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Folding : le topic

Zebteam Folding@home

Messages recommandés



Je tiens tout d'abord à présenter tous mes vœux de soutien à la famille de Domania.


Je viens vers vous pour avoir des éclaircissements sur l'utilisation de fah sous ubuntu 11.04 64bit.


J'ai suivi le tuto de Stanford pour la 6.34 et c'a plante voici le log:


toto@toto:~$ cd /home/toto/foldingathome

toto@toto:~/foldingathome$ ./fah6 -configonly


Note: Please read the license agreement (fah6 -license). Further

use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.


Folding@Home User Configuration




--- Opening Log file [June 16 20:41:44 UTC]



# Linux Console Edition #######################################################



Folding@Home Client Version 6.29


Folding@home - Main





Launch directory: /home/toto/foldingathome

Executable: ./fah6

Arguments: -configonly


[20:41:44] Configuring Folding@Home...


User name [Anonymous]? []_Gotrek

Team Number [0]? 51

Passkey []? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ask before fetching/sending work (no/yes) [no]?

Use proxy (yes/no) [no]?

Acceptable size of work assignment and work result packets (bigger units

may have large memory demands) -- 'small' is <5MB, 'normal' is <10MB, and

'big' is >10MB (small/normal/big) [normal]? big

Change advanced options (yes/no) [no]? y

Core Priority (idle/low) [idle]?

Disable highly optimized assembly code (no/yes) [no]?

Interval, in minutes, between checkpoints (3-30) [15]?

Memory, in MB, to indicate (7999 available) [7999]?

Set -advmethods flag always, requesting new advanced

scientific cores and/or work units if available (no/yes) [no]? yes

Ignore any deadline information (mainly useful if

system clock frequently has errors) (no/yes) [no]?

Machine ID (1-16) [1]?

The following options require you to restart the client before they take effect

Disable CPU affinity lock (no/yes) [no]?

Additional client parameters []? -smp -verbosity 9

IP address to bind core to (for viewer) []?


[20:43:12] - Ask before connecting: No

[20:43:12] - User name: []_Gotrek (Team 51)

[20:43:12] - User ID not found locally

[20:43:12] + Requesting User ID from server

[20:43:12] - Getting ID from AS:

[20:43:12] Connecting to

[20:43:12] - Could not CosmHTTPOpen

[20:43:12] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID

[20:43:12] Connecting to

[20:43:12] - Could not CosmHTTPOpen

[20:43:12] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID


+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...

[20:43:26] - Getting ID from AS:

[20:43:26] Connecting to

[20:43:26] - Could not CosmHTTPOpen

[20:43:26] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID

[20:43:26] Connecting to

[20:43:26] - Could not CosmHTTPOpen

[20:43:26] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID


+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...

[20:43:46] - Getting ID from AS:

[20:43:46] Connecting to

[20:43:46] - Could not CosmHTTPOpen

[20:43:46] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID

[20:43:46] Connecting to

[20:43:46] - Could not CosmHTTPOpen

[20:43:46] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID


+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...

[20:44:15] - Getting ID from AS:

[20:44:15] Connecting to

[20:44:15] - Could not CosmHTTPOpen

[20:44:15] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID

[20:44:15] Connecting to

[20:44:15] - Could not CosmHTTPOpen

[20:44:15] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID


+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...

[20:45:07] - Getting ID from AS:

[20:45:07] Connecting to

[20:45:07] - Could not CosmHTTPOpen

[20:45:07] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID

[20:45:07] Connecting to

[20:45:07] - Could not CosmHTTPOpen

[20:45:07] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID


+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...

[20:46:34] - Getting ID from AS:

[20:46:34] Connecting to

[20:46:34] - Could not CosmHTTPOpen

[20:46:34] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID

[20:46:34] Connecting to

[20:46:34] - Could not CosmHTTPOpen

[20:46:34] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID


+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...




Est-ce momentanée?

Que dois-je faire?

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bonjour tout le monde,


@Nicosix : Aurais-tu un petit bout de log pour qu'on puisse voir se qu'il se passe (si c'est un probleme de wu ou de serveur)?


@Gotrek : je n'avais pas fait attention hier soir mais ton client dit ca :

# Linux Console Edition #######################################################



Folding@Home Client Version 6.29

Folding@home - Main





Tu as probablement téléchargé le mauvais client (le lien sur la page n'est peut être pas le bon? :-? ) parce que c'est pas le 6.34 que tu as la ;)

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bah justement tout parait normal dans les logs. voici mes deux dernières Wus :


[07:37:07] Completed 2000000 out of 2000000 steps (100%)




[07:37:07] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000


[07:37:17] Finished Work Unit:

[07:37:17] - Reading up to 446064 from "work/wudata_02.trr": Read 446064

[07:37:17] trr file hash check passed.

[07:37:17] - Reading up to 262288 from "work/wudata_02.xtc": Read 262288

[07:37:17] xtc file hash check passed.

[07:37:17] edr file hash check passed.

[07:37:17] logfile size: 34241

[07:37:17] Leaving Run

[07:37:21] - Writing 749469 bytes of core data to disk...

[07:37:21] Done: 748957 -> 698027 (compressed to 93.1 percent)

[07:37:21] ... Done.

[07:37:21] - Shutting down core


[07:37:21] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT

[07:37:24] CoreStatus = 64 (100)

[07:37:24] Sending work to server

[07:37:24] Project: 7600 (Run 19, Clone 4, Gen 0)



[07:37:24] + Attempting to send results [June 17 07:37:24 UTC]

[07:37:32] + Results successfully sent

[07:37:32] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[07:37:32] + Number of Units Completed: 615


[07:37:36] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[07:37:36] Cleaning up work directory

[07:37:36] + Attempting to get work packet

[07:37:36] Passkey found

[07:37:36] - Connecting to assignment server

[07:37:37] - Successful: assigned to (

[07:37:37] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[07:37:37] Loaded queue successfully.

[07:37:43] + Closed connections


[07:37:43] + Processing work unit

[07:37:43] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe

[07:37:43] Core found.

[07:37:43] Working on queue slot 03 [June 17 07:37:43 UTC]

[07:37:43] + Working ...


[07:37:43] *------------------------------*


19:44:20] Completed 500000 out of 500000 steps (100%)

[19:44:22] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000


[19:44:32] Finished Work Unit:

[19:44:32] - Reading up to 3698352 from "work/wudata_01.trr": Read 3698352

[19:44:32] trr file hash check passed.

[19:44:32] edr file hash check passed.

[19:44:32] logfile size: 57887

[19:44:32] Leaving Run

[19:44:32] - Writing 3792199 bytes of core data to disk...

[19:44:32] ... Done.

[19:44:34] - Shutting down core


[19:44:34] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT

[19:44:37] CoreStatus = 64 (100)

[19:44:37] Sending work to server

[19:44:37] Project: 6070 (Run 1, Clone 85, Gen 196)



[19:44:37] + Attempting to send results [June 14 19:44:37 UTC]

[19:45:14] + Results successfully sent

[19:45:14] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[19:45:14] + Number of Units Completed: 614


[19:45:19] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[19:45:19] Cleaning up work directory

[19:45:19] + Attempting to get work packet

[19:45:19] Passkey found

[19:45:19] - Connecting to assignment server

[19:45:20] - Successful: assigned to (

[19:45:20] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[19:45:20] Loaded queue successfully.

[19:45:24] + Closed connections


[19:45:24] + Processing work unit



Modifié par NIKOSIX
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C'est bizarre ton truc :-?

T'aurais pas re-configuré quelque chose y a 2 jours sur le client?


Sinon faudrait si quelqu'un qui est inscrit au forum de l'AF peut demander a ToTow si Stanford les a bien recu ?!

Parce que j'ai regardé un peu sur le forum officiel et j'ai pas vu de problème concernant le serveur de stat ou autre.


Donc si une âme charitable passe par la...


Bon week-end a tous,


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non, rien modifié du tout.... vraiment bizarre


Bon, le principal c'est que les résultats soient envoyés, les points c'est accessoire.


Trop la flemme de chercher le pourquoi du comment. wait & see ! (ou pas)



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Juste un petit mot pour dire que Domania, un des plieurs de l'AF est décédé hier. :cry:

Si R34 peut passer toutes nos condoléances a sa famille


:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Bah, je suis sur le cul là ...


On sait ce qui s'est passé ?

Il n'était pas bien âgé pourtant ... :(


EDIT : c'est bon, j'ai trouvé l'info : quelle tristesse :(


Toutes mes condoléances à sa famille et RIP Dommania :cry:

Modifié par empirehell
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Salut EmpireHell,

ravi de te lire malgré les circonstances...


Sinon je ne sais pas si quelqu'un a déjà plié une wu sur le projet 7801 mais dit donc !!!! :o

Je suis entre 10min30 et et 11 min avec mon i7 860 a 3.6Ghz!!!!


C'est un monstre cette wu


J'vais pouvoir en ecluser des verres en attendant qu'elle termine ;)




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