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Folding : le topic

Zebteam Folding@home

Messages recommandés

dites moi les pro du folding





je viens d'installer le smp 6.29 sur mon XP.


ca me pête une belle erreur 


il me dit ça dans l'ordre:


- processing work unit


- work type A1 not elligible for variable process


- core required : fahcoreA1.exe


- queue ok  (date...)


- working


- corestatus 63(99)


- error starting core








si qq1 a une idée, pasque là j'ai rien trouvé de clair sur le site stanford.

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- corestatus 63(99)

En attendant que les pros digèrent leur absinthe, peut-être des pistes ici :

nown Core
hown by FAH client v


= 63 (99)

error ha
been noted when
witching from one ver
ion of the Window
MP to another. Apparently a WU
tarted with one ver
ion of MPI cannot be completed with the other ver
ion. If you need to
witch ver
, u
e the -oneunit flag to fini
h the current WU fir
t or di
card the active WU.


Le client
MP ne peut d
marrer car il a un ou plu
avec MPI (r


1) faire tourner le cient en mode admini
, ex
cuter en temp

2) Refaire l'in

Modifié par DKlâgOR
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j'ai virer le queue file le WUunit


maintenant il me ca en boucle.



Note: Please read the license agreement ([email protected] -l


use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agr

2 cores detected

If you see this twice, MPI is working

If you see this twice, MPI is working

--- Opening Log file [March 15 22:02:59 UTC]

# Windows SMP Console Edition ########################################


                       Folding@Home Client Version 6.29




Launch directory: I:\SMP

Executable: I:\SMP\[email protected]

Arguments: -oneunit -smp

[22:02:59] - Ask before connecting: Yes

[22:02:59] - User name: []_scuny (Team 51)

[22:02:59] - User ID: 5DF9BD6295B3572

[22:02:59] - Machine ID: 2


[22:02:59] Loaded queue successfully.


[22:02:59] + Processing work unit

[22:02:59] Work type a1 not eligible for variable processors

[22:02:59] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe

[22:02:59] Core found.

[22:02:59] Working on queue slot 01 [March 15 22:02:59 UTC]

[22:02:59] + Working ...

[22:03:03] CoreStatus = 63 (99)

[22:03:03] + Error starting Folding@Home core.


[22:03:08] + Processing work unit

[22:03:08] Work type a1 not eligible for variable processors

[22:03:08] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe

[22:03:08] Core found.

[22:03:08] Working on queue slot 01 [March 15 22:03:08 UTC]

[22:03:08] + Working ...

[22:03:13] CoreStatus = 63 (99)

[22:03:13] + Error starting Folding@Home core.


[22:03:18] + Processing work unit

[22:03:18] Work type a1 not eligible for variable processors

[22:03:18] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe

[22:03:18] Core found.

[22:03:18] Working on queue slot 01 [March 15 22:03:18 UTC]

[22:03:18] + Working ...

[22:03:22] CoreStatus = 63 (99)

[22:03:22] + Error starting Folding@Home core.

[22:03:22] - Attempting to download new core...

[22:03:22] + Downloading new core: FahCore_a1.exe

[22:03:22] - Presenting message box asking to network.

[22:03:24] + 10240 bytes downloaded

[22:03:25] + 20480 bytes downloaded

[22:03:25] + 30720 bytes downloaded

[22:03:25] + 40960 bytes downloaded

[22:03:25] + 51200 bytes downloaded

[22:03:26] + 61440 bytes downloaded

[22:03:26] + 71680 bytes downloaded

[22:03:26] + 81920 bytes downloaded

[22:03:26] + 92160 bytes downloaded

[22:03:26] + 102400 bytes downloaded

[22:03:26] + 112640 bytes downloaded

[22:03:26] + 122880 bytes downloaded

[22:03:26] + 133120 bytes downloaded

[22:03:26] + 143360 bytes downloaded

[22:03:26] + 153600 bytes downloaded

[22:03:26] + 163840 bytes downloaded

[22:03:27] + 174080 bytes downloaded

[22:03:27] + 184320 bytes downloaded

[22:03:27] + 194560 bytes downloaded

[22:03:28] + 204800 bytes downloaded

[22:03:28] + 215040 bytes downloaded

[22:03:28] + 225280 bytes downloaded

[22:03:29] + 235520 bytes downloaded

[22:03:29] + 245760 bytes downloaded

[22:03:29] + 256000 bytes downloaded

[22:03:30] + 266240 bytes downloaded

[22:03:30] + 276480 bytes downloaded

[22:03:30] + 286720 bytes downloaded

[22:03:31] + 296960 bytes downloaded

[22:03:31] + 307200 bytes downloaded

[22:03:31] + 317440 bytes downloaded

[22:03:32] + 327680 bytes downloaded

[22:03:32] + 337920 bytes downloaded

[22:03:32] + 348160 bytes downloaded

[22:03:32] + 358400 bytes downloaded

[22:03:33] + 368640 bytes downloaded

[22:03:33] + 378880 bytes downloaded

[22:03:34] + 389120 bytes downloaded

[22:03:35] + 399360 bytes downloaded

[22:03:35] + 409600 bytes downloaded

[22:03:35] + 419840 bytes downloaded

[22:03:36] + 430080 bytes downloaded

[22:03:36] + 440320 bytes downloaded

[22:03:37] + 450560 bytes downloaded

[22:03:37] + 460800 bytes downloaded

[22:03:38] + 471040 bytes downloaded

[22:03:38] + 481280 bytes downloaded

[22:03:39] + 491520 bytes downloaded

[22:03:39] + 501760 bytes downloaded

[22:03:39] + 512000 bytes downloaded

[22:03:39] + 522240 bytes downloaded

[22:03:40] + 532480 bytes downloaded

[22:03:40] + 542720 bytes downloaded

[22:03:40] + 552960 bytes downloaded

[22:03:41] + 563200 bytes downloaded

[22:03:41] + 573440 bytes downloaded

[22:03:41] + 583680 bytes downloaded

[22:03:42] + 593920 bytes downloaded

[22:03:42] + 604160 bytes downloaded

[22:03:42] + 614400 bytes downloaded

[22:03:43] + 624640 bytes downloaded

[22:03:43] + 634880 bytes downloaded

[22:03:43] + 645120 bytes downloaded

[22:03:44] + 655360 bytes downloaded

[22:03:44] + 665600 bytes downloaded

[22:03:44] + 675840 bytes downloaded

[22:03:44] + 686080 bytes downloaded

[22:03:45] + 696320 bytes downloaded

[22:03:45] + 706560 bytes downloaded

[22:03:47] + 716800 bytes downloaded

[22:03:47] + 727040 bytes downloaded

[22:03:48] + 737280 bytes downloaded

[22:03:48] + 747520 bytes downloaded

[22:03:49] + 757760 bytes downloaded

[22:03:49] + 768000 bytes downloaded

[22:03:49] + 778240 bytes downloaded

[22:03:50] + 788480 bytes downloaded

[22:03:50] + 789667 bytes downloaded

[22:03:50] Verifying core Core_a1.fah...

[22:03:50] Signature is VALID


[22:03:50] Trying to unzip core FahCore_a1.exe

[22:03:51] Decompressed FahCore_a1.exe (2035712 bytes) successfully

[22:03:56] + Core successfully engaged


[22:04:01] + Processing work unit

[22:04:01] Work type a1 not eligible for variable processors

[22:04:01] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe

[22:04:01] Core found.

[22:04:01] Working on queue slot 01 [March 15 22:04:01 UTC]

[22:04:01] + Working ...

[22:04:05] CoreStatus = 63 (99)

[22:04:05] + Error starting Folding@Home core.


[22:04:10] + Processing work unit

[22:04:10] Work type a1 not eligible for variable processors

[22:04:10] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe

[22:04:10] Core found.

[22:04:10] Working on queue slot 01 [March 15 22:04:10 UTC]

[22:04:10] + Working ...

[22:04:14] CoreStatus = 63 (99)

[22:04:14] + Error starting Folding@Home core.


[22:04:24] + Processing work unit

[22:04:24] Work type a1 not eligible for variable processors

[22:04:24] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe

[22:04:24] Core found.

[22:04:24] Working on queue slot 01 [March 15 22:04:24 UTC]

[22:04:24] + Working ...

[22:04:29] CoreStatus = 63 (99)

[22:04:29] + Error starting Folding@Home core.

[22:04:29] - Attempting to download new core...

[22:04:29] + Downloading new core: FahCore_a1.exe

[22:04:30] + 10240 bytes downloaded

[22:04:30] + 20480 bytes downloaded

[22:04:30] + 30720 bytes downloaded

[22:04:30] + 40960 bytes downloaded

[22:04:30] + 51200 bytes downloaded

[22:04:31] + 61440 bytes downloaded

[22:04:31] + 71680 bytes downloaded

[22:04:31] + 81920 bytes downloaded

[22:04:31] + 92160 bytes downloaded

[22:04:31] + 102400 bytes downloaded

[22:04:31] + 112640 bytes downloaded

[22:04:32] + 122880 bytes downloaded

[22:04:32] + 133120 bytes downloaded

[22:04:32] + 143360 bytes downloaded

[22:04:32] + 153600 bytes downloaded

[22:04:32] + 163840 bytes downloaded

[22:04:33] + 174080 bytes downloaded

[22:04:33] + 184320 bytes downloaded

[22:04:33] + 194560 bytes downloaded

[22:04:33] + 204800 bytes downloaded

[22:04:34] + 215040 bytes downloaded

[22:04:34] + 225280 bytes downloaded

[22:04:34] + 235520 bytes downloaded

[22:04:34] + 245760 bytes downloaded

[22:04:35] + 256000 bytes downloaded

[22:04:35] + 266240 bytes downloaded

[22:04:35] + 276480 bytes downloaded

[22:04:35] + 286720 bytes downloaded

[22:04:35] + 296960 bytes downloaded

[22:04:36] + 307200 bytes downloaded

[22:04:36] + 317440 bytes downloaded

[22:04:36] + 327680 bytes downloaded

[22:04:36] + 337920 bytes downloaded

[22:04:36] + 348160 bytes downloaded

[22:04:37] + 358400 bytes downloaded

[22:04:37] + 368640 bytes downloaded

[22:04:37] + 378880 bytes downloaded

[22:04:38] + 389120 bytes downloaded

[22:04:38] + 399360 bytes downloaded

[22:04:38] + 409600 bytes downloaded

[22:04:39] + 419840 bytes downloaded

[22:04:39] + 430080 bytes downloaded

[22:04:40] + 440320 bytes downloaded

[22:04:40] + 450560 bytes downloaded

[22:04:40] + 460800 bytes downloaded

[22:04:41] + 471040 bytes downloaded

[22:04:42] + 481280 bytes downloaded

[22:04:42] + 491520 bytes downloaded

[22:04:42] + 501760 bytes downloaded

[22:04:43] + 512000 bytes downloaded

[22:04:43] + 522240 bytes downloaded

[22:04:44] + 532480 bytes downloaded

[22:04:44] + 542720 bytes downloaded

[22:04:45] + 552960 bytes downloaded

[22:04:45] + 563200 bytes downloaded

[22:04:45] + 573440 bytes downloaded

[22:04:46] + 583680 bytes downloaded

[22:04:46] + 593920 bytes downloaded

[22:04:46] + 604160 bytes downloaded

[22:04:46] + 614400 bytes downloaded

[22:04:47] + 624640 bytes downloaded

[22:04:47] + 634880 bytes downloaded

[22:04:47] + 645120 bytes downloaded

[22:04:47] + 655360 bytes downloaded

[22:04:48] + 665600 bytes downloaded

[22:04:48] + 675840 bytes downloaded

[22:04:48] + 686080 bytes downloaded

[22:04:48] + 696320 bytes downloaded

[22:04:48] + 706560 bytes downloaded

[22:04:48] + 716800 bytes downloaded

[22:04:49] + 727040 bytes downloaded

[22:04:49] + 737280 bytes downloaded

[22:04:49] + 747520 bytes downloaded

[22:04:49] + 757760 bytes downloaded

[22:04:49] + 768000 bytes downloaded

[22:04:50] + 778240 bytes downloaded

[22:04:50] + 788480 bytes downloaded

[22:04:50] + 789667 bytes downloaded

[22:04:50] Verifying core Core_a1.fah...

[22:04:50] Signature is VALID


[22:04:50] Trying to unzip core FahCore_a1.exe

[22:04:50] Decompressed FahCore_a1.exe (2035712 bytes) successfully

[22:04:55] + Core successfully engaged


[22:05:00] + Processing work unit

[22:05:00] Work type a1 not eligible for variable processors

[22:05:00] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe

[22:05:00] Core found.

[22:05:00] Working on queue slot 01 [March 15 22:05:00 UTC]

[22:05:00] + Working ...

[22:05:05] CoreStatus = 63 (99)





hé! cause gentil toi!


sinon j'appel le canard!  :P

Modifié par scuny
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tss nan mais ohh, Sinon l'erreur : Work type a1 not eligible for variable processors est plus une information qu'une erreur, j'ai déjà vu ce message sans pour autant avoir de pb avec le pliage.

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Ton XP a bien un mot de passe ? sinon ça ne marche pas ! car MPI a besoin des autorisation réseau sécurisé, c'est bête mais avec l'argument -advmethods tu aurais plus de chance de chopper une a3 et l'a3 n'utilise plus MPI :P

Une installation toute propre dans un nouveau dossier peut résoudre ton problème

Edit: T'as aussi le Microsoft .NET framework v2.0



Apparemment Cobra a assisté au procès concernant l'absinthe en 1930 :P La fée verte n'est plus interdite en France depuis 1980, elle est en vente un peux partout, mais il manque le composant qui rend "fou" (en regardant un Picasso.... lui ne devait pas connaitre la modération) :P

Modifié par Bull45
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j'ai essayé ce que vous avez dis.





==> nada!


je me repenche la dessus ce soir!



juste une question le client 6.29 cpu edition colle bien avec ma machine un dual core 3Ghz / 3 Ghz Ram /radeon X 1550 ?

Modifié par scuny
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