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[Résolu] Windows installera les mises à jour comme prévu

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Bon, je constate que c'est plus compliqué que je ne croyais ! doh.gif

[01/22/18,19:34:15] Beginning of new cleanup utility session
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Build created on November 21, 2017
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Windows build version from registry: 7601.24009.amd64fre.win7sp1_ldr.180107-0421
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Detected operating system: Windows 7 (x64)
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 1.0: not installed.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 1.1: not installed.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 2.0: installed with service pack 2.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 3.0: installed with service pack 2.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 3.5: installed with service pack 1.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 4 Client: installed with no service packs.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 4 Full: installed with no service packs.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 4.5: installed with no service packs.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 4.5.1: installed with no service packs.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 4.5.2: installed with no service packs.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 4.6: installed with no service packs.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 4.6.1: installed with no service packs.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 4.6.2: installed with no service packs.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 4.7: installed with no service packs.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Install state for .NET Framework 4.7.1: installed with no service packs.
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Tablet PC and Media Center)' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Server 2003)' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008)' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows 8)' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows 8.1)' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows 10)' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework 2.0' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework 3.0' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework 3.5' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:36:01] Cleanup utility exiting with return value 0

@Pierre : et c'est même encore pire icon_eek.gif


@Tomtom : finalement, au vu de ce View log, tu me conseilles quoi ?

Modifié par Dylav
Croisement de messages


Lorsque je parle de Dowload location c'est a ce niveau que ce trouve le lien de téléchargement d l'outil dotnetfx_cleanup_tool
Oui ce n'est très loin sur la page.

Quand tu parles de versions, pour moi il n'y a que la 4.7.1 sur mon PC

C'est ce que tu vois dans programmes et fonctionnalités mais les autres versions ne sont pas effacer pour autant.
(c'est comme un Lego elle s'emboîte les unes aux autres)
Lance l'outil et clique sur View Log tu aura un rapport de ce qui est installer sur ton PC.



OK je viens de voir le rapport .
Tu peux déjà virer avec l'outil tous ceux qui ne sont pas pour ton W7 en bas de liste.
because the OS condition does not match = parce que la condition du système d'exploitation ne correspond pas

[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Tablet PC and Media Center)' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Server 2003)' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008)' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows 8 ' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows 8.1)' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework - All Versions (Windows 10)' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework 2.0' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework 3.0' because the OS condition does not match
[01/22/18,19:34:15] Not adding product '.NET Framework 3.5' because the OS condition does not match

On verra ensuite pour le reste si la maj ne ce fait pas.

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Bonjour Tomtom,

Excuse l'absence, mais des soucis personnels m'ont détourné de notre sujet.

Le problème, c'est que l'outil ne parle pas le même langage dans View log et dans la liste déroulante... icon_Doute.gif


Pour le coup, que me conseilles-tu de nettoyer ?


Bonsoir Dylav,

Il y a pas de problème icon_Super.gif

Je commencerais pas supprimer Net Framework 4.7.1
Puis vérifier dans programmes et fonctionnalités
Si encore présent Supprimer tout les Net Framework 4.7.1 des langues (dansk suomi etc..)


OK, tu as refait un rapport view log pour savoir ce qu'il donne comme résultat maintenant ?

autrement dans programmes et fonctionnalités désinstalle tout les Net Framework 4.7.1 des langues (dansk ,suomi etc..)

Sélectionne net Framework 4.7.1 dansk et haut désinstaller/modifier puis supprimer

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