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boot.ini alias pour windows

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dans mon boot.ini j'ai


multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professionnel" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professionnel" /fastdetect=OptIn
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professionnel" /fastdetect /3GB


ce qui fait que quand ca se lance j'ai 3 fois Microsoft Windows XP Professionnel et j'ignore lequel c'est


peut on renommer sans risque Microsoft Windows XP Professionnel ?












1) il y une erreur : 2 fois la partition 1 du disque 0 (?) C'est quoi les 3 GB ? Une partition de sauvegarde ? (genre EISA, normalement pas bootable).


2) tu peux mettre le texte que tu veux entre les guillemets en respectant tout le reste de chaque ligne.


3) Tu peux vérifier les lettres et N° de tous les disques et partitions par "diskmagn.msc" qui se trouve dans (disque démarré):\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\...).


ok donc je peux changer entre les guillemets ?



non il n'y a pas d'erreur


multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professionnel" /fastdetect=OptIn

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professionnel" /fastdetect /3GB


ce sont les 2 memes avec une porte de sortie au cas ou, le /3GB indique a windows que j'a plus de 3 gigas de RAM (j'en ai 4), il faut modifier la config dans les propriétés du poste de travail et tes 4 gigas sont reconnus


Bien, bien et merci du renvoi d'ascenseur, je ne savais pas qu'existait cette option pour la méga RAM.


Tiens ça peut intéresser tout le monde de connaître le code dans les boot.ini (extrait du site américain) :


Computer Hope


Reference number: CH000492


Additional information and help with the boot.ini.



The "boot.ini" is a Microsoft initialization file found on the Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows 2000, and Microsoft Windows XP operating systems. This file is always located on the root directory of the primary hard disk drive. In other words, it is located at "C:\" directory or the "C Drive". This file is used by Microsoft Windows as a method of displaying a menu of operating systems currently on the computer and allowing the user to easily select which operating system to load. In addition, this file is also used to point to the locations of each of the operating systems.


Basic example of the boot.ini file


[boot loader]



[operating systems]

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /fastdetect


In the above example, the boot.ini contains two sections, the "[boot loader]", and "[operating systems]". Within the boot loader section there are two lines. The "timeout" line is used for how long the boot menu time should be displayed, in seconds; we recommend that the timeout be set to at least five if you wish the computer to boot faster and commonly use the default operating systems. The "default" line is the default operating system that the boot.ini will load. If multiple operating systems are in the boot.ini, the default operating system will be automatically selected and used if the user does not specify a different operating system by the time the timeout value expires.


The next section, or the "operating system" section, is used to list and specify the location of each of the operating systems installed on the computer. Below is a listing of each of the options.


Option Description

multi(x) This option is used with IDE and ESDI drives and is also used with SCSI drives for computers using Windows NT. The number used in the above example is "0", this number is the adapter's number and should always be "0" for computers that rely on the BIOS to load system files.


* In a computer using only IDE this option will work with up to four hard disk drives.

* In a computer using only SCSI this option will work with the first two drives on the primary SCSI controller.

* Finally, if a computer is using IDE and SCSI this option will work with the IDE drives on the first controller.


scsi(x) If the computer has a SCSI controller and is not using BIOS to load the system files, the boot.ini may have "scsi(x)" instead of "multi(x).

disk(x) The disk on the controller. If "multi(x)" is used used, this value will always be "0". However, if "scsi(x)" is defined, this value will be SCSI address.

rdisk(x) Which disk on the controller is being used. In the above example we are using an rdisk of "1", which indicates the second disk on the primary controller is being used. This value may be between "0" and "3" and is always set to "0" when "scsi(x)" is being used.

paritions(x) Which partition the operating system is on. In the above example, the operating system is on the first partition of the drive.

\WINDOWS="..." Finally, the last portion of this line defines the directory of where windows is located and what the boot menu should display as the operating system. In the above example, the boot menu would display "Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" as a selection.

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cela se remarque :P :P

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