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Junior Member

Junior Member (3/12)


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  1. Bonjour, outre l'outil qui diffère, c'est surtout le langage qui a évolué. Tu passerais de VB6 à et au framework .net. Sachant que VB6 n'évolue plus, il peut être intéressant de commencer dès maintenant à toucher au .net (qui apporte beaucoup) avant que ce ne soit dans l'urgence le jour où tes projets ne fonctionneront plus. Pour finir, la beta est gratuite, mais ce n'est qu'une beta limité dans le temps. Les versions Express sont gratuites et sans limitation même si c'est pour des projets commerciaux. Pourquoi s'en priver ?
  2. Voila, tu as ta réponse.... Ce que tu as acheté sert à faire transiter deux signaux en 10mbits ou 100 Mbits sur un seul cable capable de faire passer du gigabits... Et ça fonctionne donc par paire. Donc, rien à voir avec ton besoin... L'ideal serait un petit routeur qui te permettrait d'utiliser le PC et la XBOX en même temps. Bon courage
  3. Ricko

    Prob sous XP

    Salut, fait un saut ici, je pense que tu trouveras la solution : a+
  4. Ricko

    dégardé de couleurs

    Salut, tu as toute l'explication la dedans !! Bon code ! /***************************************** || Fade Script Version 3.1 || || || || © July 2001 || || _____________________________________ || || Created by: || || Anarchos > || || _____________________________________ || || auto-startColor by Mike West || || [email protected] || || _____________________________________ || || uniqueID upgrade by DubMatrix || || || || _____________________________________ || || Color conversion from decimal to || || hex (dehexize function) by: || || Litejet > [email protected] || || _____________________________________ || || Fade, hex, setColor functions by: || || Dak Phoenix > || || _____________________________________ || || domouseover/out based on scripts by || || The Shadow > || || || *****************************************/ /************* **** <config> **/ fadeColor = "#FFFFFF"; // color to fade to //fadeColor = "#000000"; stepIn = 20; // delay when fading in stepOut = 35; // delay when fading out /* set to true or false; true will ** cause all links to fade automatically ** (you won't need to add class="fade") ***/ autoFade = true; /* set to true or false; true will cause all CSS ** classes with "fade" in them to fade onmouseover ***/ sloppyClass = true; /* set to true or false; true will make the script ** work for Macs (IE 5+), but you will have to give ** a name (name="blah") to each link that you want ** to fade. ***/ macCompat = false; /** **** </config> **************/ /************* **** <install> ** Now, once you have customized your fading colors, you need to include your customized .js file on every page that you want to use it in. You can include javascript files using this syntax (in the head of a document): <script src="fade.js" language="Javascript"></script> Now that you have the file included, you need to setup your links a small bit. Each link that you want to fade needs to use the fade class. Example: <a href="blah.html" class="fade">click here</a> Also, the link must be plain text. This means that you can't have <b>'s, <i>'s, <font>'s, etc. inside of the link. Example of what not to do: <a href="blah.html" class="fade"><b>click</b> here</a> Have fun! -Anarchos- ** **** </install> **************/ hexa = new makearray(16); for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) hexa = i; hexa[10]="a"; hexa[11]="b"; hexa[12]="c"; hexa[13]="d"; hexa[14]="e"; hexa[15]="f"; document.onmouseover = domouseover; document.onmouseout = domouseout; fadeColor = dehexize(fadeColor.toLowerCase()); var fadeId = new Array(); function dehexize(Color){ var colorArr = new makearray(3); for (i=1; i<7; i++){ for (j=0; j<16; j++){ if (Color.charAt(i) == hexa[j]){ if (i%2 !=0) colorArr[Math.floor((i-1)/2)]=eval(j)*16; else colorArr[Math.floor((i-1)/2)]+=eval(j); } } } return colorArr; } function domouseover() { if(document.all){ var srcElement = event.srcElement; if ((srcElement.tagName == "A" && autoFade && srcElement.className != "nofade") || srcElement.className == "fade" || (sloppyClass && srcElement.className.indexOf("fade") != -1)) { if (!srcElement.startColor) { srcElement.startColor = ( srcElement.currentStyle.color; srcElement.startColor = dehexize(srcElement.startColor.toLowerCase()); } var link = (macCompat? srcElement.uniqueID); if (link) fade(srcElement.startColor,fadeColor,link,stepIn); else if (macCompat) alert("Error: Mac Compatility mode enabled, but link has no name."); } } } function domouseout() { if (document.all){ var srcElement = event.srcElement; if ((srcElement.tagName == "A" && autoFade && srcElement.className != "nofade") || srcElement.className == "fade" || (sloppyClass && srcElement.className.indexOf("fade") != -1)) { var link = (macCompat? srcElement.uniqueID); if (link) fade(fadeColor,srcElement.startColor,link,stepIn); } } } function makearray(n) { this.length = n; for(var i = 1; i <= n; i++) this = 0; return this; } function hex(i) { if (i < 0) return "00"; else if (i > 255) return "ff"; else return "" + hexa[Math.floor(i/16)] + hexa[i%16]; } function setColor(r, g, b, element) { var hr = hex®; var hg = hex(g); var hb = hex(b); = "#"+hr+hg+hb; } function fade(s,e,element,step) { var sr = s[0]; var sg = s[1]; var sb = s[2]; var er = e[0]; var eg = e[1]; var eb = e[2]; if (fadeId[0] != null && fade[0] != element && eval(fadeId[0])) { var orig = eval(fadeId[0]); setColor(orig.startColor[0],orig.startColor[1],orig.startColor[2],orig); var i = 1; while(i < fadeId.length) { clearTimeout(fadeId); i++; } } for(var i = 0; i <= step; i++) { fadeId[i+1] = setTimeout("setColor(Math.floor(" +sr+ " *(( " +step+ " - " +i+ " )/ " +step+ " ) + " +er+ " * (" +i+ "/" + step+ ")),Math.floor(" +sg+ " * (( " +step+ " - " +i+ " )/ " +step+ " ) + " +eg+ " * (" +i+ "/" +step+ ")),Math.floor(" +sb+ " * ((" +step+ "-" +i+ ")/" +step+ ") + " +eb+ " * (" +i+ "/" +step+ ")),"+element+");",i*step); } fadeId[0] = element; }
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