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Voila c'est sur un site internet ou il y a des T-Shirts A Vendre avec dessus les Grand groupes de Rock!!

Et sur un de ces T-Shirt il ya ca de marqué

its a mighty long way down rock n roll in platform shoes freaky deaky kipper ties safety pins denim and leather and glitter glam rock sweet roxy mott metal guru marc david iggy and lou walking on the wild side with the new york dolls johnny thunders and the heartbreakers at cbgbs elvis r.i.p. elvis c debbie h dee dee joey johnny tommy gabba gabba hey hey my my rock n roll will never die purple black night and sabbath tony ozzy geezer and bill war pigs gathered in their masses idi amin brezhnev tin soldiers and nixon comin we’re finally on our own cambodia hanoi jane the end of nam white wash white house the idiot wind blowing its apocalypse now maggot brain free your ass and your mind will follow sly and marley live at the rainbow welcome back my friends to the show that never ends elp i know what i like in your wardrobe yes starship troopers moogs tubular bells and gatefold sleeves double live gonzo a nantucket sleighride with the man on the silver mountain red headed strangers & desperados willie and gram and the burrito brothers cruising ventura highway in the sunshine amphetamine annie mandys and cocaine for the babylon sisters and doobie brothers driving west on sunset to the sea with no static at all jazz rock mahavishu rock n roll hoochie koo reggae blue beat ska singer song writers carole carly laura nyro james joni and john martyn living on sssssssolid air can kraftwerk tangerine dream star trek star wars space ritual sonic attack don’t forget to boogie and up the pink fairies and floyd the lunatic is in my head but its only rock n roll mick and bianca studio 54 village people dancing queens do the hustle in boogie wonderland with the disco duck and the cresta bear its frothy man 3 day week power cuts new york nearly bust colour tv scooby doo monty python starsky & hutch but kojaks cool boring old farts new punks the damned pistols siouxie and the stranglers liberation for women thats what i preach germaine suzi and fanny love unlimited barry white t.s.o.p. d.i.s.c.o. tony manero is stayin alive john shaft he’s a bad mutha superfly guy black moses curtis & marvin move on up there’s a new kid in town eruption eddie alex mikey diamond dave running with the devil heavy metal kids strangers in the night flying v’s heads down no-nonsense boogie n.w.o.b.h. billy dusty and frank are just looking for some tush live at the fillmore east coast west coast andy warhol patti smith jann wenner p.j.o’rourke lester bangs fear and loathing with the good doctor gonzo droogs the godfather and dirty harry lost in action the lizard king voodoo chile pearl skydog pigpen gram rvz marc nick drake lowell george tommy bolin sandy denny pete ham koss and cass who’s next moon the loon behind blue eyes what a whole lotta love and in the end like a bat of hell im gone when the morning comes

Si Quelq'un pourrait me le traduire!!

pas les nom des Groupes de Rock juste le dé but et la fin c'est tout

Pour info le Site c'est Djtees

Merci D'avance


euh dsl pour les Anglophile mais je veins de trouver un autre T SHirts à Traduire PLease ( ca je sais le dire lol) :P


on the road with angelheaded hipsters moriarty & paradise the dharma bums howl & drink with bukowski & speed speed speed with cassady at the wheel a new kind of american hero gotta keep moving moving moving across the western lands searching for truth & freedom what’s your road man? wild boys in the soft machine grooving to doctor sax burroughs ginsberg & orlovsky reality sandwiches & a naked lunch score yage in cities of the red night dianne diprima has a coney island of the mind herbert hunke & norman mailer desolation angels gary snyder is japhy ryder trocchi & the situationists project sigma money is piss sex any sex cars bikes ride pillion with insanity crime drug drugs druggy the evening sun turned crimson the beat generation destroyed by madness starving hysterical exploring marxism vegetarianism nudism feminism homosexualism buddhism psychedelic drugs yoga meditation & zen the derangement of all the senses the best minds of a generation poets of the new violence burning in water drowning in flame cool eyes hallucinating life is suffering stand clear


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