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Rainmeter 0.14

Messages recommandés




Je me suis à nouveau amusé avec Rainmeter pour afficher plein d'infos (utiles?) sur mon bureau! :P


Le skin "Simplicity" propose un widget "player" qui permet de piloter Winamp. Ca fonctionne bien.


Je voudrais faire pareil mais pour VLC. Apparemment, c'est le plugin WindowMessagePlugin.dll qui entre en jeux, voilà ce qu'en dit la doc:



This plugin can be used to send and receive information from other applications. It can send window messages to other applications and show the result. The plugin can be used for example to control Winamp or some similar media players.



The name of the window. This is used to identify the window. It's not necessary to set this if the WindowClass is set.



The class of the window. This is used to identify the window. It's not necessary to set this if the WindowName is set.



This is the message to be send to the window. You need to define 3 parameters to where the first one is the message and the next ones are wParam and lParam. The values are unsigned decimal integers. The measure returns the value returned by the SendMessage()-function. If the WindowMessage is not given the measure returns the window's current title.


It's also possible to send messages to applications with !RainmeterPluginBang. The arguments are similar as in WindowMessages. You need to define the name of the measure (this identifies the window), "SendMessage", the message number and wParam and lParam. See examples below.




This returns the name of the song that is playing in Winamp.





WindowClass=Winamp v1.x

Substitute="[Paused]":""," - Winamp":""



Check if Winamp is playing, or not. This returns 0 if it's not playing, 1 if it is playing and 3 if it's paused.





WindowClass=Winamp v1.x

WindowMessage=1024 0 104



Show song progress. The [MeasureWinampDuration] will return the current song position as a value between 0 and 1. You can use for example the BAR-meter to display the value.





WindowClass=Winamp v1.x

WindowMessage=1024 1 105





WindowClass=Winamp v1.x

WindowMessage=1024 0 105








Prev: !RainmeterPluginBang "MeasureWinamp SendMessage 273 40044 0"

Play: !RainmeterPluginBang "MeasureWinamp SendMessage 273 40045 0"

Pause: !RainmeterPluginBang "MeasureWinamp SendMessage 273 40046 0"

Stop: !RainmeterPluginBang "MeasureWinamp SendMessage 273 40047 0"

Next: !RainmeterPluginBang "MeasureWinamp SendMessage 273 40048 0"



Check the wa_ipc.h in WinampSDK for more messages values and their parameters.


Je vois pas trop comment remplacer Winamp par VLC là-dedans... :P



Je peux poster l'exemple du plugin complet pour Winamp, mais ça ne m'inspire guère plus...

Si qqun a une idée?


Merci, a+ :P

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