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Document éminemment intéressant... il ne fallait pas que Zeb'Sécurité rate çà !


Je rappelle que Suzi est la grande patronne de SpyWareWarrior, un forum qui monte, qui monte, qui monte !




December 20, 2005

Top 10 tricks causing spyware epidemic

Posted by Suzi Turner @ 8:16 am


Spyware tricks have become increasingly devious, making spyware and adware stick to machines longer, more difficult to remove and sometimes impossible to see with ordinary methods. In the spyware tricks series I wrote about seeing installations with multiple resuscitators, increasing numbers of randomly named files, even randomly named folders. Internet Explorer security settings are being changed by spyware and hosts files are being hijacked. We've recently seen installations of keyloggers and spam bots along with your garden variety of adware. Now add rootkits to that list. Let's look back at the top 10 tricks of 2005…


10. Spyware spread through Windows Media files as described by Ben Edelman, Eric Howes and Ed Bott in January...


9. Adware companies hide their dirty work using rootkit technology...


8. Internet Explorer infected through Firefox as documented by Paperghost, aka Chris Boyd...


7. Direct Revenue unleashed Aurora...


6. Spam bots, keyloggers, kiddie porn connect with major adware companies...


5. Spazbox domain installs massive spyware/adware using IRC as documented by Paperghost and Spyware Warrior...


4. Anti-spyware spread by spyware and trojans...


3. Direct Revenue adware distributed through BitTorrent, (or more aurora and nail.exe) exposed by Paperghost and told by eWeek...


2. AIM worm carries backdoor, rootkit and adware, found to be powered by world wide bot net with ties to the Middle East. See write up from CNET, Paperghost's analysis and FaceTime's press release.


And now, drum roll please, the top spyware trick of 2005


1. Sony BMG infects users with DRM rootkit originally reported by Mark Russinovich at SysInternals...

(source : )

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