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  1. Bonjour! J'écris pour comprendre ce que signifient ces informations récupérées en faisant un tour sur '' au sujet de mon site, qui est pourtant bien référencé chez Google et ailleurs depuis un moment déjà ! Je n'ai développé que la première partie (pour 'Title'), les autres étant similaires au nom près dans le texte ('Meta description' ou 'h1 header'). J'aimerais beaucoup comprendre et savoir comment y remédier si cela vaut la peine… Merci de vos réponses et de vos conseils! Title and meta: Title The title of a web page is displayed in the search results as the text link of that page. Objective When in search results, the <title> tag represents a clickable link to your web page. A short and meaningful title with keywords will generate more clicks and therefore more visitors on your website Search Engines The <title> tag has a significant value helping search engine to determine the content of the page. Adding the page's main keywords in the title will definately increase your chances to rank higher in search results. Value The <title> tag should not only contain a keywords enumeration and should have a total of 70 characters or less. More than that, the content could not be all displayed. Bad: The page does not have a <title> tag. Meta Description It is used by search engines to display a brief overview of the page content. Bad: The page does not have a meta description. Headings: H1 Header The <H1> tag is an important grouping of words that describes the page content with its keywords. Bad: The page does not have a <h1> tag.
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