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Bjr tlm,


Est il possible d'interdire l'installation d'une clé USB sur un windows XP ?

Ceci pour eviter que mes users puissent sortir des infos de mon réseau.


D'avance merci



Modifié par xam666


je cherche pour toi xam,pour l'instant mes recherches m'ont mener sur un'write protect"des storage device policies


ça correspond qlqpeu,vraiment un tout petit peu à ta demande.

Je continue à chercher.

à mon avis,il faut créer aux 2 racines HKLM et HKCU/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/policies/explorer une dword nommée(là j'invente :-( NoUSBDrive ou NOViewOnUSBDrive ou NoDeviceStorage................... :P

Je cherche................

si tu trouves avant,fais le savoir,astuce interressante


bon,trouvé je crois.

tout dépend si la clé est déja installée ou pas encore installée=======


If a USB Storage Device Is Not Already Installed on the Computer

If a USB storage device is not already installed on the computer, assign the user or the group Deny permissions to the following files:

• %SystemRoot%\Inf\Usbstor.pnf

• %SystemRoot%\Inf\Usbstor.inf

When you do so, users cannot install a USB storage device on the computer. To assign a user or group Deny permissions to the Usbstor.pnf and Usbstor.inf files, follow these steps:

1. Start Windows Explorer, and then locate the %SystemRoot%\Inf folder.

2. Right-click the Usbstor.pnf file, and then click Properties.

3. Click the Security tab.

4. In the Group or user names list, click the user or group that you want to set Deny permissions for.

5. In the Permissions for UserName or GroupName list, click to select the Deny check box next to Full Control, and then click OK.

Note In addition, add the System account to the Deny list.

6. Right-click the Usbstor.inf file, and then click Properties.

7. Click the Security tab.

8. In the Group or user names list, click the user or group that you want to set Deny permissions for.

9. In the Permissions for UserName or GroupName list, click to select the Deny check box next to Full Control, and then click OK.

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If a USB Storage Device Is Already Installed on the Computer

WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. If a USB storage device is already installed on the computer, set the Start value in the following registry key to 4:


When you do so, the USB storage device does not work when the user connects the device to the computer. To set the Start value, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.

3. Locate, and then click the following registry key:


4. In the right pane, double-click Start.

5. In the Value data box, type 4, click Hexadecimal (if it is not already selected), and then click OK.

6. Quit Registry Editor.


j'espère que tu as un fluently english :P ,,la solution est là.

A+ xam :-(


Salut Angélique.


J'ai testé et ca marche nickel.

Merci d'avoir cherché, c'est cool car je ne trouvais rien.


Tu as fait une simple recherche sur Google ?


Dans tous les cas, chapeau bas à vous ma demoiselle...


Xam666 :P

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