7B06F0840736EF74D7B" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "3F8FEBD759D9A2BCC8FD5DE7BFA04F09" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "0689FAB22E2308F6B0895471A8E69B1D" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "1F1F8840F6569FC393A46DB26B6BE28D" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "F4DC7D8AFCE672115642B76A49D7F64E" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "0D259B1478083AA90B21DEE9FBB75AB8" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "BD8A9AF4264C3C4808BEE338441E39EB" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "1747C66282BA971C39BB8537D7262438" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "F9458E6FBF5BCDFE41809239D76D1E61" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "F86ACC3BB07CCFD0C02FF37CDD5FE28D" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "CCC18A1DB5B7E2AA44C10FD25850520E" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "B29F3D72FCC1C10464FB7FB8E7C49EF9" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "26AE892A9C310183EA6843BB68BEAB73" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "3E4D15EE740F9C208956E9B58497A82E" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "8208DE7BFAFCEF506BB1E5AC8EA58488" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "6A5EAB26005943650D18857B807FE012" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "35bc2808ed08326dac79dc41cdf3d61c" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "CE26F5691E1EEFFC44A665B552ACD1BC" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "DD89F3B6B7CBE43C489D3CE78CAFFBFF" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "9DE6D611AD156AE9EF4B3ADE60DCC07A" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "A5D5BFB8755048F0CDE34E5D25A72457" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "5d0f06324f06171002c9c5518725b601" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "316B844F632202967FA5A47A7F377150" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "5D0F06324F06171002C9C5518725B601" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "AD5A49FD4E074B927EA77C9B2D737576" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "6370D92B4BD7B934348BB82AE08EF7F6" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "BB7355197D9E10487CB743FCD5D11CCB" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "1B79CED2B4E7C4A2122256D584E9AD4B" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "BB029AE91D3A6956A895F8156A8BE779" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "D6DA76811DA6A9A90E7ED3F68B127693" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "DA9A5803837E99FB1F08A28DF182C3D7" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "0F76EC0B0C2687EE7CE257C0E3A30EEE" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "3C6A236DCD211B505FD7DC45D5DE34BC" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "0F76EC0B0C2687EE7CE257C0E3A30EEE" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "1FA64F359FD7E08FA614580EB0375CAA" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "A9347D88B02B62DB04FA7B807B87FDAA" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "76B1105EFFE6303BEAE3A9E2DF99F46E" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "EF055E5931D9CBED977467C6FBA57EB7" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "4EA1477D961388834D2CFB86E2718FE0" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "A7B39AA71B717ECDEFE5E5EDE4659813" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "83B1B476382ACD2C8CEB627976B94126" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "21F15FEE501C2E265128B14640A4DFE8" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "DE3A63A0F7153A36C9156963D0DE546B" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "2053254D1C03BE856D1E4F6186F058E1" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "67DA457932E18D7F780CC61376D600AF" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "110B8F94D25B0EF5ABDE3260744D565C" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "809592F51CF2623EAA1EE48489DF3E75" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "77AA5CE2484A6BF20F56B19C8A5685F7" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "E2DDA1796F06D792525633C2010635E0" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "1D926E47DCB0B60BFA8A1EF09465BDD7" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "CF9403CFBB98D461CC316460045E2714" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "2620141CFEE0BC3DB67F5C51BBB87382" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "C7CEC5657D2CE84C7BE763DA8344A242" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "080848EA8F913051D49E8C5B8E8AEB6C" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "e903c524336dc38e8186e6ab7dacb728" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "74A9A00CC4272DC2FBD4575F9C6BC1BD" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "E903C524336DC38E8186E6AB7DACB728" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "DD2315B7079819C8EBC004E5738B9AEB" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "7065EA78122F0FFA97CC564CFBD61E61" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "799AC39622D6718C213C1C81B44BC994" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "0F76EC0B0C2687EE7CE257C0E3A30EEE" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "67020555484D4C73492C408DAF1BECA0" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "C7AE035948C1DD536B0FB4222C1523CF" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "783B54E1B0C03DF74E3348199081901E" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "0B9CB0B6076A723E52537303F089D45C" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "86281359143D9420008369A5B247DBE7" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "C0AAC449E70AD2BA14A6019DDF9F515E" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "9561820fe4e04cd67ccad7d16810c740" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "44C5DB1DF871634E805FAFDCDC682669" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "D8F5075B93DB064CC88F093ECA2E7EBB" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "c7ae035948c1dd536b0fb4222c1523cf" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "200CD1AE0E8D5D2D9E04C9C4EBD58C63" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "FDF159E6C4EE927B245C4B1C83882C10" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "783b54e1b0c03df74e3348199081901e" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "6632af6b5da3c19b5cf88f1017a7707e" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "31fcd9a08851420f8dbada4bf08ae4ed" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "0A766FB55A1ABFF67499B8B2A74CFF66" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "CA093E0731609429D358BBFFB536940D" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "67020555484d4c73492c408daf1beca0" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "9314681FE0E02332BEE6390B2B10344C" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "dd89f3b6b7cbe43c489d3ce78caffbff" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "F498A0BBBC6591BFDFCA5EF83BF414CB" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "C019432840DAC21983E2C19E01E25294" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "E16DB1E7339F49E9C2BC2E482FD17E36" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "DE3A63A0F7153A36C9156963D0DE546B" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "2053254D1C03BE856D1E4F6186F058E1" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "67DA457932E18D7F780CC61376D600AF" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "110B8F94D25B0EF5ABDE3260744D565C" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "809592F51CF2623EAA1EE48489DF3E75" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "77AA5CE2484A6BF20F56B19C8A5685F7" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "E2DDA1796F06D792525633C2010635E0" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "1D926E47DCB0B60BFA8A1EF09465BDD7" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "CF9403CFBB98D461CC316460045E2714" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "2620141CFEE0BC3DB67F5C51BBB87382" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "63AABFBED5B5DAFE19389D55D6CFDAA7" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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Find /V /I "9B0474EAD941DEC183400B3D20F28153" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "40FAA2C55D667815E5B74D6FA2B6D8AA" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "C5141E5569ACBA2C5C9B0A74BC27608A" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "CD7DBBFBEABC34E2FA2A694F97B32E5F" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "5F4729DE0AC2AE4AF7AD9318636960BF" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "475AEBB70BFDD5192A1189819712CA8C" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "F6D28802AA6423D84F918AB202FA0584" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "B7D61243AB22F27D059030499EC791F5" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "5AB7A4EBBEA9B44C112FE99BC099837D" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "011B582FB2D0B0C6C7B4C7CC4C380495" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "4701D2EBAB6C48E23E897508D16AE89A" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "01E9B929C766C172DBB82EEA8BE107F8" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "6C05E7EA3B3CCD59674E81A8833D6C30" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "E2A6E4D9BEAAC24A99EC10C75239DD98" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "D074FE5ADDE2BE9A0572CDFC33418836" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

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Find /V /I "04E5E5FB55A3D5A03C0AEB738C3412D1" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

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Find /V /I "11A6B767A5C6B5FC69540C0A5348440F" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

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Find /V /I "8D75D66E3E67D25FE9B729F01D2AA722" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

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Find /V /I "04E5E5FB55A3D5A03C0AEB738C3412D1" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "7376C9847AAEF8A209E184E357FC2D80" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

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Find /V /I "7DE8FE15205ACF1461E138AC7C84EB67" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "182070EF71268E7F2B28343A3E9FD255" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "16687C98B536896AE01B7AEF397AA73F" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "6B85E2DBC7BC479ABF74F6CEFE43E5F8" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "B8CAA3C6D1656B0BED1B2F2508400197" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "7C95FD97D33EA47619CB4D8A05ADA114" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "029DDEBCDF779B0863CA75555F608D3E" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "BF3033E1A703DBC6D30611489F1DA749" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "FB6B055CE3D4D4DC0759BD2EA31CF146" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "6E284A7A68F1CD2EFBB03DE57328A978" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "9D5A9C704D347F315334757D54FC5B24" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "c2d5a7019ec97853912af6024a4cffd3" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "414e884abcb21f6c25bdcae584d642bc" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "8815709656fb11ea4dbb90247264c2e7" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "a88a380a189284f2232f4b87a467bd50" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "b259293266395d4f9c7de5a84e418e9d" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "50f0893b91be817120a78035578d4040" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "dca17b12890164c3b6ba02d36dfb9342" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "69e6cba44d4b47562acea87557d890cc" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "8815709656fb11ea4dbb90247264c2e7" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "8363e4f20095252302917a4f2feb8584" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "8c4ac63474d4663c7ecf008041f06cc6" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "01e9b929c766c172dbb82eea8be107f8" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "A5F4ABE090C4332FD166F4008112618D" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "BFC9E3AEB7A5008AF1D353AEB8E99A28" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "0CEE0F287DD7A61FD3EAD3DE818FD" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "5CC3C090B09C169CE5A7759A84CFE139" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "7D8248259A0348523DF1F88FDCA694E1" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "DE5870962FBFB59EF3A64536C858BF12" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "F4A3C905A9FE3B83A192EECD2945A415" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "E664304AF9271C22BEFB5D077A140523" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "2554C493A7CC937DA52D856ACA13C125" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "93D4B0CC80A188A81E6E321A1841B018" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "8B9D03E47D105109F6A675A3399EADB9" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "005120FEDB119AC9B9693EAB2867CB8E" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "50F0893B91BE817120A78035578D4040" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "24BBF858F789123A955639D9C8BF652B" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "004982B42BD5C1E4229FE7C51AD1B284" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "CB6129949770CC32BF695CFEECF8911D" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "517E1489AA8D5EDA0455DCC1DA7CD991" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "628BF1FE74984C59F6079D339533CFCF" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "86e2eb85d9e1a9c93b019a904536549c" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL

Find /V /I "6f9875f03041f9870eae689e6f67c3ba" < temp.txt > temp1.txt

copy temp1.txt temp.txt >NUL



rem ******************************************************** part 4 **************************************************************




for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (temp.txt) do (echo %%a >>temp2.txt)


echo Recherche des fichiers suspects / Search suspects files

echo ************************ %suspectfile% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist temp2.txt (

echo /!\ %avertcursor% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

type temp2.txt >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

del temp.txt

del temp2.txt


if exist "%desktop%\Upload_Me\*" echo ^[color^=^#FF0000^]^[b^]^=^=^>^[^/b^]^[^/color^] %upload% ^[b^] %desktop%\ ^[^/b^] %upload2%>>%windir%\msnfix.txt


) else (

echo %nofich% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

del /q %desktop%\Upload_Me\*.*

rd /S /Q %desktop%\Upload_Me

del temp.txt




if "%msn%"=="alert" echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if "%msn%"=="alert" echo Alert MSN is corrupted. Please Uninstall them>>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist selectnet.txt (


echo %infosauv% %backup%>>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist %windir%\upload.txt echo ^[color^=^#FF0000^]^[b^]^=^=^>^[^/b^]^[^/color^] %upload% %backup% %upload2%>>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist %windir%\upload.txt echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt



echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo %auteur% Contact: >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo --------------------------------------------- END --------------------------------------------- >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist %windir%\upload.txt del %windir%\upload.txt

del temp.txt

del temp1.txt


copy %windir%\msnfix.txt %nom%_%nom2%.txt >NUL

del selectnet.txt


if exist "%desktop%\Upload_Me\*.*" (

if exist backup\*.zip copy backup\*.zip %desktop%\Upload_Me\

if exist backup\*.exe copy backup\*.exe %desktop%\Upload_Me\

copy %windir%\msnfix.txt %desktop%\Upload_Me

incl\zip "%desktop%\" %desktop%\Upload_Me\*.*>nul 2>&1

del /q "%desktop%\Upload_Me\*.*"

rd /S /Q "%desktop%\Upload_Me"



if exist backup\*.* (


echo Creation de la sauvegarde / Create backup

copy %windir%\msnfix.txt backup\%nom%_%nom2%.txt >NUL

incl\zip "%backup%" backup\*.*>nul 2>&1

del /q backup\*.*

rd /S /Q backup\



if exist %windir%\err.txt del %windir%\err.txt

start notepad %windir%\msnfix.txt


goto fin




incl\process.exe -k perfmon.exe >NUL


incl\process.exe -k iexplorer.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k iexplore.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k mssq.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k %temp%\.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k server.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k serverivy.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k %Temp%\svchost.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k msnworm.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k oddysee.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k tsorfib.exe >NUL

if exist %winsys%\w32_mjd.dll regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\w32_mjd.dll


if exist %winsys%\ddemwmad.dll (

incl\process -k sk.exe >nul

incl\process -k syncmgr.exe >nul

incl\process -k authrasm.exe >nul

incl\process -k ddemwmad.exe >nul

regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\locadx3j.dll

regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\wshrmqis.dll

regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\ddemwmad.dll

ren %winsys%\ddemwmad.dll ddemwmad.zzz >nul

del /f /a %winsys%\ddemwmad.zzz >nul



if exist %windir%\err.txt del /a /f %windir%\err.txt

if not exist backup mkdir backup

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt


if exist %winsys%\oddysee.exe (

incl\process.exe -k MSN*.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k SERVERIVY.EXE >nul

incl\process.exe -k iexplore.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k oddysee.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k ntoskrnl.exe >NUL

attrib -a -h -r -s %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

copy %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe backup >nul

if exist %Winsys%\dllcache\ntoskrnl.exe copy %Winsys%\dllcache\ntoskrnl.exe %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

ren %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe %Winsys%\temp.exe

type %Winsys%\temp.exe>%Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

del %Winsys%\temp.exe

if not exist %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe type backup\ntoskrnl.exe>%Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

if not exist %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe copy backup\ntoskrnl.exe %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe >nul




if exist %temp%\SERVERIVY.EXE (

incl\process.exe -k MSN*.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k SERVERIVY.EXE >nul

incl\process.exe -k iexplore.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k oddysee.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k ntoskrnl.exe >NUL

attrib -a -h -r -s %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

copy %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe backup >nul

if exist %Winsys%\dllcache\ntoskrnl.exe copy %Winsys%\dllcache\ntoskrnl.exe %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

ren %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe %Winsys%\temp.exe

type %Winsys%\temp.exe>%Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

del %Winsys%\temp.exe

if not exist %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe type backup\ntoskrnl.exe>%Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

if not exist %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe copy backup\ntoskrnl.exe %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe >nul





if exist %winsys%\MICROSOFT\backup.ftp (

copy "%winsys%\MICROSOFT\ftp.exe" "%winsys%\ftp.exe"

copy "%winsys%\MICROSOFT\ftp.exe" "%winsys%\dllcache\ftp.exe"


if exist %winsys%\MICROSOFT\backup.tftp (

RENAME %winsys%\MICROSOFT\backup.tftp tftp.exe >NUL

copy "%winsys%\MICROSOFT\tftp.exe" "%winsys%\tftp.exe"

copy "%winsys%\MICROSOFT\tftp.exe" "%winsys%\dllcache\tftp.exe"



incl\process.exe -k iexplorer.exe >NUL

echo. >selectnet.txt


echo %nett% 1/3


echo ************************ %suppfich% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%windir%\presf.txt) do ( attrib -a -h -r -s "%%a"

copy "%%a" backup >nul

del /a /f "%%a" 2>nul

if exist "%%a" echo. > %windir%\err.txt

if not exist "%%a" echo .. OK ... %%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist "%%a" echo /!\ ... %%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt)



echo %nett% 2/3

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist %windir%\presd.txt (

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo ************************ %suppdoss% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%windir%\presd.txt) do ( rd /S /Q "%%a"

if exist "%%a" rd /S /Q %%a

if exist "%%a" echo /!\ ... %%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if not exist "%%a" echo .. OK ... %%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt )



if exist incl\*.txt del incl\*.txt


echo %nett% 3/3

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt


echo ************************ %netreg% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

incl\SWReg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" backup\hklmRun.reg

incl\SWReg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\" backup\hklmBHO.reg

incl\SWReg export "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID" backup\hckrCLID.reg

incl\SWReg export "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" backup\hkcuRun.reg

incl\SWReg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices" backup\hklmRunservices.reg

incl\SWReg export "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices" backup\hckuRunservices.reg

incl\SWReg export "HKCU\IEXPLORER" backup\hkcuiexplorer.reg

incl\SWReg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad" backup\ssod.reg

incl\SWReg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellCompatibility\Applications" backup\applist.reg

incl\SWReg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellCompatibility\Objects" backup\test.reg


if exist incl\banker.reg regedit.exe /s incl\banker.reg

if exist incl\rdshost.reg regedit.exe /s incl\rdshost.reg

if exist incl\rdihost.reg regedit.exe /s incl\rdihost.reg

if exist incl\rdfhost.reg regedit.exe /s incl\rdfhost.reg

if exist incl\syshostst.reg regedit.exe /s incl\syshostst.reg

if exist incl\syshelps.reg regedit.exe /s incl\syshelps.reg

if exist incl\sysprinters.reg regedit.exe /s incl\sysprinters.reg

if exist incl\printers.reg regedit.exe /s incl\printers.reg

if exist incl\antivirus.reg regedit.exe /s incl\antivirus.reg

if exist incl\modems.reg regedit.exe /s incl\modems.reg

if exist incl\drivers.reg regedit.exe /s incl\drivers.reg

if exist incl\prodigy1.reg regedit.exe /s incl\prodigy1.reg

if exist incl\ersvsync.reg regedit.exe /s incl\ersvsync.reg

if exist incl\prodigys323.reg regedit.exe /s incl\prodigys323.reg

if exist incl\prodigy323.reg regedit.exe /s incl\prodigy323.reg

if exist incl\Version1.reg regedit.exe /s incl\Version1.reg

if exist incl\Version.reg regedit.exe /s incl\Version.reg

if exist incl\mjd.reg regedit.exe /s incl\mjd.reg

if exist incl\version3.reg regedit.exe /s incl\version3.reg

if exist incl\w32s.reg regedit.exe /s incl\w32s.reg

if exist incl\xesf.reg regedit.exe /s incl\xesf.reg



echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt


if exist %windir%\err.txt goto saut


if exist %temp%\*.* del /q %temp%\*.*

if exist %windir%\Prefetch\*.pf del /q %windir%\Prefetch\*.pf


if exist %winsys%\ddemwmad.dll (

incl\process -k sk.exe >nul

incl\process -k syncmgr.exe >nul

incl\process -k authrasm.exe >nul

incl\process -k ddemwmad.exe >nul

regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\locadx3j.dll

regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\wshrmqis.dll

regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\ddemwmad.dll

ren %winsys%\ddemwmad.dll ddemwmad.zzz >nul

del /f /a %winsys%\ddemwmad.zzz >nul



echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt



goto affich



cd %~dps0

color 1F


incl\process.exe -k perfmon.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k iexplorer.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k mssq.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k %temp%\.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k server.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k serverivy.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k %Temp%\svchost.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k msnworm.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k oddysee.exe >NUL


if exist %winsys%\ddemwmad.dll (

incl\process -k sk.exe >nul

incl\process -k syncmgr.exe >nul

incl\process -k authrasm.exe >nul

incl\process -k ddemwmad.exe >nul

regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\locadx3j.dll

regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\wshrmqis.dll

regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\ddemwmad.dll

ren %winsys%\ddemwmad.dll ddemwmad.zzz >nul

del /f /a %winsys%\ddemwmad.zzz >nul



if exist %winsys%\oddysee.exe (

incl\process.exe -k MSN*.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k SERVERIVY.EXE >nul

incl\process.exe -k iexplore.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k oddysee.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k ntoskrnl.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k tsorfib.exe >NUL


attrib -a -h -r -s %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

copy %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe backup >nul

if exist %Winsys%\dllcache\ntoskrnl.exe copy %Winsys%\dllcache\ntoskrnl.exe %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

ren %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe %Winsys%\temp.exe

type %Winsys%\temp.exe>%Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

del %Winsys%\temp.exe

if not exist %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe type backup\ntoskrnl.exe>%Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

if not exist %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe copy backup\ntoskrnl.exe %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe >nul



if exist %temp%\SERVERIVY.EXE (

incl\process.exe -k SERVERIVY.EXE >nul

incl\process.exe -k iexplore.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k oddysee.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k MSN*.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k ntoskrnl.exe >NUL

attrib -a -h -r -s %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

copy %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe backup >nul

if exist %Winsys%\dllcache\ntoskrnl.exe copy %Winsys%\dllcache\ntoskrnl.exe %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

ren %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe %Winsys%\temp.exe

type %Winsys%\temp.exe>%Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

del %Winsys%\temp.exe

if not exist %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe type backup\ntoskrnl.exe>%Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe

if not exist %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe copy backup\ntoskrnl.exe %Winsys%\ntoskrnl.exe >nul



if exist %winsys%\MICROSOFT\backup.ftp (

copy "%winsys%\MICROSOFT\ftp.exe" "%winsys%\ftp.exe"

copy "%winsys%\MICROSOFT\ftp.exe" "%winsys%\dllcache\ftp.exe"


if exist %winsys%\MICROSOFT\backup.tftp (

RENAME %winsys%\MICROSOFT\backup.tftp tftp.exe >NUL

copy "%winsys%\MICROSOFT\tftp.exe" "%winsys%\tftp.exe"

copy "%winsys%\MICROSOFT\tftp.exe" "%winsys%\dllcache\tftp.exe"



incl\process.exe -k iexplorer.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k iexplore.exe >NUL

incl\process.exe -k %temp%\*.exe >NUL

echo. >selectnet.txt

if exist %windir%\presreg.txt del %windir%\presreg.txt

if exist %windir%\presf.txt del %windir%\presf.txt


for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (incl\fichier.txt) do ( if exist "%%a" echo %%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (incl\upload.txt) do ( if exist "%%a" echo %%a>>%windir%\presf.txt )

if exist incl\*.txt del incl\*.txt

"%winsys%\PING" -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL



if exist %userprofile%\*.exe (

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "38003F635DAF795E30E7BE27C422FE90">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "6282F0C700702922A5B49C89C4B3270B">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "8F340870336716C0326538DE03FE8455">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "DC4421DA8D874A0EB079ED5A3EA32C55">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "57A9960E43B1EB599DEAB1AB65F28591">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "8DCA3C16D0CE421147CC72A5F7C28AA4">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9081A2A584B5C7167569F4622E65F515">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "F5849E133ADD0F0F384F410073D617B0">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "269E67D92B5FB6B23F5EB34FED14B6B7">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "AFC383072B16C4557311674914DAF54F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "AA50EBC4A42D901A0F20D73D625AC305">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "69625F6C368F5DFB0C70A3D8554AC320">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "42B5AA63C3B5A962CC05DFBA23129FCE">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "B05B40D0A07916BE51F9ECCF1E7A066E">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "F4E81B2D7459BD514718F78C338C4582">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9971CBC544F90E95C8E2858C36815446">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "133CED78D2FAE6FD7F9CB92773CAB82F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "7DD67A24A726D0F914603145F6B9D1FB">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "953767B78A039A51303399A05536AE67">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "0C3DA0DB0FC8B0FBC25E14C9BB14D78F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "A5DA8D57EE1C76F4A40E44BD09D41F0F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "68328B5B8AA33D196D01CE713A78CBDD">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C61882B7609EE88CF853B05C3E7A50C7">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "2BBC7A05F7C611F797FBB9BEC998B5B8">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "69A694101EB51D6D654EE06203E303A5">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "EFC6AC3B233F7503957EA65F7F58F25F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "275265CBA451F1EB05A9EB3A34B814E5">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "0D58961B9F807AB41F65E149F82100B8">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "05B1EB19D51CA741FAD72A860855E02F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "B5EE243FD22F59F6AFC319683CF150D7">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "AE221EF9C7D30BB424985885DCA04DE9">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "BEDCF3B3822C6FDC11AF0DB6F30C8691">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "275265CBA451F1EB05A9EB3A34B814E5">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "0D58961B9F807AB41F65E149F82100B8">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "05B1EB19D51CA741FAD72A860855E02F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "EFC6AC3B233F7503957EA65F7F58F25F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "B5EE243FD22F59F6AFC319683CF150D7">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "014BEC4FF9087A07C57AF4E4C3BF1727">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3C354958FA3CC8CD7281C08DEC1CD15B">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "785C1C850990DA4A4D9374982DCAE7A3">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C6CE463F93A1705DC3700D19A1EA7EDE">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.scr"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C6CE463F93A1705DC3700D19A1EA7EDE">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3A8C5E1D235FCA02ABC376BCCA438A6F">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "BDB45EECF48544FEB32786300C297BD8">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "CBBBDBFBBD117AC1BBFD5AF4CADB85EC">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "AE476F4E95B8E9F136E5270929303A7D">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "F779DA32AD020A7A51AEEAD817CC862D">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "1786138E8958343824A5487B511778E4">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9D2EBE86DC4EFF82E64098C275FBC179">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9D2EBE86DC4EFF82E64098C275FBC179">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "6042C699CFB6EFADBC11FF7DB0272BD0">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "07E1C033767D0679AA494FC5E51EA7EC">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "04293E1F1DB0B4EE6FC88AC31A38F7DF">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9894386634e6cfcb1c14b737dd6e8790">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "ACD2FCE801C5C43BF8637EE68129CC03">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "ADB7E3762EB651DF396FF034E461160D">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "7624B393C098DE039E496251E30A2B07">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C9BD774208F266293C9CD2083B5E83FA">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "ca4707baa4c3ddd31bcfc951b9dfa36a">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "052DE714B3EFC0F73E1E479FD3302BF6">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C8DF654F84D244D6E611B214F8C5A3BF">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9D86CC30C135D3E6309A1029456A6DC5">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "B7560DF22CD5592503A9919D5305DB87">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "BECC434F5B4C85CABDC9A411255B44C8">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "F9D493F6B243EB05D17D50FE419327B2">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "B6BDCBE2231C6D73F7A3BA457E45C7EB">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "023484B2B3136C84938B621D804B82B5">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "e2d7afcb47f06a07db15a45d5dac093b">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "89D88196A7304079FD00C9335CB79681">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58D628D57E70F37CF7EC0D1D65CB0442">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58d628d57e70f37cf7ec0d1d65cb0442">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "FE87B5D36CA84B100989CDE557D10C9B">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "38751056D57BC20B22C95EC58BDCADD2">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "B787E1522313A2480FB5C858CDD6D6A0">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "325472601571F31E1BF00674C368D335">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58d628d57e70f37cf7ec0d1d65cb0442">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "68F5E8A9E9BC1715B24AFFF58F4BE3B3">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "69625F6C368F5DFB0C70A3D8554AC320">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%userprofile%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%userprofile%\%%a"|find.exe /I "42B5AA63C3B5A962CC05DFBA23129FCE">nul && echo %userprofile%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "0e0cbfd4f1a9e296e46aa9b1eccaeac8">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)


"%winsys%\PING" -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%winsys%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%winsyse%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9894386634e6cfcb1c14b737dd6e8790">nul && echo %winsys%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)


if exist %systemdrive%\*.exe (

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "BF9F35A51B058647813FC657FB5D7912">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "DA6A311C6FB9213F444836F2AA465048">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "15D7688E41BB73AA73F32CBE7B3B9FF9">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "69F8456321CE9676FBA01399AD99A7D6">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3FDEC6A5235F33CD4C416152CFF4D794">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "38003F635DAF795E30E7BE27C422FE90">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "E036223EFD7A9D9A7467C343A4FBEC7F">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "dc4421da8d874a0eb079ed5a3ea32c55">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "69F8456321CE9676FBA01399AD99A7D6">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "D7262E4C1C1B3FCF5A2E5D656424579B">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "E5E189B410BFE48BECB70B6A48921009">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "A20A71CF24B280A71679999105D34C7C">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "cd1a604801ad24f41c5830595145c509">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3D6E1C36B078000C78CCF23143C754C2">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3F19DFCE457D81015D74D9BA1A81C7C4">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "D8B63D8B0352F2F0C12E69181E0F9A0B">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3D6E1C36B078000C78CCF23143C754C2">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3F19DFCE457D81015D74D9BA1A81C7C4">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "D8B63D8B0352F2F0C12E69181E0F9A0b">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C578138FB019512A75E3E86072E1CE0F">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58d628d57e70f37cf7ec0d1d65cb0442">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "325472601571F31E1BF00674C368D335">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "325472601571F31E1BF00674C368D335">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58d628d57e70f37cf7ec0d1d65cb0442">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58D628D57E70F37CF7EC0D1D65CB0442">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "FD62601AE181D26FBF0932FDD3C5F6DB">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C45C86AE48EAF2A4545ED8968225E34A">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9894386634e6cfcb1c14b737dd6e8790">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "7E555F08A3B3CAEC4B6E54772DABC77E">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C219B1F1C0BD7440F2AC45E2F4B1EA11">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "06D36E7FEA33A8A6A5EE105D02D12CF6">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "EC4F665D323D1C258D2659E9FD31A654">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "5D3739D475648658DCAC5BA9B63AAD7A">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "0B3ECEA6DA853CAC6020E0A6BAFA383E">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C6CE463F93A1705DC3700D19A1EA7EDE">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C6CE463F93A1705DC3700D19A1EA7EDE">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9D5A1246D382A1A71B19607EC7EFFFDD">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "1990F0523FA9854DC9AF3FB485EBAF9D">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "2F0359358FA3FDC500C8E59B3F46F695">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "9827AD6A3D406080C75895D3A2DD675C">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "6FDBB240FA78C063502B758177A0E784">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "7C2769027921F5F798F5F482A80D2C06">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C6CE463F93A1705DC3700D19A1EA7EDE">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "632A7AA01A2D7DB4EF1DF7C79C7A8F09">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "8B3BA5820B21098AFA9489E10A61A711">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C9BD774208F266293C9CD2083B5E83FA">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "0DFE37FE846E4E4B11D8D3398200884B">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "5946BFE3C7782ACD72642A37B5A6386A">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "E71E01F51737925CB3395034A4EB26FC">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C9BD774208F266293C9CD2083B5E83FA">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "82AE5A7154ED0E6BB7766C582E93697C">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "7E1B6AC43626BDE97B3CE6D5E79A0348">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C9BD774208F266293C9CD2083B5E83FA">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "adb7e3762eb651df396ff034e461160d">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "7624b393c098de039e496251e30a2b07">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "fff4769d85561b62cbbd6af363c47d0a">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "C9BD774208F266293C9CD2083B5E83FA">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "E2671EE75F17E6A03AC3FA299FBE95D2">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "F9D493F6B243EB05D17D50FE419327B2">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "66B72E7A1E38EE3C2F15A9EC6256969A">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "A9843897ABF4311FAC691BA442A12FAE">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "36E8D85151149A3AABE85EDD3FAC8132">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "3824546A2420CDC280A39C10E34C8ECB">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "A822234B5FBC8DA65923E9B3D0707B56">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "DFDFD77411A4C3E4BE2620D64DC268D9">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "D3DA105AE24EA4E0E5AD4D8FBF2497FC">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "1CE1C9B5E2FCB04BED19FC39AB607A0A">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "50D35B574938E731E5E2679F2C643555">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "5B5C1953593ADF732A22488ADB2DF7BA">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.pif"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "E28C35911FD4EDA86EAD16A7A94965C9">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "06862CF831E48A46C382AE729068D619">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "620F0B67A91F7F74151BC5BE745B7110">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "2FC78E60259278C93E55F93621118CA8">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "36E8D85151149A3AABE85EDD3FAC8132">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b/a:-d "%systemdrive%\*.exe"') do ( incl\MD5File.exe "%systemdrive%\%%a"|find.exe /I "58D628D57E70F37CF7EC0D1D65CB0442">nul && echo %systemdrive%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)


"%winsys%\PING" -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL

if exist %windir%\albu*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\albu*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\imag*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\imag*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\photo*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\photo*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\pic*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\pic*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\summe*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\summe*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\photos2007_*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\photos2007_*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\dc*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\dc*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\webcam-photos*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\webcam-photos*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\myalbum*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\myalbum*.zip" 2>nul |find ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\*Paris Hilton* dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\*Paris Hilton*" 2>nul |find /I "Paris Hilton">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\itsME*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\itsME*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\img*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\img*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\love*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\love*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\DSC03435*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\DSC03435*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\IMG84387*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\IMG84387*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\beachpicture*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\beachpicture*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\secretimages*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\secretimages*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\* dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\*" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\MyGallery*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\MyGallery*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\mtv_clip*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\mtv_clip*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\new_clip*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\new_clip*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\video_clip*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\video_clip*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\webcam_pics*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\webcam_pics*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\youtube*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\youtube*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\*«°«*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\*«°«*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\VIDEO*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\VIDEO*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\files*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\files*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\news*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\news*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\JPGimage*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\JPGimage*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\look*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\look*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\file*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\file*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\downloadme*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\downloadme*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\?msss.exe dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\?msss.exe" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\?rsrs.exe dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\?rsrs.exe" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\?rsrss.exe dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\?rsrss.exe" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\?rsss.exe dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\?rsss.exe" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\?srss.exe dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\?srss.exe" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\csrss*.* dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\csrss*.*" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\csrss*.* dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\csrss*.*" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\news*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\news*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\picts-*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\picts-*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\pet*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\pet*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\jenny*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\jenny*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\picts*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\picts*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\crazy*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\crazy*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\display*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\display*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\mydisplay*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\mydisplay*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\myprofile*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\myprofile*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\profile*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\profile*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\yellow.bmp*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\yellow.bmp*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\ dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\home*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\home*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt

if exist %windir%\Hotmail-Album-*.zip dir /b/a:-d "%windir%\Hotmail-Album-*.zip" 2>nul |find /I ".zip">>%windir%\presfwin.txt


if exist %windir%\presfwin.txt (

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%windir%\presfwin.txt) do ( if exist "%windir%\%%a" echo ... %windir%\%%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist "%windir%\%%a" echo %windir%\%%a>>%windir%\presf.txt)

del %windir%\presfwin.txt



"%winsys%\PING" -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL

if not exist %windir%\presf.txt echo %nofich% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt



if exist %windir%\presd.txt del %windir%\presd.txt

if exist incl\dossier.txt (

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (incl\dossier.txt) do ( if exist "%%a" echo %%a >>%windir%\presd.txt)

if not exist %windir%\presd.txt echo %nodoss% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt



if exist %winsys%\ddemwmad.dll (

incl\process -k sk.exe >nul

incl\process -k syncmgr.exe >nul

incl\process -k authrasm.exe >nul

incl\process -k ddemwmad.exe >nul

regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\locadx3j.dll

regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\wshrmqis.dll

regsrv32.exe /u /s %winsys%\ddemwmad.dll

ren %winsys%\ddemwmad.dll ddemwmad.zzz >nul

del /f /a %winsys%\ddemwmad.zzz >nul



if exist %windir%\presf.txt (

echo ************************ %suppfich% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%windir%\presf.txt) do ( attrib -a -h -r -s "%%a"

del /a /f "%%a"

if exist "%%a" echo /!\ ... %%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if not exist "%%a" echo .. OK ... %%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt )




echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if exist %windir%\presd.txt (

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo ************************ %suppdoss% >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%windir%\presd.txt) do ( rd /S /Q "%%a"

if exist "%%a" rd /S /Q %%a

if exist "%%a" echo /!\ ... %%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

if not exist "%%a" echo .. OK ... %%a >>%windir%\msnfix.txt )


echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt





if exist incl\banker.reg regedit.exe /s incl\banker.reg

if exist incl\rdshost.reg regedit.exe /s incl\rdshost.reg

if exist incl\rdihost.reg regedit.exe /s incl\rdihost.reg

if exist incl\rdfhost.reg regedit.exe /s incl\rdfhost.reg

if exist incl\syshostst.reg regedit.exe /s incl\syshostst.reg

if exist incl\syshelps.reg regedit.exe /s incl\syshelps.reg

if exist incl\sysprinters.reg regedit.exe /s incl\sysprinters.reg

if exist incl\printers.reg regedit.exe /s incl\printers.reg

if exist incl\antivirus.reg regedit.exe /s incl\antivirus.reg

if exist incl\modems.reg regedit.exe /s incl\modems.reg

if exist incl\drivers.reg regedit.exe /s incl\drivers.reg

if exist incl\prodigy1.reg regedit.exe /s incl\prodigy1.reg

if exist incl\ersvsync.reg regedit.exe /s incl\ersvsync.reg

if exist incl\prodigys323.reg regedit.exe /s incl\prodigys323.reg

if exist incl\prodigy323.reg regedit.exe /s incl\prodigy323.reg

if exist incl\Version1.reg regedit.exe /s incl\Version1.reg

if exist incl\Version.reg regedit.exe /s incl\Version.reg

if exist incl\mjd.reg regedit.exe /s incl\mjd.reg

if exist incl\version3.reg regedit.exe /s incl\version3.reg

if exist incl\w32s.reg regedit.exe /s incl\w32s.reg

if exist incl\xesf.reg regedit.exe /s incl\xesf.reg




if exist %temp%\*.* del /q %temp%\*.*

if exist %windir%\Prefetch\*.pf del /q %windir%\Prefetch\*.pf

if exist %usercache%\*.* (

dir /s %usercache%\*.*>cache.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (cache.txt) do ( del /a /f "%%a")

del cache.txt


echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt

echo. >>%windir%\msnfix.txt


goto affich



color 1F

TITLE %fix% - erreur OS



echo %fix% %vers%


echo %verwinnosupp%


echo %signalhel%





echo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo. %auteur% Contact: %contact%

echo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------


echo %touchquitt%

pause >nul

goto fin




color 1F

TITLE %fix%



echo %fix% %vers%





echo %fichdossencpres%


echo %redemfin%






echo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo. %auteur% Contact: %contact%

echo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------


echo %touchquitt%


pause >nul




if exist %windir%\err.txt del %windir%\err.txt

if exist %windir%\pres?.txt del %windir%\pres?.txt

if exist %windir%\presreg.txt del %windir%\presreg.txt

if exist selectnet.txt del selectnet.txt






if exist incl\banker.reg regedit.exe /s incl\banker.reg

if exist incl\rdshost.reg regedit.exe /s incl\rdshost.reg

if exist incl\rdihost.reg regedit.exe /s incl\rdihost.reg

if exist incl\rdfhost.reg regedit.exe /s incl\rdfhost.reg

if exist incl\syshostst.reg regedit.exe /s incl\syshostst.reg

if exist incl\syshelps.reg regedit.exe /s incl\syshelps.reg

if exist incl\sysprinters.reg regedit.exe /s incl\sysprinters.reg

if exist incl\printers.reg regedit.exe /s incl\printers.reg

if exist incl\antivirus.reg regedit.exe /s incl\antivirus.reg

if exist incl\modems.reg regedit.exe /s incl\modems.reg

if exist incl\drivers.reg regedit.exe /s incl\drivers.reg

if exist incl\prodigy1.reg regedit.exe /s incl\prodigy1.reg

if exist incl\ersvsync.reg regedit.exe /s incl\ersvsync.reg

if exist incl\prodigys323.reg regedit.exe /s incl\prodigys323.reg

if exist incl\prodigy323.reg regedit.exe /s incl\prodigy323.reg

if exist incl\Version1.reg regedit.exe /s incl\Version1.reg

if exist incl\Version.reg regedit.exe /s incl\Version.reg

if exist incl\mjd.reg regedit.exe /s incl\mjd.reg

if exist incl\version3.reg regedit.exe /s incl\version3.reg

if exist incl\w32s.reg regedit.exe /s incl\w32s.reg

if exist incl\xesf.reg regedit.exe /s incl\xesf.reg





if exist %temp%\*.* del /q %temp%\*.*

if exist %windir%\Prefetch\*.pf del /q %windir%\Prefetch\*.pf

if exist %usercache%\*.* (

dir /s %usercache%\*.*>cache.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (cache.txt) do ( del /a /f "%%a")

del cache.txt


goto fin

rem ******************************************************** fin part 4 **************************************************************"



mais je me demande pourquoi je ne peux pas faire la meme operation sur le 2 eme pc, la fenetre s'ouvre et disparait tout de suite.

Il ne se passe rien.


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