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Messages recommandés

Le jeu Brinks hébergé sur steam est installé mais au moment de commencer a jouer ce message apparaît. merci de m'aider svp

------ Initializing File System ------

Loaded pak000.sdpk2

Loaded pak001.sdpk2

Loaded pak002.sdpk2

Loaded pak003.sdpk2

Loaded pak004.sdpk2

Loaded pak005.sdpk2

Loaded pak006.sdpk2

Loaded pak007.sdpk2

Loaded pak008.sdpk2

Loaded pak009.sdpk2

Loaded zzzdlcfrench000.sdpk2

Loaded zzzfrench000.sdpk2

Loaded zzzfrench001.sdpk2

Loaded zzzfrench002.sdpk2

Loaded zzzfrench003.sdpk2

Loaded zzzfrench004.sdpk2

Loaded zzzfrench005.sdpk2

Loaded zzzfrench006.sdpk2

Loaded zzzfrench007.sdpk2

Loaded zzzfrench008.sdpk2

Current search path:

C:\Program Files\Steam\userdata\113376632\22350\local/base

C:\Users\O\AppData\Local\Splash Damage\Brink/base

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\BRINK/base





















file system initialized.


Loaded 3782 manifest elements in 158 ms - 192Kb

Discarded 0 manifest elements

Max filename length: 0 characters

Brink 1.0.23692.48133 win-x86 Nov 23 2011 12:55:20

couldn't exec 'brinkconfig.cfg'

couldn't exec 'autoexec.cfg'

Vendor: 1002 Device: 95C2

1995 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & HTT

2 logical cores

2 physical cores

HT disabled in hardware

3328 MB System Memory

64 MB Video Memory

Initializing performance queries


2 2.00 GHz CPU

3328 MB of System memory

64 MB of Video memory on an optimal video architecture

This system qualifies for Low quality.

Vendor: 1002 Device: 95C2

Winsock Initialized

Found interface: {505373AD-A425-4104-B661-30A2A1D10C1F} Intel® Wireless WiFi Link 5100 -

Found interface: {04F1448F-8A94-4C6D-8423-ABB5A56F5CB0} Realtek RTL8102E Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.0) - NULL ip - skipped

Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface

--- Loading sequence: init ---

sound index file 'generated/preload/sound/pc/french/init.soundpreload' is zero length

------- Initializing render context --------

Initializing OpenGL subsystem

...calling LoadLibrary( 'wtsapi32.dll' ): succeeded

...initializing Windows Terminal Server API

...registered window class

...registered fake window class

...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded

...initializing QGL

GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.

GL_RENDERER: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3430

GL_VERSION: 2.1.7769 Release

idFile_AsyncPermanent::Write: failed to write to c:\users\o\appdata\local\splash damage\brink\base\diag.txt

idFile_AsyncPermanent::Write: failed to write to c:\users\o\appdata\local\splash damage\brink\base\diag.txt

idFile_AsyncPermanent::Write: failed to write to c:\users\o\appdata\local\splash damage\brink\base\diag.txt

idFile_AsyncPermanent::Write: failed to write to c:\users\o\appdata\local\splash damage\brink\base\diag.txt

idFile_AsyncPermanent::Write: failed to write to c:\users\o\appdata\local\splash damage\brink\base\diag.txt

idFile_AsyncPermanent::Write: failed to write to c:\users\o\appdata\local\splash damage\brink\base\diag.txt


FATAL ERROR: The current video card / driver combination does not support OpenGL 3.1 or newer.


The current video card / driver combination does not support OpenGL 3.1 or newer.

Shutting down OpenGL subsystem

...releasing DC

...resetting display

...shutting down QGL

...unloading OpenGL DLL

...unloading Windows Terminal Server API DLL

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