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    Pourquoi ne pas vous inscrire ? C'est simple, rapide et gratuit.
    Pour en savoir plus, lisez Les avantages de l'inscription... et la Charte de Zébulon.
    De plus, les messages que vous postez en tant qu'invité restent invisibles tant qu'un modérateur ne les a pas validés. Inscrivez-vous, ce sera un gain de temps pour tout le monde, vous, les helpeurs et les modérateurs ! :wink:

Messages recommandés

Posté(e) (modifié)

salut :P


Désolé pour l'attente!


Le scan ne montre rien de mauvais comme tu as pu le constater.


je vais te demander un petit scan supplémentaire (c'est rapide!) >>



Télécharge OTScanIt2.exe sur le Bureau, et fais un double clic dessus pour extraire les fichiers. Ceci va créer un dossier nommé OTScanIt sur le Bureau.


Notes :


Si pendant le téléchargement et/ou l’installation tu reçois une alerte de ton antivirus, ignore-là. Certains composants de OTscanIT peuvent être détectés comme un virus par certains antivirus. Pense aussi à désactiver tes protections résidentes durant la procédure.


Tu dois avoir ouvert une session avec un compte ayant les droits Administrateur pour exécuter ce programme.

  • Ouvre le dossier OTScanIt2 et fais un double clic sur OTScanIt2.exe pour lancer le programme

  • Ensuite, coche la case Scan All Users puis clique sur le bouton Run Scan dans la barre d'outils.
  • Laisse le programme tourner sans intervenir.
  • Lorsque l'analyse est terminée le Bloc-notes va s'ouvrir pour afficher le fichier rapport.
  • Clique sur le menu Format et vérifie que Retour automatique à la ligne n'est pas coché. S'il l'est, clique dessus afin de le décocher.
  • Poste le rapport obtenu dans ta prochaine réponse.

Modifié par Thanos

salut :P


Désolé pour l'attente!


Le scan ne montre rien de mauvais comme tu as pu le constater.


je vais te demander un petit scan supplémentaire (c'est rapide!) >>



Télécharge OTScanIt2.exe sur le Bureau, et fais un double clic dessus pour extraire les fichiers. Ceci va créer un dossier nommé OTScanIt sur le Bureau.


Notes :


Si pendant le téléchargement et/ou l’installation tu reçois une alerte de ton antivirus, ignore-là. Certains composants de OTscanIT peuvent être détectés comme un virus par certains antivirus. Pense aussi à désactiver tes protections résidentes durant la procédure.


Tu dois avoir ouvert une session avec un compte ayant les droits Administrateur pour exécuter ce programme.

  • Ouvre le dossier OTScanIt2 et fais un double clic sur OTScanIt2.exe pour lancer le programme

  • Ensuite, coche la case Scan All Users puis clique sur le bouton Run Scan dans la barre d'outils.
  • Laisse le programme tourner sans intervenir.
  • Lorsque l'analyse est terminée le Bloc-notes va s'ouvrir pour afficher le fichier rapport.
  • Clique sur le menu Format et vérifie que Retour automatique à la ligne n'est pas coché. S'il l'est, clique dessus afin de le décocher.
  • Poste le rapport obtenu dans ta prochaine réponse.





C'est sympa de te retrouver.

Voici le scan demandé

OTScanIt2 logfile created on: 08/12/2008 15:13:59 - Run 1
OTScanIt2 by OldTimer - Version	 Folder = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\OTScanIt2
Windows XP Professional Edition Service Pack 1 (Version = 5.1.2600) - Type = NTWorkstation
Internet Explorer (Version = 6.0.2800.1106)
Locale: 0000040C | Country: France | Language: FRA | Date Format: dd/MM/yyyy

511,49 Mb Total Physical Memory | 191,13 Mb Available Physical Memory | 37,37% Memory free
1,22 Gb Paging File | 0,91 Gb Available in Paging File | 74,73% Paging File free
Paging file location(s): C:\pagefile.sys 768 1536;

%SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\WINDOWS | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Program Files
Drive C: | 9,74 Gb Total Space | 4,48 Gb Free Space | 45,96% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS
Drive D: | 2,93 Gb Total Space | 2,64 Gb Free Space | 90,29% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS
Drive E: | 2,93 Gb Total Space | 1,46 Gb Free Space | 49,73% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS
Drive F: | 22,69 Gb Total Space | 22,20 Gb Free Space | 97,83% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS
Drive G: | 76,32 Gb Total Space | 76,23 Gb Free Space | 99,88% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS
H: Drive not present or media not loaded
I: Drive not present or media not loaded

Computer Name: JYB
Current User Name: Administrateur
Logged in as Administrator.

Current Boot Mode: Normal
Scan Mode: All users
Whitelist: On
File Age = 30 Days

[Processes - Safe List]
ashdisp.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashDisp.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:18:51 | 00,081,000 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
ashmaisv.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:18:32 | 00,254,040 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
ashserv.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:18:46 | 00,155,160 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
ashwebsv.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWebSv.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:16:23 | 00,352,920 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aswupdsv.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswUpdSv.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:12:08 | 00,018,752 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
firefox.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe -> [2008/11/14 14:16:02 | 00,307,712 | ---- | M] (Mozilla Corporation)
jqs.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\jqs.exe -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,152,984 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
jusched.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,136,600 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
kpf4gui.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4gui.exe -> [2005/07/15 08:29:12 | 02,891,776 | ---- | M] (Kerio Technologies)
kpf4gui.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4gui.exe -> [2005/07/15 08:29:12 | 02,891,776 | ---- | M] (Kerio Technologies)
kpf4ss.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4ss.exe -> [2005/07/15 08:30:36 | 01,630,208 | ---- | M] (Kerio Technologies)
msmsgs.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Messenger\msmsgs.exe -> [2002/08/20 14:08:38 | 01,511,453 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
otscanit2.exe -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\OTScanIt2\OTScanIt2.exe -> [2008/12/01 10:28:50 | 00,477,184 | ---- | M] (OldTimer Tools)
qttask.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\QuickTime\qttask.exe -> [2008/09/10 22:57:51 | 00,098,304 | ---- | M] (Apple Computer, Inc.)
rapimgr.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\rapimgr.exe -> [2006/11/13 13:06:52 | 00,199,464 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
soffice.bin -> %ProgramFiles%\ 2.0\program\soffice.bin -> [2005/12/15 08:38:02 | 00,577,536 | ---- | M] (
soffice.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\ 2.0\program\soffice.exe -> [2005/12/15 08:38:02 | 00,434,176 | ---- | M] (
ulcdrsvr.exe -> %CommonProgramFiles%\Ulead Systems\DVD\ULCDRSvr.exe -> [2005/01/31 08:45:20 | 00,049,152 | ---- | M] (Ulead Systems, Inc.)
wcescomm.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe -> [2006/11/13 13:07:02 | 01,289,000 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)

[Win32 Services - Safe List]
(AntiVirScheduler) Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus Scheduler [Win32_Own | Auto | Stopped] ->  -> File not found
(aswUpdSv) avast! iAVS4 Control Service [Win32_Own | Auto | Running] -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswUpdSv.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:12:08 | 00,018,752 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(avast! Antivirus) avast! Antivirus [Win32_Own | Auto | Running] -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:18:46 | 00,155,160 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(avast! Mail Scanner) avast! Mail Scanner [Win32_Own | On_Demand | Running] -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:18:32 | 00,254,040 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(avast! Web Scanner) avast! Web Scanner [Win32_Own | On_Demand | Running] -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWebSv.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:16:23 | 00,352,920 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(helpsvc) Aide et support [Win32_Shared | Auto | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\pchsvc.dll -> [2002/08/29 10:44:56 | 00,029,696 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(IDriverT) InstallDriver Table Manager [Win32_Own | On_Demand | Stopped] -> %CommonProgramFiles%\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe -> [2005/04/03 23:41:10 | 00,069,632 | ---- | M] (Macrovision Corporation)
(JavaQuickStarterService) Java Quick Starter [Win32_Own | Auto | Running] -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\jqs.exe -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,152,984 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
(KPF4) Kerio Personal Firewall 4 [Win32_Own | Auto | Running] -> %ProgramFiles%\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4ss.exe -> [2005/07/15 08:30:36 | 01,630,208 | ---- | M] (Kerio Technologies)
(NVSvc) NVIDIA Driver Helper Service [Win32_Own | Disabled | Stopped] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\nvsvc32.exe -> [2002/10/25 11:18:00 | 00,065,536 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
(UleadBurningHelper) Ulead Burning Helper [Win32_Own | Auto | Running] -> %CommonProgramFiles%\Ulead Systems\DVD\ULCDRSvr.exe -> [2005/01/31 08:45:20 | 00,049,152 | ---- | M] (Ulead Systems, Inc.)
(uploadmgr) Gestionnaire de téléchargement [Win32_Shared | Auto | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\pchsvc.dll -> [2002/08/29 10:44:56 | 00,029,696 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(WmdmPmSp) Numéro de série du média portable [Win32_Shared | Disabled | Stopped] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\mspmspsv.dll -> [2001/08/28 13:00:00 | 00,047,104 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)

[Driver Services - Safe List]
(Aavmker4) avast! Asynchronous Virus Monitor [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aavmker4.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:15:35 | 00,026,944 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(AmdK7) Pilote de processeur AMD K7 [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\amdk7.sys -> [2002/08/29 11:17:04 | 00,035,328 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(aswMon2) avast! Standard Shield Support [File_System | Auto | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswmon2.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:18:18 | 00,094,032 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(aswRdr) aswRdr [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswRdr.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:16:29 | 00,023,152 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(aswSP) avast! Self Protection [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswSP.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:17:36 | 00,111,184 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(aswTdi) avast! Network Shield Support [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswTdi.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:16:38 | 00,050,864 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(avgntdd) avgntdd [File_System | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\avgntdd.sys -> [2008/05/09 13:15:51 | 00,045,376 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH)
(avgntmgr) avgntmgr [File_System | Boot | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\avgntmgr.sys -> [2008/01/21 18:11:28 | 00,022,336 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH)
(avipbb) avipbb [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\avipbb.sys -> [2008/06/27 15:03:55 | 00,075,072 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH)
(fwdrv) Firewall Driver [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\fwdrv.sys -> [2005/06/21 09:51:36 | 00,270,336 | ---- | M] (Kerio Technologies)
(gameenum) Énumérateur de port jeu [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\gameenum.sys -> [2002/08/29 01:32:44 | 00,009,856 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(khips) Kerio HIPS Driver [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\khips.sys -> [2005/05/30 08:32:20 | 00,053,248 | ---- | M] ()
(ms_mpu401) Pilote UART MIDI MPU-401 Microsoft [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\msmpu401.sys -> [2001/08/17 22:00:04 | 00,002,944 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(nv) nv [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\nv4_mini.sys -> [2002/10/25 11:18:00 | 01,177,658 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
(nvax) Service for NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio Enumerator [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\nvax.sys -> [2002/12/05 05:01:00 | 00,013,056 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
(NVENET) NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter Driver [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\NVENET.sys -> [2002/09/23 03:37:00 | 00,080,896 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
(nvnforce) Service for NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\nvapu.sys -> [2002/12/05 05:01:00 | 00,241,664 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
(nv_agp) NVIDIA nForce AGP Bus Filter [Kernel | Boot | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\nv_agp.SYS -> [2002/09/06 04:24:00 | 00,013,568 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
(Ptilink) Pilote de liaison parallèle directe [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ptilink.sys -> [2001/08/28 13:00:00 | 00,017,792 | ---- | M] (Parallel Technologies, Inc.)
(ssmdrv) ssmdrv [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys -> [2007/03/01 10:34:22 | 00,028,352 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH)
(usbaudio) Pilote USB audio (WDM) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\USBAUDIO.sys -> [2002/08/29 00:32:32 | 00,056,832 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(usb_rndisx) USB RNDIS Adapter [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\usb8023x.sys -> [2005/10/21 01:25:22 | 00,012,032 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(wceusbsh) Windows CE USB Serial Host Driver [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\wceusbsh.sys -> [2006/11/06 17:04:56 | 00,028,672 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(WISTechVIDCAP) ADS DVD XPRESS DX2 [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\wisgostrm.sys -> [2006/02/21 20:40:18 | 00,265,600 | R--- | M] (WIS Technologies)
(WS2IFSL) Environnement de prise en charge de Fournisseur de services non-IFS Windows Sockets 2.0 [Kernel | Disabled | Stopped] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ws2ifsl.sys -> [2001/08/28 13:00:00 | 00,012,032 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)

[Registry - Safe List]
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Main\\"Default_Page_URL" -> -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Main\\"Default_Search_URL" -> -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Main\\"Local Page" -> %SystemRoot%\system32\blank.htm -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Main\\"Search Page" -> -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Main\\"Start Page" ->{SUB_PRD}&clcid={SUB_CLSID}&pver={SUB_PVER}&ar=home -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Search\\"CustomizeSearch" -> -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Search\\"Default_Search_URL" -> -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Search\\"SearchAssistant" -> -> 
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\] > -> -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: Main\\"Local Page" -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\blank.htm -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: Main\\"Search Page" -> -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: Main\\"Start Page" -> -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: Search\\"SearchAssistant" -> -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: SearchURL\\"" -> -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: SearchURL\\"provider" -> gogl -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: URLSearchHooks\\"{C94E154B-1459-4A47-966B-4B843BEFC7DB}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\AskSearch\bin\DefaultSearch.dll [DefaultSearchHook Class] -> [2008/07/17 17:19:32 | 00,045,056 | ---- | M] ()
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: URLSearchHooks\\"{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll [Yahoo! Toolbar avec bloqueur de fenêtres pop-up] -> [2006/10/26 10:28:40 | 00,440,384 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: "ProxyEnable" -> 0 -> 
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\] > -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\: "ProxyEnable" -> 0 -> 
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\] > -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\: "ProxyEnable" -> 0 -> 
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\] > -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\: "ProxyEnable" -> 0 -> 
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\] > -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\: "ProxyEnable" -> 0 -> 
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\] > -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: Main\\"Local Page" -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\blank.htm -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: Main\\"Search Page" -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: Main\\"Start Page" -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: Search\\"SearchAssistant" -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: SearchURL\\"" -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: SearchURL\\"provider" -> gogl -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: URLSearchHooks\\"{C94E154B-1459-4A47-966B-4B843BEFC7DB}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\AskSearch\bin\DefaultSearch.dll [DefaultSearchHook Class] -> [2008/07/17 17:19:32 | 00,045,056 | ---- | M] ()
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: URLSearchHooks\\"{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll [Yahoo! Toolbar avec bloqueur de fenêtres pop-up] -> [2006/10/26 10:28:40 | 00,440,384 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: "ProxyEnable" -> 0 -> 
< FireFox Settings [Default Profile] > -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Application Data\Mozilla\FireFox\Profiles\z1orxmkg.default\prefs.js -> 
browser.startup.homepage -> "" ->
browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone -> "rv:" ->
extensions.enabledItems -> {9a7f2bbe-9e20-491a-a79f-6a9ab389d347}: ->
extensions.enabledItems -> {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}:3.0.3 ->
extensions.enabledItems -> {c1dffba0-628e-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66}:3.0.2 ->
< HOSTS File > (288089 bytes and 9971 lines) -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\Hosts -> 
First 25 entries...	   localhost
< BHO's [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\ -> 
{02478D38-C3F9-4EFB-9B51-7695ECA05670} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll [Yahoo! Toolbar Helper] -> [2006/10/26 10:28:40 | 00,440,384 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
{64F56FC1-1272-44CD-BA6E-39723696E350} [HKLM] -> Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened. [Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> File not found
{761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\ssv.dll [Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper] -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,320,920 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
{DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\jp2ssv.dll [Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper] -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,034,816 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
{E7E6F031-17CE-4C07-BC86-EABFE594F69C} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\lib\deploy\jqs\ie\jqs_plugin.dll [JQSIEStartDetectorImpl Class] -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,073,728 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
{E99421FB-68DD-40F0-B4AC-B7027CAE2F1A} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\epson\EPSON Web-To-Page\EPSON Web-To-Page.dll [EpsonToolBandKicker Class] -> [2005/02/21 20:50:34 | 00,368,640 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION)
< Internet Explorer ToolBars [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ToolBar -> 
"{8E718888-423F-11D2-876E-00A0C9082467}" [HKLM] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\msdxm.ocx [&Radio] -> [2002/08/29 10:44:22 | 00,846,364 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
"{EE5D279F-081B-4404-994D-C6B60AAEBA6D}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\epson\EPSON Web-To-Page\EPSON Web-To-Page.dll [EPSON Web-To-Page] -> [2005/02/21 20:50:34 | 00,368,640 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION)
"{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll [Yahoo! Toolbar avec bloqueur de fenêtres pop-up] -> [2006/10/26 10:28:40 | 00,440,384 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
< Internet Explorer ToolBars [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\ -> 
ShellBrowser\\"{2318C2B1-4965-11D4-9B18-009027A5CD4F}" [HKLM] -> Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened. [Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> File not found
WebBrowser\\"{EE5D279F-081B-4404-994D-C6B60AAEBA6D}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\epson\EPSON Web-To-Page\EPSON Web-To-Page.dll [EPSON Web-To-Page] -> [2005/02/21 20:50:34 | 00,368,640 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION)
WebBrowser\\"{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll [Yahoo! Toolbar avec bloqueur de fenêtres pop-up] -> [2006/10/26 10:28:40 | 00,440,384 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
< Internet Explorer ToolBars [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\ -> 
ShellBrowser\\"{2318C2B1-4965-11D4-9B18-009027A5CD4F}" [HKLM] -> Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened. [Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> File not found
WebBrowser\\"{EE5D279F-081B-4404-994D-C6B60AAEBA6D}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\epson\EPSON Web-To-Page\EPSON Web-To-Page.dll [EPSON Web-To-Page] -> [2005/02/21 20:50:34 | 00,368,640 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION)
WebBrowser\\"{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll [Yahoo! Toolbar avec bloqueur de fenêtres pop-up] -> [2006/10/26 10:28:40 | 00,440,384 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
< Run [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -> 
"avast!" -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashDisp.exe [C:\PROGRA~1\ALWILS~1\Avast4\ashDisp.exe] -> [2008/11/26 18:18:51 | 00,081,000 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
"EPSON Stylus DX4200 Series" -> %SystemRoot%\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\E_FATIAEE.EXE [C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\E_FATIAEE.EXE /P26 "EPSON Stylus DX4200 Series" /O6 "USB001" /M "Stylus DX4200"] -> [2005/03/08 05:00:00 | 00,098,304 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION)
"KernelFaultCheck" ->  [%systemroot%\system32\dumprep 0 -k] -> File not found
"NeroFilterCheck" -> %SystemRoot%\system32\NeroCheck.exe [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NeroCheck.exe] -> [2001/07/09 11:50:42 | 00,155,648 | ---- | M] (Ahead Software Gmbh)
"NvCplDaemon" -> %SystemRoot%\system32\nvcpl.dll [RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\System32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup] -> [2002/10/25 11:18:00 | 04,239,360 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
"nwiz" -> %SystemRoot%\system32\nwiz.exe [nwiz.exe /install] -> [2002/10/25 11:18:00 | 00,315,392 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
"QuickTime Task" -> %ProgramFiles%\QuickTime\qttask.exe ["C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime] -> [2008/09/10 22:57:51 | 00,098,304 | ---- | M] (Apple Computer, Inc.)
"SunJavaUpdateSched" -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe ["C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe"] -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,136,600 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
< Run [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -> 
"H/PC Connection Agent" -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe ["C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe"] -> [2006/11/13 13:07:02 | 01,289,000 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
"MSMSGS" -> %ProgramFiles%\Messenger\msmsgs.exe ["C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background] -> [2002/08/20 14:08:38 | 01,511,453 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
< Run [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -> 
"H/PC Connection Agent" -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe ["C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe"] -> [2006/11/13 13:07:02 | 01,289,000 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
"MSMSGS" -> %ProgramFiles%\Messenger\msmsgs.exe ["C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background] -> [2002/08/20 14:08:38 | 01,511,453 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
< Administrateur Startup Folder > -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage -> 
%UserProfile%\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage\ 2.0.lnk -> %ProgramFiles%\ 2.0\program\quickstart.exe -> [2005/12/14 16:01:20 | 00,061,440 | ---- | M] ()
< All Users Startup Folder > -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage -> 
%AllUsersProfile%\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage\Adobe Gamma Loader.lnk -> %CommonProgramFiles%\Adobe\Calibration\Adobe Gamma Loader.exe -> [2000/08/24 15:45:38 | 00,110,592 | ---- | M] (Adobe Systems, Inc.)
< Default User Startup Folder > -> C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage -> 
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings - System [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System -> 
\\"dontdisplaylastusername" ->  [0] -> File not found
\\"legalnoticecaption" ->  [] -> File not found
\\"legalnoticetext" ->  [] -> File not found
\\"shutdownwithoutlogon" ->  [1] -> File not found
\\"undockwithoutlogon" ->  [1] -> File not found
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings - Explorer [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer -> 
\\"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" ->  [145] -> File not found
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT] > -> HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer -> 
\\"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" ->  [145] -> File not found
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer -> 
\\"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" ->  [145] -> File not found
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer -> 
\\"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" ->  [145] -> File not found
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer -> 
\\"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" ->  [145] -> File not found
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer -> 
\\"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" ->  [145] -> File not found
< Internet Explorer Extensions [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\ -> 
{2EAF5BB1-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F}:{2EAF5BB0-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\INetRepl.dll [Button: Create Mobile Favorite] -> [2006/11/13 13:06:50 | 00,158,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
{2EAF5BB2-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F}:{2EAF5BB0-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\INetRepl.dll [Menu: Créer un Favori de l'appareil mobile...] -> [2006/11/13 13:06:50 | 00,158,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}:%SystemRoot%\web\related.htm [HKLM] -> %SystemRoot%\Web\related.htm [Button: @shdoclc.dll,-866] -> [2001/08/28 13:00:00 | 00,000,654 | ---- | M] ()
{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}:%SystemRoot%\web\related.htm [HKLM] -> %SystemRoot%\Web\related.htm [Menu: @shdoclc.dll,-864] -> [2001/08/28 13:00:00 | 00,000,654 | ---- | M] ()
< Internet Explorer Extensions [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\ -> 
CmdMapping\\"{2EAF5BB1-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\INetRepl.dll [Create Mobile Favorite] -> [2006/11/13 13:06:50 | 00,158,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
CmdMapping\\"{2EAF5BB2-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\INetRepl.dll [Créer un Favori de l'appareil mobile...] -> [2006/11/13 13:06:50 | 00,158,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
CmdMapping\\"{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}" [HKLM] ->  [@shdoclc.dll,-866] -> File not found
CmdMapping\\"{DFB852A3-47F8-48C4-A200-58CAB36FD2A2}" [HKLM] ->  [Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> File not found
< Internet Explorer Extensions [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\] > -> HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\ -> 
CmdMapping\\"{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}" [HKLM] ->  [@shdoclc.dll,-866] -> File not found
< Internet Explorer Extensions [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\ -> 
CmdMapping\\"{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}" [HKLM] ->  [@shdoclc.dll,-866] -> File not found
< Internet Explorer Extensions [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\ -> 
CmdMapping\\"{2EAF5BB1-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\INetRepl.dll [Create Mobile Favorite] -> [2006/11/13 13:06:50 | 00,158,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
CmdMapping\\"{2EAF5BB2-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\INetRepl.dll [Créer un Favori de l'appareil mobile...] -> [2006/11/13 13:06:50 | 00,158,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
CmdMapping\\"{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}" [HKLM] ->  [@shdoclc.dll,-866] -> File not found
CmdMapping\\"{DFB852A3-47F8-48C4-A200-58CAB36FD2A2}" [HKLM] ->  [Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> File not found
< Internet Explorer Plugins [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Plugins\ -> 
PluginsPageFriendlyName -> Bibliothèque de contrôles ActiveX Microsoft -> 
PluginsPage -> -> 
< Default Prefix > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\URL\DefaultPrefix
"" -> http://
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 5190 domain(s) found. -> 
49 domain(s) and sub-domain(s) not assigned to a zone.
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 36 range(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 5191 domain(s) found. -> 
 .[msn] -> Poste de travail -> 
49 domain(s) and sub-domain(s) not assigned to a zone.
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 36 range(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\] > -> HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 5190 domain(s) found. -> 
49 domain(s) and sub-domain(s) not assigned to a zone.
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\] > -> HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 36 range(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 5190 domain(s) found. -> 
49 domain(s) and sub-domain(s) not assigned to a zone.
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 36 range(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 0 domain(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 0 range(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 0 domain(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 0 range(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 5191 domain(s) found. -> 
 .[msn] -> Poste de travail -> 
49 domain(s) and sub-domain(s) not assigned to a zone.
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 36 range(s) found. -> 
< Downloaded Program Files > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\ -> 
{30528230-99f7-4bb4-88d8-fa1d4f56a2ab} [HKLM] -> C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Common\yinsthelper.dll[YInstStarter Class] -> 
{8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93} [HKLM] ->[Java Plug-in 1.6.0_11] -> 
{8F48147B-78D9-40F9-ACC0-BDDE59B246F4} [HKLM] ->[AccountHelper Class] -> 
{8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C} [HKLM] ->[Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> 
{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0011-ABCDEFFEDCBA} [HKLM] ->[Java Plug-in 1.6.0_11] -> 
DirectAnimation Java Classes [HKLM] -> file://C:\WINDOWS\Java\classes\[Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> 
Microsoft XML Parser for Java [HKLM] -> file://C:\WINDOWS\Java\classes\[Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> 
< DNS Name Servers [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Adapters\ -> 
{233D3408-26B3-4C88-BABB-25E7C7DF5009} ->	() -> 
{42DC5A19-9F9E-46AA-8F49-E3FC86605484} ->	(NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter) -> 
{DF891BCE-6FEF-4BD2-8E7F-12B959EA04FA} ->	(Windows Mobile-based Device) -> 
{EFE342DF-6C9C-4DB0-9ECF-AB535516FA05} ->	(Carte réseau 1394) -> 
IE Styles -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles
< SafeBoot AlternateShell [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot -> 
"AlternateShell" -> cmd.exe -> 
< CDROM Autorun Setting [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]> -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdrom ->
"AutoRun" -> 1 -> 
"DisplayName" -> Pilote de CD-ROM -> 
"ImagePath" -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys [System32\DRIVERS\cdrom.sys] -> [2002/08/29 00:27:56 | 00,047,488 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
< Drives with AutoRun files > ->  -> 
C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT [] -> %SystemDrive%\AUTOEXEC.BAT [ NTFS ] -> [2008/09/10 18:14:54 | 00,000,000 | ---- | M] ()
< MountPoints2 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2 -> 

[Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days]
3 C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp -> 
OTScanIt2 -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\OTScanIt2 -> [2008/12/08 15:12:49 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
OTScanIt2.exe -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\OTScanIt2.exe -> [2008/12/08 15:12:12 | 00,647,651 | ---- | C] ()
Mes eBooks -> F:\Mes eBooks -> [2008/12/06 17:23:18 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
société générale.odt -> F:\société générale.odt -> [2008/12/05 19:03:27 | 00,006,446 | ---- | C] ()
sauvegarde.reg -> F:\sauvegarde.reg -> [2008/12/05 18:38:30 | 00,061,208 | ---- | C] ()
WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe -> F:\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe -> [2008/12/05 18:38:25 | 02,585,872 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation)
scan.html -> F:\scan.html -> [2008/12/05 18:38:17 | 00,002,701 | ---- | C] ()
ig.htm -> F:\ig.htm -> [2008/12/05 18:37:18 | 00,182,742 | ---- | C] ()
ig_fichiers -> F:\ig_fichiers -> [2008/12/05 18:37:18 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Alfred Mes documents -> F:\Alfred Mes documents -> [2008/12/05 18:36:56 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Sun -> %SystemRoot%\Sun -> [2008/12/04 14:26:21 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Java -> %ProgramFiles%\Java -> [2008/12/04 14:25:34 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Sun -> %AppData%\Sun -> [2008/12/04 14:24:59 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
mbam.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\mbam.sys -> [2008/12/02 16:27:59 | 00,015,504 | ---- | C] (Malwarebytes Corporation)
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.lnk -> %AllUsersProfile%\Bureau\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.lnk -> [2008/12/02 16:27:59 | 00,000,696 | ---- | C] ()
mbamswissarmy.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys -> [2008/12/02 16:27:55 | 00,038,496 | ---- | C] (Malwarebytes Corporation)
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware -> %ProgramFiles%\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware -> [2008/12/02 16:27:53 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Nettoyer.lnk -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\Nettoyer.lnk -> [2008/12/02 10:41:21 | 00,000,517 | ---- | C] ()
trend micro -> %ProgramFiles%\trend micro -> [2008/12/01 19:17:14 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
rsit -> %SystemDrive%\rsit -> [2008/12/01 19:17:12 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
RSIT.exe -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\RSIT.exe -> [2008/12/01 19:16:44 | 00,305,705 | ---- | C] ()
UNNMP.cfg -> %SystemRoot%\UNNMP.cfg -> [2008/12/01 18:33:15 | 00,052,418 | ---- | C] ()
NeroCheck.exe -> %SystemRoot%\System32\NeroCheck.exe -> [2008/12/01 18:25:12 | 00,155,648 | ---- | C] (Ahead Software Gmbh)
UNNeroVision.cfg -> %SystemRoot%\UNNeroVision.cfg -> [2008/12/01 18:24:11 | 00,123,026 | ---- | C] ()
msxml3a.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml3a.dll -> [2008/12/01 18:24:10 | 00,024,064 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation)
Ahead -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Ahead -> [2008/12/01 18:23:38 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
imagx5.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\imagx5.dll -> [2008/12/01 18:23:37 | 00,544,768 | ---- | C] (Pegasus Software, LLC)
TwnLib20.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\TwnLib20.dll -> [2008/12/01 18:23:37 | 00,106,496 | ---- | C] (Pegasus Software)
picn20.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\picn20.dll -> [2008/12/01 18:23:37 | 00,038,912 | ---- | C] (Pegasus Imaging Corp.)
imagr5.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\imagr5.dll -> [2008/12/01 18:23:36 | 00,569,344 | ---- | C] (Pegasus Software,LLC)
ImagXpr5.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\ImagXpr5.dll -> [2008/12/01 18:23:36 | 00,283,920 | ---- | C] (Pegasus Software, LLC)
mswinsck.ocx -> %SystemRoot%\System32\mswinsck.ocx -> [2008/11/30 15:04:13 | 00,124,688 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation)
vb6fr.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\vb6fr.dll -> [2008/11/30 15:04:13 | 00,119,568 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation)
winskfr.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\winskfr.dll -> [2008/11/30 15:04:13 | 00,015,872 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation)
i-Covers -> %ProgramFiles%\i-Covers -> [2008/11/30 15:04:12 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
avast! Antivirus.lnk -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\avast! Antivirus.lnk -> [2008/11/26 18:14:59 | 00,001,721 | ---- | C] ()
AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic -> [2008/11/26 17:48:40 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Minidump -> %SystemRoot%\Minidump -> [2008/11/26 17:46:28 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
avgntdd.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\avgntdd.sys -> [2008/11/26 17:45:18 | 00,045,376 | ---- | C] (Avira GmbH)
ssmdrv.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys -> [2008/11/26 17:45:18 | 00,028,352 | ---- | C] (Avira GmbH)
avgntmgr.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\avgntmgr.sys -> [2008/11/26 17:45:18 | 00,022,336 | ---- | C] (Avira GmbH)
avipbb.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\avipbb.sys -> [2008/11/26 17:45:16 | 00,075,072 | ---- | C] (Avira GmbH)
Avira -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Avira -> [2008/11/26 17:45:13 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
NortonInstaller -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\NortonInstaller -> [2008/11/25 15:27:47 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
ztvunrar36.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\ztvunrar36.dll -> [2008/11/24 14:23:41 | 00,162,304 | ---- | C] ()
UNRAR3.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\UNRAR3.dll -> [2008/11/24 14:23:41 | 00,153,088 | ---- | C] ()
unacev2.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\unacev2.dll -> [2008/11/24 14:23:41 | 00,075,264 | ---- | C] ()
ztvcabinet.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\ztvcabinet.dll -> [2008/11/24 14:23:41 | 00,069,632 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation)
Thumbs.db -> %SystemRoot%\Thumbs.db -> [2008/11/23 15:42:07 | 00,010,752 | -HS- | C] ()
Yahoo! Companion -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Yahoo! Companion -> [2008/11/23 15:22:17 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Devious Codeworks -> %ProgramFiles%\Devious Codeworks -> [2008/11/20 18:56:50 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Spybot - Search & Destroy -> %ProgramFiles%\Spybot - Search & Destroy -> [2008/11/14 16:09:23 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
EPISMF00.SWB -> %SystemRoot%\EPISMF00.SWB -> [2008/11/11 17:20:11 | 00,016,574 | ---- | C] ()
GDIPFONTCACHEV1.DAT -> %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\GDIPFONTCACHEV1.DAT -> [2008/11/11 17:18:18 | 00,026,064 | ---- | C] ()

[Files/Folders - Modified Within 30 Days]
1 C:\WINDOWS\System32\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\*.tmp -> 
3 C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp -> 
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\ -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp -> [2008/12/08 15:12:13 | 00,000,000 | ---D | M]
UNNMP.exe -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\UNNMP.exe -> [2004/04/06 17:36:35 | 01,798,144 | ---- | M] (Ahead Software AG)
ytb.exe -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\ytb.exe -> [2008/11/25 20:08:36 | 00,329,479 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
1 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\*.tmp files -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\*.tmp -> 
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\ -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries -> [2008/12/05 18:33:02 | 00,000,000 | ---D | M]
ScanningProcess.exe -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\ScanningProcess.exe -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,139,264 | ---- | M] (Kaspersky Lab.)
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\ -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries -> [2008/12/05 18:33:02 | 00,000,000 | ---D | M]
FSSync.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\FSSync.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,038,400 | ---- | M] (Kaspersky Lab)
ikave.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\ikave.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,065,536 | ---- | M] ()
kave.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\kave.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,282,624 | ---- | M] (Kaspersky Lab.)
kosglue- -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\kosglue- -> [2008/12/05 18:33:01 | 00,729,152 | ---- | M] (Kaspersky Lab)
msvcm80.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\msvcm80.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,479,232 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
msvcp80.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\msvcp80.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,548,864 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
msvcr80.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\msvcr80.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,626,688 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
prLoader.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\prLoader.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:01 | 00,184,320 | ---- | M] (Kaspersky Lab)
prremote.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\prremote.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:01 | 00,090,112 | ---- | M] (Kaspersky Lab)
C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ -> C:\WINDOWS\Temp -> [2008/12/08 15:05:32 | 00,000,000 | ---D | M]
Perflib_Perfdata_114.dat -> C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_114.dat -> [2008/12/08 15:03:32 | 00,016,384 | ---- | M] ()
Perflib_Perfdata_68c.dat -> C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_68c.dat -> [2008/12/08 15:03:19 | 00,016,384 | ---- | M] ()
Perflib_Perfdata_690.dat -> C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_690.dat -> [2008/12/01 14:26:08 | 00,016,384 | ---- | M] ()
OTScanIt2.exe -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\OTScanIt2.exe -> [2008/12/08 15:12:12 | 00,647,651 | ---- | M] ()
CONFIG.NT -> %SystemRoot%\System32\CONFIG.NT -> [2008/12/08 15:04:16 | 00,003,121 | ---- | M] ()
SA.DAT -> %SystemRoot%\tasks\SA.DAT -> [2008/12/08 15:03:09 | 00,000,006 | -H-- | M] ()
wpa.dbl -> %SystemRoot%\System32\wpa.dbl -> [2008/12/08 15:03:02 | 00,002,206 | ---- | M] ()
hiberfil.sys -> %SystemDrive%\hiberfil.sys -> [2008/12/08 15:03:01 | 53,640,3968 | -HS- | M] ()
bootstat.dat -> %SystemRoot%\bootstat.dat -> [2008/12/08 15:03:01 | 00,002,048 | --S- | M] ()
société générale.odt -> F:\société générale.odt -> [2008/12/05 19:03:28 | 00,006,446 | ---- | M] ()
Ecrire.lnk -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\Ecrire.lnk -> [2008/12/05 19:01:19 | 00,002,555 | ---- | M] ()
Desktop.ini -> F:\Desktop.ini -> [2008/12/05 18:46:00 | 00,000,086 | -HS- | M] ()
NeroDigital.ini -> %SystemRoot%\NeroDigital.ini -> [2008/12/05 16:57:07 | 00,000,049 | ---- | M] ()
scan.html -> F:\scan.html -> [2008/12/04 19:40:10 | 00,002,701 | ---- | M] ()
Thumbs.db -> %SystemRoot%\Thumbs.db -> [2008/12/04 13:51:43 | 00,010,752 | -HS- | M] ()
QTFont.qfn -> %SystemRoot%\QTFont.qfn -> [2008/12/03 09:43:08 | 00,054,156 | -H-- | M] ()
hosts -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts -> [2008/12/02 17:02:10 | 00,288,089 | ---- | M] ()
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.lnk -> %AllUsersProfile%\Bureau\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.lnk -> [2008/12/02 16:27:59 | 00,000,696 | ---- | M] ()
Nettoyer.lnk -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\Nettoyer.lnk -> [2008/12/02 10:41:21 | 00,000,517 | ---- | M] ()
RSIT.exe -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\RSIT.exe -> [2008/12/01 19:16:40 | 00,305,705 | ---- | M] ()
Gravure.lnk -> %AllUsersProfile%\Bureau\Gravure.lnk -> [2008/12/01 18:26:32 | 00,001,325 | ---- | M] ()
DCBC2A71-70D8-4DAN-EHR8-E0D61DEA3FDF.ini -> %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\DCBC2A71-70D8-4DAN-EHR8-E0D61DEA3FDF.ini -> [2008/12/01 18:13:59 | 00,009,728 | ---- | M] ()
aswBoot.exe -> %SystemRoot%\System32\aswBoot.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:21:30 | 01,236,208 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aswmon.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswmon.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:18:25 | 00,093,296 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aswmon2.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswmon2.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:18:18 | 00,094,032 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aswSP.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswSP.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:17:36 | 00,111,184 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aswTdi.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswTdi.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:16:38 | 00,050,864 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aswRdr.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswRdr.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:16:29 | 00,023,152 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aavmker4.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aavmker4.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:15:35 | 00,026,944 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
AvastSS.scr -> %SystemRoot%\System32\AvastSS.scr -> [2008/11/26 18:15:10 | 00,097,480 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
avast! Antivirus.lnk -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\avast! Antivirus.lnk -> [2008/11/26 18:14:59 | 00,001,721 | ---- | M] ()
sauvegarde.reg -> F:\sauvegarde.reg -> [2008/11/25 15:35:28 | 00,061,208 | ---- | M] ()
hosts.20081123-193439.backup -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.20081123-193439.backup -> [2008/11/23 19:34:19 | 00,288,089 | R--- | M] ()
Photo.lnk -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\Photo.lnk -> [2008/11/20 19:46:01 | 00,001,698 | ---- | M] ()
EPISMF00.SWB -> %SystemRoot%\EPISMF00.SWB -> [2008/11/11 17:20:11 | 00,016,574 | ---- | M] ()
GDIPFONTCACHEV1.DAT -> %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\GDIPFONTCACHEV1.DAT -> [2008/11/11 17:18:18 | 00,026,064 | ---- | M] ()
os110921.bin -> %AllUsersProfile%\Documents\os110921.bin -> [2008/11/08 18:20:03 | 00,000,697 | -H-- | M] ()
< End of report >

A bientôt.


salut :P


Une solution qui devrait fonctionner pour ce souci de page d'accueil: créer un nouveau profil (ne supprime pas l'ancien!).

Pour cela, aide toi du tutoriel suivant >>


Une fois ton nouveau profil créé (c'est très simple et rapide), ton firefox est vierge pour ainsi dire et il va falloir récupérer tes marque-pages et tes extensions. Pour les marque-pages, procède ainsi >>


1°) Tout d'abord, modifie les options d'affichage de l'explorateur afin d'avoir accès à tous les fichiers/dossiers car certains sont cachés!!

  • Passe par Démarrer, Poste de travail ou ouvre un dossier (n'importe lequel)
  • Choisis le menu Outils > Option des dossiers > onglet Affichage :
  • Coche le bouton radio : Afficher les fichiers et dossiers cachés
  • Décoche la case : Masquer les extensions des fichiers dont le type est connu
  • Décoche la case : Masquer les fichiers protégés du système d'exploitation (recommandé)
  • Un message va s'afficher te demandant de confirmer ton choix, clique sur OK
  • Clique sur le bouton "Appliquer à tous les dossiers" puis OK

2°) Lance Firefox > Menu Marque-pages > Organiser les marque-pages > une fenêtre nommée Bibliothèque s'ouvre.


Clique sur importation et sauvegarde > un menu se déroule > sélectionne Restaurer puis Choisir un fichier.


Une fenêtre s'ouvre: elle va te permettre de naviguer jusqu'à ton ancien profil => il se nomme z1orxmkg.default et se trouve dans le répertoire C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Application Data\Mozilla\FireFox\Profiles


Note: tu peux copier/coller le chemin que je cite ci-dessus à droite du champs Nom du Fichier, ce qui te permettra d'accéder directement au dossier!


Dans ce dossier z1orxmkg.default, il y a plusieurs sous-dossiers: ouvre celui qui porte le nom bookmarksups (double-clique dessus). A l'intérieur tu trouveras des fichiers du type bookmarksups-2008-12-08.json => sélectionne le plus récent puis clique sur le bouton Ouvrir en bas de page.

Tes marque-pages seront ainsi récupérés dans ton nouveau profil.


Dis moi si ca marche :P

salut :P


Une solution qui devrait fonctionner pour ce souci de page d'accueil: créer un nouveau profil (ne supprime pas l'ancien!).

Pour cela, aide toi du tutoriel suivant >>


Une fois ton nouveau profil créé (c'est très simple et rapide), ton firefox est vierge pour ainsi dire et il va falloir récupérer tes marque-pages et tes extensions. Pour les marque-pages, procède ainsi >>


1°) Tout d'abord, modifie les options d'affichage de l'explorateur afin d'avoir accès à tous les fichiers/dossiers car certains sont cachés!!

  • Passe par Démarrer, Poste de travail ou ouvre un dossier (n'importe lequel)
  • Choisis le menu Outils > Option des dossiers > onglet Affichage :
  • Coche le bouton radio : Afficher les fichiers et dossiers cachés
  • Décoche la case : Masquer les extensions des fichiers dont le type est connu
  • Décoche la case : Masquer les fichiers protégés du système d'exploitation (recommandé)
  • Un message va s'afficher te demandant de confirmer ton choix, clique sur OK
  • Clique sur le bouton "Appliquer à tous les dossiers" puis OK

2°) Lance Firefox > Menu Marque-pages > Organiser les marque-pages > une fenêtre nommée Bibliothèque s'ouvre.


Clique sur importation et sauvegarde > un menu se déroule > sélectionne Restaurer puis Choisir un fichier.


Une fenêtre s'ouvre: elle va te permettre de naviguer jusqu'à ton ancien profil => il se nomme z1orxmkg.default et se trouve dans le répertoire C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Application Data\Mozilla\FireFox\Profiles


Note: tu peux copier/coller le chemin que je cite ci-dessus à droite du champs Nom du Fichier, ce qui te permettra d'accéder directement au dossier!


Dans ce dossier z1orxmkg.default, il y a plusieurs sous-dossiers: ouvre celui qui porte le nom bookmarksups (double-clique dessus). A l'intérieur tu trouveras des fichiers du type bookmarksups-2008-12-08.json => sélectionne le plus récent puis clique sur le bouton Ouvrir en bas de page.

Tes marque-pages seront ainsi récupérés dans ton nouveau profil.


Dis moi si ca marche :P






Je viens de faire tout ce que tu m'as demandé et, effectivement, çà marche! J'arrive directement sur ma page d'accueil. Bravo pour avoir trouvé la solution et merci pour ta patience.

Une dernière petite chose, si tu permets : Est-ce qu'il y avait un virus ou un malware?

Merci pour ta réponse.




Désolé d'avoir zappé ton sujet :P


Une dernière petite chose, si tu permets : Est-ce qu'il y avait un virus ou un malware?

Non! les différents rapports de scan postés ne montrent pas d'infection :P

Je reviens sur ce que je te disait plus haut >>

Je vois que tu as désinstallé Antivir, c'est dommage car il est plus efficace qu'Avast!

Ceci dit, il a mal été désinstallé ! Tu va pouvoir nettoyer les restes à l'aide de ce programme (c'est rapide!) >>


Pour désinstaller Antivir >

Télécharge Uninstallation package sur ton bureau.

Dézippe l'archive > 3 fichiers vont apparaitre sur le bureau : double clique sur le fichier AVUNINST.exe.

Un message va apparaitre à l'écran > clique sur OK > la désinstallation va commencer.

Un message te demandera surement de redémarrer le pc après ca: fais le.

As tu utilisé ce programme? si ce n'est pas le cas, fais le car il y a des restes d'Antivir.

Antivir a été traduit en français et je ne saurais trop te conseiller que de le réinstaller à la place d'Avast!

Je te conseille de lire ce comparatif très intéressant de Malekal Morte afin de te faire une idée quant à l'efficacité de cet antivirus >


Note importante >>


Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)

Ton système n'est pas du tout à jour! si tu as une version légale de Windows, je te conseille vivement de passer par Windows Update pour le faire. Les mises à jour sont très importantes car elles comblent des failles de sécurité (très nombreuses!) qui sont utilisées par les pirates!


Poste un dernier rapport hijackthis pour voir :P



Désolé d'avoir zappé ton sujet :P



Non! les différents rapports de scan postés ne montrent pas d'infection :P

Je reviens sur ce que je te disait plus haut >>


As tu utilisé ce programme? si ce n'est pas le cas, fais le car il y a des restes d'Antivir.

Antivir a été traduit en français et je ne saurais trop te conseiller que de le réinstaller à la place d'Avast!

Je te conseille de lire ce comparatif très intéressant de Malekal Morte afin de te faire une idée quant à l'efficacité de cet antivirus >


Note importante >>



Ton système n'est pas du tout à jour! si tu as une version légale de Windows, je te conseille vivement de passer par Windows Update pour le faire. Les mises à jour sont très importantes car elles comblent des failles de sécurité (très nombreuses!) qui sont utilisées par les pirates!


Poste un dernier rapport hijackthis pour voir :P





Je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir réussi à désinstaller antivir, car quand j'exécute avuninst, il me répond que c'est impossible (ou quelque chose d'approchant, car comme c'est en anglais...)

En tout cas, voici le scan :

OTScanIt2 logfile created on: 13/12/2008 12:27:19 - Run 3
OTScanIt2 by OldTimer - Version	 Folder = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\OTScanIt2
Windows XP Professional Edition Service Pack 1 (Version = 5.1.2600) - Type = NTWorkstation
Internet Explorer (Version = 6.0.2800.1106)
Locale: 0000040C | Country: France | Language: FRA | Date Format: dd/MM/yyyy

511,49 Mb Total Physical Memory | 178,71 Mb Available Physical Memory | 34,94% Memory free
1,22 Gb Paging File | 0,88 Gb Available in Paging File | 72,31% Paging File free
Paging file location(s): C:\pagefile.sys 768 1536;

%SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\WINDOWS | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Program Files
Drive C: | 9,74 Gb Total Space | 4,34 Gb Free Space | 44,51% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS
Drive D: | 2,93 Gb Total Space | 2,64 Gb Free Space | 90,29% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS
Drive E: | 2,93 Gb Total Space | 1,46 Gb Free Space | 49,73% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS
Drive F: | 22,69 Gb Total Space | 22,20 Gb Free Space | 97,83% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS
Drive G: | 76,32 Gb Total Space | 76,23 Gb Free Space | 99,88% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS
H: Drive not present or media not loaded
I: Drive not present or media not loaded

Computer Name: JYB
Current User Name: Administrateur
Logged in as Administrator.

Current Boot Mode: Normal
Scan Mode: All users
Whitelist: On
File Age = 30 Days

[Processes - Safe List]
ashdisp.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashDisp.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:18:51 | 00,081,000 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
ashmaisv.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:18:32 | 00,254,040 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
ashserv.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:18:46 | 00,155,160 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
ashwebsv.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWebSv.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:16:23 | 00,352,920 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aswupdsv.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswUpdSv.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:12:08 | 00,018,752 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
firefox.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe -> [2008/11/14 14:16:02 | 00,307,712 | ---- | M] (Mozilla Corporation)
jqs.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\jqs.exe -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,152,984 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
jusched.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,136,600 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
kpf4gui.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4gui.exe -> [2005/07/15 08:29:12 | 02,891,776 | ---- | M] (Kerio Technologies)
kpf4gui.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4gui.exe -> [2005/07/15 08:29:12 | 02,891,776 | ---- | M] (Kerio Technologies)
kpf4ss.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4ss.exe -> [2005/07/15 08:30:36 | 01,630,208 | ---- | M] (Kerio Technologies)
msmsgs.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Messenger\msmsgs.exe -> [2002/08/20 14:08:38 | 01,511,453 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
otscanit2.exe -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\OTScanIt2\OTScanIt2.exe -> [2008/12/12 09:24:20 | 00,477,184 | ---- | M] (OldTimer Tools)
qttask.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\QuickTime\qttask.exe -> [2008/09/10 22:57:51 | 00,098,304 | ---- | M] (Apple Computer, Inc.)
rapimgr.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\rapimgr.exe -> [2006/11/13 13:06:52 | 00,199,464 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
soffice.bin -> %ProgramFiles%\ 2.0\program\soffice.bin -> [2005/12/15 08:38:02 | 00,577,536 | ---- | M] (
soffice.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\ 2.0\program\soffice.exe -> [2005/12/15 08:38:02 | 00,434,176 | ---- | M] (
ulcdrsvr.exe -> %CommonProgramFiles%\Ulead Systems\DVD\ULCDRSvr.exe -> [2005/01/31 08:45:20 | 00,049,152 | ---- | M] (Ulead Systems, Inc.)
wcescomm.exe -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe -> [2006/11/13 13:07:02 | 01,289,000 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)

[Win32 Services - Safe List]
(AntiVirScheduler) Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus Scheduler [Win32_Own | Auto | Stopped] ->  -> File not found
(aswUpdSv) avast! iAVS4 Control Service [Win32_Own | Auto | Running] -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswUpdSv.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:12:08 | 00,018,752 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(avast! Antivirus) avast! Antivirus [Win32_Own | Auto | Running] -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:18:46 | 00,155,160 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(avast! Mail Scanner) avast! Mail Scanner [Win32_Own | On_Demand | Running] -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:18:32 | 00,254,040 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(avast! Web Scanner) avast! Web Scanner [Win32_Own | On_Demand | Running] -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWebSv.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:16:23 | 00,352,920 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(helpsvc) Aide et support [Win32_Shared | Auto | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\pchsvc.dll -> [2002/08/29 10:44:56 | 00,029,696 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(IDriverT) InstallDriver Table Manager [Win32_Own | On_Demand | Stopped] -> %CommonProgramFiles%\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe -> [2005/04/03 23:41:10 | 00,069,632 | ---- | M] (Macrovision Corporation)
(JavaQuickStarterService) Java Quick Starter [Win32_Own | Auto | Running] -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\jqs.exe -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,152,984 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
(KPF4) Kerio Personal Firewall 4 [Win32_Own | Auto | Running] -> %ProgramFiles%\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4ss.exe -> [2005/07/15 08:30:36 | 01,630,208 | ---- | M] (Kerio Technologies)
(NVSvc) NVIDIA Driver Helper Service [Win32_Own | Disabled | Stopped] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\nvsvc32.exe -> [2002/10/25 11:18:00 | 00,065,536 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
(UleadBurningHelper) Ulead Burning Helper [Win32_Own | Auto | Running] -> %CommonProgramFiles%\Ulead Systems\DVD\ULCDRSvr.exe -> [2005/01/31 08:45:20 | 00,049,152 | ---- | M] (Ulead Systems, Inc.)
(uploadmgr) Gestionnaire de téléchargement [Win32_Shared | Auto | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\pchsvc.dll -> [2002/08/29 10:44:56 | 00,029,696 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(WmdmPmSp) Numéro de série du média portable [Win32_Shared | Disabled | Stopped] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\mspmspsv.dll -> [2001/08/28 13:00:00 | 00,047,104 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)

[Driver Services - Safe List]
(Aavmker4) avast! Asynchronous Virus Monitor [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aavmker4.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:15:35 | 00,026,944 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(AmdK7) Pilote de processeur AMD K7 [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\amdk7.sys -> [2002/08/29 11:17:04 | 00,035,328 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(aswMon2) avast! Standard Shield Support [File_System | Auto | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswmon2.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:18:18 | 00,094,032 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(aswRdr) aswRdr [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswRdr.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:16:29 | 00,023,152 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(aswSP) avast! Self Protection [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswSP.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:17:36 | 00,111,184 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(aswTdi) avast! Network Shield Support [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswTdi.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:16:38 | 00,050,864 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
(avgntdd) avgntdd [File_System | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\avgntdd.sys -> [2008/05/09 13:15:51 | 00,045,376 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH)
(avgntmgr) avgntmgr [File_System | Boot | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\avgntmgr.sys -> [2008/01/21 18:11:28 | 00,022,336 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH)
(avipbb) avipbb [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\avipbb.sys -> [2008/06/27 15:03:55 | 00,075,072 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH)
(fwdrv) Firewall Driver [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\fwdrv.sys -> [2005/06/21 09:51:36 | 00,270,336 | ---- | M] (Kerio Technologies)
(gameenum) Énumérateur de port jeu [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\gameenum.sys -> [2002/08/29 01:32:44 | 00,009,856 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(khips) Kerio HIPS Driver [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\khips.sys -> [2005/05/30 08:32:20 | 00,053,248 | ---- | M] ()
(ms_mpu401) Pilote UART MIDI MPU-401 Microsoft [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\msmpu401.sys -> [2001/08/17 22:00:04 | 00,002,944 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(nv) nv [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\nv4_mini.sys -> [2002/10/25 11:18:00 | 01,177,658 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
(nvax) Service for NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio Enumerator [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\nvax.sys -> [2002/12/05 05:01:00 | 00,013,056 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
(NVENET) NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter Driver [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\NVENET.sys -> [2002/09/23 03:37:00 | 00,080,896 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
(nvnforce) Service for NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\nvapu.sys -> [2002/12/05 05:01:00 | 00,241,664 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
(nv_agp) NVIDIA nForce AGP Bus Filter [Kernel | Boot | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\nv_agp.SYS -> [2002/09/06 04:24:00 | 00,013,568 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
(Ptilink) Pilote de liaison parallèle directe [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ptilink.sys -> [2001/08/28 13:00:00 | 00,017,792 | ---- | M] (Parallel Technologies, Inc.)
(ssmdrv) ssmdrv [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys -> [2007/03/01 10:34:22 | 00,028,352 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH)
(usbaudio) Pilote USB audio (WDM) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\USBAUDIO.sys -> [2002/08/29 00:32:32 | 00,056,832 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(usb_rndisx) USB RNDIS Adapter [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\usb8023x.sys -> [2005/10/21 01:25:22 | 00,012,032 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(wceusbsh) Windows CE USB Serial Host Driver [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\wceusbsh.sys -> [2006/11/06 17:04:56 | 00,028,672 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
(WISTechVIDCAP) ADS DVD XPRESS DX2 [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\wisgostrm.sys -> [2006/02/21 20:40:18 | 00,265,600 | R--- | M] (WIS Technologies)
(WS2IFSL) Environnement de prise en charge de Fournisseur de services non-IFS Windows Sockets 2.0 [Kernel | Disabled | Stopped] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ws2ifsl.sys -> [2001/08/28 13:00:00 | 00,012,032 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)

[Registry - Safe List]
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Main\\"Default_Page_URL" -> -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Main\\"Default_Search_URL" -> -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Main\\"Local Page" -> %SystemRoot%\system32\blank.htm -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Main\\"Search Page" -> -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Main\\"Start Page" ->{SUB_PRD}&clcid={SUB_CLSID}&pver={SUB_PVER}&ar=home -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Search\\"CustomizeSearch" -> -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Search\\"Default_Search_URL" -> -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\: Search\\"SearchAssistant" -> -> 
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\] > -> -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: Main\\"Local Page" -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\blank.htm -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: Main\\"Search Page" -> -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: Main\\"Start Page" -> -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: Search\\"SearchAssistant" -> -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: SearchURL\\"" -> -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: SearchURL\\"provider" -> gogl -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: URLSearchHooks\\"{C94E154B-1459-4A47-966B-4B843BEFC7DB}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\AskSearch\bin\DefaultSearch.dll [DefaultSearchHook Class] -> [2008/07/17 17:19:32 | 00,045,056 | ---- | M] ()
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: URLSearchHooks\\"{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll [Yahoo! Toolbar avec bloqueur de fenêtres pop-up] -> [2006/10/26 10:28:40 | 00,440,384 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\: "ProxyEnable" -> 0 -> 
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\] > -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\: "ProxyEnable" -> 0 -> 
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\] > -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\: "ProxyEnable" -> 0 -> 
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\] > -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\: "ProxyEnable" -> 0 -> 
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\] > -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\: "ProxyEnable" -> 0 -> 
< Internet Explorer Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\] > -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: Main\\"Local Page" -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\blank.htm -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: Main\\"Search Page" -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: Main\\"Start Page" -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: Search\\"SearchAssistant" -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: SearchURL\\"" -> -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: SearchURL\\"provider" -> gogl -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: URLSearchHooks\\"{C94E154B-1459-4A47-966B-4B843BEFC7DB}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\AskSearch\bin\DefaultSearch.dll [DefaultSearchHook Class] -> [2008/07/17 17:19:32 | 00,045,056 | ---- | M] ()
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: URLSearchHooks\\"{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll [Yahoo! Toolbar avec bloqueur de fenêtres pop-up] -> [2006/10/26 10:28:40 | 00,440,384 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\: "ProxyEnable" -> 0 -> 
< FireFox Settings [Default Profile] > -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Application Data\Mozilla\FireFox\Profiles\z1orxmkg.default\prefs.js -> 
browser.startup.homepage -> "" ->
browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone -> "rv:" ->
extensions.enabledItems -> {9a7f2bbe-9e20-491a-a79f-6a9ab389d347}: ->
extensions.enabledItems -> {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}:3.0.3 ->
extensions.enabledItems -> {c1dffba0-628e-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66}:3.0.2 ->
< HOSTS File > (288089 bytes and 9971 lines) -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\Hosts -> 
First 25 entries...	   localhost
< BHO's [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\ -> 
{02478D38-C3F9-4EFB-9B51-7695ECA05670} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll [Yahoo! Toolbar Helper] -> [2006/10/26 10:28:40 | 00,440,384 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
{64F56FC1-1272-44CD-BA6E-39723696E350} [HKLM] -> Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened. [Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> File not found
{761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\ssv.dll [Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper] -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,320,920 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
{DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\jp2ssv.dll [Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper] -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,034,816 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
{E7E6F031-17CE-4C07-BC86-EABFE594F69C} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\lib\deploy\jqs\ie\jqs_plugin.dll [JQSIEStartDetectorImpl Class] -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,073,728 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
{E99421FB-68DD-40F0-B4AC-B7027CAE2F1A} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\epson\EPSON Web-To-Page\EPSON Web-To-Page.dll [EpsonToolBandKicker Class] -> [2005/02/21 20:50:34 | 00,368,640 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION)
< Internet Explorer ToolBars [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ToolBar -> 
"{8E718888-423F-11D2-876E-00A0C9082467}" [HKLM] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\msdxm.ocx [&Radio] -> [2002/08/29 10:44:22 | 00,846,364 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
"{EE5D279F-081B-4404-994D-C6B60AAEBA6D}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\epson\EPSON Web-To-Page\EPSON Web-To-Page.dll [EPSON Web-To-Page] -> [2005/02/21 20:50:34 | 00,368,640 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION)
"{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll [Yahoo! Toolbar avec bloqueur de fenêtres pop-up] -> [2006/10/26 10:28:40 | 00,440,384 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
< Internet Explorer ToolBars [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\ -> 
ShellBrowser\\"{2318C2B1-4965-11D4-9B18-009027A5CD4F}" [HKLM] -> Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened. [Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> File not found
WebBrowser\\"{EE5D279F-081B-4404-994D-C6B60AAEBA6D}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\epson\EPSON Web-To-Page\EPSON Web-To-Page.dll [EPSON Web-To-Page] -> [2005/02/21 20:50:34 | 00,368,640 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION)
WebBrowser\\"{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll [Yahoo! Toolbar avec bloqueur de fenêtres pop-up] -> [2006/10/26 10:28:40 | 00,440,384 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
< Internet Explorer ToolBars [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\ -> 
ShellBrowser\\"{2318C2B1-4965-11D4-9B18-009027A5CD4F}" [HKLM] -> Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened. [Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> File not found
WebBrowser\\"{EE5D279F-081B-4404-994D-C6B60AAEBA6D}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\epson\EPSON Web-To-Page\EPSON Web-To-Page.dll [EPSON Web-To-Page] -> [2005/02/21 20:50:34 | 00,368,640 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION)
WebBrowser\\"{EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll [Yahoo! Toolbar avec bloqueur de fenêtres pop-up] -> [2006/10/26 10:28:40 | 00,440,384 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
< Run [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -> 
"avast!" -> %ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashDisp.exe [C:\PROGRA~1\ALWILS~1\Avast4\ashDisp.exe] -> [2008/11/26 18:18:51 | 00,081,000 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
"EPSON Stylus DX4200 Series" -> %SystemRoot%\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\E_FATIAEE.EXE [C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\E_FATIAEE.EXE /P26 "EPSON Stylus DX4200 Series" /O6 "USB001" /M "Stylus DX4200"] -> [2005/03/08 05:00:00 | 00,098,304 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION)
"KernelFaultCheck" ->  [%systemroot%\system32\dumprep 0 -k] -> File not found
"NeroFilterCheck" -> %SystemRoot%\system32\NeroCheck.exe [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NeroCheck.exe] -> [2001/07/09 11:50:42 | 00,155,648 | ---- | M] (Ahead Software Gmbh)
"NvCplDaemon" -> %SystemRoot%\system32\nvcpl.dll [RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\System32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup] -> [2002/10/25 11:18:00 | 04,239,360 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
"nwiz" -> %SystemRoot%\system32\nwiz.exe [nwiz.exe /install] -> [2002/10/25 11:18:00 | 00,315,392 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation)
"QuickTime Task" -> %ProgramFiles%\QuickTime\qttask.exe ["C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime] -> [2008/09/10 22:57:51 | 00,098,304 | ---- | M] (Apple Computer, Inc.)
"SunJavaUpdateSched" -> %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe ["C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe"] -> [2008/12/04 14:25:40 | 00,136,600 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
< RunOnce [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce -> 
"delus" -> %SystemDrive%\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\delus.exe [C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\delus.exe] -> File not found
< Run [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -> 
"H/PC Connection Agent" -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe ["C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe"] -> [2006/11/13 13:07:02 | 01,289,000 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
"MSMSGS" -> %ProgramFiles%\Messenger\msmsgs.exe ["C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background] -> [2002/08/20 14:08:38 | 01,511,453 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
< Run [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -> 
"H/PC Connection Agent" -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe ["C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe"] -> [2006/11/13 13:07:02 | 01,289,000 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
"MSMSGS" -> %ProgramFiles%\Messenger\msmsgs.exe ["C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background] -> [2002/08/20 14:08:38 | 01,511,453 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
< Administrateur Startup Folder > -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage -> 
%UserProfile%\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage\ 2.0.lnk -> %ProgramFiles%\ 2.0\program\quickstart.exe -> [2005/12/14 16:01:20 | 00,061,440 | ---- | M] ()
< All Users Startup Folder > -> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage -> 
%AllUsersProfile%\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage\Adobe Gamma Loader.lnk -> %CommonProgramFiles%\Adobe\Calibration\Adobe Gamma Loader.exe -> [2000/08/24 15:45:38 | 00,110,592 | ---- | M] (Adobe Systems, Inc.)
< Default User Startup Folder > -> C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage -> 
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings - System [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System -> 
\\"dontdisplaylastusername" ->  [0] -> File not found
\\"legalnoticecaption" ->  [] -> File not found
\\"legalnoticetext" ->  [] -> File not found
\\"shutdownwithoutlogon" ->  [1] -> File not found
\\"undockwithoutlogon" ->  [1] -> File not found
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings - Explorer [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer -> 
\\"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" ->  [145] -> File not found
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT] > -> HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer -> 
\\"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" ->  [145] -> File not found
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer -> 
\\"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" ->  [145] -> File not found
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer -> 
\\"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" ->  [145] -> File not found
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer -> 
\\"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" ->  [145] -> File not found
< CurrentVersion Policy Settings [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer -> 
\\"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" ->  [145] -> File not found
< Internet Explorer Extensions [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\ -> 
{2EAF5BB1-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F}:{2EAF5BB0-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\INetRepl.dll [Button: Create Mobile Favorite] -> [2006/11/13 13:06:50 | 00,158,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
{2EAF5BB2-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F}:{2EAF5BB0-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F} [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\INetRepl.dll [Menu: Créer un Favori de l'appareil mobile...] -> [2006/11/13 13:06:50 | 00,158,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}:%SystemRoot%\web\related.htm [HKLM] -> %SystemRoot%\Web\related.htm [Button: @shdoclc.dll,-866] -> [2001/08/28 13:00:00 | 00,000,654 | ---- | M] ()
{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}:%SystemRoot%\web\related.htm [HKLM] -> %SystemRoot%\Web\related.htm [Menu: @shdoclc.dll,-864] -> [2001/08/28 13:00:00 | 00,000,654 | ---- | M] ()
< Internet Explorer Extensions [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\ -> 
CmdMapping\\"{2EAF5BB1-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\INetRepl.dll [Create Mobile Favorite] -> [2006/11/13 13:06:50 | 00,158,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
CmdMapping\\"{2EAF5BB2-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\INetRepl.dll [Créer un Favori de l'appareil mobile...] -> [2006/11/13 13:06:50 | 00,158,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
CmdMapping\\"{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}" [HKLM] ->  [@shdoclc.dll,-866] -> File not found
CmdMapping\\"{DFB852A3-47F8-48C4-A200-58CAB36FD2A2}" [HKLM] ->  [Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> File not found
< Internet Explorer Extensions [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\] > -> HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\ -> 
CmdMapping\\"{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}" [HKLM] ->  [@shdoclc.dll,-866] -> File not found
< Internet Explorer Extensions [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\ -> 
CmdMapping\\"{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}" [HKLM] ->  [@shdoclc.dll,-866] -> File not found
< Internet Explorer Extensions [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\ -> 
CmdMapping\\"{2EAF5BB1-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\INetRepl.dll [Create Mobile Favorite] -> [2006/11/13 13:06:50 | 00,158,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
CmdMapping\\"{2EAF5BB2-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F}" [HKLM] -> %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft ActiveSync\INetRepl.dll [Créer un Favori de l'appareil mobile...] -> [2006/11/13 13:06:50 | 00,158,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
CmdMapping\\"{c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a}" [HKLM] ->  [@shdoclc.dll,-866] -> File not found
CmdMapping\\"{DFB852A3-47F8-48C4-A200-58CAB36FD2A2}" [HKLM] ->  [Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> File not found
< Internet Explorer Plugins [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Plugins\ -> 
PluginsPageFriendlyName -> Bibliothèque de contrôles ActiveX Microsoft -> 
PluginsPage -> -> 
< Default Prefix > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\URL\DefaultPrefix
"" -> http://
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 5190 domain(s) found. -> 
49 domain(s) and sub-domain(s) not assigned to a zone.
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 36 range(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 5191 domain(s) found. -> 
 .[msn] -> Poste de travail -> 
49 domain(s) and sub-domain(s) not assigned to a zone.
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 36 range(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\] > -> HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 5190 domain(s) found. -> 
49 domain(s) and sub-domain(s) not assigned to a zone.
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\] > -> HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 36 range(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 5190 domain(s) found. -> 
49 domain(s) and sub-domain(s) not assigned to a zone.
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 36 range(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 0 domain(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 0 range(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 0 domain(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 0 range(s) found. -> 
< Trusted Sites Domains [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ -> [Key] 5191 domain(s) found. -> 
 .[msn] -> Poste de travail -> 
49 domain(s) and sub-domain(s) not assigned to a zone.
< Trusted Sites Ranges [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\] > -> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> 
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1123561945-1604221776-725345543-500\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\ -> [Key] 36 range(s) found. -> 
< Downloaded Program Files > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\ -> 
{30528230-99f7-4bb4-88d8-fa1d4f56a2ab} [HKLM] -> C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Common\yinsthelper.dll[YInstStarter Class] -> 
{8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93} [HKLM] ->[Java Plug-in 1.6.0_11] -> 
{8F48147B-78D9-40F9-ACC0-BDDE59B246F4} [HKLM] ->[AccountHelper Class] -> 
{8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C} [HKLM] ->[Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> 
{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0011-ABCDEFFEDCBA} [HKLM] ->[Java Plug-in 1.6.0_11] -> 
DirectAnimation Java Classes [HKLM] -> file://C:\WINDOWS\Java\classes\[Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> 
Microsoft XML Parser for Java [HKLM] -> file://C:\WINDOWS\Java\classes\[Reg Error: Key does not exist or could not be opened.] -> 
< DNS Name Servers [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Adapters\ -> 
{233D3408-26B3-4C88-BABB-25E7C7DF5009} ->	() -> 
{42DC5A19-9F9E-46AA-8F49-E3FC86605484} ->	(NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter) -> 
{DF891BCE-6FEF-4BD2-8E7F-12B959EA04FA} ->	(Windows Mobile-based Device) -> 
{EFE342DF-6C9C-4DB0-9ECF-AB535516FA05} ->	(Carte réseau 1394) -> 
IE Styles -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles
< SafeBoot AlternateShell [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot -> 
"AlternateShell" -> cmd.exe -> 
< CDROM Autorun Setting [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]> -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdrom ->
"AutoRun" -> 1 -> 
"DisplayName" -> Pilote de CD-ROM -> 
"ImagePath" -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys [System32\DRIVERS\cdrom.sys] -> [2002/08/29 00:27:56 | 00,047,488 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
< Drives with AutoRun files > ->  -> 
C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT [] -> %SystemDrive%\AUTOEXEC.BAT [ NTFS ] -> [2008/09/10 18:14:54 | 00,000,000 | ---- | M] ()
< MountPoints2 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] > -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2 -> 

[Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days]
3 C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp -> 
OTScanIt2 -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\OTScanIt2 -> [2008/12/13 12:25:55 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
OTScanIt2.exe -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\OTScanIt2.exe -> [2008/12/13 12:25:33 | 00,647,677 | ---- | C] ()
labvisionrc -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\labvisionrc -> [2008/12/12 16:39:46 | 00,000,193 | ---- | C] ()
temp -> %SystemDrive%\temp -> [2008/12/12 16:39:46 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Mes eBooks -> F:\Mes eBooks -> [2008/12/06 17:23:18 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
société générale.odt -> F:\société générale.odt -> [2008/12/05 19:03:27 | 00,006,446 | ---- | C] ()
sauvegarde.reg -> F:\sauvegarde.reg -> [2008/12/05 18:38:30 | 00,061,208 | ---- | C] ()
WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe -> F:\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe -> [2008/12/05 18:38:25 | 02,585,872 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation)
scan.html -> F:\scan.html -> [2008/12/05 18:38:17 | 00,002,701 | ---- | C] ()
ig.htm -> F:\ig.htm -> [2008/12/05 18:37:18 | 00,182,742 | ---- | C] ()
ig_fichiers -> F:\ig_fichiers -> [2008/12/05 18:37:18 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Alfred Mes documents -> F:\Alfred Mes documents -> [2008/12/05 18:36:56 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Sun -> %SystemRoot%\Sun -> [2008/12/04 14:26:21 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Java -> %ProgramFiles%\Java -> [2008/12/04 14:25:34 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Sun -> %AppData%\Sun -> [2008/12/04 14:24:59 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
mbam.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\mbam.sys -> [2008/12/02 16:27:59 | 00,015,504 | ---- | C] (Malwarebytes Corporation)
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.lnk -> %AllUsersProfile%\Bureau\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.lnk -> [2008/12/02 16:27:59 | 00,000,696 | ---- | C] ()
mbamswissarmy.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys -> [2008/12/02 16:27:55 | 00,038,496 | ---- | C] (Malwarebytes Corporation)
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware -> %ProgramFiles%\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware -> [2008/12/02 16:27:53 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Nettoyer.lnk -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\Nettoyer.lnk -> [2008/12/02 10:41:21 | 00,000,517 | ---- | C] ()
trend micro -> %ProgramFiles%\trend micro -> [2008/12/01 19:17:14 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
rsit -> %SystemDrive%\rsit -> [2008/12/01 19:17:12 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
UNNMP.cfg -> %SystemRoot%\UNNMP.cfg -> [2008/12/01 18:33:15 | 00,052,418 | ---- | C] ()
NeroCheck.exe -> %SystemRoot%\System32\NeroCheck.exe -> [2008/12/01 18:25:12 | 00,155,648 | ---- | C] (Ahead Software Gmbh)
UNNeroVision.cfg -> %SystemRoot%\UNNeroVision.cfg -> [2008/12/01 18:24:11 | 00,123,026 | ---- | C] ()
msxml3a.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml3a.dll -> [2008/12/01 18:24:10 | 00,024,064 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation)
Ahead -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Ahead -> [2008/12/01 18:23:38 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
imagx5.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\imagx5.dll -> [2008/12/01 18:23:37 | 00,544,768 | ---- | C] (Pegasus Software, LLC)
TwnLib20.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\TwnLib20.dll -> [2008/12/01 18:23:37 | 00,106,496 | ---- | C] (Pegasus Software)
picn20.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\picn20.dll -> [2008/12/01 18:23:37 | 00,038,912 | ---- | C] (Pegasus Imaging Corp.)
imagr5.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\imagr5.dll -> [2008/12/01 18:23:36 | 00,569,344 | ---- | C] (Pegasus Software,LLC)
ImagXpr5.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\ImagXpr5.dll -> [2008/12/01 18:23:36 | 00,283,920 | ---- | C] (Pegasus Software, LLC)
mswinsck.ocx -> %SystemRoot%\System32\mswinsck.ocx -> [2008/11/30 15:04:13 | 00,124,688 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation)
vb6fr.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\vb6fr.dll -> [2008/11/30 15:04:13 | 00,119,568 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation)
winskfr.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\winskfr.dll -> [2008/11/30 15:04:13 | 00,015,872 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation)
i-Covers -> %ProgramFiles%\i-Covers -> [2008/11/30 15:04:12 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
avast! Antivirus.lnk -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\avast! Antivirus.lnk -> [2008/11/26 18:14:59 | 00,001,721 | ---- | C] ()
AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic -> [2008/11/26 17:48:40 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Minidump -> %SystemRoot%\Minidump -> [2008/11/26 17:46:28 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
avgntdd.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\avgntdd.sys -> [2008/11/26 17:45:18 | 00,045,376 | ---- | C] (Avira GmbH)
ssmdrv.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys -> [2008/11/26 17:45:18 | 00,028,352 | ---- | C] (Avira GmbH)
avgntmgr.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\avgntmgr.sys -> [2008/11/26 17:45:18 | 00,022,336 | ---- | C] (Avira GmbH)
avipbb.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\avipbb.sys -> [2008/11/26 17:45:16 | 00,075,072 | ---- | C] (Avira GmbH)
Avira -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Avira -> [2008/11/26 17:45:13 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
NortonInstaller -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\NortonInstaller -> [2008/11/25 15:27:47 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
ztvunrar36.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\ztvunrar36.dll -> [2008/11/24 14:23:41 | 00,162,304 | ---- | C] ()
UNRAR3.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\UNRAR3.dll -> [2008/11/24 14:23:41 | 00,153,088 | ---- | C] ()
unacev2.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\unacev2.dll -> [2008/11/24 14:23:41 | 00,075,264 | ---- | C] ()
ztvcabinet.dll -> %SystemRoot%\System32\ztvcabinet.dll -> [2008/11/24 14:23:41 | 00,069,632 | ---- | C] (Microsoft Corporation)
Thumbs.db -> %SystemRoot%\Thumbs.db -> [2008/11/23 15:42:07 | 00,010,752 | -HS- | C] ()
Yahoo! Companion -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Yahoo! Companion -> [2008/11/23 15:22:17 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Devious Codeworks -> %ProgramFiles%\Devious Codeworks -> [2008/11/20 18:56:50 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]
Spybot - Search & Destroy -> %ProgramFiles%\Spybot - Search & Destroy -> [2008/11/14 16:09:23 | 00,000,000 | ---D | C]

[Files/Folders - Modified Within 30 Days]
1 C:\WINDOWS\System32\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\*.tmp -> 
3 C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp -> 
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\ -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp -> [2008/12/13 12:27:04 | 00,000,000 | ---D | M]
UNNMP.exe -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\UNNMP.exe -> [2004/04/06 17:36:35 | 01,798,144 | ---- | M] (Ahead Software AG)
ytb.exe -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\ytb.exe -> [2008/11/25 20:08:36 | 00,329,479 | ---- | M] (Yahoo! Inc.)
1 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\*.tmp files -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\*.tmp -> 
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\ -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries -> [2008/12/08 16:55:54 | 00,000,000 | ---D | M]
ScanningProcess.exe -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\ScanningProcess.exe -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,139,264 | ---- | M] (Kaspersky Lab.)
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\ -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries -> [2008/12/08 16:55:54 | 00,000,000 | ---D | M]
FSSync.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\FSSync.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,038,400 | ---- | M] (Kaspersky Lab)
ikave.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\ikave.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,065,536 | ---- | M] ()
kave.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\kave.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,282,624 | ---- | M] (Kaspersky Lab.)
kosglue- -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\kosglue- -> [2008/12/05 18:33:01 | 00,729,152 | ---- | M] (Kaspersky Lab)
msvcm80.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\msvcm80.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,479,232 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
msvcp80.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\msvcp80.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,548,864 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
msvcr80.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\msvcr80.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:00 | 00,626,688 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation)
prLoader.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\prLoader.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:01 | 00,184,320 | ---- | M] (Kaspersky Lab)
prremote.dll -> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\jkos-Administrateur\binaries\prremote.dll -> [2008/12/05 18:33:01 | 00,090,112 | ---- | M] (Kaspersky Lab)
C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ -> C:\WINDOWS\Temp -> [2008/12/13 11:52:39 | 00,000,000 | ---D | M]
Perflib_Perfdata_17c.dat -> C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_17c.dat -> [2008/12/13 11:52:03 | 00,016,384 | ---- | M] ()
Perflib_Perfdata_684.dat -> C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_684.dat -> [2008/12/12 14:53:57 | 00,016,384 | ---- | M] ()
Perflib_Perfdata_688.dat -> C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_688.dat -> [2008/12/13 11:51:56 | 00,016,384 | ---- | M] ()
Perflib_Perfdata_68c.dat -> C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_68c.dat -> [2008/12/08 15:03:19 | 00,016,384 | ---- | M] ()
Perflib_Perfdata_690.dat -> C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_690.dat -> [2008/12/01 14:26:08 | 00,016,384 | ---- | M] ()
OTScanIt2.exe -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\OTScanIt2.exe -> [2008/12/13 12:25:34 | 00,647,677 | ---- | M] ()
hosts -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts -> [2008/12/13 12:16:13 | 00,288,089 | ---- | M] ()
CONFIG.NT -> %SystemRoot%\System32\CONFIG.NT -> [2008/12/13 11:52:38 | 00,003,121 | ---- | M] ()
SA.DAT -> %SystemRoot%\tasks\SA.DAT -> [2008/12/13 11:51:39 | 00,000,006 | -H-- | M] ()
bootstat.dat -> %SystemRoot%\bootstat.dat -> [2008/12/13 11:51:32 | 00,002,048 | --S- | M] ()
hiberfil.sys -> %SystemDrive%\hiberfil.sys -> [2008/12/13 11:51:31 | 53,640,3968 | -HS- | M] ()
labvisionrc -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\labvisionrc -> [2008/12/12 16:41:16 | 00,000,193 | ---- | M] ()
wpa.dbl -> %SystemRoot%\System32\wpa.dbl -> [2008/12/11 16:07:40 | 00,002,206 | ---- | M] ()
Thumbs.db -> F:\Thumbs.db -> [2008/12/09 18:52:04 | 01,572,920 | -HS- | M] ()
Thumbs.db -> %SystemRoot%\Thumbs.db -> [2008/12/09 18:47:50 | 00,010,752 | -HS- | M] ()
NeroDigital.ini -> %SystemRoot%\NeroDigital.ini -> [2008/12/09 18:47:49 | 00,000,049 | ---- | M] ()
société générale.odt -> F:\société générale.odt -> [2008/12/05 19:03:28 | 00,006,446 | ---- | M] ()
Ecrire.lnk -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\Ecrire.lnk -> [2008/12/05 19:01:19 | 00,002,555 | ---- | M] ()
Desktop.ini -> F:\Desktop.ini -> [2008/12/05 18:46:00 | 00,000,086 | -HS- | M] ()
scan.html -> F:\scan.html -> [2008/12/04 19:40:10 | 00,002,701 | ---- | M] ()
QTFont.qfn -> %SystemRoot%\QTFont.qfn -> [2008/12/03 09:43:08 | 00,054,156 | -H-- | M] ()
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.lnk -> %AllUsersProfile%\Bureau\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.lnk -> [2008/12/02 16:27:59 | 00,000,696 | ---- | M] ()
Nettoyer.lnk -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\Nettoyer.lnk -> [2008/12/02 10:41:21 | 00,000,517 | ---- | M] ()
Gravure.lnk -> %AllUsersProfile%\Bureau\Gravure.lnk -> [2008/12/01 18:26:32 | 00,001,325 | ---- | M] ()
DCBC2A71-70D8-4DAN-EHR8-E0D61DEA3FDF.ini -> %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\DCBC2A71-70D8-4DAN-EHR8-E0D61DEA3FDF.ini -> [2008/12/01 18:13:59 | 00,009,728 | ---- | M] ()
aswBoot.exe -> %SystemRoot%\System32\aswBoot.exe -> [2008/11/26 18:21:30 | 01,236,208 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aswmon.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswmon.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:18:25 | 00,093,296 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aswmon2.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswmon2.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:18:18 | 00,094,032 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aswSP.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswSP.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:17:36 | 00,111,184 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aswTdi.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswTdi.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:16:38 | 00,050,864 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aswRdr.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aswRdr.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:16:29 | 00,023,152 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
aavmker4.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\aavmker4.sys -> [2008/11/26 18:15:35 | 00,026,944 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
AvastSS.scr -> %SystemRoot%\System32\AvastSS.scr -> [2008/11/26 18:15:10 | 00,097,480 | ---- | M] (ALWIL Software)
avast! Antivirus.lnk -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\avast! Antivirus.lnk -> [2008/11/26 18:14:59 | 00,001,721 | ---- | M] ()
sauvegarde.reg -> F:\sauvegarde.reg -> [2008/11/25 15:35:28 | 00,061,208 | ---- | M] ()
hosts.20081123-193439.backup -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.20081123-193439.backup -> [2008/11/23 19:34:19 | 00,288,089 | R--- | M] ()
Photo.lnk -> %UserProfile%\Bureau\Photo.lnk -> [2008/11/20 19:46:01 | 00,001,698 | ---- | M] ()
[Alternate Data Streams]
@Alternate Data Stream - 88 bytes -> F:\prout.mpeg:SummaryInformation
@Alternate Data Stream - 88 bytes -> F:\Nouveau fichier de paramètres.OPS:SummaryInformation
@Alternate Data Stream - 88 bytes -> F:\Impots 2007 reçu:SummaryInformation
@Alternate Data Stream - 0 bytes -> F:\Thumbs.db:encryptable
@Alternate Data Stream - 0 bytes -> F:\prout.mpeg:{4c8cc155-6c1e-11d1-8e41-00c04fb9386d}
@Alternate Data Stream - 0 bytes -> F:\Nouveau fichier de paramètres.OPS:{4c8cc155-6c1e-11d1-8e41-00c04fb9386d}
@Alternate Data Stream - 0 bytes -> F:\Impots 2007 reçu:{4c8cc155-6c1e-11d1-8e41-00c04fb9386d}
@Alternate Data Stream - 0 bytes -> %SystemRoot%\Thumbs.db:encryptable
< End of report >


Merci encore.


salut :P


C'est un rapport hijackthis que je demandais pas un rapport OTScanIT :P PAs grave: ca fait l'affaire :P

Je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir réussi à désinstaller antivir, car quand j'exécute avuninst, il me répond que c'est impossible (ou quelque chose d'approchant, car comme c'est en anglais...)

Effectivement on voit qu'il y a des restes d'Antivir! On va utiliser OtScanIt pour les virer >>


Ouvre le dossier OTScanIt2 et fais un double clic sur OTScanIt2.exe pour lancer le programme (si tu es sous Windows Vista, fais un clic droit sur le programme et choisis Exécuter en tant qu'Administrateur).


Fais un copier/coller des informations de la zone Code ci-dessous (ne copie pas le mot CODE!) dans la zone de saisie intitulée "Paste fix here" puis clique sur le bouton Run Fix =>

[Kill Explorer]
[Win32 Services - Safe List]
YY -> (AntiVirScheduler) Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus Scheduler [Win32_Own | Auto | Stopped] -> 
[Driver Services - Safe List]
YY -> (avgntdd) avgntdd [File_System | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\avgntdd.sys
YY -> (avgntmgr) avgntmgr [File_System | Boot | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\avgntmgr.sys
YY -> (avipbb) avipbb [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\avipbb.sys
YY -> (ssmdrv) ssmdrv [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys
[Registry - Safe List]
< Run [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
YN -> "KernelFaultCheck" -> [%systemroot%\system32\dumprep 0 -k]
< RunOnce [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
YN -> "delus" -> %SystemDrive%\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\delus.exe [C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\delus.exe]
[Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days]
NY -> AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic
NY -> avgntdd.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\avgntdd.sys
NY -> ssmdrv.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys
NY -> avgntmgr.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\avgntmgr.sys
NY -> avipbb.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\avipbb.sys
[Empty Temp Folders]
[Start Explorer]

L'exécution devrait être très rapide.

Un redémarrage est nécessaire: clique sur le bouton "Yes" pour faire redémarrer la machine. Après ce redémarrage, OTScanIt2 va finir de déplacer les fichiers qui ne pouvaient pas l'être précédemment, puis le Bloc-notes va s'ouvrir et afficher à ce moment-là les résultats finaux. Envoie-moi ces informations en réponse.

salut :P


C'est un rapport hijackthis que je demandais pas un rapport OTScanIT :P PAs grave: ca fait l'affaire :P


Effectivement on voit qu'il y a des restes d'Antivir! On va utiliser OtScanIt pour les virer >>


Ouvre le dossier OTScanIt2 et fais un double clic sur OTScanIt2.exe pour lancer le programme (si tu es sous Windows Vista, fais un clic droit sur le programme et choisis Exécuter en tant qu'Administrateur).


Fais un copier/coller des informations de la zone Code ci-dessous (ne copie pas le mot CODE!) dans la zone de saisie intitulée "Paste fix here" puis clique sur le bouton Run Fix =>

[Kill Explorer]
[Win32 Services - Safe List]
YY -> (AntiVirScheduler) Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus Scheduler [Win32_Own | Auto | Stopped] -> 
[Driver Services - Safe List]
YY -> (avgntdd) avgntdd [File_System | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\avgntdd.sys
YY -> (avgntmgr) avgntmgr [File_System | Boot | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\avgntmgr.sys
YY -> (avipbb) avipbb [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\avipbb.sys
YY -> (ssmdrv) ssmdrv [Kernel | System | Running] -> %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys
[Registry - Safe List]
< Run [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
YN -> "KernelFaultCheck" -> [%systemroot%\system32\dumprep 0 -k]
< RunOnce [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\] > -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
YN -> "delus" -> %SystemDrive%\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\delus.exe [C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\delus.exe]
[Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days]
NY -> AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic -> %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic
NY -> avgntdd.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\avgntdd.sys
NY -> ssmdrv.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys
NY -> avgntmgr.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\avgntmgr.sys
NY -> avipbb.sys -> %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\avipbb.sys
[Empty Temp Folders]
[Start Explorer]

L'exécution devrait être très rapide.

Un redémarrage est nécessaire: clique sur le bouton "Yes" pour faire redémarrer la machine. Après ce redémarrage, OTScanIt2 va finir de déplacer les fichiers qui ne pouvaient pas l'être précédemment, puis le Bloc-notes va s'ouvrir et afficher à ce moment-là les résultats finaux. Envoie-moi ces informations en réponse.





Voici les informations demandées :

[Win32 Services - Safe List]

Service AntiVirScheduler stopped successfully!

Service AntiVirScheduler deleted successfully!

File not found.

[Driver Services - Safe List]

Service avgntdd stopped successfully!

Service avgntdd deleted successfully!

C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\avgntdd.sys moved successfully.

Unable to stop service avgntmgr!

Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\avgntmgr deleted successfully.

Registry delete failed. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_avgntmgr\ scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

Unable to delete service avgntmgr!

C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\avgntmgr.sys moved successfully.

Service avipbb stopped successfully!

Service avipbb deleted successfully!

C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\avipbb.sys moved successfully.

Service ssmdrv stopped successfully!

Service ssmdrv deleted successfully!

C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys moved successfully.

[Registry - Safe List]

Registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\\KernelFaultCheck deleted successfully.

Registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\\delus not found.

[Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days]

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\TEMP folder moved successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\REPORTS folder moved successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\LOGFILES folder moved successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\INFECTED folder moved successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic folder moved successfully.

File C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\avgntdd.sys not found!

File C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys not found!

File C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\avgntmgr.sys not found!

File C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\avipbb.sys not found!

[Empty Temp Folders]

File delete failed. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\etilqs_ffgktf3sHySg9OTJnBFk scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

File delete failed. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\WCESLog.log scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

User's Temp folder emptied.

User's Temporary Internet Files folder emptied.

User's Internet Explorer cache folder emptied.

Local Service Temp folder emptied.

File delete failed. C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

Local Service Temporary Internet Files folder emptied.

File delete failed. C:\WINDOWS\temp\_avast4_\Webshlock.txt scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

File delete failed. C:\WINDOWS\temp\Perflib_Perfdata_280.dat scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

File delete failed. C:\WINDOWS\temp\Perflib_Perfdata_688.dat scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

Windows Temp folder emptied.

Java cache emptied.

File delete failed. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1s1vhzxv.JYB\Cache\_CACHE_001_ scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

File delete failed. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1s1vhzxv.JYB\Cache\_CACHE_002_ scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

File delete failed. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1s1vhzxv.JYB\Cache\_CACHE_003_ scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

File delete failed. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1s1vhzxv.JYB\Cache\_CACHE_MAP_ scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

File delete failed. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1s1vhzxv.JYB\urlclassifier3.sqlite scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

File delete failed. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1s1vhzxv.JYB\XUL.mfl scheduled to be deleted on reboot.

FireFox cache emptied.

RecycleBin -> emptied.

Explorer started successfully

< End of fix log >

OTScanIt2 by OldTimer - Version fix logfile created on 12142008_183315


Files moved on Reboot...

File C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\etilqs_ffgktf3sHySg9OTJnBFk not found!

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Temp\WCESLog.log moved successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat moved successfully.

File C:\WINDOWS\temp\_avast4_\Webshlock.txt not found!

File C:\WINDOWS\temp\Perflib_Perfdata_280.dat not found!

C:\WINDOWS\temp\Perflib_Perfdata_688.dat moved successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1s1vhzxv.JYB\Cache\_CACHE_001_ moved successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1s1vhzxv.JYB\Cache\_CACHE_002_ moved successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1s1vhzxv.JYB\Cache\_CACHE_003_ moved successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1s1vhzxv.JYB\Cache\_CACHE_MAP_ moved successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1s1vhzxv.JYB\urlclassifier3.sqlite moved successfully.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1s1vhzxv.JYB\XUL.mfl moved successfully.


Registry entries deleted on Reboot...

Registry delete failed. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_avgntmgr\ scheduled to be deleted on reboot.


Celà convient-il?

Merci et à bientôt

salut :Pà


C'est nickel :P Poste stp un dernier rapport hijackthis (pas un rapport OtScanIT!) et on en aura fini.




Voici le rapport demandé :


Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2

Scan saved at 16:44:07, on 15/12/2008

Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)

Boot mode: Normal


Running processes:







C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswUpdSv.exe

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe



C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jqs.exe

C:\Program Files\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4ss.exe


C:\Program Files\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4gui.exe

C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Ulead Systems\DVD\ULCDRSvr.exe

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWebSv.exe

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe

C:\Program Files\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4gui.exe


C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe


C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe

C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe

C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe

C:\Program Files\ 2.0\program\soffice.exe


C:\Program Files\ 2.0\program\soffice.BIN

C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe

C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HijackThis\HijackThis.exe


R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar =

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,SearchAssistant =

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,CustomizeSearch =

R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search,SearchAssistant =

R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search,CustomizeSearch =

R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar,LinksFolderName = Liens

R3 - URLSearchHook: Yahoo! Toolbar avec bloqueur de fenêtres pop-up - {EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88} - C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll

R3 - URLSearchHook: DefaultSearchHook Class - {C94E154B-1459-4A47-966B-4B843BEFC7DB} - C:\Program Files\AskSearch\bin\DefaultSearch.dll

O2 - BHO: Yahoo! Toolbar Helper - {02478D38-C3F9-4EFB-9B51-7695ECA05670} - C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll

O2 - BHO: (no name) - {64F56FC1-1272-44CD-BA6E-39723696E350} - (no file)

O2 - BHO: Java Plug-In SSV Helper - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\ssv.dll

O2 - BHO: Java Plug-In 2 SSV Helper - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jp2ssv.dll

O2 - BHO: JQSIEStartDetectorImpl - {E7E6F031-17CE-4C07-BC86-EABFE594F69C} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\deploy\jqs\ie\jqs_plugin.dll

O2 - BHO: EpsonToolBandKicker Class - {E99421FB-68DD-40F0-B4AC-B7027CAE2F1A} - C:\Program Files\EPSON\EPSON Web-To-Page\EPSON Web-To-Page.dll

O3 - Toolbar: &Radio - {8E718888-423F-11D2-876E-00A0C9082467} - C:\WINDOWS\System32\msdxm.ocx

O3 - Toolbar: EPSON Web-To-Page - {EE5D279F-081B-4404-994D-C6B60AAEBA6D} - C:\Program Files\EPSON\EPSON Web-To-Page\EPSON Web-To-Page.dll

O3 - Toolbar: Yahoo! Toolbar avec bloqueur de fenêtres pop-up - {EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88} - C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\yt.dll

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NvCplDaemon] RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\System32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [nwiz] nwiz.exe /install

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [EPSON Stylus DX4200 Series] C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\E_FATIAEE.EXE /P26 "EPSON Stylus DX4200 Series" /O6 "USB001" /M "Stylus DX4200"

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [avast!] C:\PROGRA~1\ALWILS~1\Avast4\ashDisp.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NeroFilterCheck] C:\WINDOWS\system32\NeroCheck.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [sunJavaUpdateSched] "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe"

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [MSMSGS] "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [H/PC Connection Agent] "C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\wcescomm.exe"



O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-18\..\Run: [CTFMON.EXE] C:\WINDOWS\System32\CTFMON.EXE (User 'SYSTEM')

O4 - HKUS\.DEFAULT\..\Run: [CTFMON.EXE] C:\WINDOWS\System32\CTFMON.EXE (User 'Default user')

O4 - Startup: 2.0.lnk = C:\Program Files\ 2.0\program\quickstart.exe

O4 - Global Startup: Adobe Gamma Loader.lnk = C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Adobe\Calibration\Adobe Gamma Loader.exe

O9 - Extra button: Create Mobile Favorite - {2EAF5BB1-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\INetRepl.dll

O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {2EAF5BB2-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\INetRepl.dll

O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Créer un Favori de l'appareil mobile... - {2EAF5BB2-070F-11D3-9307-00C04FAE2D4F} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\INetRepl.dll

O9 - Extra button: Related - {c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a} - C:\WINDOWS\web\related.htm

O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Show &Related Links - {c95fe080-8f5d-11d2-a20b-00aa003c157a} - C:\WINDOWS\web\related.htm

O16 - DPF: {30528230-99f7-4bb4-88d8-fa1d4f56a2ab} (YInstStarter Class) - C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Common\yinsthelper.dll

O16 - DPF: {8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93} (Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0) -

O16 - DPF: {8F48147B-78D9-40F9-ACC0-BDDE59B246F4} (AccountHelper Class) -

O23 - Service: avast! iAVS4 Control Service (aswUpdSv) - ALWIL Software - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswUpdSv.exe

O23 - Service: avast! Antivirus - ALWIL Software - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe

O23 - Service: avast! Mail Scanner - ALWIL Software - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe

O23 - Service: avast! Web Scanner - ALWIL Software - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWebSv.exe

O23 - Service: InstallDriver Table Manager (IDriverT) - Macrovision Corporation - C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe

O23 - Service: Java Quick Starter (JavaQuickStarterService) - Sun Microsystems, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jqs.exe

O23 - Service: Kerio Personal Firewall 4 (KPF4) - Kerio Technologies - C:\Program Files\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\kpf4ss.exe

O23 - Service: Ulead Burning Helper (UleadBurningHelper) - Ulead Systems, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Ulead Systems\DVD\ULCDRSvr.exe



End of file - 7086 bytes


A bientôt et merci.

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