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Alors jai fé les test de pc Flank, voila ce qui me dit actuellement





Check for vulnerabilities of your computer system to remote attacks


We have scanned your system for open ports and for ports visible to others on the Internet. As a rule an open port means your computer is vulnerable to attacks by crackers. They gain access to your computer and its files through these open ports.




The test found open port(s) on your system: 21



It is urgent that you install personal firewall software. PC Flank recommends Outpost Firewall Pro.


If you have already installed and are using a firewall, check if it is set to make all the ports of your computer closed and invisible (hidden). If you have any problems adjusting your firewall, get help from the firewall developer. If the firewall is correctly set but fails this test, replace the firewall software and redo this test.


Trojan horse check


The test scanned your system to find signs of a Trojan. If a Trojan horse is on your computer a cracker can access your system's files and your personal data.




There is no evidence of a Trojan horse on your system.



The absence of a Trojan horse on your system does not mean this problem cannot happen, of course. Anti-virus and/or anti-Trojan software should be installed and used on your system. Anti-trojans to consider are: The Cleaner, PestPatrol or Tauscan.


If you already use this type of software on your system, its virus definitions (virus database) should regularly be updated.

Browser privacy check


The test checked if your web browser reveals any private information while you visit Web sites. Usually such information is: the last site visited, your locale and who your Internet Service Provider is.




While visiting web sites your browser reveals private information about you and your computer. It sends information about previous sites you have visited. It may also save special cookies on your hard drive that have the purpose of directing advertising or finding out your habits while web surfing.








STEALTH TEST : je pense que c good pour ce test dapré mé qq notion danglais

The results of Stealth Test




We have sent following packets to TCP:1 port of your machine:


* TCP ping packet

* TCP NULL packet

* TCP FIN packet

* TCP XMAS packet

* UDP packet


Here is the description of possible results on each sent packet:

"Stealthed" - Means that your system (firewall) has successfuly passed the test by not responding to the packet we have sent to it.

"Non-stealthed" - Means that your system (firewall) responded to the packet we have sent to it. What is more important, is that it also means that your computer is visible to others on the Internet that can be potentially dangerous.


Packet' type Status

TCP "ping" stealthed

TCP NULL stealthed

TCP FIN stealthed

TCP XMAS stealthed

UDP stealthed




Your computer is invisible to the others on the Internet!







TROJANS TEST Négatif aussi


Results of the test


We have scanned your computer' ports used by the most dangerous and widespread trojan horses. Here is the description of possible ports' statuses:


"Stealthed"(by a firewall) -Means that your computer is invisible to others on the Internet and protected by a firewall or other similiar software;

"Closed" (non-stealthed) - means that this port is closed, but your computer is visible to others on the Internet that can be potentially dangerous;

"Open" - Means that this port is ready to establish (or has already established) a connection with remote address. It also means that your computer is vulnerable to attacks and could have been already hacked or infected by a trojan/backdoor;

Trojan: Port Status

GiFt 123 stealthed

Infector 146 stealthed

RTB666 623 stealthed

Net-Devil 901 stealthed

Net-Devil 902 stealthed

Net-Devil 903 stealthed

Subseven 1243 stealthed

Duddies Trojan 1560 stealthed

Duddies Trojan 2001 stealthed

Duddies Trojan 2002 stealthed

Theef 2800 stealthed

Theef 3000 stealthed

Theef 3700 stealthed

Optix 5151 stealthed

Subseven 6776 stealthed

Theef 7000 stealthed

Phoenix II 7410 stealthed

Ghost 9696 stealthed

GiFt 10100 stealthed

Host Control 10528 stealthed

Host Control 11051 stealthed

NetBus 12345 stealthed

NetBus 12346 stealthed

BioNet 12348 stealthed

BioNet 12349 stealthed

Host Control 15094 stealthed

Infector 17569 stealthed

NetBus 20034 stealthed

MoonPie 25685 stealthed

MoonPie 25686 stealthed

Subseven 27374 stealthed

BO 31337 stealthed

Infector 34763 stealthed

Infector 35000 stealthed


All Trojans' ports we scanned are stealthed (probably by a firewall). This means your system is not infected by any of these Trojan horses







BROWSER TEST la c pas bon !!!!!!

Results of the test:


Cookies check

Danger! Your computer may save special cookies on your hard drive that have the purpose of directing advertising or finding out your habits while web surfing.



We advise you to get personal firewall and/or anti-spyware software. We recommend AdAware Plus.


If you already have a firewall or anti-spyware program adjust it to block cookies. You can also block cookies using your browser if it supports cookies blocking feature


Referrer check

Danger! While visiting web sites your browser reveals private information (called 'referrer') about previous sites you have visited.



We advise you to get personal firewall software. If you already have a firewall program adjust it to block the distribution of such information (referrer).









Results of Advanced Port Scanner Le seul port ouvert c le 21

21 open FTP File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer files between computers








Et pour finir



Results of the test:


Exploits test



Your system successfully defended itself from this attack!


Donc voila les test avan que je face ce que tu ma dit ici, je vaids donc essayer de refaire ce que jai pu oublier qd jé cré mon réseau !!!


Oui, ces tests sont bons car même si le port 21 est détecté les autres sont

Stealth, ce qui est excellent.


Te reste plus qu'à vérifier la config de ton réseau :P


Jai tout suivis meme les rubrique annexe et ce port ne se ferme pas !!!! Jai bien réussis a fermer dautre port mais le 21 il nen fait qua sa tete !!!!! Jen ai marre !!!!!!!!!! AIDEZ MOI !!!


C koi un logiciel FTP ??? Jai bien créer une sorte de réseau de partage internet entre amis mais jai jamais eu de probleme. Ce port 21 je lé que depui que jé réinstallé windowds xp (ya 3 semaine), avant le test me disait tout les ports sont masqué !!!


Non je nest crée aucune regle dans le parefeu. Qd je remet le parefeu par défaut (donc dorigine sans tou mes programmes qui utilise le net) jai tjs le port tcp 21 ouvert donc ca ne vien pa de c logiciel. Jai bien essayer de créer une regle bloquan tout les transfert via ce port avec norton antivirus 2005 mais tjs le mem trou. Jai limpression davoir tout fait mé je me demande si ca peu pâ venir de lordi de mon pere (lui je lé pa config, jé rien touché) Donc répon moi si tu pense que le probleme peu venir de son ordi (qui dispose de la connexion internet), ca mévitera peu eytre de touché a son ordi :P


Cordialement, ULSPIDER


le scan de ports va scanner l'interface qui porte l'adresse publique => donc le PC passerelle, celui de ton père.


Soit il héberge un serveur IIS ou FTP, soit c'est une interface du modem (c'est quoi le modem?)


Il me semble que c ca modem sagem F@dt 800 ms fodré que je vérifie. Mé ce que je compren pa c quavan ma réinstall de xp jété dan la mem configuration (ordi de mon pere maitre) et maintenan que jai la mem configuration ya le port 21 tcp qué ouvert ????!!!


A oui ya un truc qui me semble louche, tu me demande de chercher service IIS, ce truc c bien dans "assistant composants de Windows" ???


ISS peut se trouver ici :


- Panneau de configuration / Ajout/Suppression de programmes

- Cliquer sur le bouton "Ajouter ou supprimer des composants windows"

- Sélectionner la ligne "Services internet (IIS)"

- Cliquer sur le bouton "Détail"

- Décocher "Service FTP (File Transfert Protocol)"

- redémarrer le PC

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