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Bonsoir sagewoman100, bonsoir à tous,


Voici un post qui t'intéressera sûrement :

STRAYBULLET   (2003-11-20 23:27) Imprimer 


Sorry about the translation, I used a translation website. 


The System Volume Information folder is in the root directory (ex. C:\\System Volume Information). It is a hidden folder, so you may have to change your settings to view hidden files and folders.


Open Windows Explorer, click Tools, click Folder Options..., click the View tab, then in the Advanced settings box, click Show hidden and system files and uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended). The System Volume Information folder should then be visible.


As for getting rid of the Trojan, you will have to disable System Restore on your computer. Right-click on My Computer and select Properties. Click the System Restore tab in the System Properties dialog box, and put a check mark in the Turn off System Restore on all drives option. You will be prompted to confirm your actions. This will delete all System Restore backups.


Apparently the Trojan was saved when WinXP performed an automatic system backup. After your computer finishes deleting the backup files, you can re-enable the System Restore option and everything should be OK.


Hopefully this will work for you.

(en provenance de )

En suivant le lien ci-dessus, tu trouveras même la traduction en Français !



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