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Messages recommandés


bonjour voila g un problème je voulais allé sur youtube mais je n'arrive plus a lire les vidéo il y a écri ceci :


Bonjour, vous avez désactivé JavaScript ou bien vous possédez une ancienne version d'Adobe Flash Player. Téléchargez la dernière version de Flash Player.



pouvez vous m'aider svp merci

Posté(e) (modifié)


On va prendre pour acquis que tu es avec Internet Explorer comme navigateur...

(si tu as Firefox avise nous)

Pour essayer de résoudre ton probème ,va ici:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Outils
  • Options Internet
  • Sécurité
  • Rétablir toutes les zones au niveau par défaut....Appliquer / Ok




Redémarre et dit nous comment ca se comporte


Et fait ce test (il te dira au sujet de Flash et de bien d'autres choses):

suit les recommandations .


et voici un complément qui pourrait être utile :




Il y a des chances que ton sujet soit transféré ici:

Modifié par Zonk

alor sa ne marche toujours pas, j'ai fai le test mais tou est en anglais je ne compren rien g sa :






This installation of Adobe Reader 7.x is insecure and potentially exposes your system to security threats!


The detected version installed on your system is, however, the latest patched version released by the vendor, fixing one or more vulnerabilities, is 7.1.0.


Update Instructions:

Update to 7.1.0.


Vulnerabilities Fixed:

Read about the vulnerabilities fixed with this update in Secunia advisory SA30832 (opens in a new window). The Secunia advisory describes the vulnerabilities fixed by the latest security update. If your installation is outdated with more than one version, then more vulnerabilities may be covered.



Installed on Your System in:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x 6.00.2900.2180


Microsoft Outlook Express 6 6.00.2900.2180


Microsoft Windows Media Player 11.x 11.0.5721.5145


Skype for Windows 3.x


Adobe Flash Player 9.x


Adobe Flash Player 9.x


Adobe Flash Player 9.x


Macromedia Flash Player 5.x

This installation of Macromedia Flash Player 5.x is insecure and potentially exposes your system to security threats!


The detected version installed on your system is, however, the latest patched version released by the vendor, fixing one or more vulnerabilities, is


Update Instructions:

Update to version


NOTE: When updating Flash Player, older versions are not always automatically removed from your system. If older versions were detected that you believe should not be present, then please contact the vendor regarding how to remove them from your system.


Vulnerabilities Fixed:

Read about the vulnerabilities fixed with this update in Secunia advisory SA28083 (opens in a new window). The Secunia advisory describes the vulnerabilities fixed by the latest security update. If your installation is outdated with more than one version, then more vulnerabilities may be covered.



Installed on Your System in:


Sun Java JRE 1.5.x / 5.x

This installation of Sun Java JRE 1.5.x / 5.x is insecure and potentially exposes your system to security threats!


The detected version installed on your system is, however, the latest patched version released by the vendor, fixing one or more vulnerabilities, is


Update Instructions:

Update to 5.0 Update 16 or later.


NOTE. Older versions of Sun Java are not removed from your system when downloading and installing new versions from Sun. Therefore, if you have the latest Sun Java version installed, then you should consider removing all older versions of Sun Java from your system. This can be done via "Add/Remove Programs" in the Microsoft Windows "Control Panel". If you are in doubt about removing older versions of Sun Java then please contact the vendor for assistance.


Vulnerabilities Fixed:

Read about the vulnerabilities fixed with this update in Secunia advisory SA31010 (opens in a new window). The Secunia advisory describes the vulnerabilities fixed by the latest security update. If your installation is outdated with more than one version, then more vulnerabilities may be covered.



Installed on Your System in:

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_05\bin\java.exe

Sun Java JRE 1.6.x / 6.x

This installation of Sun Java JRE 1.6.x / 6.x is insecure and potentially exposes your system to security threats!


The detected version installed on your system is, however, the latest patched version released by the vendor, fixing one or more vulnerabilities, is


Update Instructions:

Update to 6.0 Update 7 or later.


NOTE. Older versions of Sun Java are not removed from your system when downloading and installing new versions from Sun. Therefore, if you have the latest Sun Java version installed, then you should consider removing all older versions of Sun Java from your system. This can be done via "Add/Remove Programs" in the Microsoft Windows "Control Panel". If you are in doubt about removing older versions of Sun Java then please contact the vendor for assistance.


Vulnerabilities Fixed:

Read about the vulnerabilities fixed with this update in Secunia advisory SA31010 (opens in a new window). The Secunia advisory describes the vulnerabilities fixed by the latest security update. If your installation is outdated with more than one version, then more vulnerabilities may be covered.



Installed on Your System in:

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_02\bin\java.exe


Je ne peux le faire à ta place.....donc demande de l'aide de quelqu'un qui comprend la langue....les étapes sont relativement faciles à faire...

tu as des lacunes coté version/sécurité assez importante...désolé de ne pouvoir t'aider d'avantage


vous possédez une ancienne version d'Adobe Flash Player. Téléchargez la dernière version de Flash Player.
Visiblement c'est le cas. Tu as une vieille version 5.x du Flash Player qui traîne et tu devrais la désinstaller.

Qu'est-ce qui te bloque, exactement ?

Visiblement c'est le cas. Tu as une vieille version 5.x du Flash Player qui traîne et tu devrais la désinstaller.

Qu'est-ce qui te bloque, exactement ?




bonjour je ne sais vraiment pas ce que je doit faire, la j'ai suprimé flash PLayer mais je n'arrive pa a en télécharger un otre

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