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[RESOLU]osgal non reconnu par pkg-config

Messages recommandés

Posté(e) (modifié)

Bonjour à tous :) ,


je tente d'installer le jeux Combat Simulator Project et lors de l'installation, je bute sur le problème évoqué dans le titre de ce post.

Voici ce que j'obtiens:


[root@localhost csp]#  scons -Q all

scons: warning: The Options class is deprecated; use the Variables class instead.
File "/home/alexandre/csp.testing/csp/tools/build/", line 77, in Initialize
/home/alexandre/csp.testing/csp/tools/build/ DeprecationWarning: os.popen3 is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.
 _, output, error = os.popen3('pkg-config --version')
Checking for pkg-config... yes (0.23)
Checking for vorbisfile (>= 1.1.0)... yes (1.2.3)
Checking for sigc++-2.0 (>= 2.0.6)... yes (
Checking for jpeg_resync_to_restart() in C library libjpeg... yes
Checking for PyEval_SaveThread() in C library python2.6... yes
Checking for openscenegraph (>= 2.6.0)... yes (2.8.2)
Checking for openthreads (>= 2.3)... yes (2.4.0)
[b]Package osgal was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `osgal.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'osgal' found
Checking for osgal (>= 0.6.1)... no[/b]
/home/alexandre/csp.testing/csp/tools/build/ DeprecationWarning: os.popen3 is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.
 _, output, error = os.popen3(command)
Checking for sdl (>= 1.2.5)... yes (1.2.13)
Checking for libccgnu2 (>= 1.3.19)... yes (1.7.3)
Configure failed
[root@localhost csp]# 


osgal a été pourtant installer, mais à partir des sources car il ne figure pas dans les dépôts de Mandriva.

Je n'arrive pas à renseigner pkg-config :roll: . osgal.pc est ici : /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig .

Pour scons, peut être y a t-il une option plus adaptée que celle que j'utilise ?

Merci pour votre aide, à bientôt.



Modifié par pierrotlalune




bon j'ai pu trouver la solution pour osgAL. J'ai rajouter un paquet libosgal-dev que j'ai trouvé en .deb et que j'ai converti en .rpm avec alien.

voici le résultat:


[root@localhost csp]# scons -Q all

scons: warning: The Options class is deprecated; use the Variables class instead.
File "/home/alexandre/csp.testing/csp/tools/build/", line 77, in Initialize
/home/alexandre/csp.testing/csp/tools/build/ DeprecationWarning: os.popen3 is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.
 _, output, error = os.popen3('pkg-config --version')
Checking for pkg-config... yes (0.23)
Checking for vorbisfile (>= 1.1.0)... yes (1.2.3)
Checking for sigc++-2.0 (>= 2.0.6)... yes (
Checking for jpeg_resync_to_restart() in C library libjpeg... yes
Checking for PyEval_SaveThread() in C library python2.6... yes
Checking for openscenegraph (>= 2.6.0)... yes (2.8.2)
Checking for openthreads (>= 2.3)... yes (2.4.0)
Checking for osgal (>= 0.6.1)... yes (0.6.1)
/home/alexandre/csp.testing/csp/tools/build/ DeprecationWarning: os.popen3 is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.
 _, output, error = os.popen3(command)
Checking for sdl (>= 1.2.5)... yes (1.2.13)
Checking for libccgnu2 (>= 1.3.19)... yes (1.7.3)
- Compiling csplib/util/Config.cpp (shared)
- Linking csplib/.bin/csplib_config
- Generating csplib/util/Config.h
- Compiling csplib/data/Archive.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/DataArchive.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/DataManager.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/Date.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/Enum.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/External.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/GeoPos.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/InterfaceProxy.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/InterfaceRegistry.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/Key.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/LUT.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/Link.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/Matrix3.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/Object.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/Path.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/Quat.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/Real.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/TypeAdapter.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/data/Vector3.cpp (shared)
- Generating csplib/.bin/net/ClientServerMessages.cpp (trc)
- Compiling csplib/net/ClientServer.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/.bin/net/ClientServerMessages.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/net/DispatchHandler.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/net/DispatchManager.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/net/DispatchTarget.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/net/NetRandom.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/net/NetworkInterface.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/net/NetworkNode.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/net/PeerInfo.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/net/RecordCodec.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/net/RoutingHandler.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/net/TaggedRecordRegistry.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/numeric/NumericalMethod.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/spatial/QuadTree.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/Exception.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/FileUtility.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/HashUtility.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/LocalUpdate.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/LogStream.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/Modules.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/Noise.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/Random.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/SimpleConfig.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/StringTools.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/SynchronousUpdate.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/Testing.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/Timing.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/Trace.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/Version.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/util/WeakReferenced.cpp (shared)
- Compiling csplib/xml/XmlParser.cpp (shared)
- Linking csplib/.bin/ (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Button.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Check.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/CheckBox.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Container.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Control.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/ControlCallback.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/ControlGeometryBuilder.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/ControlMoveEventHandler.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Image.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Label.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/ListBox.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/ListBoxItem.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Model.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/MultiControlContainer.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/ResourceLocator.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/ScrollBar.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Serialization.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Signal.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/SignalData.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/SingleControlContainer.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Slot.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/StringResourceManager.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Style.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/StyleBuilder.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Tab.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/TableControlContainer.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/Window.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/WindowManager.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/WindowManagerEventHandler.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/WindowManagerViewer.cpp (shared)
- Compiling cspwf/WindowManagerViewerNode.cpp (shared)
scons: *** [cspwf/.bin/] Implicit dependency `/usr/lib/' not found, needed by target `cspwf/.bin/'.
build time: 314 sec
[root@localhost csp]# 


Le jeu ne démarre néanmoins pas :bounce2: .


[alexandre@localhost ~]$ cd /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages
[alexandre@localhost site-packages]$ python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 37, in <module>
   self = sys.modules['csp']
KeyError: 'csp'
[alexandre@localhost site-packages]$ 


Je vais déjà voir ce problème de

A bientôt.






pour "" , un lien était brisé, je l'ai refait !

Après, j'ai eu ce message d'erreur:


Unable to find required data file: ../data/terrain/balkanMapElev.11-9.bmp


J'ai bataillé un moment avant de me rendre compte que le dossier "terrain" du jeu avait un majuscule pour le "t" (Terrain) :outch: .

Une fois cela corrigé, ce simulateur de vol est remarquable :super: . Avis aux amateurs.

Allez, bonnes fêtes à tous :biere: .



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