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Pack francais pour vista x64 allemand

Messages recommandés


Est il possible d'installer un Vista allemand et de le ramener ds la langue de Molière

avec un pack de language francais?

Si oui j'aimerais avoir l'adresse internet de Molière.





With additional language files, you can change the display language on your computer so that you can view wizards, dialog boxes, menus, Help topics, and other items in Windows in a different language.


There are two types of language files:

Windows Vista Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI).‌ Windows Vista MUIs provide a translated version of most of the user interface. MUIs require a license to be used and are only available with Windows Vista Ultimate and Windows Vista Enterprise. If you are using Windows Vista Ultimate, you can download MUIs by using Windows Update. If you are using Windows Vista Enterprise, contact your system administrator for information about installing additional languages.


To get additional MUIs by using Windows Update



MUIs are available through Windows Update as optional updates; they are not installed automatically.

Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking All Programs, and then clicking Windows Update.

In the left pane, click Check for updates, and then wait while Windows looks for the latest updates for your computer.

If any updates are found, click View available updates.


Select the MUI that you want, and then click Install updates. Administrator permission required If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

Note If Windows doesn't find any updates when you click Check for updates, wait a day and then try again.


Windows Vista Language Interface Pack (LIP).‌ Windows Vista LIPs provide a translated version of the most widely used areas of the user interface. LIPs are freely available to download, and most LIPs can be installed and used on any edition of Windows Vista. Because not all of the user interface is translated, LIPs require at least one parent language. The parts of the user interface that are not translated into the LIP language are displayed in the parent language. When you download a LIP, you get the parent language requirements for that language. The parent language pack needs to be installed before the LIP can be installed. For more information, including a list of languages available for downloading, go to the Microsoft Local Language website.

NoteMUIs and LIPs will only work on a genuine copy of Windows Vista. For more information, see What is genuine Windows?

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