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Microsoft® File Transfer Manager


Welcome to the installation and upgrade page for Microsoft File Transfer Manager. This page will allow you to install or upgrade to the latest FTM client.



Current Version Info:


Release Date: 2002/06/21



Please click here to upgrade to the latest version and launch FTM.


Determining what version you have installed:

You can check your current version by launching the File Transfer Manager client, viewing the control menu from the upper left corner of the window and selecting the "About" option. To launch File Transfer Manager Client, follow the below steps:



Open a command window (Start, Run and type cmd or command depending on version of Windows)

Change Directory to %SystemRoot%\Downloaded Program Files\

Type TransferMgr.exe <enter>

This will launch the File Transfer Manager Client. If TransferMgr.exe does not exist in the above path then you don't have FTM installed.


Removing FTM

If you don't intend to upgrade, but are looking to remove File Transfer Manager (FTM), follow the below steps:



From within Internet Explorer click on "Tools" -> "Internet Options"

In the Temporary Internet Files section, click the "Settings" button

Click the "View Objects" button

In the explorer window, right-click the item "DLC Class" and choose Remove

In the pop-up window, click “Yes”

Close all the windows back to Internet Explorer

Open a command window

Change Directory to %SystemRoot%\Downloaded Program Files\

Delete the following FTM files by typing in Del <FTM file Name> <enter>











Check for any folders titled: "Conflict.x" (where x is a number). If any exist, open them and check the files inside. If any are FTM files, then delete the entire folder

Close the command window



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