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Messages recommandés

Posté(e) (modifié)

Hummm bizarre une mauvais manip ???

Ou tu as les deux installer ??

Recommence ;)

Lorsque tu le désinstalle regarde si il est toujours présent dans le gestionnaire .


Je viens de le télécharger et c'est bien la version

Modifié par tomtom95

Alors, je suis allé : Démarrer > Tous les programmes > NETGEAR WN111v2 Adapter > Uninstall NETGEAR WN111v2 Software


Je suis les instructions, il est désinstallé. Il n'est plus dans le gestionnaire.


Puis je lance ton installateur, tout est ok. Il est installé, mais dans le gestionnaire il est en


Attends enfaite :


D'abord je suis passé en Power Member :D


Plus sérieusement, dans le logiciel qui s'installe, sous l'onglet "About" j'ai :


Device :


Driver Version :




Smart Wireless Utility :


Version :


Rapport :


Crash Dump Analysis



Crash dump directory: C:\Windows\Minidump


Crash dumps are enabled on your computer.



On Sun 12.06.2011 16:20:35 GMT your computer crashed

crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\Mini061211-01.dmp

This was probably caused by the following module: wn111v2v.sys (WN111v2v+0x12C8D)

Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x486DC, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF8DA105BC)


file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\wn111v2v.sys

product: Driver for Atheros OTUS Network Adapter

company: Atheros Communications, Inc.

description: Atheros Extensible Wireless LAN device driver

Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.

This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: wn111v2v.sys (Atheros Extensible Wireless LAN device driver, Atheros Communications, Inc.).

Google query: wn111v2v.sys Atheros Communications, Inc. DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL










1 crash dumps have been found and analyzed. A third party driver has been identified to be causing system crashes on your computer. It is strongly suggested that you check for updates for these drivers on their company websites. Click on the links below to search with Google for updates for these drivers:


wn111v2v.sys (Atheros Extensible Wireless LAN device driver, Atheros Communications, Inc.)


If no updates for these drivers are available, try searching with Google on the names of these drivers in combination the errors that have been reported for these drivers and include the brand and model name of your computer as well in the query. This often yields interesting results from discussions from users who have been experiencing similar problems.



Read the topic general suggestions for troubleshooting system crashes for more information.


Note that it's not always possible to state with certainty whether a reported driver is actually responsible for crashing your system or that the root cause is in another module. Nonetheless it's suggested you look for updates for the products that these drivers belong to and regularly visit Windows update or enable automatic updates for Windows. In case a piece of malfunctioning hardware is causing trouble, a search with Google on the bug check errors together with the model name and brand of your computer may help you investigate this further.


OK on va finir ce soir ici. ;)


Pour demain refait un chkdsk:


Tape cmd dans recherche ,clique sur cmd.exe pour l'exécuter en tant administrateur.

tape: chkdsk /f /r


éteint ton pc ce soir,pour voir si tu as une BSOD au redémarrage demain ok :D


Bonne nuit

Posté(e) (modifié)



Voilà le chkdsk est fini :D


Encore des BSOD.


Crash Dump Analysis



Crash dump directory: C:\Windows\Minidump


Crash dumps are enabled on your computer.



On Mon 13.06.2011 10:26:03 GMT your computer crashed

crash dump file: C:\Windows\memory.dmp

This was probably caused by the following module: Unknown ()

Bugcheck code: 0x8E (0xFFFFFFFFC0000005, 0xFFFFFFFF81E80D45, 0xFFFFFFFFAD4A1904, 0x0)


Bug check description: This bug check indicates that a kernel-mode application generated an exception that the error handler did not catch.

A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: Unknown .






On Sun 12.06.2011 16:20:35 GMT your computer crashed

crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\Mini061211-01.dmp

This was probably caused by the following module: wn111v2v.sys (WN111v2v+0x12C8D)

Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x486DC, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF8DA105BC)


file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\wn111v2v.sys

product: Driver for Atheros OTUS Network Adapter

company: Atheros Communications, Inc.

description: Atheros Extensible Wireless LAN device driver

Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.

This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: wn111v2v.sys (Atheros Extensible Wireless LAN device driver, Atheros Communications, Inc.).

Google query: wn111v2v.sys Atheros Communications, Inc. DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL










2 crash dumps have been found and analyzed. 2 third party drivers have been identified to be causing system crashes on your computer. It is strongly suggested that you check for updates for these drivers on their company websites. Click on the links below to search with Google for updates for these drivers:


wn111v2v.sys (Atheros Extensible Wireless LAN device driver, Atheros Communications, Inc.)




If no updates for these drivers are available, try searching with Google on the names of these drivers in combination the errors that have been reported for these drivers and include the brand and model name of your computer as well in the query. This often yields interesting results from discussions from users who have been experiencing similar problems.



Read the topic general suggestions for troubleshooting system crashes for more information.


Note that it's not always possible to state with certainty whether a reported driver is actually responsible for crashing your system or that the root cause is in another module. Nonetheless it's suggested you look for updates for the products that these drivers belong to and regularly visit Windows update or enable automatic updates for Windows. In case a piece of malfunctioning hardware is causing trouble, a search with Google on the bug check errors together with the model name and brand of your computer may help you investigate this further

Modifié par Itein
Posté(e) (modifié)



Supprime le fichier MEMORY.DMP >> c:\windows\MEMORY.DMP


Pour ton navigateur IE

Démarer >> panneau de config >> Options Internet.

Sélectionne >> l'onglet Avancé.

Clique sur réinitialiser

Valide avce appliquer et par OK.


Démarrer-exécuter--tapes msconfig as tu ceci dans l'onglet général.


Si oui coche démarrage normal clique sur appliquer et ok fait redémarrer le pc.


Lance un analyse sur TLD

décoche la case pilote Béta ,que les pilotes signés

Dis moi ce qu'il te donne comme drivers a mettre a jour.



Modifié par tomtom95



En complément:

Modifie les paramétres de performance:

Panneau de config >> système >> onglet avancé

Dans performances >> clique sur paramétres

onglet avancé >> Clique sur Modifier

Cocher la case Taille gérée par le système >> clique sur définir >> ok

Ensuite Redémarrer le pc


Toujour dans Panneau de config >> système >> onglet avancé

Démarrage et récupération >> paramétre

Dans la fenêtre écriture des information de débogage

Change la commande Image mémoire partielle (64 Ko) >> par Image mémoire complète.

valide et fait redémarrer le pc.



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