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Messages recommandés


The Windows 7 Theme turns your Vista system into a Windows 7 lookalike. Windows 7 has been released and is a great success, but if you're stuck with a Vista PC for now, you can at least get the sleek new look of Windows 7 with this excellent Windows 7 Theme.


All the icons and wallpapers of the official Windows 7 are included in this Windows 7 Theme, making it impressively comprehensive. The whole task bar is restyled, with sharper edges, rather than the curves of Vista, and the overall effect is excellent.


Some people think there's nothing you can do to improve the much criticized Vista, but the Windows 7 Theme gives it a credible makeover!






To install the theme in Vista, you need to authorize the use of custom themes

Copy the theme file into the folder C:\WINDOWS\Resources\themes

Then click on the Windows 7 file in the folder, and follow the onscreen instructions


Free Download


This tutorial will guide you, How to download from Sharcash Links. Downloading from this server is very easy, You have to put only your Name and email Id there in the right place.. Nothing else, it will ask for Address, Credit card, bank account etc, but just give a shit to these extra things.


Step -1: When u clickon any sharecash download link the following page will open:



Step-2: Once you click the "Click Here to Download" link and you will be brought to a survey page. Just Fill the first page with your name, email, address, zip code etc [ like the one below, but you may get different according to your country and their respective offers ] Or you can choose Premium Download and can download file without filling any survey form.




Step-3: Then in next page there will be a "Click here to Continue..." button on top of the banner, (The area is circled). Just Click there and Downloading will start. :P



This is how you can download your file for free !!

If the download page do not show you a survey, then do stay on download page, it will load the survey in 60 seconds. If still not, then close that page and again open the download page to get new offer

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