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mes preponses ont l air bidon ? :P

alors là, je suis perplexe, je comprend pas pourquoi tu dis ça

je viens souvent sur ce forum et c est jamais pour y raconter des conneries.

J'ai du mal a comprendre pourquoi tu reagis comme ça.


Ouh la on se calme!

Moi je disais juste ca car Bobe64 ne demords pas de l'astuve *.vbs (excellente au demeurant) et que Xherr ne demords pas non plus de memturbo (excellent au demeurant).

Ca nous donnait un joli dialogue! Sinon j'ai pas beaucoup plus d'idée que ça...

P.S: je ne trouve pas que les reponses de bobe soient bidons dans la mesure ou il expose clairement son problème et à l'élégance de repondre à chaque fois, chose qui n'est pas courante chez tous ceux qui emettent leurs problèmes sur Zeb.


merci de ta comprehension boulette :P

en fait, je ne jure pas que par ce fichier vbs mais comme je l utilise, j estime inutilie d utiliser un prog qui fait la meme chose a peu pres....bref...

je vais faire une recherche dans le forum, il me semble que quelqu un a deja balancé une adresse où on explique ce que sont precisement les ressources systèmes.


P.S au modo:cette question de ressources systèmes étant un problème commun à tout le monde et "revenant assez souvent", il serait judicieux de faire un (petit) article dessus :-(


Excusez moi pour "les réponses bidon". Je me demandais simplement si

tu n'avais pas un peu trop de Ram pour ton processeur et si avec pas mal de fenêtres ouvertes, un logiciel en marche et après quelques heures continue de web; ce n'est pas anormal d'avoir des ressources à plat.

Désolée de t'avoir blessé.


on s est mal compris alors. Pas grave :P

En ce qui concerne l'excés de ram, je ne pense pas , win98 est sensé être capable de gérer jusqu'à environ 512 mo de ram et mon ordi aurait tout simplement joliment planté s'il ne "supportait pas" 272 mo de ram.

Enfin bon, je continue inlassablement ma recherche sur le net pour avoir la definition exacte des ressources systèmes... :-(



Pense également a régler tse "caches"

Dans System.ini exp:








Memory-Trax III (MEM-Trax III)


· Specific Version: 3.5

· Release Date: 15 Feb 01

· Updated: 08 Aug 01

· Author: Garrett R. Hylltun

Eyris Development

· Release Status: Freeware

· Requirements: Windows 95+, Pentium +,

100+ Mhz's, 8+ megs memory, 32k+ Video,

MS Scripting Engine 5.1+
















Memory-Trax is a small program that reclaims

memory that Windows neglects to release (the famous

Windows memory leak!). By reclaiming your memory,

you will find that your system crashes less and most

other programs will run more smoothly.


The GUI version offers visual indicators of your

memory information and allows you quick access to

change settings. With the GUI version you can have

your memory reclaimed automatically when your

memory reaches a predefined alarm level that you

select. You also have the opportunity to select

how much memory that should be reclaimed. Or you

can choose to reclaim the memory when you wish to

and not use the automation portion of the program.



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NB: Hobbiest programmers.. you may find that

this program will come in handy when you crash

a project that you are working on. Many times,

when your project crashes, the memory that it

had claimed, was not released. A few more crashes,

and you are on your way to a system crash due to

lack of memory available.





1. Start Program.

2. Click the button with the arrow pointing down.

3. Select 'Settings' on the menu.

4. Adjust the settings to your preferences.

Recommended settings are:

-Check "Auto Allocate"

* See 'SUGGESTED SETTINGS' further below.

-NB: Do not try to free more than you have

installed on your system. Don't set your

Alarm level to high either.

5. Minimize to hide and run from the System

Tray of your Task Bar. Or just run as is.


Other options offered are:


* Program start delay -

Memory-Trax will delay a reclaim when it is first

started. This keeps it from trying to reclaim

when it is first started with windows, and windows

has not yet completed it's startup.


* Automatic reclaim delay -

Memory reclaim will start a countdown before it

actually starts it's reclaim. This gives you a

chance to hold up on work, or pause the reclaim.


* Audio Alerts -

Audio alerts can announce a impending memroy reclaim.

This coupled with the reclaim delay, and you will

know in advance when a reclaim is about to start.


* Interface Skins -

Memory-Trax offers a small selection of skins. Choose

a skin that best fits the decore of your desktop.


* Hotkey: CTRL+R = Start manual reclaim


* Hotkey: CTRL+P = Pause a delayed automatic reclaim


* Hotkey: CTRL+M = Open the menu for the program


If you need any further assistance, use the email

address listed in the 'CONTACT INFORMATION' section,

and send me an email with your question. Or you may

visit and use our Message

Forum listed on the menu of the web site.






The following is what I feel would be the basic

settings for an average user. You may need to

adjust to your needs and desire.


8 Megs of Mem: Alarm = 2 Free up = 4

16 Megs of Mem: Alarm = 4 Free up = 8

32 Megs of Mem: Alarm = 6 Free up = 12

64 Megs of Mem: Alarm = 12 Free up = 25

96 Megs of Mem: Alarm = 20 Free up = 40

128 Megs of Mem: Alarm = 25 Free up = 50

256 Megs of Mem: Alarm = 50 Free up = 100


Basic rule of thumb to figure the average setting for

the Alarm Level, is to divide your total amount of

physical memory installed (less the amount of memory

given to onboard video if you have that) by 5, then round

that either up or down to the nearest listed setting in

Memory-Trax III. And to determine the Amount to Free,

take the amount you just calculated for the Alarm Level,

and Muliply that by 2, and of course, round up or down to

the nearest listed setting in Memory-Trax III.


By default, Memory-Trax III when started for the first

time on your system will use this rule. So when you

first start Memory-Trax III, it will immediately detect

your total amount of memory installed, and set itself

by means of the rule explained above.


You may of course still wish to adjust the settings

to better fit your needs.






Memory-Trax III is now Freeware. Memory-Trax IV

will be Shareware when it is released before the end

of 2001.






Additional skins can be downloaded from the home

page of Memory-Trax III


The MS Scripting Engine is required to be on your

system already for this to run. If it is not,

then you may consider downloading and installing

it for this to work. Windows 98+ has it installed

by default, so 98+ users need not do anything.


If you need it, you can download it from here:






Images used by this program show incorrect color palette

under some Video Cards using 256 colors. It is recommended

that you use at least a 32k Video Card.


If you receive the following error from Windows:


Windows Scripting Host - error with executing the script

Script: mem-trax.vbs

Line number: 1

Column: 0

Category: Runtime-error Microsoft VBScript

Description: Insufficient stringspace: 'Space'


Please lower the amount of memory to free up. Do this

until you no longer receive the error message. This is not

a bug in the program, but a limitation on your memory.


If you encounter any other bugs, please use the contact

information below to report them.





1. Email:


2. Postal Mail:


Garrett R. Hylltun

820 South Prospect Street

Tacoma, WA 98405



3. Web:


Pense également a régler tse "caches"

Dans System.ini  exp:  






Tu me donnes là des chiffres mais ca dépend de la ram installée


de plus, j ai déja fait cette astuce:






c est ce que j ai mis dans mon system.ini


A première vue, Memory Trax applique le même principe que Ram Idle : surveiller tes ressources, et en récupérer X quantité ( que tu définis ) quand elles descendent en dessous d'un seuil que tu as aussi défini.


Quelqu' un les a peut-être départagé ?


Salut Webthrilla :P

Juste une petite réflexion sur ta signature : justement, n'est-ce pas le plus intéressant que de se pencher sur l'incompréhensible, et s' y fondre comme on entrerait dans une quatrième dimension ?

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