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Bonjour à tous,


Je connais ce site depuis longtemps (en particulier pour ses bonnes pages sur les connexions) mais je n'avais jamais trop navigué sur le site !


Leur FAQ est une merveille !

Je n'ai jamais vu de documents aussi soignés (à part le site de tesgaz) !


Cà vaut le déplacement ! Cà vaut le coup de mettre le liens dans les favoris (et dans l'article "Ressources" épinglé ci-dessus)


-> "All FAQs" -


-> "BroadBand FAQs" -


et çà :


-> "Security" -

·If I am on the net 24hrs a day, will I get hacked?

·Using Linux how can I make my computer safe?

·Is my line DSL line private, or can my hacker neighbor listen in?

·Where can I read more on Security

·Do I Need a Firewall? Which is best?

·My firewall keeps alerting me about connections. What should I Do?

·I have Norton Personall firewall or any other software firewall, am I safe?

·Is ZoneAlarm a worthwhile firewall or spyware?

·What is a Trojan?

·How can I become infected with a Trojan?

·How can I find out if I am already infected by a Trojan?

·I am infected with a Trojan. How do I get rid of it?

·How can I find out if I am already infected by a Trojan?

·What TCP/UDP ports should be left open on a firewall?

·Am I being watched by my ISP?

·What type of security does a DSL line provide?

·how do i make my pc pingable

·What is a dummy DMZ?

·Is there a difference between a IDS and a firewall?


et çà :


-> "General Questions" -

·If I am on the net 24hrs a day, will I get hacked?

·How do I know my ports are secured?

·What is a port scan?

·What is a firewall?

·What is an Intrusion Detection system?

·What is a DMZ?

·Which Firewall should I use?

·What is the Best Type of Software Firewall?

·What is a Trojan?

·How can I become infected with a Trojan?

·How can I find out if I am already infected by a Trojan?

·I am infected with a Trojan. How do I get rid of it?

·I think my computer is infected or hijacked. What should I do?

·What are Null Sesions and why are they dangerous?

·How do I create a secure password?

·What's trying to access the internet?

·"Your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls..

·How do I safely use public wireless hotspots?

·How do I create a password protected zip file?

·How to Secure (and Keep Secure) My (New) Computer(s): A Layered Approach:

·What is the difference between Windows Messenger and the Messenger Service?

·What are some basic steps one can take to secure their home network?

·How do I secure a wireless network (wireless router)?

·What is the most efficient way to find information about computer security?

·What should I do about backups? / How do I backup my hard drive?

·What are the instructions for posting a Security Software Updates Thread?

·What is using port XXX on my computer?

·How do I look up an IP address ? How do I do a whois?

·Where is my missing disk space?

·How do I look up a MAC address?

·When is an NAT Router Inadequate Protection?

·What do I do about Bounced Email and Virus Email?

·How do I prevent Browser Hijacks and Spyware?

·When should I re-format? How should I reinstall?

·What questions should I ask doing a security assessment?

·Why can't I browse certain websites?

·How is HijackThis used?

·How do I recover from Hosts file hijacking?

·How Do I Handle Possible Identify Theft, Internet Fraud and CC Fraud?

·Is there anything else I can do to protect myself from viruses in emails?

·What is Phishing? What do I do about it?

·How can I become a host of the Security updates thread and what's required?

·How do I avoid online Credit / Debit card fraud?

·How Do I Report Online Child Abuse or Child Pornography


et çà :


-> "Q: How to Secure (and Keep Secure) My (New) Computer(s): A Layered Approach: (#8463)" -


et çà :


-> "Q: I think my computer is infected or hijacked. What should I do? (#8428)" -




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