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Bonsoir il y a de fortes chances que ce soit un faux positif



Bonsoir Stonangel. Spybot m'en détecte aussi 3 (réglages utilisateurs) qui je pense concerne la souris Logitech ou le clavier. J'ai déjà viré ceux qu'avait installé F-Secure lors d'un test. :P. L'adware Back Web Lite ne concerne que des tentatives d'intrusions publicitaires et n'est donc pas très dangereux.

Invité Stonangel

Effectivement on le trouve régulièrement dans les rapports Hijackthis. Si Backweb est associé à un numéro par exemple l'application est légitime comme pour Logitech. Il faut rester vigilant et éviter de faire fixer trop hâtivement des lignes avec backweb:


backweb-8876480 - backweb-8876480.exe - Process Information

Process File: backweb-8876480 or backweb-8876480.exe

Process Name: Logitech Desktop Messenger



backweb-8876480.exe is a process that comes with the Logitech products software. It manages the automatic update check as well as providing you with new for the latest offers and products from Logitech. This is a non-essential process. Disabling or enabling this is down to user preference.



backWeb - backWeb.exe - Process Information

Process File: backWeb or backWeb.exe

Process Name: Backweb Adware



backWeb.exe is an adware by Backweb Technologies which offers news and entertainment services in exchange for personal usage information regarding the PC being sent back to BackWeb's servers for analysis. Many high range computer manufactorers have entered into an agreement with backweb to install this product by default on work-stations in exchange for other services from the backweb application. This program is a registered security risk and should be removed immediately. Please see additional details regarding this process


Source: WinTasks Process Library

Effectivement on le trouve régulièrement dans les rapports Hijackthis. Si Backweb est associé à un numéro par exemple l'application est légitime comme pour Logitech. Il faut rester vigilant et éviter de faire fixer trop hâtivement des lignes avec backweb:


backweb-8876480 - backweb-8876480.exe - Process Information

Process File: backweb-8876480 or backweb-8876480.exe

Process Name: Logitech Desktop Messenger



backweb-8876480.exe is a process that comes with the Logitech products software. It manages the automatic update check as well as providing you with new for the latest offers and products from Logitech. This is a non-essential process. Disabling or enabling this is down to user preference.



backWeb - backWeb.exe - Process Information

Process File: backWeb or backWeb.exe

Process Name: Backweb Adware



backWeb.exe is an adware by Backweb Technologies which offers news and entertainment services in exchange for personal usage information regarding the PC being sent back to BackWeb's servers for analysis. Many high range computer manufactorers have entered into an agreement with backweb to install this product by default on work-stations in exchange for other services from the backweb application. This program is a registered security risk and should be removed immediately. Please see additional details regarding this process


Source: WinTasks Process Library




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