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Messages recommandés


cette disrib est basé sur redhat 9 !! elle est tres complete bon c vrai les drivers sont pas tous la mais bon va falloir bosser :P les gars (et les filles pardon!!! :-( )

moi j y est installé un eci adsl ss trop de prob!!!!!

le site est le mag "AUROX" est en vente un peu partout avec 7 cd pour la 9.1, 3 install et 4 de binaires ;cette distrib est européen alors au boulot !!!!!


qui a deja installé une imprimante lexmark Z23 sur mandrake ou redhat????

moi ca marche pas :-( !!!!!


l eci adsl c mon truc mais pas les imprimante!!!!!!!! :P




allé vive linux !!!!!vive le gratosssssssssssssss!!!!!!!

qui a deja installé une imprimante lexmark Z23 sur mandrake ou redhat????

moi ca marche pas :-( !!!!!

si tu expliquais déjà ce que tu as essayé de faire, comment, ce qui ne marche pas, les messages d'erreur, les logs...... :P


un peu de lecture par ici indique que lexmark a fait un driver linux



merci pour ton site!!!


je suis a moitié anglophone mais je vé decoder :P


ben Aurox me prend la Z32 une erreur de script certainement me bloque le processus mais ca je pense le resoudre!!


par contre pour la Z23 je n ' arrive meme pas a decompacter le driver lexmark en console !!!

bizarre jamais eu le tour :-(

en decompactant en graphique j ai un fichier .sh que je n 'arrive pas a exploiter non plus!!!


parfois on but sur des choses simples mais bon!!!!


tu peux m en dire plus sur lexmark footmatic!!!


merci a+


Vive linux !!!vive le gratossssssssssssssss


ton .sh il est bien éxécutable? t'essayes de le alncer de quelle façon?

tu utilises quoi comme démon d'impression? (lpd, cups, lprng?)


apparemment le foomatic sert à faire les filtres et les listes d'impression. t'as lu le README?




If it is not already done in your Linux distribution, install the

software listed above as described in their documentation. You do not

need to install LPD for installing the Lexmark drivers. When a window

shows up during the installation of the drivers for the Z22, Z32, Z52,

or Z53, close it. If you get an error message in the end of the

installation of the Lexmark driver, ignore it. In the case of the Z13,

Z23 and Z33 cancel the installation when it comes to the head



Now install the contents of this package by entering the command:




in a terminal window. In the beginning of the lexmark* files there are

definitions of some paths. Adapt them to your system (under Mandrake

Linux 7.2 or newer you do not need to modify them and on RedHat or

Conectiva probably not, too).






Set up a queue for your printer by logging in as "root" and starting




Follow the instructions on the screen.


Due to the bidirectional protocol of the drivers (these printers do

not need a bidirectional protocol, the Z52/Z53 works with GIMP-Print)

they cannot send the data through a CUPS backend or through a

temporary file as it would be done by PDQ. The driver talks directly

to the port where the printer is connected to. So make sure that the

user "lp" (CUPS, LPRng, GNUlpr, LPD), "ppr" (PPR), or all users who

should be able to print (PDQ) have read and write access to the

printer port ("/dev/lp0", "/dev/usb/lp0", ...). In addition make sure

that the script "lexmarkwrapper" is in the path of "lp", "ppr", or of

the users and is executable for them. When CUPS is used the backend

"file:/dev/null" must be selected, so that CUPS does not block the

printer port.


Now your printer is able to print. To get the maximum quality out of

it, you should make sure that the nozzles of your cartridges are clean

(even new cartridges have often clogged nozzles) and that the print

heads are correctly aligned. To do this start...etc etc....


ton sh est-il autorisé en éxécution (bis) ls -l et éventuellement chmod +x


messages d'erreur?

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