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Messages recommandés

Posté(e) (modifié)



Processus superflu non nécessaire au système


O2 - BHO: (no name) - {03F1E1EA-6E57-4BE3-B582-37C324C0B51E} - (no file)

O2 - BHO: (no name) - {2860C741-8F63-45DA-B029-2B4B148AC499} - (no file)

O2 - BHO: (no name) - {7E853D72-626A-48EC-A868-BA8D5E23E045} - (no file)

O2 - BHO: (no name) - {8F959543-C3E4-4500-B23C-A0574C4CFB8D} - (no file)

O2 - BHO: (no name) - {DFDED668-38E4-49F1-AB91-D8E004465EAE} - (no file)

O2 - BHO: (no name) - {FCA8B33A-AD5A-4E09-A6C8-1A7E612E149A} - (no file)

O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {CD67F990-D8E9-11d2-98FE-00C0F0318AFE} - (no file)

O20 - Winlogon Notify: dgiclwsv - dgiclwsv.dll (file missing)



Processus inutile au démarrage du système


C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe => Apple Computer Bonjour for Windows

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NeroFilterCheck] C:\WINDOWS\system32\NeroCheck.exe => Ahead Nero Burning Rom

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [sSBkgdUpdate] C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Scansoft Shared\SSBkgdUpdate\SSBkgdupdate.exe => Scansoft OmniPage

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [TrueImageMonitor.exe] C:\Program Files\Acronis\TrueImageHome\TrueImageMonitor.exe => Acronis True Image

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime => Apple Quick Time

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\Run: [CTFMON.EXE] C:\WINDOWS\System32\CTFMON.EXE (User 'SERVICE LOCAL') => Microsoft Windows NT

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\Run: [CTFMON.EXE] C:\WINDOWS\System32\CTFMON.EXE (User 'SERVICE RÉSEAU') => Microsoft Windows NT

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-18\..\Run: [CTFMON.EXE] C:\WINDOWS\System32\CTFMON.EXE (User 'SYSTEM') => Microsoft Windows NT

O4 - HKUS\.DEFAULT\..\Run: [CTFMON.EXE] C:\WINDOWS\System32\CTFMON.EXE (User 'Default user') => Microsoft Windows NT


Dans Hijackthis,cochez les et appuyez sur Fix Checked.



Vous avez Avast, lisez ceci:


Télécharger Antivir ( ).

NB : le choix d'Antivir comme antivirus à utiliser dans le cadre de cette procédure, a reposé sur les critères suivants :

--- failles de votre antivirus qui a laissé passer des malwares

--- En mode sans échec ,seuls les processus systèmes sont lancés.Il est donc plus facile de supprimer les infections

--- Antivir peut-être installé et désinstallé facilement

--- Antivir est reconnu pour son efficacité en mode sans échec

--- Ce tutorial permet de le paramétrer aisément


Désactivez votre antivirus actuel


Redémarrez en mode sans échec.

Lancez le scan

Postez le rapport


Télécharger puis installer AVG Anti-Spyware (AVG AS)

Une fois AVG AS lancé, cliquer sur "Mise à jour"

Fermer le programme.


Redémarrer en mode sans échec


Relancer AVG AS puis choisir l'onglet "Analyse"

Puis l'onglet "Paramètres

Sous la question "Comment réagir ?", cliquer sur "Actions recommandées"et choisir"Quarantaine"

Re-cliquer sur l'onglet "Analyse" puis réaliser une "Analyse complète du système"


/!\ Si un fichier est infecté détécté en fin d'analyse /!\

Cliquer sur "Appliquer toutes les actions "


Cliquer sur "Enregistrer le rapport" puis sur "Enregistrer le rapport sous"

Enregistrer ce fichier texte sur ton bureau.


Redémarrer normalement

Copier/Coller le rapport ici.


J'ajoute ces conseils:

1)Alléger le démarrage:

Il faut savoir que RIEN , dans Msconfig,n'est nécessaire au système.

Beaucoup de programmes y installent un raccourci pour qu'ils soient lancés dès le démarrage du système,

avec pour conséquence la lenteur ou le ralentissement du Démarrage.

C'est seulement par prudence, pour éviter des oublis dommageables,que l'on recommande de garder les protections qui y sont(Parefeu,1 antivirus, 1 antispyware)

et parfois la connexion.

Tout le reste sera lancé en cas de besoin.

Bien sûr,pour des raisons de confort personnel,on peut négliger ces recommandations.


Par Démarrer->Exécuter->Msconfig->Démarrage

ou , mieux Spybot->Outils->Démarrages ou jv16(Outils registre->Liste de démarrage)

il suffit de décocher pour

Supprimer TOUT ,sauf Parefeu,Antivirus,Connexion Internet,Résidents antimalwares(TeaTimer par exemple)

Il suffira de recocher en cas d'erreur ou de regret.

Ne garder qu'une seule toolbar

Pour supprimer Ctfmon: Panneau de configuration->Options Régionales et linguistiques->Désactiver Langues d'Extrême Orient


2)Optimiser les services en désactivant ceux qui sont inutiles ou dangereux.

Pour cela,suivez ce lien:


Le service Nvidia Display driver est inutile


3)Nettoyer Xp:Vider les fichiers temporaires(Ccleaner), supprimer les fichiers inutiles(EasyCleaner, sauf doublons, danger),les clés obsolètes(Jv16)


4)Défragmenter:Jkdefrag,PowerDefrag, AuslogicDefrag(gratuits et efficaces)


Si vous défragmentez régulièrement:


Allez à HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction.

Dans le panneau de droite, faites un clic droit sur la valeur " Enable "

choisissez " Modifier ". Remplacez la valeur Y par N.



5)Désactiver l'indexation des fichiers


Poste de travail->clic droit sur chacune des partitions de disque dur.

Allez dans les propriétés et désactivez Autoriser l'indexation de ce disque

Cliquez sur Appliquer puis sur OK.

Une nouvelle fenêtre sâ€ouvrira et vous devrez sélectionner Appliquer à tous les sous-dossiers et fichiers.

Modifié par pear

ou , mieux Spybot->Outils->Démarrages

il suffit de décocher pour

Supprimer TOUT ,sauf Parefeu,Antivirus,Connexion Internet,Résidents antimalwares(TeaTimer par exemple)

Comment reconnaître ces commandes ?

Posté(e) (modifié)

Je suppose que votre parefeu est celui de Xp.C'est un minimum.


[avast!] C:\PROGRA~1\ALWILS~1\Avast4\ashDisp.exe

Le controleur d'intégrité.On ne peut rien changer au régistre sans sa permission.

[spybotSD TeaTimer] C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe


C'est tout ce dont vous avez besoin.


J'attends les rapports Hijackthis, Antivir et AvgAs.

Modifié par pear

Voici le rapport hijackthis après la suppression des entrées inutiles. J'installerai Antivir et Avgas la semaine prochaine. Faut-il que je supprime Spybot ?


Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2

Scan saved at 17:27:57, on 05/02/2008

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16574)

Boot mode: Normal


Running processes:






C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe



C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswUpdSv.exe

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe




C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Acronis\Schedule2\schedhlp.exe

C:\Program Files\Acronis\TrueImageHome\TimounterMonitor.exe

C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Acronis\Schedule2\schedul2.exe

C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe

C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe


C:\Program Files\Diskeeper Corporation\Diskeeper\DkService.exe

C:\Program Files\VistaDriveIcon\DrvIcon.exe





C:\PROGRA~1\WinTV\EPG Services\System\EPGService.exe

C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe

C:\Program Files\LogMeIn\x86\LogMeInSystray.exe

C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Logitech\QCDriver3\LVCOMS.EXE



C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\SoundMAX\SMAgent.exe




C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\jusched.exe

C:\Program Files\Microsoft IntelliType Pro\type32.exe

C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe


C:\Program Files\Free Download Manager\FUM\fumoei.exe



C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe

C:\Program Files\RocketDock\RocketDock.exe

C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\GoogleToolbarNotifier.exe



C:\Program Files\\LastFMHelper.exe

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWebSv.exe

C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\OUTLOOK.EXE

C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\WCESMgr.exe

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE

C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WLLoginProxy.exe

C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HijackThis\HijackThis.exe


R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = about:blank

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL =

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL =

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page =

R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page =

R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyOverride = *.local

R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar,LinksFolderName = Liens

O2 - BHO: IE7Pro - {00011268-E188-40DF-A514-835FCD78B1BF} - C:\Program Files\IEPro\iepro.dll

O2 - BHO: Aide pour le lien d'Adobe PDF Reader - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:\Program Files\Fichiers



O2 - BHO: Spybot-S&D IE Protection - {53707962-6F74-2D53-2644-206D7942484F} - C:\PROGRA~1\SPYBOT~1\SDHelper.dll

O2 - BHO: WebCGMHlprObj Class - {56B38F40-4E70-11d4-A076-0080AD86BA2F} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\cgmopenbho.dll

O2 - BHO: SSVHelper Class - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\ssv.dll

O2 - BHO: Programme d'aide de l'Assistant de connexion Windows Live - {9030D464-4C02-4ABF-8ECC-5164760863C6} -


C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WindowsLiveLogin.dll

O2 - BHO: Google Toolbar Helper - {AA58ED58-01DD-4d91-8333-CF10577473F7} - c:\program files\google\googletoolbar4.dll

O2 - BHO: Google Toolbar Notifier BHO - {AF69DE43-7D58-4638-B6FA-CE66B5AD205D} - C:\Program



O2 - BHO: FDMIECookiesBHO Class - {CC59E0F9-7E43-44FA-9FAA-8377850BF205} - C:\Program Files\Free Download



O3 - Toolbar: &Google - {2318C2B1-4965-11d4-9B18-009027A5CD4F} - c:\program files\google\googletoolbar4.dll

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [avast!] C:\PROGRA~1\ALWILS~1\Avast4\ashDisp.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Acronis Scheduler2 Service] "C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Acronis\Schedule2\schedhlp.exe"

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [AcronisTimounterMonitor] C:\Program Files\Acronis\TrueImageHome\TimounterMonitor.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Adobe Reader Speed Launcher] "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\Reader_sl.exe"

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [backgroundSwitcher] C:\WINDOWS\system32\bgswitch.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [CoolSwitch] C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskswitch.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [DiskeeperSystray] "C:\Program Files\Diskeeper Corporation\Diskeeper\DkIcon.exe"

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [DrvIcon] C:\Program Files\VistaDriveIcon\DrvIcon.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [FastUser] C:\WINDOWS\system32\fast.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HCWemmon] HCWemmon.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HPDJ Taskbar Utility] C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\hpztsb10.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [iTunesHelper] "C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe"

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [LogMeIn GUI] "C:\Program Files\LogMeIn\x86\LogMeInSystray.exe"

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [LVCOMS] C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Logitech\QCDriver3\LVCOMS.EXE

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NuonSoft ShellEnhancer StartupHelper] C:\Program Files\NuonSoft\ShellEnhancer\StartupHelper.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NvCplDaemon] RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\system32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NvMediaCenter] RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\system32\NvMcTray.dll,NvTaskbarInit

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [nwiz] nwiz.exe /install

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [OSSelectorReinstall] C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Acronis\Partition Suite\oss_reinstall.exe


O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [soundMax] "C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\SoundMAX\Smax4.exe" /tray

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [sunJavaUpdateSched] "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\jusched.exe"

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [TomTomHOME.exe] "C:\Program Files\TomTom HOME 2\HOMERunner.exe" -s

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [type32] "C:\Program Files\Microsoft IntelliType Pro\type32.exe"

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [WinCast] E:\cdsetup\setup.exe -lfra

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [spybotSD TeaTimer] C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ctfmon.exe] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Free Uploader Oe Integration] C:\Program Files\Free Download Manager\FUM\fumoei.exe

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [H/PC Connection Agent] "C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe"

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [RocketDock] "C:\Program Files\RocketDock\RocketDock.exe"

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [swg] C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\GoogleToolbarNotifier.exe

O4 - HKCU\..\Policies\Explorer\Run: [Windows Printing Driver] WinPrint.exe

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-18\..\Run: [DWQueuedReporting] "C:\PROGRA~1\FICHIE~1\MICROS~1\DW\dwtrig20.exe" -t (User 'SYSTEM')

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-18\..\Run: [Nokia.PCSync] C:\Program Files\Nokia\Nokia PC Suite 6\PcSync2.exe /NoDialog (User 'SYSTEM')

O4 - HKUS\.DEFAULT\..\Run: [DWQueuedReporting] "C:\PROGRA~1\FICHIE~1\MICROS~1\DW\dwtrig20.exe" -t (User 'Default user')

O4 - Startup: Gestionnaire de tâches.lnk = C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskmgr.exe

O4 - Startup: Helper.lnk = C:\Program Files\\LastFMHelper.exe

O4 - Global Startup: AutoStart IR.lnk = C:\Program Files\WinTV\Ir.exe

O6 - HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel present

O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xport to Microsoft Excel - res://C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\Office12\EXCEL.EXE/3000

O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xporter vers Microsoft Excel - res://C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\Office12\EXCEL.EXE/3000

O8 - Extra context menu item: Ouvrir avec GetRight - C:\Program Files\GetRight\GRbrowse.htm

O8 - Extra context menu item: Tout télécharger avec Free Download Manager - file://C:\Program Files\Free Download Manager\dlall.htm

O8 - Extra context menu item: Télecharger avec GetRight - C:\Program Files\GetRight\GRdownload.htm

O8 - Extra context menu item: Télécharger avec Free Download Manager - file://C:\Program Files\Free Download Manager\dllink.htm

O8 - Extra context menu item: Télécharger la sélection avec Free Download Manager - file://C:\Program Files\Free Download



O8 - Extra context menu item: Télécharger la vidéo avec Free Download Manager - file://C:\Program Files\Free Download



O9 - Extra button: IE7Pro Preferences - {0026439F-A980-4f18-8C95-4F1CBBF9C1D8} - C:\Program Files\IEPro\iepro.dll

O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: IE7Pro Preferences - {0026439F-A980-4f18-8C95-4F1CBBF9C1D8} - C:\Program Files\IEPro\iepro.dll

O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\ssv.dll

O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Console Java (Sun) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program



O9 - Extra button: Create Mobile Favorite - {2EAF5BB1-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MI3AA1~1\INetRepl.dll

O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {2EAF5BB2-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MI3AA1~1\INetRepl.dll

O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Créer un favori mobile... - {2EAF5BB2-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F} -



O9 - Extra button: Research - {92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE-3C9C571A8263} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\Office12\REFIEBAR.DLL

O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {DFB852A3-47F8-48C4-A200-58CAB36FD2A2} - C:\PROGRA~1\SPYBOT~1\SDHelper.dll

O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Spybot - Search & Destroy Configuration - {DFB852A3-47F8-48C4-A200-58CAB36FD2A2} -



O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - C:\WINDOWS\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe

O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: @xpsp3res.dll,-20001 - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - C:\WINDOWS\Network



O9 - Extra button: Upload - {FD4E2FF8-973C-4A19-89BD-8E86B3CFCFE1} - C:\Program Files\Free Download



O16 - DPF: {2AF5BD25-90C5-4EEC-88C5-B44DC2905D8B} (Contrôleur de DownloadManager) -

O16 - DPF: {30528230-99f7-4bb4-88d8-fa1d4f56a2ab} (Installation Support) - C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Common\Yinsthelper.dll

O16 - DPF: {5ED80217-570B-4DA9-BF44-BE107C0EC166} (Windows Live Safety Center Base Module) -

O16 - DPF: {867E13F2-7F31-44FB-AC97-CD38E0DC46EF} (HardwareDetection Control) -

O16 - DPF: {FD0B6769-6490-4A91-AA0A-B5AE0DC75AC9} (Performance Viewer Activex Control) -

O23 - Service: Acronis Scheduler2 Service (AcrSch2Svc) - Acronis - C:\Program Files\Fichiers



O23 - Service: Adobe LM Service - Adobe Systems - C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Adobe Systems



O23 - Service: Apple Mobile Device - Apple, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Apple\Mobile Device



O23 - Service: avast! iAVS4 Control Service (aswUpdSv) - ALWIL Software - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswUpdSv.exe

O23 - Service: avast! Antivirus - ALWIL Software - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe

O23 - Service: avast! Mail Scanner - ALWIL Software - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe

O23 - Service: avast! Web Scanner - ALWIL Software - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWebSv.exe

O23 - Service: ##Id_String1.6844F930_1628_4223_B5CC_5BB94B879762## (Bonjour Service) - Apple Computer, Inc. - C:\Program



O23 - Service: BrSplService (Brother XP spl Service) - brother Industries Ltd - C:\WINDOWS\System32\brsvc01a.exe

O23 - Service: Canon Camera Access Library 8 (CCALib8) - Canon Inc. - C:\Program Files\Canon\CAL\CALMAIN.exe

O23 - Service: Diskeeper - Diskeeper Corporation - C:\Program Files\Diskeeper Corporation\Diskeeper\DkService.exe

O23 - Service: DVD-RAM_Service - Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DVDRAMSV.exe

O23 - Service: EPGService - Hauppauge Computer Works - C:\PROGRA~1\WinTV\EPG Services\System\EPGService.exe

O23 - Service: FLEXnet Licensing Service - Macrovision Europe Ltd. - C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Macrovision


Shared\FLEXnet Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe

O23 - Service: Google Updater Service (gusvc) - Google - C:\Program Files\Google\Common\Google



O23 - Service: InstallDriver Table Manager (IDriverT) - Macrovision Corporation - C:\Program Files\Fichiers


communs\InstallShield\Driver\1050\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe

O23 - Service: Service de l'iPod (iPod Service) - Apple Inc. - C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe

O23 - Service: NVIDIA Display Driver Service (NVSvc) - NVIDIA Corporation - C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvc32.exe

O23 - Service: Pml Driver HPZ12 - HP - C:\WINDOWS\system32\HPZipm12.exe

O23 - Service: ServiceLayer - Nokia. - C:\Program Files\PC Connectivity Solution\ServiceLayer.exe

O23 - Service: SoundMAX Agent Service (SoundMAX Agent Service (default)) - Analog Devices, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Analog



O23 - Service: Transbase - Transaction Software, D 81737 Munich - C:\BMWgroup\ETKLokal\transbase\tbmux32.exe

O23 - Service: VNC Server Version 4 (WinVNC4) - RealVNC Ltd. - C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC4\WinVNC4.exe



End of file - 14412 bytes

Posté(e) (modifié)

Mais, vous n'avez rien supprimé !


Si vous utilisez Spybot, vous devez décocher tout sauf les lignes indiquées plus haut.


Gardez le.


Si vous gardez Antivir, il faudra auparavant désinstaller Avast.

Si vous gardez Avg As, désinstallez le tea timer.Vous le réinstallerez après la période d'essai de AvgAs dont la protection résidente sera désinstallée.

Les scans manuels D'Avgas sont meilleurs que ceux de Spybot.

Modifié par pear



Ce que voulais dire là,c'est que vous pouvez supprimer, si vous le souhaitez, toutes les 04 sauf Avast et Spybot.

Pour cela , vous les cochez dans Hijackthis et cliquez sur FixChecked.

je suppose que votre parefeu est celui de Xp.C'est un minimum.


[avast!] C:\PROGRA~1\ALWILS~1\Avast4\ashDisp.exe

Le controleur d'intégrité.On ne peut rien changer au régistre sans sa permission.

[spybotSD TeaTimer] C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe


C'est tout ce dont vous avez besoin.


Curieux votre problème avec Antivir.

On s'en passe pour l'instant:


Vider la corbeille.


* Faire un scan en ligne Kaspersky

* Cliquer sur Accept

* Une barre jaune va demander d'accepter l'installation de, installer l'Active X.

* cliquer une nouvelle fois sur "Accept"

* Les bases de mises à jour vont s'installer, patienter un moment

* Cliquer sur Next.

* Cliquer sur My Computer, le scan se met en route;

attendre la fin du scan sans fermer la fenêtre sinon il s'arrêtera.



A la fin du scan, si des objets infectés sont découverts, cliquer sur Save report as...

Choisir bureau et nommer le rapport "rapport Kaspersky" et dans le champ d'enregistrement, choisir "fichiers texte" enregistrer le rapport.

Copier/coller l'entièreté du fichier texte ouvert, par clic droit dessus, sélectionner tout/copier.

Coller ce rapport dans la réponse sur le forum.

Aide en cas de problème :Cybersécurité


NOTE: Le scan est à faire avec Internet Explorer.


Voici le rapport de Kaspersky. J'ai scanné uniquement le disque C mais pas le disque interne D ni mes 3 autres disques externes et ni mes 3 autres PC en réseau.



Tuesday, February 12, 2008 1:43:12 PM

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

Kaspersky Online Scanner version:

Kaspersky Anti-Virus database last update: 12/02/2008

Kaspersky Anti-Virus database records: 558227



Scan Settings:

Scan using the following antivirus database: extended

Scan Archives: true

Scan Mail Bases: true


Scan Target - Folders:



Scan Statistics:

Total number of scanned objects: 140971

Number of viruses found: 8

Number of infected objects: 662

Number of suspicious objects: 0

Duration of the scan process: 01:52:09


Infected Object Name / Virus Name / Last Action

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr0.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr1.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\GatherLogs\SystemIndex\SystemIndex.122.Crwl Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\GatherLogs\SystemIndex\SystemIndex.122.gthr Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\MSS.log Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\MSStmp.log Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles010001.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles010002.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles010003.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles010007.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles01000A.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles01000B.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles01001A.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles01001E.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles01001F.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles010020.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles010021.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles010022.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles010024.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles010026.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles010028.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles010029.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles01002A.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles01002C.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles01002E.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles010032.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\ Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles01004B.wid Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles01004B.wsb Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\Indexer\CiFiles\INDEX.000 Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\PropMap\CiPT0000.000 Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\PropMap\Used0000.000 Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\SecStore\CiST0000.000 Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\SystemIndex.chk1.gthr Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\SystemIndex.chk2.gthr Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Projects\SystemIndex\SystemIndex.Ntfy105.gthr Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\tmp.edb Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Temp\usgthrsvc\Ntf1.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Temp\usgthrsvc\Ntf2.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Search\Data\Temp\usgthrsvc\Perflib_Perfdata_840.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Support\MPLog-03132007-095636.log Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\temp\Cookies\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\temp\Fichiers Internet temporaires\Content.IE5\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\temp\History\History.IE5\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\NTUSER.DAT Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\ntuser.dat.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\NTUSER.DAT Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\ntuser.dat.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\$_hpcst$.hpc Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\Microsoft\ActiveSync\Profiles\SPVc500\repl.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings.NK2 Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings.srs Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\NormalEmail.dotm Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Cookies\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\\Client\LastFmHelper.log Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Feeds Cache\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\outlook.pst Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\~outlook.pst.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Historique\History.IE5\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Historique\History.IE5\MSHist012008021220080213\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temp\Free Download Manager\tic27.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temp\Free Download Manager\tic29.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temp\Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temp\TEMP1.ZIP/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temp\TEMP1.ZIP CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temp\WCESLog.log Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temp\WCESMgr.log Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\AntiPhishing\B3BB5BBA-E7D5-40AB-A041-A5B1C0B26C8F.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\~WRS{1689534C-0FC2-4B02-943E-88E1392288AD}.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\~WRS{2BA18529-873E-4D1F-851F-7087E057284F}.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\~WRS{38D66917-C045-49E8-842B-1254A4A50A3F}.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\~WRS{5D6148AE-96AE-4193-8EAF-010625EEEF43}.tmp Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\ntuser.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\ntuser.dat.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\aswResp.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\Avast4.db Object is locked skipped

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\integ\ Object is locked skipped

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\ Object is locked skipped

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\aswMaiSv.log Object is locked skipped

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\nshield.log Object is locked skipped

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\report\Protection résidente.txt Object is locked skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\321 XviD Converter 1.2.4.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\321 XviD Converter 1.2.4.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\3D Studio Max 9 + Tutorials and Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\3D Studio Max 9 + Tutorials and Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\3D Studio Max 9 Last Version Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\3D Studio Max 9 Last Version Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ACDSee 9 build 108 Vista Compatible.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ACDSee 9 build 108 Vista Compatible.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Acronis Disk Director Server 10.0.2169 Keygen Working.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Acronis Disk Director Server 10.0.2169 Keygen Working.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Acronis Disk Director Server 10.0.2169.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Acronis Disk Director Server 10.0.2169.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Acronis True Image 11 Build 8053 Home.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Acronis True Image 11 Build 8053 Home.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional Incl keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional Incl keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.1 - Latest Version.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.1 - Latest Version.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.1 Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.1 Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Creative Suite 3.01 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Creative Suite 3.01 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe CS3 Master Collection Corporate Final + Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe CS3 Master Collection Corporate Final + Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe CS3 Master Collection Corporate ISO. Works!.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe CS3 Master Collection Corporate ISO. Works!.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe CS3 Master Collection Full Version + Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe CS3 Master Collection Full Version + Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Illustrator CS3 with plugins (Thinstalled) (Portable).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Illustrator CS3 with plugins (Thinstalled) (Portable).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended + Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended + Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended Version Full + Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended Version Full + Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 Key generator.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 Key generator.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 Lite KEYGEN.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 Lite KEYGEN.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 Plugins Collection.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 Plugins Collection.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 v10.0 Extended Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 v10.0 Extended Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 with Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop CS3 with Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop Elements v6.0 (Full Version with Keygen).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop Elements v6.0 (Full Version with Keygen).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop Elements v6.0a Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop Elements v6.0a Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.3.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.3.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.4 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.4 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Premiere CS3 Pro Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Premiere CS3 Pro Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 Multi-language Incl Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 Multi-language Incl Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe.Audition.v3.WinAll.Cracked-NoPE.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe.Audition.v3.WinAll.Cracked-NoPE.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe.Dreamweaver CS3 Latest Patched-RETAiL.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Adobe.Dreamweaver CS3 Latest Patched-RETAiL.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Advanced System Optimizer Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Advanced System Optimizer Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Advanced Uninstaller Pro 8.54 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Advanced Uninstaller Pro 8.54 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Advanced Uninstaller Professional 8.5.2 + Working KEY.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Advanced Uninstaller Professional 8.5.2 + Working KEY.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Alcohol 120 with KeyMaker v3.6 (BetaMaster-24.Dec.2007).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Alcohol 120 with KeyMaker v3.6 (BetaMaster-24.Dec.2007).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Alcohol 120 v.1.9.7 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Alcohol 120 v.1.9.7 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Alcohol 120% Activation Key + Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Alcohol 120% Activation Key + Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Alive YouTube Video Converter + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Alive YouTube Video Converter CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\All Antivirus Keygen Pack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\All Antivirus Keygen Pack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ALL.Adobe.Products.Keygens.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ALL.Adobe.Products.Keygens.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\All.MicroSoft.Products.Keygens.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\All.MicroSoft.Products.Keygens.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Allok 3GP PSP MP4 iPod Video Converter 2.7.2 working Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Allok 3GP PSP MP4 iPod Video Converter 2.7.2 working Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\All_ADOBE_Products_Cracks+Keygens_2008-ReLEASE.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\All_ADOBE_Products_Cracks+Keygens_2008-ReLEASE.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Anti Hacker Expert 2008 working License Key + Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Anti Hacker Expert 2008 working License Key + Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Any DVD Converter Professional 3.5.2.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Any DVD Converter Professional 3.5.2.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD - Final.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD - Final.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD 6.4 Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD 6.4 Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AnyDVD + Activation Key.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AnyDVD + Activation Key.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Apollo No1 DVD Ripper 6.2.4.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Apollo No1 DVD Ripper 6.2.4.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Ashampoo Office 2008 3.01 + KEY.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Ashampoo Office 2008 3.01 + KEY.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Atomix Virtual DJ Professional 5.0 rev6.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Atomix Virtual DJ Professional 5.0 rev6.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodata v3.18 2 CDs Full Release.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodata v3.18 2 CDs Full Release.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodesk 3DS MAX 2008 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodesk 3DS MAX 2008 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodesk AutoCAD 2008 Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodesk AutoCAD 2008 Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture Version 2008(Full Version with Key).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture Version 2008(Full Version with Key).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture Version 2008.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture Version 2008.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodesk Inventor Suite 2008 (Full Version with Crack).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodesk Inventor Suite 2008 (Full Version with Crack).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodesk Inventor Suite 2008 Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Autodesk Inventor Suite 2008 Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Avast Antivirus Pro 4.7.1098 Licensed till 2009.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Avast Antivirus Pro 4.7.1098 Licensed till 2009.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Avast Antivirus Pro 4.7.1098 working Key.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Avast Antivirus Pro 4.7.1098 working Key.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AVG 7.5 Internet Security & Firewall.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AVG 7.5 Internet Security & Firewall.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AVG Anti-Spyware Plus con el key funcionante.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AVG Anti-Spyware Plus con el key funcionante.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AVG Anti-Spyware Plus Patched Multilingual-ReL.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AVG Anti-Spyware Plus Patched Multilingual-ReL.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AVG Anti-Virus Professional Edition Latest v7.5.516 + Key.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AVG Anti-Virus Professional Edition Latest v7.5.516 + Key.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AVG Antivirus Latest Version 7.5 Pro.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\AVG Antivirus Latest Version 7.5 Pro.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\BayGenie eBay Auction Sniper Pro Edition 3.13.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\BayGenie eBay Auction Sniper Pro Edition 3.13.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\BIG CODEC Pack colleciòn by MustaX.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\BIG CODEC Pack colleciòn by MustaX.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\BitDefender Antivirus 10 LAST Working Crack + Updates.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\BitDefender Antivirus 10 LAST Working Crack + Updates.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\BitDefender Antivirus 2008 Patcheado ESP-ITA-ENG.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\BitDefender Antivirus 2008 Patcheado ESP-ITA-ENG.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Bitdefender AntiVirus 32bit 2008 patcheado + license key.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Bitdefender AntiVirus 32bit 2008 patcheado + license key.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Black XP 5.1 DVD Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Black XP 5.1 DVD Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\BLACK XP ULTMATE DREAM PACK.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\BLACK XP ULTMATE DREAM PACK.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\BSPlayer Pro 2.23.953 (player de DivX-XviD-MKV-RM-AVI-MPEG-MPG).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\BSPlayer Pro 2.23.953 (player de DivX-XviD-MKV-RM-AVI-MPEG-MPG).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Computer FiX VoL1 [App][MULTI5].rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Computer FiX VoL1 [App][MULTI5].rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Convert DAA (PowerISO) or UIF (MagicISO) to ISO.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Convert DAA (PowerISO) or UIF (MagicISO) to ISO.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ConvertXtoDVD And Keygen (25th October 2007).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ConvertXtoDVD And Keygen (25th October 2007).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ConvertXtoDVD And Keygen (20th November 2007).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ConvertXtoDVD And Keygen (20th November 2007).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ConvertXtoDVD Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ConvertXtoDVD Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Cool Youtube Downloader Full.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Cool Youtube Downloader Full.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Cute FTP Pro 8.0.7 Patched-Multilingual.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Cute FTP Pro 8.0.7 Patched-Multilingual.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\CyberLink MakeDVD + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\CyberLink MakeDVD CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\CyberLink PowerDVD 7.3.3516 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\CyberLink PowerDVD 7.3.3516 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Daemon Tools Pro 4.16.0218 Patched.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Daemon Tools Pro 4.16.0218 Patched.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Daemon tools pro Advanced + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Daemon tools pro Advanced CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced v4.10.0218 And Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced v4.10.0218 And Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Daemon Tools Pro Basic 4.11.0220 Serial.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Daemon Tools Pro Basic 4.11.0220 Serial.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DivX Bundle 6.9 Professional + Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DivX Bundle 6.9 Professional + Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DivX Professional con el media player actualizado col Coded.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DivX Professional con el media player actualizado col Coded.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DivX-XviD Multi Converter 1.9 [òn].rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DivX-XviD Multi Converter 1.9 [òn].rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Download Accelerator Plus Premium + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Download Accelerator Plus Premium CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Dr. Hardware 2008 9.0.0e.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Dr. Hardware 2008 9.0.0e.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Dr.Web Anti-virus with AntiSpam 4.44.11120 (versòn mui complete).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Dr.Web Anti-virus with AntiSpam 4.44.11120 (versòn mui complete).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Driver Magic Pro 1.1.3 (update win drivers).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Driver Magic Pro 1.1.3 (update win drivers).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DVDFab Platinum Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DVDFab Platinum Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DVDFab Platinum - Final - Full License.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DVDFab Platinum - Final - Full License.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DVDFab Platinum 4.0.4 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DVDFab Platinum 4.0.4 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DVDFab Platinum + Best Guide.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DVDFab Platinum + Best Guide.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DVDFab Platinum Final Full.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DVDFab Platinum Final Full.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DVDFab.Platinum. Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\DVDFab.Platinum. Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Easy DVD Creator 1.6.3 Working KEY! Espanòl.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Easy DVD Creator 1.6.3 Working KEY! Espanòl.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Easy RM RMVB to DVD Burner 1.4.1 (burn your .RM and .RMVB Movies)_.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Easy RM RMVB to DVD Burner 1.4.1 (burn your .RM and .RMVB Movies)_.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Easy Video Downloader 1.1 (Download Videos From Youtube, Google).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Easy Video Downloader 1.1 (Download Videos From Youtube, Google).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\eMule 0.48a Download Speed patch (80% more speed your download with emule and WORK).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\eMule 0.48a Download Speed patch (80% more speed your download with emule and WORK).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\eMule 0.48a Download Speed patch (Mui bonito).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\eMule 0.48a Download Speed patch (Mui bonito).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.567 Patcher to have ALL updates.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.567 Patcher to have ALL updates.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Eset NOD32 Smart Security 3.0.621 + Working Update Code (Till June 2010).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Eset NOD32 Smart Security 3.0.621 + Working Update Code (Till June 2010).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ESET NOD32 Smart Security 3.0.621 Retail 32-bit (100%-BEST Antivirus).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ESET NOD32 Smart Security 3.0.621 Retail 32-bit (100%-BEST Antivirus).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ESET Smart Security & NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.551.0 (el melior Antivirus en circolation).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ESET Smart Security & NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.551.0 (el melior Antivirus en circolation).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ESET Smart Security & NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.551.0.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ESET Smart Security & NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.551.0.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ESET.NOD32.Antivirus.Business.Edition.v3.0.566.CRACKED.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ESET.NOD32.Antivirus.Business.Edition.v3.0.566.CRACKED.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\FL Studio 7 Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\FL Studio 7 Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\FlashFXP.v3.6.1 MULTiLiNGUAL-(ESP-ITA-ENG-DEU-FRA)-KeyGen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\FlashFXP.v3.6.1 MULTiLiNGUAL-(ESP-ITA-ENG-DEU-FRA)-KeyGen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\FlashGet [best Download manager] + Key.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\FlashGet [best Download manager] + Key.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\FLV to AVI MPEG WMV 3GP MP4 iPod, Zune Converter.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\FLV to AVI MPEG WMV 3GP MP4 iPod, Zune Converter.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Football Manager 2008 [MULTI 5] Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Football Manager 2008 [MULTI 5] Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\football manager 2008_v8.0.1_Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\football manager 2008_v8.0.1_Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Fruity Loops Studio 7 Full + Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Fruity Loops Studio 7 Full + Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Full Set of - Adobe Creative Suite 3.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Full Set of - Adobe Creative Suite 3.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\GetRight Pro 6.3.2.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\GetRight Pro 6.3.2.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Goldenfoundsoft MSN Webcam Recorder 13.0.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Goldenfoundsoft MSN Webcam Recorder 13.0.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Google Earth 4.3 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Google Earth 4.3 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Google Earth Pro 4.2 + Sky FuLL.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Google Earth Pro 4.2 + Sky FuLL.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Great Battles of Rome [PcGame][MULTI5] Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Great Battles of Rome [PcGame][MULTI5] Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Guitar Pro v5.2 (Full Version with CD Key).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Guitar Pro v5.2 (Full Version with CD Key).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Guitar Pro v5.2a Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Guitar Pro v5.2a Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Hirens Boot CD 9.3.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Hirens Boot CD 9.3.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Imtoo 3GP Video Converter + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Imtoo 3GP Video Converter CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ImTOO DVD Creator + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ImTOO DVD Creator CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ImTOO iPod Movie Converter + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ImTOO iPod Movie Converter CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Internet Download Manager 5.11.11 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Internet Download Manager 5.11.11 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Internet Download Manager 5.12_.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Internet Download Manager 5.12_.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Intervideo WinDVD Platinum 8.1 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Intervideo WinDVD Platinum 8.1 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Karaoke Builder Studio 3.0.080 Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Karaoke Builder Studio 3.0.080 Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Kaspersky Anti-Virus Working Key file (till 2010).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Kaspersky Anti-Virus Working Key file (till 2010).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Kaspersky Antivirus Tested Working Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Kaspersky Antivirus Tested Working Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\KASPERSKY AntiVirus7.0.1.321FINAL(with keys pack-key checker).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\KASPERSKY AntiVirus7.0.1.321FINAL(with keys pack-key checker).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Kaspersky Internet Security 7.00.125 Full Update patch till 2009.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Kaspersky Internet Security 7.00.125 Full Update patch till 2009.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Kaspersky Internet Security and Antivirus license key valid untill 2010.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Kaspersky Internet Security and Antivirus license key valid untill 2010.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Kaspersky Internet Security v7.0.1.321 Final [ENG] [NewKeys] All.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Kaspersky Internet Security v7.0.1.321 Final [ENG] [NewKeys] All.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Koyote IPOD Video Converter 2.4.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Koyote IPOD Video Converter 2.4.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\LavaSoft Ad-Aware 2007 Professional (version profesional ESP).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\LavaSoft Ad-Aware 2007 Professional (version profesional ESP).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\LimeWire Pro 4.14.0 Spped Download Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\LimeWire Pro 4.14.0 Spped Download Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Macromedia DreamWeaver CS3 + Plugins and Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Macromedia DreamWeaver CS3 + Plugins and Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Macromedia DreamWeaver CS3 Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Macromedia DreamWeaver CS3 Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Magic DVD Ripper 5.2.2.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Magic DVD Ripper 5.2.2.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Magic ISO 5.4 + serial.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Magic ISO 5.4 + serial.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Magic ISO 5.41 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Magic ISO 5.41 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Magic ISO Maker 5.4 with serial.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Magic ISO Maker 5.4 with serial.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Magic Video Converter (The Ultimate Video Converter).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Magic Video Converter (The Ultimate Video Converter).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Magic Video Converter Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Magic Video Converter Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Matlab 2007 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Matlab 2007 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Maximus Multiband Maximizer 1.0.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Maximus Multiband Maximizer 1.0.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\McAfee Anti-Virus 10 con el Key valide.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\McAfee Anti-Virus 10 con el Key valide.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\McAfee Antivirus 10.0 ENG-ESP-FRA Cracked.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\McAfee Antivirus 10.0 ENG-ESP-FRA Cracked.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5.0i Licensed.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5.0i Licensed.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\McAfee.Total.Protection.2007.Multilingual.Working.Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\McAfee.Total.Protection.2007.Multilingual.Working.Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\McAfee.Total.Protection.2008.WorkingPatch.Update.TILL.2011.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\McAfee.Total.Protection.2008.WorkingPatch.Update.TILL.2011.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MediaMonkey Full Multilingual.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MediaMonkey Full Multilingual.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2003 Professional with SP1 2 3 Working Serial.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2003 Professional with SP1 2 3 Working Serial.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 Complete DVD + Serial.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 Complete DVD + Serial.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 Complete Version Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 Complete Version Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 COMPLETE.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 COMPLETE.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Edition Incl Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Edition Incl Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Genuine Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Genuine Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 FULL + Keygen ( Vista comp.).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 FULL + Keygen ( Vista comp.).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office Home and Student Edition 2007 FULL Versions with Working Activation Key.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office Home and Student Edition 2007 FULL Versions with Working Activation Key.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office XP PRO includes word, excel, powerpoint, outloock.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Office XP PRO includes word, excel, powerpoint, outloock.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition-ZWTiSO.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition-ZWTiSO.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Windows Vista 32-X86-X64 Working Activation Key-(june 08).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Windows Vista 32-X86-X64 Working Activation Key-(june 08).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate x86 DVD Integrated November 2007.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate x86 DVD Integrated November 2007.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Windows VISTA Validation Crack 2008.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Windows VISTA Validation Crack 2008.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP3 WGA Validation Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP3 WGA Validation Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft.Windows.VISTA.Ultimate.Activation.Code.Patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft.Windows.VISTA.Ultimate.Activation.Code.Patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft.Windows.Vista.Ultimate.x64.Integrated.December.2007.OEM.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft.Windows.Vista.Ultimate.x64.Integrated.December.2007.OEM.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft.Windows.Vista.Ultimate.x64.Integrated.January.2008.OEM.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft.Windows.Vista.Ultimate.x64.Integrated.January.2008.OEM.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft.Windows.XP.WGA.Validate.Patcher.(funciona.perfieto!).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Microsoft.Windows.XP.WGA.Validate.Patcher.(funciona.perfieto!).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MIRC.6.31.+.Keygen.+Manuales.+instrucions+scripts.( + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MIRC.6.31.+.Keygen.+Manuales.+instrucions+scripts.( CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MKV to AVI Converter 3.0.018.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MKV to AVI Converter 3.0.018.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Movie Collector Pro 5.256.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Movie Collector Pro 5.256.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MP3 Remix Plus 3.311 Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MP3 Remix Plus 3.311 Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MP3Resizer 1.8.3 ESP.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MP3Resizer 1.8.3 ESP.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MS Office 2007 Full DVD Incl SN.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MS Office 2007 Full DVD Incl SN.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MSN Messenger 8 Fully Patched for XP Sp2 and ViSTA.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\MSN Messenger 8 Fully Patched for XP Sp2 and ViSTA.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\My Screen Recorder Pro 2.32.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\My Screen Recorder Pro 2.32.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 Ultra ESPANOL co key funcionante actualizado!.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 Ultra ESPANOL co key funcionante actualizado!.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 Ultra Edition + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 Ultra Edition CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 Ultra Edition Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 Ultra Edition Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 Ultra Edition (complete with Patch).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 Ultra Edition (complete with Patch).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 Ultra Edition + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 Ultra Edition CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 Ultra Edition Serial Key.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 Ultra Edition Serial Key.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 with instructions (Only version that is fully cracked).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero 8 with instructions (Only version that is fully cracked).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero Ultra Edition incl. Keygen (WORKS PERFECT).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Nero Ultra Edition incl. Keygen (WORKS PERFECT).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\NOD32 3.xx Universal Fix.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\NOD32 3.xx Universal Fix.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.551.0 ESP.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.551.0 ESP.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\NOD32 AntiVirus BUSINESS EDITIONv3.0.621.0.(NEW FIX.FINAL).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\NOD32 AntiVirus BUSINESS EDITIONv3.0.621.0.(NEW FIX.FINAL).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton 360 Tested Working Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton 360 Tested Working Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Anti Virus 2008 for Vista RETAiL + Crack + Instruciones.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Anti Virus 2008 for Vista RETAiL + Crack + Instruciones.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Antivirus 2008 Full Cracked INCL KEYGEN.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Antivirus 2008 Full Cracked INCL KEYGEN.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Ghost 12 Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Ghost 12 Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Internet Security 2008 Cracked + Guides.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Internet Security 2008 Cracked + Guides.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Internet Security 2008 Multilingual-(ESP-ITA-ENG-GER-FRA)+ Guide to crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Internet Security 2008 Multilingual-(ESP-ITA-ENG-GER-FRA)+ Guide to crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Partition Magic 8.05 Full Cracked.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Partition Magic 8.05 Full Cracked.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Product Suite 2007 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton Product Suite 2007 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton.Antivirus.2008.beta.with.crack.and.instruciones-rELY.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Norton.Antivirus.2008.beta.with.crack.and.instruciones-rELY.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\NortonInternetSecurity 2008 Espanol (gracias oN0x).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\NortonInternetSecurity 2008 Espanol (gracias oN0x).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\O&O Defrag Professional 10.0.1635 Key (funciona).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\O&O Defrag Professional 10.0.1635 Key (funciona).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Oxygen Phone Manager for Nokia Phones II + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Oxygen Phone Manager for Nokia Phones II CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Panda Antivirus 2008 CracKed.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Panda Antivirus 2008 CracKed.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Panda Antivirus Plus Firewall (2008) Update patch.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Panda Antivirus Plus Firewall (2008) Update patch.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ make updates!).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ make updates!).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\PC Satellite TV 2007 Elite Working KeyGen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\PC Satellite TV 2007 Elite Working KeyGen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\PC Tools AntiVirus (version complete).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\PC Tools AntiVirus (version complete).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\PC Tools Internet Security 2008 Patch to 2009 Updates.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\PC Tools Internet Security 2008 Patch to 2009 Updates.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\PhotoSphere Professional 2.2 Key.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\PhotoSphere Professional 2.2 Key.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Pinnacle Studio Plus v11 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Pinnacle Studio Plus v11 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Pinnacle Studio Plus v11 MultiLanguage Bonus DVD Incl Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Pinnacle Studio Plus v11 MultiLanguage Bonus DVD Incl Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\PlayStation 2 Emulator for PC (PCSX2 Stable and working).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\PlayStation 2 Emulator for PC (PCSX2 Stable and working).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Power ISO + serial 3.8 latest.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Power ISO + serial 3.8 latest.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Power ISO 3.8 + Aiudos + Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Power ISO 3.8 + Aiudos + Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Power ISO 3.9 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Power ISO 3.9 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\PS3 Video Converter NEW.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\PS3 Video Converter NEW.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\RapidGet Download Manager.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\RapidGet Download Manager.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Rapidshare Leecher 2008 + Rapidshare Tools.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Rapidshare Leecher 2008 + Rapidshare Tools.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\RapidShare Manager 2008.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\RapidShare Manager 2008.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Rapidshare Premium Donloader Manager.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Rapidshare Premium Donloader Manager.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Real Player Crack-W0rking.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Real Player Crack-W0rking.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\RealPlayer Plus for XP-VISTA.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\RealPlayer Plus for XP-VISTA.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Registry First Aid Platinum + Key.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Registry First Aid Platinum + Key.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Resident Evil 3 Nemesis[PcGame][MULTI5] Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Resident Evil 3 Nemesis[PcGame][MULTI5] Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Rosetta Stone 2007 and language pack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Rosetta Stone 2007 and language pack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Roxio Easy Media Creator 10a Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Roxio Easy Media Creator 10a Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Screen Grab Pro Deluxe 1.1 (pics of your desktop).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Screen Grab Pro Deluxe 1.1 (pics of your desktop).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\SlySoft AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\SlySoft AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\SlySoft AnyDVD HD FINAL incl. crack by Team Resurrection.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\SlySoft AnyDVD HD FINAL incl. crack by Team Resurrection.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Slysoft AnyDVD HD + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Slysoft AnyDVD HD CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\SolSuite 2008 8.1 (Best Card Game!).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\SolSuite 2008 8.1 (Best Card Game!).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Sony DVD Architect Studio 4.5c (Complete Disk).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Sony DVD Architect Studio 4.5c (Complete Disk).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Sony Vegas 8.0a Complete.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Sony Vegas 8.0a Complete.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Sony Vegas Pro 8 0a build 179 Corporate Full.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Sony Vegas Pro 8 0a build 179 Corporate Full.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Sophos Antivirus 6.5.1.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Sophos Antivirus 6.5.1.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Spyware Doctor + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Spyware Doctor CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Super Internet TV 7.11 2007 Patched.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Super Internet TV 7.11 2007 Patched.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Super Todo En Uno V3 [DVD9] [spanish].rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Super Todo En Uno V3 [DVD9] [spanish].rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 1.0.3-8 for Servers.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 1.0.3-8 for Servers.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\System Mechanic 7.5.3 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\System Mechanic 7.5.3 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\System Mechanic Professional + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\System Mechanic Professional CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\TechSmith Camtasia Studio 5.0.1 [Record your own videos]-Cracked.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\TechSmith Camtasia Studio 5.0.1 [Record your own videos]-Cracked.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\TEU Essentials 2007 [PC-DVD].rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\TEU Essentials 2007 [PC-DVD].rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\The Shield Antivirus 2007 Pro & Firewall.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\The Shield Antivirus 2007 Pro & Firewall.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Total Commander 7.01 for XP-VISTA.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Total Commander 7.01 for XP-VISTA.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Trend Micro Anti-Spyware (crackeado).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Trend Micro Anti-Spyware (crackeado).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Trend Micro PC-Cillin Internet Security Pro 2008 16.05.1015 + License Key patcher.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Trend Micro PC-Cillin Internet Security Pro 2008 16.05.1015 + License Key patcher.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\TuneUp Utilities 2007 6.0.2312 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\TuneUp Utilities 2007 6.0.2312 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\TuneUp Utilities 2008 7.0.7992 working Key.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\TuneUp Utilities 2008 7.0.7992 working Key.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\UltraISO Premium Edition Working Crack + Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\UltraISO Premium Edition Working Crack + Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\USB Safely Remove + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\USB Safely Remove CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Video Fixer 3.23 (Modificar tu videos facil).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Video Fixer 3.23 (Modificar tu videos facil).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Vista Codec Package 4.5.6 (Audio and Video Codec).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Vista Codec Package 4.5.6 (Audio and Video Codec).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\VISTA.All.Version.Activation.Code.2008.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\VISTA.All.Version.Activation.Code.2008.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\VLC Media Player 0.8.6d (Latest Version) -Legal-Ups.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\VLC Media Player 0.8.6d (Latest Version) -Legal-Ups.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WGA.Validate.2008.for.Windows.XP.Home+Professional.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WGA.Validate.2008.for.Windows.XP.Home+Professional.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Winamp 5.5.1640 Pro incluido plugins-advanced system.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Winamp 5.5.1640 Pro incluido plugins-advanced system.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Winamp Pro v5.6 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Winamp Pro v5.6 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinAVI Video Converter 8.0 Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinAVI Video Converter 8.0 Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinAVI Video Converter 9.0+ Serial.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinAVI Video Converter 9.0+ Serial.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows 98 Second Edition Full Bootable CD + CD Key.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows 98 Second Edition Full Bootable CD + CD Key.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows UE V.9.5 Fina [App][MULTI5].rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows UE V.9.5 Fina [App][MULTI5].rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows vista All Versions - All languages.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows vista All Versions - All languages.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit Full.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit Full.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows Vista Ultimate OEM (Pre-Activated + Genuine Forever with Patcher).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows Vista Ultimate OEM (Pre-Activated + Genuine Forever with Patcher).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows Vista x86 MultiLang AutoPatcher.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows Vista x86 MultiLang AutoPatcher.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows Vista x86 Ultimate Genuine OEM Keygen.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows Vista x86 Ultimate Genuine OEM Keygen.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows Xp Pro Sp3 3264 Vista Style.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows Xp Pro Sp3 3264 Vista Style.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows XP Professional Genuine Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows XP Professional Genuine Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows XP Professional Student SP3-Integrated + CD Key.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows XP Professional Student SP3-Integrated + CD Key.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows XP Ultimate Edition (by Johnny) [January2008-R3.5].iso.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows XP Ultimate Edition (by Johnny) [January2008-R3.5].iso.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows XP Ultimate Edition [December2007-R3 4 No serial or activation needed].rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Windows XP Ultimate Edition [December2007-R3 4 No serial or activation needed].rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinRAR 3.71 Extreme cracked.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinRAR 3.71 Extreme cracked.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinRar 3.71 final + keygen (Works 100% ).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinRar 3.71 final + keygen (Works 100% ).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinRar 3.71 final Incl keygen (Works 100%).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinRar 3.71 final Incl keygen (Works 100%).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinRar 3.71 Full.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinRar 3.71 Full.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinRAR Multilingual for XP and VISTA with cRack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinRAR Multilingual for XP and VISTA with cRack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinRar 3.72 Crack.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinRar 3.72 Crack.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinZip 11.2 professional patched-ReLEASE.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinZip 11.2 professional patched-ReLEASE.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinZIP 12 (co el key funcionante).rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WinZIP 12 (co el key funcionante).rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WirelessMon 2.1 Patched with guides.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WirelessMon 2.1 Patched with guides.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WS FTP Server with SSH 6.1.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\WS FTP Server with SSH 6.1.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Xilisoft iPod to PC Copy + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Xilisoft iPod to PC Copy CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Yamicsoft Vista Manager 1.1.4.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\Yamicsoft Vista Manager 1.1.4.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\YouTube Fast Downloader.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\YouTube Fast Downloader.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware + Firewall 7.0.462.0 Retail-ReLEASD.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware + Firewall 7.0.462.0 Retail-ReLEASD.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware and Antivirus 7.0.462.1 + working Key and Serial.rar/Setup + Patch.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware and Antivirus 7.0.462.1 + working Key and Serial.rar CAB: infected - 1 skipped

C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC4\vncclipboard.exe Infected: not-a-virus:RemoteAdmin.Win32.WinVNC.427 skipped

C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC4\wm_hooks.dll Infected: not-a-virus:RemoteAdmin.Win32.WinVNC.4 skipped

C:\Program Files\vdownloader\VDownloader.exe Infected: not-a-virus:Downloader.Win32.VDown.a skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\cbxvtqq.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\cbxvwtq.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\ddcawxy.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\efcdecc.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\fccbyxx.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\iiffcdd.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\ljjgdby.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\opnnlml.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\opnnnml.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\rqrpmji.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\tuvtqrp.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\wvutttq.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\xxyvssr.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\C\WINDOWS\system32\yayxvvs.dll.vir Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\ Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\ Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\ Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.giq skipped

C:\QooBox\Quarantine\ ZIP: infected - 3 skipped

C:\System Volume Information\MountPointManagerRemoteDatabase Object is locked skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1449\A0203226.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1450\A0204432.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Agent.ecd skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205948.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205949.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205950.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205951.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205952.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205953.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205954.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205955.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205956.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205957.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205959.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205960.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205961.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205962.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205966.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1453\A0205968.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.giq skipped

C:\System Volume Information\_restore{D1D1CA16-8EC1-453B-80E5-A9D409CE5912}\RP1457\change.log Object is locked skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/yayxvvs.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/opnnlml.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/ddcawxy.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/efcdecc.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/cbxvwtq.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/wvutttq.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/xxyvssr.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/rqrpmji.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/iiffcdd.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/tuvtqrp.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/ljjgdby.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/opnnnml.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/cbxvtqq.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/fccbyxx.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/ddcyx.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.gen skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar/WINDOWS/System32/gebyxwx.dll Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.giq skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz/upload_moi.tar Infected: not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Virtumonde.giq skipped

C:\upload_moi_NEWBOY.tar.gz GZIP: infected - 17 skipped

C:\WINDOWS\Debug\PASSWD.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\SchedLgU.Txt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{72F1C986-03FD-45F8-86E9-64F5A05C15BD}.bin Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\Sti_Trace.log Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\Antivirus.Evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\AppEvent.Evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\default Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\default.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\Internet.evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\ODiag.evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\OSession.evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SAM Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SAM.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SecEvent.Evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SECURITY Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SECURITY.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\software Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\software.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SysEvent.Evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\system Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\system.LOG Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\Windows_OneCare_Evt.evt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\h323log.txt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\WUDF\WUDFTrace.etl Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTSpool.exe Infected: skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\INDEX.BTR Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\INDEX.MAP Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING.VER Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING1.MAP Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\MAPPING2.MAP Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.DATA Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Repository\FS\OBJECTS.MAP Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinPrint.exe Infected: Trojan.Win32.Pakes.bzo skipped

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_61c.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_770.dat Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\_avast4_\Webshlock.txt Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\wiadebug.log Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\wiaservc.log Object is locked skipped

C:\WINDOWS\WindowsUpdate.log Object is locked skipped


Scan process completed.




Je suppose que vous avez lu le rapport.

Number of infected objects: 662


Votre fichier incoming est un nid de malwares.


Tant que cela n'aura pas été nettoyé par vous , il n'y aura rien à faire.


Quand ce sera fait


Télécharger de Malekal_morte sur le bureau.

* Décompressez le, sur le bureau par exemple.

* Un nouveau dossier chercher va être créé DiagHelp.

* Ouvrez le et double-cliquez sur go.cmd (le .cmd peut ne pas apparaître)

* Une fenêtre va s'ouvrir, choisir l'option 1

* L'analyse va commencer, ceci peut durer quelques minutes, appuyez sur une touche quand on le demande

* Copier/coller le contenu entier du bloc-note qui s'ouvre et le joindre à la prochaine réponse.

Sinon, il est là:C:\resultats.txt


J'ai plusieurs fois supprimé les fichiers du répertoire Incoming mais ils se réinstallent automatiquement.

Voici le fichier resultat.txt :


DiagHelp version v1.4 -

excute le 12/02/2008 à 17:07:39,84



Liste des derniers fichies modifies/crees dans windir\system32 et prefetch

C:\WINDOWS\prefetch\ -->12/02/2008 17:07:36

C:\WINDOWS\prefetch\ -->12/02/2008 17:07:31

C:\WINDOWS\prefetch\ -->12/02/2008 17:06:53

C:\WINDOWS\prefetch\ -->12/02/2008 17:06:53

C:\WINDOWS\prefetch\ -->12/02/2008 17:06:42

C:\WINDOWS\prefetch\ -->12/02/2008 17:05:55

C:\WINDOWS\prefetch\ -->12/02/2008 17:05:50

C:\WINDOWS\prefetch\ -->12/02/2008 17:05:07

C:\WINDOWS\prefetch\ -->12/02/2008 17:03:27

C:\WINDOWS\prefetch\ -->12/02/2008 16:27:48


C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswmon.sys -->04/12/2007 15:56:02

C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswmon2.sys -->04/12/2007 15:55:46

C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswRdr.sys -->04/12/2007 15:53:39

C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aswTdi.sys -->04/12/2007 15:51:52

C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\aavmker4.sys -->04/12/2007 15:49:02

C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\secdrv.sys -->13/11/2007 11:25:54

C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\tcpip.sys -->30/10/2007 18:20:55


C:\WINDOWS\System32\wpa.dbl -->12/02/2008 15:14:55

C:\WINDOWS\System32\nvapps.xml -->12/02/2008 15:13:54

C:\WINDOWS\System32\magicpvt.dat -->12/02/2008 15:13:40

C:\WINDOWS\System32\driver.dat -->12/02/2008 15:13:05

C:\WINDOWS\System32\CONFIG.NT -->08/02/2008 08:14:20

C:\WINDOWS\System32\ehcysmdd.ini -->04/02/2008 13:40:09

C:\WINDOWS\System32\NTSpool.exe -->02/02/2008 16:03:52

C:\WINDOWS\System32\PerfStringBackup.INI -->02/02/2008 08:55:56

C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfh00C.dat -->02/02/2008 08:55:56

C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfh009.dat -->02/02/2008 08:55:56

C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfc00C.dat -->02/02/2008 08:55:56

C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfc009.dat -->02/02/2008 08:55:56

C:\WINDOWS\System32\rar.exe -->01/02/2008 15:08:51

C:\WINDOWS\System32\everest_cpl.ini -->01/02/2008 09:43:32

C:\WINDOWS\System32\UnEPGService.LOG -->28/01/2008 16:47:20

C:\WINDOWS\System32\UNWISE.INI -->28/01/2008 16:47:17

C:\WINDOWS\System32\HCW_ChanDB.LOG -->28/01/2008 16:45:34

C:\WINDOWS\System32\inook2008.scr -->18/01/2008 15:30:35

C:\WINDOWS\System32\MRT.exe -->02/01/2008 19:21:36

C:\WINDOWS\System32\TZLog.log -->12/12/2007 11:02:43

C:\WINDOWS\System32\GDIPFONTCACHEV1.DAT -->11/12/2007 12:31:34

C:\WINDOWS\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT -->11/12/2007 12:31:05

C:\WINDOWS\System32\aswBoot.exe -->04/12/2007 14:04:28

C:\WINDOWS\System32\AvastSS.scr -->04/12/2007 13:54:04

C:\WINDOWS\System32\LMIRfsClientNP.dll -->15/11/2007 18:46:38


C:\WINDOWS\WindowsUpdate.log -->12/02/2008 17:04:48

C:\WINDOWS\TSC.ini -->12/02/2008 17:04:33

C:\WINDOWS\vsapi32.dll -->12/02/2008 15:33:32

C:\WINDOWS\VPTNFILE.993 -->12/02/2008 15:33:31

C:\WINDOWS\LPT$VPN.993 -->12/02/2008 15:33:31

C:\WINDOWS\BPMNT.dll -->12/02/2008 15:33:31

C:\WINDOWS\GetServer.ini -->12/02/2008 15:26:50

C:\WINDOWS\wiadebug.log -->12/02/2008 15:14:18

C:\WINDOWS\wiaservc.log -->12/02/2008 15:14:11

C:\WINDOWS\QTFont.qfn -->12/02/2008 15:13:57

C:\WINDOWS.log -->12/02/2008 15:13:43

C:\WINDOWS\bootstat.dat -->12/02/2008 15:13:41

C:\WINDOWS\SchedLgU.Txt -->12/02/2008 15:12:23

C:\WINDOWS\hpqcopy.INI -->12/02/2008 14:25:51

C:\WINDOWS\DPINST.LOG -->12/02/2008 11:42:28



Verified: Signed


Verified: Signed


Verified: Signed


Verified: Signed


Verified: Signed


Verified: Signed


Verified: Signed



ListDLLs v2.25 - DLL lister for Win9x/NT

Copyright © 1997-2004 Mark Russinovich

Sysinternals -



explorer.exe pid: 284

Command line: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE


Base Size Version Path

0x44080000 0xcf000 7.00.6000.16574 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WININET.dll

0x00400000 0x9000 6.00.5441.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Normaliz.dll

0x43e00000 0x45000 7.00.6000.16574 C:\WINDOWS\system32\iertutil.dll

0x58b50000 0x9a000 5.82.2900.2982 C:\WINDOWS\system32\comctl32.dll

0x76f80000 0x7f000 2001.12.4414.0308 C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL

0x77000000 0xd4000 2001.12.4414.0258 C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll

0x10000000 0x21000 7.05.0000.0020 C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunesMiniPlayer.dll

0x01230000 0xe000 7.05.0000.0013 C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunesMiniPlayer.Resources\fr.lproj\iTunesMiniPlayerLocalized.dll

0x01260000 0x23000 7.05.0000.0020 C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunesMiniPlayer.Resources\iTunesMiniPlayer.dll

0x13420000 0x1a000 11.00.5721.5145 C:\PROGRA~1\WINDOW~2\wmpband.dll

0x44360000 0x5cd000 7.00.6000.16574 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ieframe.dll

0x44160000 0x127000 7.00.6000.16574 C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll

0x76ac0000 0x11000 3.05.2284.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATL.DLL

0x7d200000 0x2be000 3.01.4000.4039 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll

0x5f800000 0x16000 1.01.1593.0000 C:\PROGRA~1\WIFD1F~1\MpShHook.dll

0x78130000 0x9b000 8.00.50727.1433



0x7c420000 0x87000 8.00.50727.1433



0x442b0000 0x3c000 7.00.6000.16574 C:\WINDOWS\system32\webcheck.dll

0x164a0000 0x23000 5.02.5721.5145 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WPDShServiceObj.dll

0x67080000 0x14000 3.00.0002.0001 C:\Program Files\FileZilla Client\fzshellext.dll

0x02b20000 0x91000 6.83.0074.0009 C:\Program Files\Nokia\Nokia PC Suite 6\PhoneBrowser.dll

0x02bc0000 0xa4000 6.83.0092.0011 C:\Program Files\Nokia\Nokia PC Suite 6\PCSCM.dll

0x7c3a0000 0x7b000 7.10.3077.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCP71.dll

0x7c340000 0x56000 7.10.3052.0004 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCR71.dll

0x00c00000 0xb000 6.83.0047.0001 C:\Program Files\Nokia\Nokia PC Suite 6\Lang\PhoneBrowser_fre.nlr

0x02d70000 0x87000 6.83.0015.0001 C:\Program Files\Nokia\Nokia PC Suite 6\Resource\PhoneBrowser_Nokia.ngr

0x109c0000 0x2c000 5.02.5721.5145 C:\WINDOWS\system32\PortableDeviceTypes.dll

0x10930000 0x49000 5.02.5721.5145 C:\WINDOWS\system32\PortableDeviceApi.dll

0x029a0000 0x16f000 6.14.0010.11010 C:\WINDOWS\system32\nview.dll

0x00cd0000 0x12000 C:\Program Files\RocketDock\RocketDock.dll

0x02170000 0x14000 2.01.0003.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\LMIRfsClientNP.dll

0x01600000 0x15000 6.14.0010.8195 C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvwddi.dll

0x038f0000 0x11a000 1.05.0000.0008 C:\PROGRA~1\SPYBOT~1\SDHelper.dll

0x02980000 0x16000 1.00.0000.0003 C:\WINDOWS\system32\cgmopenbho.dll

0x02900000 0x15000 1.01.0050.0000 C:\Program Files\Pro Imaging Powertoys\Microsoft RAW Image Thumbnailer and Viewer for


Windows XP\CRawViewerExtension.dll

0x03e90000 0x1e000 1.00.0278.0000 C:\Program Files\Pro Imaging Powertoys\Microsoft Photo Info\MSImgShellExt.dll

0x03f80000 0x4c000 8.00.0000.0000 C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\PDFShell.FRA

0x04230000 0x1b9000 2.00.0000.0007 C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Ahead\lib\NeroDigitalExt.dll

0x7c140000 0x103000 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Ahead\lib\MFC71.DLL

0x5d360000 0xf000 7.10.3077.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MFC71FRA.DLL

0x03600000 0x5b000 8.01.0000.0000 C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\PDFShell.dll

0x03cd0000 0x37000 12.00.0001.0002 C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\dBShell.dll

0x040e0000 0x28000 1.00.0278.0000 C:\Program Files\Pro Imaging Powertoys\Microsoft Photo Info\ExtractMetadata.dll

0x7c630000 0x1b000 8.00.50727.0762



0x74730000 0x3d000 3.525.1117.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ODBC32.dll

0x020f0000 0x18000 3.525.1117.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbcint.dll

0x50640000 0x9000 7.00.6000.0381 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll

0x03d10000 0x4b000 6.00.6000.16431 C:\Program Files\Windows Desktop Search\MSNLNamespaceMgr.dll

0x02710000 0x10000 8.00.0000.0456 C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroIEHelper.dll

0x6bd10000 0x10000 12.00.4518.1014 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\msohevi.dll

0x41f00000 0x7000 1.01.0000.3917 C:\WINDOWS\system32\asfsipc.dll

0x60980000 0x7000 3.01.4000.1823 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSISIP.DLL

0x74e10000 0x10000 5.06.0000.8820 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshext.dll

0x73d20000 0xfe000 6.02.4131.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MFC42.DLL

0x61d70000 0xe000 6.00.8665.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MFC42LOC.DLL

0x59000000 0xe000 5.06.0000.6626 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshFR.DLL

0x36d30000 0x1b000 11.00.8164.0000 C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\OFFICE11\MCPS.DLL


ListDLLs v2.25 - DLL lister for Win9x/NT

Copyright © 1997-2004 Mark Russinovich

Sysinternals -



winlogon.exe pid: 928

Command line: winlogon.exe


Base Size Version Path

0x01000000 0x81000 \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe

0x58b50000 0x9a000 5.82.2900.2982 C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMCTL32.dll

0x74730000 0x3d000 3.525.1117.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ODBC32.dll

0x20000000 0x18000 3.525.1117.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbcint.dll

0x10000000 0x15000 4.00.0000.0680 C:\WINDOWS\system32\LMIinit.dll

0x01260000 0x3b000 1.07.0017.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WgaLogon.dll

0x76f80000 0x7f000 2001.12.4414.0308 C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL

0x77000000 0xd4000 2001.12.4414.0258 C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll

0x012d0000 0x14000 2.01.0003.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\LMIRfsClientNP.dll

0x76ac0000 0x11000 3.05.2284.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATL.DLL



Le volume dans le lecteur C s'appelle Disque local

Le numéro de série du volume est FCDA-B0EA


Répertoire de C:\WINDOWS\system


27/08/1996 01:12 4 176 QTNOTIFY.EXE

1 fichier(s) 4 176 octets

0 Rép(s) 95 437 881 344 octets libres

Le volume dans le lecteur C s'appelle Disque local

Le numéro de série du volume est FCDA-B0EA


Répertoire de C:\WINDOWS\system32


20/08/2004 00:09 6 144 csrss.exe

1 fichier(s) 6 144 octets

0 Rép(s) 95 437 881 344 octets libres


Contenu de Downloaded Program Files

Le volume dans le lecteur C s'appelle Disque local

Le numéro de série du volume est FCDA-B0EA


Répertoire de C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files


08/02/2008 08:59 <REP> .

08/02/2008 08:59 <REP> ..

03/12/2003 14:49 65 desktop.ini

28/04/2006 08:59 251 DownloadManagerV2.inf

20/05/2006 10:45 393 216 DownloadManagerV2.ocx

25/07/2002 17:13 24 576 dwusplay.dll

25/07/2002 17:13 196 608 dwusplay.exe

25/06/2006 11:50 1 793 erma.inf

14/08/2007 13:02 1 588 hardwaredetection.inf

09/08/2004 05:02 327 680 isusweb.dll

07/01/2007 12:55 2 305 kavwebscan.inf

29/11/2006 14:00 367 LegitCheckControl.inf

12/09/2007 09:19 71 248 LMIProxyHelper.exe

20/01/2000 14:25 1 162 Microsoft XML Parser for Java.osd

28/02/2007 20:24 361 OGAControl.inf

20/11/2007 17:02 2 721 096 RACtrl.dll

20/11/2007 17:01 663 RACtrl.inf

09/08/2007 12:02 347 setup.inf

09/11/2006 14:36 5 019 swflash.inf

18/10/2006 19:28 461 136 wlscBase.dll

18/10/2006 19:32 320 wlscBase.inf

30/06/2003 21:41 1 689 WMV9VCM.inf

02/11/2005 18:01 1 777 xscan.inf

02/11/2005 18:07 435 712 xscan53.ocx

22 fichier(s) 4 648 979 octets


Total des fichiers listés :

22 fichier(s) 4 648 979 octets

2 Rép(s) 95 437 877 248 octets libres


Recherche de rootkit! (Merci S!Ri)


Recherche d'infections connues


Export des clefs sensibles..



Liste des fichiers en exception sur le pare-feu XP SP2


"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft ActiveSync\\rapimgr.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft ActiveSync\\rapimgr.exe:*:Enabled:ActiveSync


RAPI Manager"

"C:\\Program Files\\IEPro\\MiniDM.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\IEPro\\MiniDM.exe:*:Enabled:MiniDM"

"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Live\\Messenger\\msnmsgr.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\Windows


Live\\Messenger\\msnmsgr.exe:*:Enabled:Windows Live Messenger"

"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Live\\Messenger\\livecall.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\Windows


Live\\Messenger\\livecall.exe:*:Enabled:Windows Live Messenger (Phone)"


"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Live\\Messenger\\msnmsgr.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\Windows


Live\\Messenger\\msnmsgr.exe:*:Enabled:Windows Live Messenger"

"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Live\\Messenger\\livecall.exe"="C:\\Program Files\\Windows


Live\\Messenger\\livecall.exe:*:Enabled:Windows Live Messenger (Phone)"


Export de la clef SharedTaskScheduler



"{438755C2-A8BA-11D1-B96B-00A0C90312E1}"="Pré-chargeur Browseui"

"{8C7461EF-2B13-11d2-BE35-3078302C2030}"="Démon de cache des catégories de composant"




exports des policies












Export des clefs sensibles..

Rechercher adresses sensibles dans le fichier HOSTS...

catchme 0.3.1319 W2K/XP/Vista - rootkit/stealth malware detector by Gmer,

Rootkit scan 2008-02-12 17:08:19

Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 NTFS


scanning hidden services & system hive ...


IPC error: 2 Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.

scanning hidden registry entries ...







scanning hidden files ...


scan completed successfully

hidden services: 0

hidden files: 0



KProcCheck Version 0.2-beta1 Proof-of-Concept by SIG^2 (


Process list by traversal of KiWaitListHead


4 - System

284 - explorer.exe

644 - spoolsv.exe

752 - cmd.exe

904 - csrss.exe

928 - winlogon.exe

972 - services.exe

984 - lsass.exe

1140 - svchost.exe

1148 - DrvIcon.exe

1208 - svchost.exe

1260 - iTunesHelper.ex

1308 - MsMpEng.exe

1348 - svchost.exe

1392 - svchost.exe

1604 - rundll32.exe

1616 - svchost.exe

1880 - AppleMobileDevi

1888 - ashServ.exe

1928 - mDNSResponder.e

2072 - DkService.exe

2228 - ashDisp.exe

2256 - EPGService.exe

2308 - TeaTimer.exe

2412 - nvsvc32.exe

2424 - ctfmon.exe

2504 - fumoei.exe

2524 - wcescomm.exe

2540 - RocketDock.exe

2576 - searchfilterhos

2608 - iexplore.exe

2660 - taskmgr.exe

2692 - iPodService.exe

2772 - tcpsvcs.exe

3044 - svchost.exe

3092 - tbmux32.exe

3116 - searchindexer.e

3660 - ashMaiSv.exe

3696 - ashWebSv.exe

4040 - searchprotocolh


Total number of processes = 40

NOTE: Under WinXP, this will not show all processes.


KProcCheck Version 0.2-beta1 Proof-of-Concept by SIG^2 (


Driver/Module list by traversal of PsLoadedModuleList


804D7000 - \WINDOWS\system32\ntoskrnl.exe

806FD000 - \WINDOWS\system32\hal.dll

F7BA2000 - \WINDOWS\system32\KDCOM.DLL

F7AB2000 - \WINDOWS\system32\BOOTVID.dll

F7652000 - ACPI.sys


F7641000 - pci.sys

F76A2000 - isapnp.sys

F76B2000 - ohci1394.sys

F76C2000 - \WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\1394BUS.SYS

F7C6A000 - pciide.sys


F76D2000 - MountMgr.sys

F7622000 - ftdisk.sys

F792A000 - PartMgr.sys

F76E2000 - VolSnap.sys

F760A000 - atapi.sys

F76F2000 - disk.sys


F75EA000 - fltmgr.sys

F75D8000 - sr.sys

F7AB6000 - BsStor.sys

F7712000 - PxHelp20.sys

F75C6000 - TPkd.sys

F75AF000 - KSecDD.sys

F759C000 - WudfPf.sys

F750F000 - Ntfs.sys

F74E2000 - NDIS.sys

F7482000 - timntr.sys

F7467000 - snapman.sys

F7454000 - sfvfs02.sys

F7932000 - sfhlp02.sys

F7442000 - sfdrv01.sys

F7427000 - Mup.sys

F7722000 - agp440.sys

F7752000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\nic1394.sys

F7B8E000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\tunmp.sys

F71A9000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\intelppm.sys

F6AA9000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\nv4_mini.sys

F6A95000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\VIDEOPRT.SYS

F7403000 - \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\magicpvt.sys

F79C2000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\usbuhci.sys

F6A72000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\USBPORT.SYS

F79CA000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\usbehci.sys

F6A4E000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\EL2K_XP.sys

F79D2000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\usbohci.sys

F6A3D000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\serial.sys

F73FF000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\serenum.sys

F79DA000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\fdc.sys

F6A29000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\parport.sys

F73FB000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\cdrbsvsd.SYS

F7199000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\cdrom.sys

F7189000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\redbook.sys

F6A06000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\ks.sys

F79E2000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\GEARAspiWDM.sys

F7179000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\imapi.sys

F6978000 - \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\smwdm.sys

F6954000 - \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\portcls.sys

F7169000 - \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\drmk.sys

F693C000 - \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\aeaudio.sys

F7D38000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\lmimirr.sys

F7D39000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\audstub.sys

F79EA000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\rasirda.sys

F79F2000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\TDI.SYS

F7159000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\rasl2tp.sys

F73EB000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\ndistapi.sys

F6925000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\ndiswan.sys

F7149000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\raspppoe.sys

F7139000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\raspptp.sys

F6914000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\psched.sys

F6E88000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\msgpc.sys

F79FA000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\ptilink.sys

F7A02000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\raspti.sys

F6E78000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\termdd.sys

F7A0A000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\kbdclass.sys

F7A12000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\mouclass.sys

F7C20000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\swenum.sys

F68BB000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\update.sys

F73E3000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\mssmbios.sys

F6E68000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\NDProxy.SYS

F6E58000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\usbhub.sys

F7C24000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\USBD.SYS

F7A52000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\flpydisk.sys

F7C3A000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Fs_Rec.SYS

F7D97000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Null.SYS

F7C3C000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Beep.SYS

F6F94000 - \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\MTictwl.sys

F7A62000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\HIDPARSE.SYS

F7A6A000 - \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\vga.sys

F7C3E000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\mnmdd.SYS

F7C40000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\RDPCDD.sys

F544B000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\meiudf.sys

F543A000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Udfs.SYS

F7A72000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Msfs.SYS

F7A7A000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Npfs.SYS

F6F8C000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\rasacd.sys

F5427000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\ipsec.sys

F53CF000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\tcpip.sys

F7772000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\aswTdi.SYS

F53AE000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\ipnat.sys

F5386000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\netbt.sys

F7782000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\wanarp.sys

F534E000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\tcpip6.sys

F7792000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\arp1394.sys

F532C000 - \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\afd.sys

F7A82000 - \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\ip6fw.sys

F77A2000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\netbios.sys

F5301000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\rdbss.sys

F5292000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\mrxsmb.sys

F77E2000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Fips.SYS

F7A92000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\Aavmker4.SYS

F7AA2000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\usbccgp.sys

F68AB000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\hidusb.sys

F7822000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\HIDCLASS.SYS

F7832000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\LVCE.sys

F502D000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\LVCam2.dll

F4FC4000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\LVCodek2.dll

F7842000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\STREAM.SYS

F7862000 - \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\lvsound2.sys

F6893000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\kbdhid.sys

F73DB000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\mouhid.sys

F796A000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\usbprint.sys

F558A000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\usbscan.sys

F3A09000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\dump_atapi.sys

F7BB6000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\dump_WMILIB.SYS

BF800000 - \SystemRoot\System32\win32k.sys

F4590000 - \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\Dxapi.sys

F4706000 - \SystemRoot\System32\watchdog.sys

BF000000 - \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\dxg.sys

F7DEE000 - \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\dxgthk.sys

BF026000 - \SystemRoot\System32\nv4_disp.dll

BF012000 - \SystemRoot\System32\sam_nv4_disp.dll

BFFA0000 - \SystemRoot\System32\ATMFD.DLL

F46F6000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\tifsfilt.sys

BA54A000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\irda.sys

BA5D4000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\mdc8021x.sys

BA5D0000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\ndisuio.sys

BA494000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\aswMon2.SYS

BA1FF000 - \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\wdmaud.sys

BA37C000 - \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\sysaudio.sys

B9FED000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\mrxdav.sys

F7BEA000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\ParVdm.SYS

B9DA4000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\HTTP.sys

BA092000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\ipfltdrv.sys

F7C14000 - \??\C:\Program Files\LogMeIn\x86\RaInfo.sys

BA052000 - \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\LMIRfsDriver.sys

B9722000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\srv.sys

B9245000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\secdrv.sys

B90DD000 - \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\aswRdr.SYS

BA460000 - \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\asyncmac.sys

B7930000 - \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\kmixer.sys

F7D1F000 - \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\KProcCheck.sys


Total number of drivers = 152


Liste des programmes installes


2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 1 (SP1)

32nd America's Cup - Demo

Acronis True Image Home

Adaptateur USB-IrDA

Adobe Anchor Service CS3

Adobe Asset Services CS3

Adobe Bridge 1.0

Adobe Bridge CS3

Adobe Bridge Start Meeting

Adobe Camera Raw 4.0

Adobe CMaps

Adobe Color - Photoshop Specific

Adobe Color Common Settings

Adobe Color Common Settings

Adobe Color EU Recommended Settings

Adobe Color JA Extra Settings

Adobe Color NA Extra Settings

Adobe Common File Installer

Adobe Default Language CS3

Adobe Device Central CS3

Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit 2

Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit 2

Adobe Flash Player ActiveX

Adobe Fonts All

Adobe Help Center 1.0

Adobe Help Viewer CS3

Adobe Linguistics CS3

Adobe PDF Library Files

Adobe Photoshop CS3

Adobe Photoshop CS3

Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0

Adobe Reader 8.1.1 - Français

Adobe Setup

Adobe Setup

Adobe Setup

Adobe Shockwave Player

Adobe Stock Photos 1.0

Adobe Stock Photos CS3

Adobe Type Support

Adobe Update Manager CS3

Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client

Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin

Adobe XMP Panels CS3

Album Cover Art Downloader 1.6.0

Allway Sync version 6.1.6

Apple Mobile Device Support

Apple Software Update

Archiveur WinRAR

Assistant de connexion Windows Live

Audacity 1.2.6

AV Album Art Fixer for MCE and WMP

avast! Antivirus

AVIcodec (remove only)

Band-in-a-Box 2005: Support de langue français

Canon Camera Access Library

Canon Camera Support Core Library

Canon Camera WIA Driver

Canon Camera Window DC_DV 5 for ZoomBrowser EX

Canon Camera Window DC_DV 6 for ZoomBrowser EX

Canon Camera Window MC 6 for ZoomBrowser EX

Canon EOS Kiss_N REBEL_XT 350D Pilote WIA

Canon G.726 WMP-Decoder


Canon Internet Library for ZoomBrowser EX

Canon MovieEdit Task for ZoomBrowser EX

Canon PhotoRecord

Canon RAW Image Task for ZoomBrowser EX

Canon RemoteCapture Task for ZoomBrowser EX

Canon Utilities Digital Photo Professional 3.0

Canon Utilities EOS Capture 1.5

Canon Utilities EOS Utility

Canon Utilities ZoomBrowser EX


CCleaner (remove only)

CD Art Display RC 6

CodeStuff Starter

Conseiller de mise à niveau Windows Vista

dBpoweramp [Calculate Audio CRC] Codec

dBpoweramp FLAC Codec

dBpoweramp m4a Codec

dBpoweramp Monkeys Audio Codec

dBpoweramp Mp2 and BwfMp2 codec

dBpoweramp mp3 (Fraunhofer IIS) Codec

dBpoweramp Musepack Codec

dBpoweramp Music Converter

dBpoweramp Ogg Vorbis Codec

dBpoweramp WavPack Codec

dBpoweramp Windows Media Audio 10 Codec

dBpowerAMP Windows Media Audio 9 Codec

Diskeeper Professional Premier Edition

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 8

DxO Optics Pro import plugin

DxO Optics Pro v3.5a





EOS Capture 1.5

ETK (Lokal)

ExposurePlot 1.10

Eye On Network (désinstallation)

FileZilla Client


Free Download Manager 2.5

Free Mp3 Wma Converter V 1.5.1


Galerie de photos Windows Live


Glary Utilities 2.4

GNU Solfege 3.8.1

Google Earth

Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer

Guitar Pro 5.0

Harmony Assistant

Hauppauge French Help Files and Resources

Hauppauge WinTV

Hauppauge WinTV DVB-T EPG Service

Hauppauge WinTV Infrared Remote

Hauppauge WinTV Scheduler

Hauppauge WinTV Soft PVR

HijackThis 2.0.2

Hotfix for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (KB932471)

HP Deskjet 5700

hp deskjet 960c series (Supprimer uniquement)

HP Driver Diagnostics

HP Photo and Imaging 2.2 - Scanjet 3970 Series

HP Software Update



inook2008 Screen Saver

InterVideo FilterSDK for Hauppauge

iPod for Windows 2006-03-23

iPod for Windows 2006-03-23

ITEDO IsoView ActiveX Control 3.0


iTunes Art Importer

J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 10

J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 11

J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 6

JAlbum 7.0

Java 2 Runtime Environment, SE v1.4.0_03

Java 6 Update 2

Java 6 Update 3

Java SE Runtime Environment 6 Update 1

KaraFun 1.17

Kaspersky Online Scanner

KC Softwares AudioGrail

KC Softwares IDPhotoStudio

KeePass Password Safe 1.08

Lecteur Windows Media 11

Logitech ImageStudio

LogMeIn plugin


Media Player Classic fr

Messenger Plus! Live

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 French Language Pack

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Hotfix (KB928366)

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Language Pack - FRA

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 French Language Pack

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 1

Microsoft ActiveSync 4.0

Microsoft Compression Client Pack 1.0 for Windows XP

Microsoft Data Access Components KB870669

Microsoft Internationalized Domain Names Mitigation APIs

Microsoft Kernel-Mode Driver Framework Feature Pack 1.1

Microsoft LifeChat

Microsoft National Language Support Downlevel APIs

Microsoft Office Access MUI (French) 2007

Microsoft Office Excel MUI (French) 2007

Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI (French) 2007

Microsoft Office Language Pack 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1)

Microsoft Office Outlook MUI (French) 2007

Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI (French) 2007

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007

Microsoft Office Proof (Arabic) 2007

Microsoft Office Proof (Dutch) 2007

Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007

Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007

Microsoft Office Proof (German) 2007

Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) 2007

Microsoft Office Proofing (French) 2007

Microsoft Office Publisher MUI (French) 2007

Microsoft Office Shared MUI (French) 2007

Microsoft Office Word MUI (French) 2007

Microsoft Photo Info

Microsoft RAW Image Thumbnailer and Viewer for Windows XP Version 1.0 (Build 50)

Microsoft Reader

Microsoft Reader Text-to-Speech pour le français

Microsoft Silverlight

Microsoft Software Update for Web Folders (French) 12

Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine 4.0 (English)

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition [ENU]

Microsoft User-Mode Driver Framework Feature Pack 1.5

MidiScan v2.5.1

Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows Internet Explorer 7 (KB928090)

Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows Internet Explorer 7 (KB929969)

Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows Internet Explorer 7 (KB931768)

Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows Internet Explorer 7 (KB933566)

Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows Internet Explorer 7 (KB937143)

Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows Internet Explorer 7 (KB938127)

Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows Internet Explorer 7 (KB939653)

Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows Internet Explorer 7 (KB942615)

Module de prise en charge linguistique de Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - FRA

Module de prise en charge linguistique du français de Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0

MP3 Update

Mp3tag v2.38a

MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB925672)

MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978)

MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181)

MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK

MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB933579)



Natural Color

Nero 7 Demo

Nimo Codecs Pack v5.0 (Remove Only)

Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver

Nokia PC Suite

Nokia PC Suite

Nokia Software Updater

NuonSoft ShellEnhancer 3.0

NVIDIA Drivers

Package de pilotes Windows - Nokia Modem (11/03/2006

Partition deLuxe

Partition Suite

PC Connectivity Solution

PDF Settings

PG Music DirectX Plugins

Pilote du DVD-RAM


Powertoys FR Pour Windows XP


RamBoost XP 4.0.6

RealSpeak Solo pour la voix francaise Virginie

RocketDock 1.3.5

Sagem - Utilitaire réseau pour Clé USB Wi-Fi 802.11g

Security Update for CAPICOM (KB931906)

Security Update for CAPICOM (KB931906)


Skype 3.6

Solfegis 2.0


Spelling Check Dictionary From

Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader 8

Sprite Backup for Smartphone

Spybot - Search & Destroy

StartClock 3.2

The Panorama Factory V4 Legacy Edition

Thoosje Quick Xp Optimizer Installer V2

Thoosje Sidebar V2.3

Thoosje Vista Sidebar v1.7.8

Tomb Raider: Anniversary Demo 1.0



TrackMania Nations ESWC

TrackMania Sunrise Extreme Demo 1.5.0

Tweak-XP Pro 4

UltraBackup 4.25

UltraISO 8.0 Premium Edition

Update for Outlook 2007 Junk Email Filter (kb943597)


Virtual Skipper 4 Demo 1.5.5

VistaBootPRO 3.1

VNC Enterprise Edition E4.2.8

VTPlus32 pour WinTV (French)

WebFldrs XP

Windows Communication Foundation Language Pack - FRA

Windows Defender

Windows Defender Signatures

Windows Driver Package - Nokia (WUDFRd) WPD (03/19/2007

Windows Driver Package - Nokia Modem (02/15/2007 3.1)

Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications (KB905474)

Windows Genuine Advantage v1.3.0254.0

Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130)

Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130)

Windows Imaging Component

Windows Installer Clean Up

Windows Internet Explorer 7

Windows Live installer

Windows Live Messenger

Windows Live Safety Scanner

Windows Media Format 11 runtime

Windows Media Format 11 runtime

Windows Media Player 11

Windows Presentation Foundation

Windows Presentation Foundation Language Pack (FRA)

Windows Workflow Foundation FR Language Pack

Windows XP Service Pack 2

WinISO 5.3

XML Paper Specification Shared Components Language Pack 1.0

XML Paper Specification Shared Components Pack 1.0

xp-AntiSpy 3.95-1

XviD Video Codec 14052003-1 (Koepi's developer build)

Yahoo! Install Manager

Yahoo! Widgets

Zeb-Utility 2.1




Le volume dans le lecteur C s'appelle Disque local

Le numéro de série du volume est FCDA-B0EA


Répertoire de C:\Program Files


08/02/2008 09:37 <REP> .

08/02/2008 09:37 <REP> ..

20/10/2007 09:32 <REP> 32nd America's Cup - Demo

20/10/2007 09:32 <REP> Acronis

25/09/2007 16:21 <REP> Adobe

16/07/2007 16:34 <REP> Album Cover Art Downloader

14/07/2007 12:24 <REP> Allway Sync

12/04/2006 08:25 <REP> Alwil Software

20/10/2007 09:32 <REP> Analog Devices

19/09/2007 09:31 <REP> Apple Software Update

24/09/2006 12:26 <REP> Astase

06/10/2007 11:06 <REP> Audacity

16/07/2007 16:42 <REP> AV Soft

20/10/2007 09:32 <REP> AVIcodec

21/01/2008 16:44 <REP> BIAB

20/06/2007 15:45 <REP> BobTheque

25/09/2007 16:05 <REP> Bonjour

14/07/2007 12:24 <REP> Bootvis

14/01/2008 12:52 <REP> BorderMaker

15/12/2005 19:15 <REP> B's Recorder GOLD5

16/04/2007 04:59 <REP> Canon

05/01/2007 17:13 <REP> CartoExploreur

11/09/2007 18:27 <REP> CCleaner

18/07/2007 07:22 <REP> CD Art Display

11/10/2006 09:26 <REP> ChangeIcon

29/10/2007 08:46 <REP> CodeStuff

10/11/2007 16:17 <REP> ColiPoste

10/10/2004 15:13 <REP> Common Files

03/12/2003 15:28 <REP> CyberLink

09/05/2007 12:47 <REP> DeskPhoto

02/07/2007 08:18 <REP> DIFX

15/12/2005 22:21 <REP> Diskeeper Corporation

20/10/2007 09:32 <REP> DivX

24/03/2007 12:29 <REP> DSpeech

20/10/2007 09:32 <REP> DVD-RAM

06/05/2007 15:47 <REP> DxO Labs

25/09/2007 08:25 <REP> Eggiz

12/05/2007 20:19 <REP> ElcomSoft

20/10/2007 09:32 <REP> eMule

20/10/2007 09:32 <REP> EnveloppesEditor

05/09/2006 08:06 <REP> ExposurePlot

09/11/2006 08:44 <REP> Eye On Network

28/01/2008 16:46 <REP> Fichiers communs

20/10/2007 09:32 <REP> FileZilla Client

07/08/2006 20:36 <REP> Finale 2006

07/08/2006 20:35 <REP> Finale NotePad 2005a

07/08/2006 20:36 <REP> Finale Performance Assessment

07/01/2007 18:53 <REP> Free Audio Pack

06/11/2007 09:11 <REP> Free Download Manager

29/06/2007 07:44 <REP> Gaston

14/07/2007 12:36 <REP> GetRight

05/02/2008 10:43 <REP> Glary Utilities

17/07/2007 10:06 <REP> GNU Solfege

30/05/2007 05:43 <REP> Google

04/02/2008 09:27 <REP> Grisoft

20/10/2007 09:32 <REP> Guitar Pro 5

28/01/2008 12:04 <REP> Guitools

14/07/2007 12:24 <REP> Harmony Assistant

05/02/2008 17:46 <REP> Hewlett-Packard

05/02/2008 17:53 <REP> HP

05/02/2008 17:48 <REP> hp deskjet 960c series

05/01/2008 09:36 <REP> IE7Pro

14/01/2008 11:53 <REP> IEPro

14/07/2007 12:05 <REP> Illustrate

27/03/2007 19:28 <REP> IMG-TXT 5

03/12/2003 15:06 <REP> Intel

12/12/2007 11:01 <REP> Internet Explorer

06/11/2007 09:53 <REP> iPod

20/10/2006 19:53 <REP> ITEDO Software

06/11/2007 09:53 <REP> iTunes

19/07/2007 05:29 <REP> iTunes Art Importer

26/02/2007 13:54 <REP> JAlbum

26/02/2007 13:56 <REP> JAlbum7.0

19/10/2007 16:12 <REP> Java

23/09/2007 13:05 <REP> KaraFun

25/08/2007 15:52 <REP> KC Softwares

13/09/2007 11:34 <REP> KeePass Password Safe

11/01/2008 14:35 <REP>

04/11/2006 11:11 <REP> Lavalys Everest Ultimate Edition

15/01/2006 17:46 <REP> Logitech

26/12/2007 08:33 <REP> LogMeIn

26/09/2007 09:20 <REP>

28/12/2007 09:41 <REP> MagicRotation

09/11/2006 11:34 <REP> Media Player Classic

03/12/2003 15:42 <REP> Mediostream

08/03/2006 15:59 <REP> Messenger

23/12/2007 20:30 <REP> Messenger Plus! Live

20/09/2007 08:23 <REP> Microsoft ActiveSync

14/03/2006 10:50 <REP> Microsoft AntiSpyware

09/05/2007 08:04 <REP> Microsoft CAPICOM

08/12/2003 15:22 <REP> microsoft frontpage

11/03/2005 20:21 <REP> Microsoft IntelliType Pro

19/05/2007 07:52 <REP> Microsoft LifeChat

25/09/2007 14:35 <REP> Microsoft Office

09/01/2006 15:48 <REP> Microsoft Reader

08/02/2008 09:37 <REP> Microsoft Silverlight

16/11/2007 20:21 <REP> Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition

25/09/2007 14:35 <REP> Microsoft Visual Studio

25/09/2007 14:31 <REP> Microsoft Visual Studio 8

10/03/2007 11:10 <REP> Microsoft Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor

25/09/2007 14:36 <REP> Microsoft Works

10/03/2007 13:20 <REP> Microsoft.NET

31/03/2006 07:41 <REP> Monte Cristo

28/04/2007 07:24 <REP> Movie Maker

26/06/2007 10:45 <REP> MP3 Update

01/10/2007 14:34 <REP> MP3Gain

16/07/2007 16:39 <REP> Mp3tag

16/12/2005 10:43 <REP> mpc_xp_6.4.8.7_fr

25/09/2007 14:35 <REP> MSBuild

03/12/2003 14:46 <REP> MSN Gaming Zone

31/12/2007 13:15 <REP> MSN Password Recovery

13/10/2006 13:14 <REP> MSXML 4.0

09/05/2007 09:05 <REP> MSXML 6.0

21/05/2006 15:18 <REP> Musicalis

20/12/2005 09:33 <REP> Nero

30/09/2004 02:57 <REP> NetMeeting

21/08/2006 20:51 <REP> NimoCodec Pack

02/07/2007 08:36 <REP> Nokia

24/12/2003 18:30 <REP> Nullsoft

18/06/2007 17:46 <REP> NuonSoft

06/04/2007 16:58 <REP> ObjectDock

08/09/2006 11:35 <REP> OfficeUpdate11

14/06/2007 10:18 <REP> Outlook Express

12/05/2007 20:00 <REP> Passware

02/07/2007 08:18 <REP> PC Connectivity Solution

26/06/2007 10:32 <REP> PeerTV

10/10/2007 10:25 <REP> pese_courrier

31/12/2007 10:20 <REP> Philips ToUcam Camera

16/10/2007 11:21 <REP> Poster Forge

23/09/2007 15:11 <REP> PowerTracks DirectX Plugins

02/04/2007 17:58 <REP> Pro Imaging Powertoys

07/04/2007 14:18 <REP> PROnetworks

16/10/2007 11:25 <REP> ProPoster

02/05/2007 07:27 <REP> PSCS2

09/08/2006 18:38 <REP> PTLens

25/09/2007 08:30 <REP> Qliner Hotkeys

06/11/2007 09:52 <REP> QuickTime

31/10/2007 11:26 <REP> RamBoost XP

14/06/2007 16:38 <REP> RealVNC

07/04/2007 08:18 <REP> Reference Assemblies

10/08/2006 04:37 <REP> REGSHAVE

06/04/2007 16:58 <REP> RK Launcher

06/04/2007 17:58 <REP> rk-launcher_rk_launcher_0.4_francais_14854

16/10/2007 10:34 <REP> RocketDock

10/01/2006 17:57 <REP> Sagem - Utilitaire réseau pour Clé USB Wi-Fi 802.11g

31/03/2007 07:52 <REP> Scanner

25/09/2007 08:28 <REP> ScanSoft

28/04/2007 07:22 <REP> SearchSpy

28/12/2007 09:39 <REP> SEC

23/05/2007 08:29 <REP> Skype

07/08/2006 20:38 <REP> SmartMusic Applications

10/08/2006 06:13 <REP> Smoky City Design

09/07/2007 08:57 <REP> Sprite Backup for Smartphone

11/01/2008 14:15 <REP> Spybot - Search & Destroy

07/11/2007 08:33 <REP> StartClock

17/12/2005 19:35 <REP> StartupCPL_EXE

13/10/2006 15:37 <REP> Tcpview

19/07/2007 05:23 <REP> The GodFather

15/01/2008 13:58 <REP> Thoosje

22/01/2008 13:47 <REP> Thoosje Sidebar V2.3

27/02/2007 16:14 <REP> Thoosje Vista Sidebar v1.7.8

26/05/2007 09:13 <REP> Tomb Raider - Anniversary Demo

05/11/2007 13:54 <REP> TomTom HOME

05/11/2007 13:54 <REP> TomTom HOME 2

16/12/2005 12:32 <REP> ToniArts

06/04/2007 19:49 <REP> TopDesk Trial

31/01/2006 15:56 <REP> TrackMania Nations ESWC

16/12/2005 19:43 <REP> TrackMania Sunrise Extreme Demo

04/02/2008 08:42 <REP> Trend Micro

03/02/2008 19:22 <REP> Tweak-XP Pro 4

24/05/2007 16:40 <REP> UltraISO

30/10/2007 18:05 <REP> vdownloader

16/12/2005 14:40 <REP> Virtual Skipper 4 Demo

24/08/2007 18:22 <REP> VistaDriveIcon

29/04/2007 07:29 <REP> VisualTooltip22

25/08/2007 08:25 <REP> Volumouse

28/01/2008 16:46 <REP> vtplus

28/12/2005 13:50 <REP> Wanadoo

06/09/2007 15:02 <REP> WhereIsIt

13/03/2007 09:56 <REP> Windows Defender

16/04/2007 05:36 <REP> Windows Desktop Search

16/06/2006 07:02 <REP> Windows Installer Clean Up

16/11/2007 20:22 <REP> Windows Live

09/11/2006 18:01 <REP> Windows Live Safety Center

15/01/2006 17:52 <REP> Windows Media Components

28/04/2007 07:24 <REP> Windows Media Connect 2

11/12/2007 12:52 <REP> Windows Media Player

28/04/2007 07:24 <REP> Windows NT

21/08/2006 20:51 <REP> WinISO

15/12/2005 21:22 <REP> WinRAR

06/04/2007 16:58 <REP> WinRoll

04/02/2008 09:44 <REP> WinTV

03/12/2003 14:50 <REP> xerox

09/01/2006 15:51 <REP> xp-AntiSpy

21/08/2006 20:51 <REP> XviD

24/12/2007 17:57 <REP> Yahoo!

06/04/2007 16:58 <REP> YzShadow

07/05/2007 14:27 <REP> Zeb-Utility

0 fichier(s) 0 octets

198 Rép(s) 95 424 061 440 octets libres

Le volume dans le lecteur C s'appelle Disque local

Le numéro de série du volume est FCDA-B0EA


Répertoire de C:\Program Files\fichiers communs


28/01/2008 16:46 <REP> .

28/01/2008 16:46 <REP> ..

13/10/2007 06:13 <REP> Acronis

25/09/2007 16:05 <REP> Adobe

09/08/2006 19:28 <REP> Adobe Systems Shared

20/12/2005 09:36 <REP> Ahead

24/12/2003 18:29 <REP> AOL

24/12/2003 18:30 <REP> aolback

13/07/2007 09:41 <REP> Apple

16/04/2007 04:57 <REP> Canon

10/03/2007 13:20 <REP> DESIGNER

24/05/2007 16:38 <REP> EZB Systems

10/08/2005 16:35 <REP> Hewlett-Packard

21/05/2007 11:38 <REP> InstallShield

28/01/2008 16:46 <REP> IviSDK

09/08/2006 20:10 <REP> Java

09/01/2006 15:49 <REP> L&H

15/01/2006 17:50 <REP> Logitech

25/09/2007 15:52 <REP> Macrovision Shared

19/12/2007 15:52 <REP> Microsoft Shared

03/12/2003 14:47 <REP> MSSoap

09/08/2006 18:35 <REP> Nikon

02/07/2007 08:36 <REP> Nokia

03/12/2003 14:41 <REP> ODBC

06/05/2007 15:55 <REP> PACE Anti-Piracy

02/07/2007 08:18 <REP> PCSuite

06/03/2004 15:33 <REP> Real

21/05/2007 11:38 <REP> scansoft shared

03/12/2003 14:48 <REP> Services

03/12/2003 14:41 <REP> SpeechEngines

02/11/2006 18:22 <REP> SWF Studio

14/06/2007 10:18 <REP> System

0 fichier(s) 0 octets

32 Rép(s) 95 424 061 440 octets libres

Le volume dans le lecteur C s'appelle Disque local

Le numéro de série du volume est FCDA-B0EA


Répertoire de C:\Program Files\fichiers communs\Microsoft Shared\Web Folders


19/12/2007 15:55 <REP> .

19/12/2007 15:55 <REP> ..

15/12/2005 23:03 <REP> 1033

25/09/2007 14:41 <REP> 1036

28/08/2007 23:55 973 168 MSONSEXT.DLL

26/10/2006 19:12 40 256 MSOSV.DLL

03/06/1999 14:09 122 937 MSOWS409.DLL

07/03/2001 09:00 127 033 MSOWS40c.DLL

11/07/2003 02:25 80 448 PKMWS.DLL

18/03/1999 05:37 593 977 RAGENT.DLL

6 fichier(s) 1 937 819 octets

4 Rép(s) 95 424 061 440 octets libres

Le volume dans le lecteur C s'appelle Disque local

Le numéro de série du volume est FCDA-B0EA


Répertoire de C:\Program Files\common files


10/10/2004 15:13 <REP> .

10/10/2004 15:13 <REP> ..

10/10/2004 15:13 <REP> Microsoft Shared

03/08/2004 13:17 <REP> System

0 fichier(s) 0 octets

4 Rép(s) 95 424 061 440 octets libres





c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\Installer Cache\iTunes\iTunesSetupAdmin.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\\Client\UninstITW\unins000.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\\Client\UninstWMP\unins000.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propritaire\Local Settings\Temp\photoshop9-fr_FR-RET\Photoshop_902_Update\setup.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\IE7pro\prosetup.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application





c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application





c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application





c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\U3\temp\cleanup.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\UpdateStar\UpdateStar.exe

c:\Documents and



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\avastsetupfre.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\avgas-setup-

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\spybotsd152.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\catchme.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\diff.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\dumphive.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\FilesInfoCmd.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\find2.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\Fport.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\grep.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\gzip.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\KProcCheck.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\LFiles.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\LISTDLLS.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\md5sums.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\pslist.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\sigcheck.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\streams.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\swreg.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\tar.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DISKEEPER PRO PREMIER 2007+KEY+INSTRUCTIONS OK!!\Autorun.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DISKEEPER PRO PREMIER 2007+KEY+INSTRUCTIONS



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DISKEEPER PRO PREMIER 2007+KEY+INSTRUCTIONS OK!!\X64\setup.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\DISKEEPER PRO PREMIER 2007+KEY+INSTRUCTIONS OK!!\X86\setup.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\avgas-setup-

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\ComboFix.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\hijackthis_hijackthis_2.02_anglais_17891.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\VundoFix.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\catchme.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\diff.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\dumphive.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\FilesInfoCmd.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\find2.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\Fport.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\grep.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\gzip.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\KProcCheck.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\LFiles.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\LISTDLLS.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\md5sums.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\pslist.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\sigcheck.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\streams.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\swreg.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\Forum Zebulon\DiagHelp\DiagHelp\tar.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\ZoneAlarm\zapSetup_70_462_000_fr.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Bureau\ZoneAlarm\ZoneAlarm (all products) Key Generator.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\Installer1336\Setup.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\Installer1336\redist\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\Installer1336\redist\WindowsXP-KB898715-x64-enu.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\Installer3068\Setup.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\Installer3068\redist\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\Installer3068\redist\WindowsXP-KB898715-x64-enu.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\\Client\Updaterd.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application Data\Yahoo\Widget Engine\Widget Data\Neon Gauges\treeinfo.exe

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temporary Internet



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\OGXKUYNX\VundoFix[1].exe

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\Downloads\help.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\IdentityCRL\ppcrlconfig.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\IdentityCRL\production\ppcrlconfig.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition Updates\Backup\mpengine.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition Updates\Default\MpEngine.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition



c:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application Data\Microsoft\UPnP Device Host\upnphost\udhisapi.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\Microsoft\IdentityCRL\ppcrlconfig.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\Microsoft\IdentityCRL\PROD\ppcrlconfig.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\Microsoft\IdentityCRL\Production\ppcrlconfig.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\qliner\hotkeys\Clock\tool.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\qliner\hotkeys\Hotkeys\tool.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\qliner\hotkeys\Jaggle\tool.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\qliner\hotkeys\Screenshots\Screenshots.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\qliner\hotkeys\Screenshots\tool.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\qliner\hotkeys\Shell\Interop.Shell32.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\qliner\hotkeys\Shell\ShellTool.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\qliner\hotkeys\Shell\tool.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\qliner\hotkeys\Volume\tool.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\qliner\hotkeys\Zip\tool.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\qliner\hotkeys\Zip\Zip.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\TaoUSign\jseccapi.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\UpdateStar\libeay32.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\UpdateStar\msvcr80.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\UpdateStar\ssleay32.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\UpdateStar\ustarrs.dll

c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application



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c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application



c:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Local Settings\Application




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