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Euh pas sûr mais de mémoire , editer le fichier caché et système : sysoc.inf , l'éditer avec le bloc-notes et enlever les HIDE.

redémarrer , ca devrait être possible par ajout suppressions de composants windows.


Ouais mais ça ne désinstalle pas proprement il reste ensuite des bout de fichiers partout.

Le seul moyen a ma connaissance pour ne plus en avoir aucune trace c XPlite

  • 2 semaines après...

Bonjour laurent74, Y@kuz@, chachard, bonjour à tous,


Tiens, reporte toi à cette discussion de "Software" ->

ou à cette Astuce de "Le Grenier à Astuces" (qui est le résultat de la discussion ci-dessus" ->

Merci, mais de totue facon i lapaprait pas dans ajout/supp de programem le WMP9, la grosse arnake du monole de bille gate koi...


Y@kuz@ et ipl_001 te montrent justement comment le faire apparaitre dans Ajout/Suppression :P


Rebonjour à tous,


laurent74, Sagewoman a réussi à le désinstaller après avoir essayé plein de trucs, tu devrais bien y parvenir aussi !


Si les 4 pages de la discussion ne te suffisent pas, voici une FAQ sur WMP9 et en particulier ce passage :[/url]]Q: How do I uninstall the player? I need to fix it!

A: I'm not sure where the Myth of Uninstall was created. By the "Myth of Uninstall", I mean the notion that uninstalling something is the way to fix it. But it's fairly incorrect, so...:

if you are trying to fix the player, simply reinstall it over the top of itself. If you are using Windows Media Player 9, then you will typically find the installer (mpsetup.exe or mpsetupxp.exe) you used in "c:\program files\windows media player\installer", and can use that to reinstall the player. Otherwise, go to Microsoft's download site and redownload and reinstall the player.


If for some reason you are in the "opposing" camp and firmly feel that Uninstalling first is beneficial (and it isn't, at least for WMP), you MUST be careful to tell the user in question to reinstall TWICE. The first reinstall gets the uninstalled components reinstalled, and the second reinstall gets everything reinstalled. I think it's backwards to uninstall/reinstall, but ... whatever. I'll just try to educate here. :\


Finally, the most important fundamental problem with Uninstalling As A Solution is the notion that somehow a reinstall will magickally fix the issue. While this may be true in an extreme minority of cases, the reality is that WMP functions like a tier in the game Jenga: it is reliant on the components underneath it functioning correctly in order for WMP itself to be stable. So (uninstalling and) reinstalling WMP until you're blue in the face won't fix a user profile issue, won't fix an MDAC or library corruption issue, won't fix a video card or sound card driver issue, won't fix an external codec corruption issue, etc. (Uninstalling/)Reinstalling as a problem-solving solution is a pretty lazy approach to solving the problem at hand, and shouldn't be something you'd really expect to work. Sure, you can try it if it makes you happy, but ... don't expect it to magickally solve the problem. Reinstall the player over the top of itself once, and if you are fixed up: awesome! If not... like I said, reinstallation isn't a very effective solution, given that the majority of issues you'd encounter with WMP would be completely external to WMP and thus not remotely tweaked or touched by WMP's reinstallation.


If I still haven't been able to dissuade you from uninstalling first, the Uninstall Steps are mentioned in the player's release notes, and also covered in the questions above this one.




desinstatler windoaw media player

J'ai modifié le titre de la discussion pour être plus conforme à son objet ! :P


Merci, mais de totue facon i lapaprait pas dans ajout/supp de programem le WMP9, la grosse arnake du monole de bille gate koi...
Veux-tu bien faire un effort s'il te plait ? :-( sinon, je t'envoie Olivier ! LOL (tu auras plus de réponses en étant plus compréhensible !)
Merci, mais de toutes façons, WMP9 n'apparaît pas dans Ajout/supp de programmes ; la grosse arnaque du monde de Bill Gates, quoi !...
  • 2 mois après...

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