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sous seven, WU ne fait plus les mises à jour depuis 1 mois


il cherche et me balance une erreur ( je n'ai plus le n° en tête ).


J'ai tt essayé mais rien n'y fait.


lorsque je vais en config dos, mode admin, et que je fait un sfc /scannow, j'ai le message suivant :la protection des ressources windows n'a pas réussi à démarrer le service de réparation


ET le comble, c'est que je n'arrive plus a mettre la main sur les DVD de recupération ( version officielle )


Une idéé ??


Merci d'avance


Merci Pear.


Manip faite mais tjours la meme chose avec un code erreur 80080005 sous windows update.


vous faut-il le rapport CAT ??




Ce serait mieux.

Sans les rapports on ne peut rien.


Lorsque vous avez lancé scannow, si vous avez eu un rapport, postez le.

Pour déterminer quels fichiers ne peuvent pas être réparés par l'outil Vérificateur des fichiers système :

Ouvrez une Invite de commande et Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur.
À l'invite de commandes,copiez/collez la commande suivante
findstr /c:"[sR]" %windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log > %userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt
Télécharger cbslog.bat
Enregistrez-le sur le Bureau
Clic droit sur cbslog.bat
Le rapport sfcdetailsrepair.txt s'affiche,




pour cbslog.bat, le fichier est vide


Lignes avec Repairing, Repaired, ou "cannot" :




pour Cat report


~~~~~~~~ CAT Summary Log - Date: 2014.04.27 @ 1912 hrs ~~~~~~~~
--- CAT Version: 1.1 ---

=============== Repairing Windows Installer... ===============
Stopping service: "MSIServer"... Failed.
Setting service "MSIServer" start mode to: "Manual"... Already set to correct state.
Unregistering Windows Installer... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering msi.dll... Unable to determine result.
Registering Windows Installer... Completed with exit code: 0
Starting service: "MSIServer"... Successful.
============= Windows Installer Repair Complete ==============

=============== Repairing permissions... ===============
Checking for subinacl utility... Found.
Reading existing permissions for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE... Done. One or more errors occurred. Log saved.
Reading existing permissions for HKEY_CURRENT_USER... Done. One or more errors occurred. Log saved.
Reading existing permissions for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT... Done. One or more errors occurred. Log saved.
Reading existing permissions for "C:\"... Done. One or more errors occurred. Log saved.
Resetting permissions for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE... Done.
Resetting permissions for HKEY_CURRENT_USER... Done.
Resetting permissions for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT... Done.
Resetting permissions for the system drive... Done.
============= Permissions Repair Complete ==============

=============== Repairing Windows Update services... ===============
Stopping service: "bits"... Successful.
Setting service "bits" start mode to: "Automatic"... Successfully changed.
Stopping service: "wuauserv"... Successful.
Setting service "wuauserv" start mode to: "Automatic"... Already set to correct state.
Stopping service: "cryptsvc"... Successful.
Setting service "cryptsvc" start mode to: "Automatic"... Already set to correct state.
Deleting: "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr*.dat"... Successful.
Deleting: "C:\Windows\system32\catroot2"... Failed. Unable to lock access rights for deletion or directory is not empty.
Retrying with rd.exe... Return code: 2
Deleting: "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore"... Successful.
Deleting: "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download"... Successful.
Deleting: "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Network\Downloader"... Successful.
Windows Vista/7 Detected...
Resetting BITS service to the default security descriptor...
Registering atl.dll... Success.
Registering urlmon.dll... Success.
Registering mshtml.dll... Success.
Registering shdocvw.dll... Success.
Registering browseui.dll... Success.
Registering jscript.dll... Success.
Registering vbscript.dll... Success.
Registering scrrun.dll... Success.
Registering msxml.dll... Success.
Registering msxml3.dll... Success.
Registering msxml6.dll... Success.
Registering actxprxy.dll... Success.
Registering softpub.dll... Success.
Registering wintrust.dll... Success.
Registering dssenh.dll... Success.
Registering rsaenh.dll... Success.
Registering gpkcsp.dll... Success.
Registering sccbase.dll... Success.
Registering slbcsp.dll... Success.
Registering cryptdlg.dll... Success.
Registering oleaut32.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering ole32.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering shell32.dll... Success.
Registering initpki.dll (this one usually takes a while)... Success.
Registering wuapi.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering wuaueng.dll... Success.
Registering wuaueng1.dll... Success.
Registering wucltui.dll... Success.
Registering wups.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering wups2.dll... Success.
Registering wuweb.dll... Success.
Registering qmgr.dll... Success.
Registering qmgrprxy.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering wucltux.dll... Success.
Registering muweb.dll... Success.
Registering wuwebv.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Deleting registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy Objects\LocalUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WindowsUpdate\DisableWindowsUpdateAccess"... Key/Value does not exist.
Deleting registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ExplorerNoWindowsUpdate"... Key/Value does not exist.
Deleting registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ExplorerNoWindowsUpdate"... Key/Value does not exist.
Deleting registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate"... Key/Value does not exist.
Deleting registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WindowsUpdate"... Key/Value does not exist.
Deleting registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ExplorerNoDevMgrUpdate"... Key/Value does not exist.
Deleting registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WindowsUpdateDisableWindowsUpdateAccess"... Key/Value does not exist.
Deleting registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ExplorerNoWindowsUpdate"... Key/Value does not exist.
Writing to registry: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MainNoUpdateCheck"... Successful.
Writing to registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AUNoAutoUpdate"... Successful.
Writing to registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AUAUOptions"... Successful.
Writing to registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AUScheduledInstallDay"... Successful.
Writing to registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AUScheduledInstallTime"... Successful.
Writing to registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AUNoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers"... Successful.
Writing to registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto UpdateNoAutoUpdate"... Successful.
Writing to registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto UpdateAUOptions"... Successful.
Writing to registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto UpdateScheduledInstallDay"... Successful.
Writing to registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto UpdateScheduledInstallTime"... Successful.
Writing to registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto UpdateNoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers"... Successful.
Deleting registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto UpdateLastWaitTimeout"... Key/Value does not exist.
Deleting registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto UpdateDetectionStartTime"... Key/Value does not exist.
Deleting registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto UpdateNextDetectionTime"... Key/Value does not exist.
Deleting registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto UpdateScheduledInstallDate"... Key/Value does not exist.
Setting service "RpCss" start mode to: "Automatic"... Already set to correct state.
Setting service "DcomLaunch" start mode to: "Automatic"... Already set to correct state.
Setting service "EventSystem" start mode to: "Automatic"... Already set to correct state.
Starting service: "DcomLaunch"... Successful.
Starting service: "RpCss"... Successful.
Starting service: "bits"... Successful.
Starting service: "wuauserv"... Successful.
Starting service: "cryptsvc"... Successful.
============= Windows Update Services Repair Complete ==============

=============== Repairing Internet Explorer ===============
Detecting IE Version... Version 9 detected.
Registering actxprxy.dll... Success.
Registering advapi32.dll... Success.
Registering apphelp.dll... Success.
Registering atl.dll... Success.
Registering bcrypt.dll... Success.
Registering browseui.dll... Success.
Registering cabinet.dll... Success.
Registering clbcatq.dll... Unable to determine result.
Registering comctl32.dll... Success.
Registering comdlg32.dll... Success.
Registering comsvcs.dll... Success.
Registering credssp.dll... Success.
Registering crypt32.dll... Success.
Registering cryptnet.dll... Success.
Registering cscapi.dll... Success.
Registering cscdll.dll... Success.
Registering cscui.dll... Success.
Registering dhcpcsvc.dll... Success.
Registering dhcpcsvc6.dll... Success.
Registering dnsapi.dll... Success.
Registering dssenh.dll... Success.
Registering duser.dll... Success.
Registering EhStorShell.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 5
Registering gdi32.dll... Success.
Registering gpapi.dll... Success.
Registering ieapfltr.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 5
Registering ieframe.dll... Error: 0x80004001 - ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
Registering ieproxy.dll... Success.
Registering iertutil.dll... Success.
Registering ieui.dll... Success.
Registering iexplore.exeimagehlp.dll... Success.
Registering imm32.dll... Success.
Registering IPHLPAPI.dll... Success.
Registering kernel32.dll... Success.
Registering linkinfo.dll... Success.
Registering lpk.dll... Success.
Registering mlang.dll... Success.
Registering MpOAV.dll... Success.
Registering mpr.dll... Success.
Registering msasn1.dll... Success.
Registering msctf.dll... Error: 0x80004005 - ERROR_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE
Registering msfeeds.dll... Success.
Registering msfeedsbs.dll... Success.
Registering msimg32.dll... Success.
Registering msshsq.dll... Success.
Registering mssprxy.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering msvcrt.dll... Success.
Registering mswsock.dll... Success.
Registering msxml3.dll... Success.
Registering msxml3r.dll... Success.
Registering msxml6.dll... Success.
Registering msxml6r.dll... Success.
Registering NapiNSP.dll... Success.
Registering NaturalLanguage6.dll... Success.
Registering ncrypt.dll... Success.
Registering netapi32.dll... Success.
Registering netprofm.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering networkexplorer.dll... Success.
Registering nlaapi.dll... Success.
Registering normaliz.dll... Success.
Registering npmproxy.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering nsi.dll... Success.
Registering ntdll.dll... Success.
Registering ntmarta.dll... Success.
Registering ntshrui.dll... Success.
Registering ole32.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering oleacc.dll... Unable to determine result.
Registering oleaccrc.dll... Success.
Registering oleaut32.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering pnrpnsp.dll... Success.
Registering propsys.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering psapi.dll... Success.
Registering rasadhlp.dll... Success.
Registering rasapi32.dll... Success.
Registering rasman.dll... Success.
Registering rpcrt4.dll... Unable to determine result.
Registering rsaenh.dll... Success.
Registering rtutils.dll... Success.
Registering samlib.dll... Success.
Registering schannel.dll... Success.
Registering secur32.dll... Success.
Registering SensApi.dll... Success.
Registering setupapi.dll... Success.
Registering shdocvw.dll... Success.
Registering shell32.dll... Success.
Registering shlwapi.dll... Success.
Registering SLC.dll... Success.
Registering sxs.dll... Success.
Registering tapi32.dll... Success.
Registering taskschd.dll... Error: 0x80004001 - ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
Registering thumbcache.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering tiptsf.dll... Success.
Registering tquery.dll... Unable to determine result.
Registering urlmon.dll... Success.
Registering user32.dll... Success.
Registering userenv.dll... Error: 0x80070005 - Access Denied
Retrying with Regsvr32... Completed with exit code: 0
Registering usp10.dll... Success.
Registering uxtheme.dll... Success.
Registering version.dll... Success.
Registering WindowsCodecs.dll... Success.
Registering winhttp.dll... Success.
Registering wininet.dll... Success.
Registering winmm.dll... Success.
Registering winnsi.dll... Success.
Registering winrnr.dll... Success.
Registering wintrust.dll... Success.
Registering Wldap32.dll... Success.
Registering ws2_32.dll... Success.
Registering wship6.dll... Success.
Registering WSHTCPIP.dll... Success.
Registering xmllite.dll... Success.
Registering ... Success.

============ Internet Explorer Repairs Complete ===========

~~~~~~~~ CAT Summary Log End - Date: 2014.04.27 @ 1912 hrs ~~~~~~~~



Merci à tous


sujet résolu ( merci de me dire comment le noter sans vous le demander )


J'ai directement utilisé la partition de réinstallation complète. C'est long mais efficace.




Vous avez utilisé la bonne (et unique) solution.


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[3] En haut de l'éditeur complet, ajouter [Résolu] au début du titre de votre sujet.


Merci Pear, j'en prend bonne note pour la suite.


@ +

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