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Désactiver la restauration sytème?

Messages recommandés

Invité Stonangel
Posté(e) (modifié)

Oui mais pas à n'importe quel prix. Voici la position de Swandog46 modérateur du Boot Camp sur SWI:


I want to add a thought to this thread:


Unless I have some positive reason to think it is infected (such as a MWAV or other virus scan actually identifying infections in the Restore folder), I don't even recommend users reset System Restore once they are ultimately clean. Why risk it? Windows regularly sets new restore points anyway, so the odds are that the user will always have a clean one prepared, and System Restore has saved me on so many occasions that I am terrified of disabling it even for a moment without a very good, positive reason.


And disabling it up front at the beginning of a fix is right out of the question.


See my post right above yours for my feelings on that --- I treat System Restore as an "untouchable" unless I have some specific reason to believe it is infected. Otherwise why risk it?


Dont acte...

Modifié par Stonangel




Je le disais bien ! ne me croyais-tu pas, Stonangel ? :P

Swandog46 m'a copié !


C'est cnm, admin de SWI qui prêche cette bonne parole sur le Boot Camp de SWI ! Rendons à cnm ce qui est à cnm !


Dois-je comprendre que tu t'es inscrit au Boot Camp ? Félicitations, Stonangel !

Member Group: Helper Trainee

Joined: 29-May 05

Fine ! :P I do hope you enjoy my friends there!
Invité Stonangel
Posté(e) (modifié)

:P Tu le sais très bien ipl, je partageais ta position. J'ignorais que c'était aussi celle de "Mother Lion" :P


En effet je suis sur le Boot Camp continuer ma formation. Un "plus" j'espère pour Zeb' Sécu.

Modifié par Stonangel

Hi Stonangel!


Yes, it's a good thing for anyone! Thanks!

I confirm, cnm posted this!


Sorry I had forgotten your 98th birthday! :P

Invité Stonangel
:P Thanks a lot ipl, and thanks also seing you agree the poor old man I became yesterday :-(:-P:P



( ) (seuls les membres du Boot Camp de SWI pourront suivre ce lien)


Voici la discussion de cnm, Microsoft MVP Windows-Security 2005 :

System Restore - when to disable, Don't disable it too soon  post Sep 26 2004, 10:03 AM


My recommendation is to leave the contaminated restore points alone until the person is clean.  Then (XP):


Start->Control Panel->System, System Restore.

Check "Turn off System Restore".

Immediately reboot (all your restore points will be deleted by this).

Then Start->Control Panel->System, System Restore again.

UnCheck "Turn off System Restore" and create a new clean restore point..


You don't want him to be without any restore points for more than the time it takes to reboot.  A dirty restore point is better than none at all - suppose he has a crash?


I see some of you suggesting disable System Restore on your first reply, and not suggesting re-enable until several replies later.  I don't think this is a good idea.


My post here has a screenshot - feel free to use -


et ma réponse (post #2):

ipl_001  post Sep 26 2004, 11:03 AM

Post #2


Hi cnm, hello everybody,


I totaly agree with you!

I'm feeling bad when I read so usual "disable System Restore"s!

No backups for a while -especially when the Helper forgets to re-enable-!


Of course, it's a bit worrisome to receive a message from the AV about a virus in a file inthere!

An infected file located in that area will never cause any damage unless it is restored into the "active" folders!... a Run key or a launcher will never point to that protected area!


Disabling System Restore causes all of the backuped files to be removed! Then, no backup available!!!

Postpone disabling till the system is clean and re-enable immediately!

Far better is to go into the area and delete the only culprits!... There's a way to access the area and work inthere playing with access rights! not very easy to get users to do this though, but possible!

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