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Messages recommandés


c koi ta carte graphique?

t'as tes drivers a jours?

t'as vérifié si il n'y avait pas des patchs pour ce jeu?

ca te le fais pour tous les jeux?

Invité Gil-Galad

ca le fait dans tous les jeux ?


Sinon, ca peut etre un soucis du jeux en lui même. j'avais le meme souci sur sof 2.


ils m'avaient fil l'adresse d'un soft a choper pour verifier les fichiers. J'avait effectué cette verification et des fichiers etaient corrompu.


Maintenant, ca marche nickel !!! :P


Non, ça le fait pas pour tous les jeux mais une bonne partie.

J'ai une carte Riva TNT avec les drivers creative detonator 28.32 (de mémoire)

Mais à propos de fichiers corrompus, ce matin je lance windows commander qui me dit "WARNING : the WINCMD executable file is corrupted, possible virus !"

Je vais de ce pas faire un scan.


J'ai effectivement un virus, housecall dit que c'est "PE CIH.1003" Si quelqu'un sait ce que c'est...

Cette merde à désactivé mon coupe feu et bloque outlook express, mais je vais de ce pas l'anéantir.


CIH c pas tchernobyl?




VBS/LoveLetter.CM is a destructive Visual Basic Script worm that spreads itself via Microsoft Outlook. InoculateIT signatures released on May 23, 2001

(InoculateIT 6 InoculateIT engine signature 23.42.23, InoculateIT 6 Vet engine signature 1224, InoculateIT 4.x signature 24.23) already contain generic detection for LoverLetter.CM under the names "VBS/NorthSky" and "VBS/VBSWG generated".


The worm will arrive attached to an email with the subject:


"Where are you?"


and the body text:


"This is my pic in the beach!"


with the worm contained in an attachment:




When executed, the registry value "Timeout" in "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows Scripting HostSettingsTimeout" will be set to 0 if it's set to greater or equal to 1.


It will enumerate all drives in order to spread. Local drives and mapped network drives having filenames with the following extensions are at risk:


"vbs", "vbe", "js", "jse", "css", "wsh", "sct", "hta", "jpg", "jpeg", "mp3", "mp2"


If the extensions are "vbs" or "vbe", the worm simply overwrites them. If the extensions are "js", "jse", "css", "wsh", "sct" or "hta", the original files deleted and a copy of the worm generated using the original filename with new extension "vbs". If the extensions are "jpg" or "jpeg", the original file deleted and a copy of the worm generated using the original filename and extension with additional extension "vbs". If the extensions are "mp3" or "mp2", the original file marked as hidden and a copy of the worm generated using the original filename and extension adding second extension "vbs".


The worm then writes it's infection mark to the registry:


"HKCUsoftwareJENNIFFERLOPEZ_NAKED", value set to "Worm made in algeria"


Next it will drop a copy of itself into the Windows directory under the name "JENNIFERLOPEZ_NAKED.JPG.vbs". The following registry key added to run the worm on system restart:


"HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunWORM", value is the full path pointed to the copy of worm in Windows directory.


The worm will then mail itself out using Microsoft Outlook to all addresses in the address book. The mail will be addressed individually to each contact in each address book.

The mail will be deleted after submission so there will not be a copy left in Sent folder. The following registry is then created and value set to 1 to disable mass mailing function.


"HKCUsoftwareJENNIFFERLOPEZ_NAKEDmailed", value set to 1.


Finally the worm then drops a file "Cih_14.exe" which is infected with a dangerous virus Win95/CIH.1003 to the Windows directory and launch it.

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