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Your raw speed was 899484.57 bits per second which is the same as:




899.5 kilobits per second

How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet




109.8 kilobytes per second

The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.


1MB file download


9.3 seconds

The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.



Je viens de refaire le test:




Your raw speed was 512052.9 bits per second which is the same as:




512.1 kilobits per second

How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet  




62.5 kilobytes per second

The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.  


1MB file download


16.4 seconds

The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.  


Comme quoi ce test est vraiment aléatoire!


Bon pour moi ca donne ca :


Your raw speed was 864949.39 bits per second which is the same as:




864.9 kilobits per second

How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet



105.6 kilobytes per second

The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.

1MB file download


9.7 seconds

The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.



Compared to all connection types worldwide, yours is fantastic




Ca n'a rien d'aleatoire, c'est juste que personne ne peut garantir le meme debit tout le temps sur internet en focntion de l'encombrement.



Je viens de refaire le test:




Your raw speed was 512052.9 bits per second which is the same as:




512.1 kilobits per second

How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet  




62.5 kilobytes per second

The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.  


1MB file download


16.4 seconds

The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.  


Comme quoi ce test est vraiment aléatoire!




Your raw speed was 481882.35 bits per second which is the same as:




481.9 kilobits per second

How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet




58.8 kilobytes per second

The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.


1MB file download


17.4 seconds

The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.




Compared to all connection types worldwide, yours is great !!!


ouais ... vivement la 1024/256 :-(


bande de tricheurs , une fois dans le cahe si tu relances le test , tu grattes quelques kps ...






Your raw speed was 496410.26 bits per second which is the same as:




496.4 kilobits per second

How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet




60.6 kilobytes per second

The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.


1MB file download


16.9 seconds

The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.




Compared to all connection types worldwide, yours is great







Ou tu en perd, regarde mon troisième test! :P


Par curiosité, je viens de faire le test au boulot:




Your raw speed was 421908.57 bits per second which is the same as:




421.9 kilobits per second

How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet  




51.5 kilobytes per second

The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.  


1MB file download


19.9 seconds

The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.  


Et c'est censé être une ligne professionnelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P

Je fais mieux avec mon eci usb sur chipset via!




Your raw speed was 981040.47 bits per second which is the same as:




981 kilobits per second

How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet




VOila, mes resultats, mais j'étais pas en forme. Je le referais ppeut être demain :


Your raw speed was 31583.61 bits per second which is the same as:




31.6 kilobits per second

How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet




3.9 kilobytes per second

The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.


1MB file download


4.4 minutes

The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.


le mien ça traine non


28.2 kilobits per second


Run the test again Discuss in the forum



Your raw speed was 28238.54 bits per second which is the same as:




28.2 kilobits per second

How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet




3.4 kilobytes per second

The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.


1MB file download


5 minutes

The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.







Your raw speed was 505524.28 bits per second which is the same as:




505.5 kilobits per second

How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet




61.7 kilobytes per second

The way data is measured on your hard drive and how file sharing and FTP programs measure transfer speeds. Kilo is 1,024 and mega is 1,048,576.


1MB file download


16.6 seconds

The time it would take you to download a 1 megabyte file at this speed.




Compared to all connection types worldwide, yours is great :P



j'ai installé Ramdisk et j'ai mis les tempory de IE dedans :-(


Avec de la DDR, cette vieille recette est toujours aussi efficace.



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