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Messages recommandés

Port Scans From Port 6346-6348


If you are receiving port scans on port 6346, 6347 and 6348 it is most likely that you are not being attacked. The Gnutella Network that currently uses programs such as Limewire and Bearshare, attempts to connect computers together through port 6346, 6347 or 6348.


If using DHCP, your computer's IP address may change every 24 hours, allowing the IP address to be obtained by another computer user. If a Internet user using these programs has saved your IP address, when they attempt to logon to use these programs, the programs will attempt to make contact with the IP address. If the IP address has been released and renewed by another user, then it may appear in the firewall log as an attack on your system.


For more information about the Gnutella Network please visit Limewire. You may also wish to understand what the Gnutella protocal is and how it works. Please visit Gnutella FAQ's .

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