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bios carte graphique...

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ben, t'as ete voir sur le site de Creative?


t'as des problemes avec? sinon, touche pas!


tu as les drivers Creative ou les nVidia?


lesquels? (version!)


c'est en italien, mais il y a plein de trucs, meme des bios Quadro...


en anglais mais fort complet:


Q. Where can I get the latest NVIDIA Flash BIOS and which should I use?


You can download the latest (leaked) NVIDIA GeForce flash BIOS files from the following site:


under the Reference / BIOSes / GeForce (256/2 GTS) BIOSes section.




Once you get to the site, you will have a number of options as to which Flash BIOS you should download. Here is a short guide (thanks RobRich):




If you have a:






SDR card with no TV-OUT (Creative Labs Annihilator)






SDR card with a Brooktree TV-OUT






SDR card with a Chrontel TV-OUT






DDR card with no TV-OUT (Creative Labs Annihilator Pro)






DDR card with a Brooktree TV-OUT






DDR card with a Chrontel TV-OUT


DDRCH (not available)








If you don't know what TV-OUT chip you have, go into the NVIDIA Display Control Panel and take a look at the main 'GeForce 256' tab. There should be a line that says 'TV Encoder Type' - thanks Matthew Manor!




WARNING: Before you flash your card with the standard NVIDIA BIOS, please note that once you have done so you will NOT be able to:




Install any drivers except the NVIDIA reference drivers.


Use any other BIOS flashers except the NVIDIA reference BIOS flasher (which will probably mean you can't flash back to your manufacturer's BIOS unless you make a backup beforehand).


Use AGP Wizard (more information here) to enable AGP Sidebanding if you have a Creative card.


In addition you will void your warranty. Please do NOT email your manufacturer if this goes wrong!




For that reason, I would advise everyone to make a backup of their original BIOS file before they flash their BIOS. You can use a program called SaveBIOS to do this - just run the program and it will create a VIDBIOS.BIN file. Put this file somewhere safe, and if you ever need to revert back to the old version just use NVFlash with your backup file.




You can download SaveBIOS here:




If you were silly and didn't take a backup, try the following page:


under the BIOS / Manufacture BIOSes section.




See the 'Where can I get and how do I use NVFlash?' question for information on using the NVFlash program that actually flashes the Video BIOS.




You might also want to read the 'How can I use the latest Video BIOS without flashing my Video BIOS?' question.






Quelle est la version de ton bios?

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