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Folding : le topic

Zebteam Folding@home

Messages recommandés

Bonjour Speed70, bonjour tout le monde.


Je suis désolé de ne pouvoir t'aider dans l'immédiat : il faudrait que tu nous postes ton logfile pour voir ce qui se passe.

En attendant, tu peux essayer de relancer le client après avoir remis ta carte aux fréquences d'origine : il vaut mieux plier "un peu" que ne pas plier "beaucoup". En effet, "unstable machine" indique une erreur de calcul liée à l'oc. Si ça marche, il sera toujours temps d'augmenter les fréquences ultérieurement. Il n'est pas rare de voir une wu planter à cause d'un oc alors qu'un stress test n'a rien révélé d'anormal.

Tiens nous au courant ! Des spécialistes du logfile ne devraient pas tarder à venir traîner leurs guêtres par ici...


Sinon, suite à mon post précédent, j'espère n'avoir froissé personne : j'ai trouvé le silence qui a suivi assourdissant. Peut-être n'était-ce qu'une coïncidence ? (on se rassure comme on peut ! ;-)).


Edité :

Speed70, je t'ai cherché dans les stats, et il y a comme un problème.

D'après _Speed70"]Stanford, tu as rendu ta dernière wu hier à 14h08. Or tu n'apparais sur aucun des sites de stat F@h, du moins en tant qu'actif. Selon Kakao Stats, tu n'as aucun point supplémentaire depuis le 27/12.

Utilises-tu un logiciel de monitoring F@h, tel que FahMon, FahSpy ou HFM pour surveiller le fonctionnement de ton client ? Ton ordi tourne-t-il suffisamment dans la journée pour respecter la deadline ?

Modifié par anthome_vedene
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Voici le logfile en espèrant que quelqu'un pourra m'aider et merci quand même anthome_vedene ;)



logfile :




--- Opening Log file [February 23 21:29:50 UTC]



# Windows GPU Console Edition #################################################



Folding@Home Client Version 6.23


Folding@home - Main





Launch directory: C:\Users\Adrien\AppData\Roaming\Folding@home-gpu

Arguments: -verbosity 9 -advmethods


[21:29:50] - Ask before connecting: No

[21:29:50] - User name: []_Speed70 (Team 51)

[21:29:50] - User ID: 6C710566539A9A8

[21:29:50] - Machine ID: 2


[21:29:50] Loaded queue successfully.

[21:29:50] Initialization complete

[21:29:50] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[21:29:50] + Attempting to get work packet

[21:29:50] - Autosending finished units... [February 23 21:29:50 UTC]

[21:29:50] Trying to send all finished work units

[21:29:50] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[21:29:50] - Autosend completed

[21:29:50] - Will indicate memory of 3069 MB

[21:29:50] - Detect CPU. Vendor: GenuineIntel, Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 6

[21:29:50] - Connecting to assignment server

[21:29:50] Connecting to

[21:29:52] Posted data.

[21:29:52] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (

[21:29:52] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[21:29:52] Loaded queue successfully.

[21:29:52] Connecting to

[21:29:53] Posted data.

[21:29:53] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 97171)

[21:29:55] - Downloaded at ~47 kB/s

[21:29:55] - Averaged speed for that direction ~47 kB/s

[21:29:55] + Received work.

[21:29:55] + Closed connections


[21:29:55] + Processing work unit

[21:29:55] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[21:29:55] Core found.

[21:29:55] Working on queue slot 06 [February 23 21:29:55 UTC]

[21:29:55] + Working ...

[21:29:55] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 06 -priority 96 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 2624 -version 623'



[21:29:55] *------------------------------*

[21:29:55] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[21:29:55] Version 1.22 (Mon Dec 8 12:57:56 PST 2008)


[21:29:55] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[21:29:55] Build host: amoeba

[21:29:55] Board Type: AMD

[21:29:55] Core :

[21:29:55] Preparing to commence simulation

[21:29:55] - Looking at optimizations...

[21:29:55] - Created dyn

[21:29:55] - Files status OK

[21:29:55] - Expanded 96659 -> 489152 (decompressed 506.0 percent)

[21:29:55] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=96659 data_size=489152, decompressed_data_size=489152 diff=0

[21:29:55] - Digital signature verified


[21:29:55] Project: 5736 (Run 0, Clone 565, Gen 211)


[21:29:55] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[21:29:55] Entering M.D.

[21:30:02] Run: exception thrown during GuardedRun

[21:30:02] Run: exception thrown in GuardedRun -- Gromacs cannot continue further.

[21:30:02] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=0

[21:30:02] Work fraction=0.0000 steps=0.

[21:30:06] logfile size=0 infoLength=0 edr=0 trr=23

[21:30:06] - Writing 635 bytes of core data to disk...

[21:30:06] Done: 123 -> 124 (compressed to 100.8 percent)

[21:30:06] ... Done.


[21:30:06] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[21:30:10] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[21:30:10] Sending work to server

[21:30:10] Project: 5736 (Run 0, Clone 565, Gen 211)



[21:30:10] + Attempting to send results [February 23 21:30:10 UTC]

[21:30:10] - Reading file work/wuresults_06.dat from core

[21:30:10] (Read 636 bytes from disk)

[21:30:10] Connecting to

[21:30:10] Posted data.

[21:30:10] Initial: 0000; Conversation time very short, giving reduced weight in bandwidth avg

[21:30:10] - Uploaded at ~3 kB/s

[21:30:10] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1 kB/s

[21:30:10] + Results successfully sent

[21:30:10] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[21:30:14] Trying to send all finished work units

[21:30:14] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[21:30:14] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[21:30:14] + Attempting to get work packet

[21:30:14] - Will indicate memory of 3069 MB

[21:30:14] - Connecting to assignment server

[21:30:14] Connecting to

[21:30:16] Posted data.

[21:30:16] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (

[21:30:16] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[21:30:16] Loaded queue successfully.

[21:30:16] Connecting to

[21:30:17] Posted data.

[21:30:17] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 97222)

[21:30:19] - Downloaded at ~47 kB/s

[21:30:19] - Averaged speed for that direction ~47 kB/s

[21:30:19] + Received work.

[21:30:19] Trying to send all finished work units

[21:30:19] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[21:30:19] + Closed connections


[21:30:24] + Processing work unit

[21:30:24] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[21:30:24] Core found.

[21:30:24] Working on queue slot 07 [February 23 21:30:24 UTC]

[21:30:24] + Working ...

[21:30:24] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 07 -priority 96 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 2624 -version 623'



[21:30:24] *------------------------------*

[21:30:24] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[21:30:24] Version 1.22 (Mon Dec 8 12:57:56 PST 2008)


[21:30:24] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[21:30:24] Build host: amoeba

[21:30:24] Board Type: AMD

[21:30:24] Core :

[21:30:24] Preparing to commence simulation

[21:30:24] - Looking at optimizations...

[21:30:24] - Created dyn

[21:30:24] - Files status OK

[21:30:24] - Expanded 96710 -> 489152 (decompressed 505.7 percent)

[21:30:24] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=96710 data_size=489152, decompressed_data_size=489152 diff=0

[21:30:24] - Digital signature verified


[21:30:24] Project: 5737 (Run 1, Clone 552, Gen 226)


[21:30:24] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[21:30:24] Entering M.D.

[21:30:30] Run: exception thrown during GuardedRun

[21:30:30] Run: exception thrown in GuardedRun -- Gromacs cannot continue further.

[21:30:30] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=0

[21:30:30] Work fraction=0.0000 steps=0.

[21:30:32] Opening Noname's contributions to Folding@home[]_Speed70...

[21:30:34] logfile size=0 infoLength=0 edr=0 trr=23

[21:30:34] - Writing 635 bytes of core data to disk...

[21:30:34] Done: 123 -> 124 (compressed to 100.8 percent)

[21:30:34] ... Done.


[21:30:34] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[21:30:38] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[21:30:38] Sending work to server

[21:30:38] Project: 5737 (Run 1, Clone 552, Gen 226)



[21:30:38] + Attempting to send results [February 23 21:30:38 UTC]

[21:30:38] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core

[21:30:38] (Read 636 bytes from disk)

[21:30:38] Connecting to

[21:30:39] Posted data.

[21:30:39] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~1 kB/s

[21:30:39] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1 kB/s

[21:30:39] + Results successfully sent

[21:30:39] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[21:30:43] Trying to send all finished work units

[21:30:43] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[21:30:43] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[21:30:43] + Attempting to get work packet

[21:30:43] - Will indicate memory of 3069 MB

[21:30:43] - Connecting to assignment server

[21:30:43] Connecting to

[21:30:44] Posted data.

[21:30:44] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (

[21:30:44] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[21:30:44] Loaded queue successfully.

[21:30:44] Connecting to

[21:30:45] Posted data.

[21:30:45] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 99130)

[21:30:47] - Downloaded at ~48 kB/s

[21:30:47] - Averaged speed for that direction ~47 kB/s

[21:30:47] + Received work.

[21:30:47] Trying to send all finished work units

[21:30:47] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[21:30:47] + Closed connections


[21:30:52] + Processing work unit

[21:30:52] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[21:30:52] Core found.

[21:30:52] Working on queue slot 08 [February 23 21:30:52 UTC]

[21:30:52] + Working ...

[21:30:52] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 08 -priority 96 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 2624 -version 623'



[21:30:52] *------------------------------*

[21:30:52] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[21:30:52] Version 1.22 (Mon Dec 8 12:57:56 PST 2008)


[21:30:52] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[21:30:52] Build host: amoeba

[21:30:52] Board Type: AMD

[21:30:52] Core :

[21:30:52] Preparing to commence simulation

[21:30:52] - Looking at optimizations...

[21:30:52] - Created dyn

[21:30:52] - Files status OK

[21:30:52] - Expanded 98618 -> 492188 (decompressed 499.0 percent)

[21:30:52] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=98618 data_size=492188, decompressed_data_size=492188 diff=0

[21:30:52] - Digital signature verified


[21:30:52] Project: 5732 (Run 1, Clone 638, Gen 217)


[21:30:53] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[21:30:53] Entering M.D.

[21:30:59] Run: exception thrown during GuardedRun

[21:30:59] Run: exception thrown in GuardedRun -- Gromacs cannot continue further.

[21:30:59] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=0

[21:30:59] Work fraction=0.0000 steps=0.

[21:31:00] Opening C:\Users\Adrien\AppData\Roaming\Folding@home-gpu\MyFolding.html...

[21:31:03] logfile size=0 infoLength=0 edr=0 trr=23

[21:31:03] - Writing 635 bytes of core data to disk...

[21:31:03] Done: 123 -> 124 (compressed to 100.8 percent)

[21:31:03] ... Done.


[21:31:03] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[21:31:06] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[21:31:06] Sending work to server

[21:31:06] Project: 5732 (Run 1, Clone 638, Gen 217)



[21:31:06] + Attempting to send results [February 23 21:31:06 UTC]

[21:31:06] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core

[21:31:06] (Read 636 bytes from disk)

[21:31:06] Connecting to

[21:31:07] Posted data.

[21:31:07] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~1 kB/s

[21:31:07] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1 kB/s

[21:31:07] + Results successfully sent

[21:31:07] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[21:31:11] Trying to send all finished work units

[21:31:11] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[21:31:11] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[21:31:11] + Attempting to get work packet

[21:31:11] - Will indicate memory of 3069 MB

[21:31:11] - Connecting to assignment server

[21:31:11] Connecting to

[21:31:15] Posted data.

[21:31:15] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (

[21:31:15] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[21:31:16] Loaded queue successfully.

[21:31:16] Connecting to

[21:31:16] Posted data.

[21:31:16] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 97250)

[21:31:18] - Downloaded at ~47 kB/s

[21:31:18] - Averaged speed for that direction ~47 kB/s

[21:31:18] + Received work.

[21:31:18] Trying to send all finished work units

[21:31:18] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[21:31:18] + Closed connections


[21:31:24] + Processing work unit

[21:31:24] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[21:31:24] Core found.

[21:31:24] Working on queue slot 09 [February 23 21:31:24 UTC]

[21:31:24] + Working ...

[21:31:24] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 09 -priority 96 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 2624 -version 623'



[21:31:24] *------------------------------*

[21:31:24] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[21:31:24] Version 1.22 (Mon Dec 8 12:57:56 PST 2008)


[21:31:24] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[21:31:24] Build host: amoeba

[21:31:24] Board Type: AMD

[21:31:24] Core :

[21:31:24] Preparing to commence simulation

[21:31:24] - Looking at optimizations...

[21:31:24] - Created dyn

[21:31:24] - Files status OK

[21:31:24] - Expanded 96738 -> 489152 (decompressed 505.6 percent)

[21:31:24] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=96738 data_size=489152, decompressed_data_size=489152 diff=0

[21:31:24] - Digital signature verified


[21:31:24] Project: 5737 (Run 0, Clone 614, Gen 207)


[21:31:24] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[21:31:24] Entering M.D.

[21:31:30] Run: exception thrown during GuardedRun

[21:31:30] Run: exception thrown in GuardedRun -- Gromacs cannot continue further.

[21:31:30] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=0

[21:31:30] Work fraction=0.0000 steps=0.

[21:31:34] logfile size=0 infoLength=0 edr=0 trr=23

[21:31:34] - Writing 635 bytes of core data to disk...

[21:31:34] Done: 123 -> 124 (compressed to 100.8 percent)

[21:31:34] ... Done.


[21:31:34] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[21:31:38] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[21:31:38] Sending work to server

[21:31:38] Project: 5737 (Run 0, Clone 614, Gen 207)



[21:31:38] + Attempting to send results [February 23 21:31:38 UTC]

[21:31:38] - Reading file work/wuresults_09.dat from core

[21:31:38] (Read 636 bytes from disk)

[21:31:38] Connecting to

[21:31:39] Posted data.

[21:31:39] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~1 kB/s

[21:31:39] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1 kB/s

[21:31:39] + Results successfully sent

[21:31:39] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[21:31:43] Trying to send all finished work units

[21:31:43] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[21:31:43] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[21:31:43] + Attempting to get work packet

[21:31:43] - Will indicate memory of 3069 MB

[21:31:43] - Connecting to assignment server

[21:31:43] Connecting to

[21:31:44] Posted data.

[21:31:44] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (

[21:31:44] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[21:31:44] Loaded queue successfully.

[21:31:44] Connecting to

[21:31:45] Posted data.

[21:31:45] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 97262)

[21:31:47] - Downloaded at ~47 kB/s

[21:31:47] - Averaged speed for that direction ~47 kB/s

[21:31:47] + Received work.

[21:31:47] Trying to send all finished work units

[21:31:47] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[21:31:47] + Closed connections


[21:31:52] + Processing work unit

[21:31:52] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[21:31:52] Core found.

[21:31:52] Working on queue slot 00 [February 23 21:31:52 UTC]

[21:31:52] + Working ...

[21:31:52] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 00 -priority 96 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 2624 -version 623'



[21:31:52] *------------------------------*

[21:31:52] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[21:31:52] Version 1.22 (Mon Dec 8 12:57:56 PST 2008)


[21:31:52] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[21:31:52] Build host: amoeba

[21:31:52] Board Type: AMD

[21:31:52] Core :

[21:31:52] Preparing to commence simulation

[21:31:52] - Looking at optimizations...

[21:31:52] - Created dyn

[21:31:52] - Files status OK

[21:31:52] - Expanded 96750 -> 489152 (decompressed 505.5 percent)

[21:31:52] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=96750 data_size=489152, decompressed_data_size=489152 diff=0

[21:31:52] - Digital signature verified


[21:31:52] Project: 5738 (Run 0, Clone 645, Gen 205)


[21:31:52] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[21:31:52] Entering M.D.

[21:31:58] Run: exception thrown during GuardedRun

[21:31:58] Run: exception thrown in GuardedRun -- Gromacs cannot continue further.

[21:31:58] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=0

[21:31:58] Work fraction=0.0000 steps=0.

[21:32:02] logfile size=0 infoLength=0 edr=0 trr=23

[21:32:02] - Writing 635 bytes of core data to disk...

[21:32:02] Done: 123 -> 123 (compressed to 100.0 percent)

[21:32:02] ... Done.


[21:32:02] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[21:32:06] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[21:32:06] Sending work to server

[21:32:06] Project: 5738 (Run 0, Clone 645, Gen 205)



[21:32:06] + Attempting to send results [February 23 21:32:06 UTC]

[21:32:06] - Reading file work/wuresults_00.dat from core

[21:32:06] (Read 635 bytes from disk)

[21:32:06] Connecting to

[21:32:07] Posted data.

[21:32:07] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~1 kB/s

[21:32:07] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1 kB/s

[21:32:07] + Results successfully sent

[21:32:07] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[21:32:11] EUE limit exceeded. Pausing 24 hours.

[21:32:52] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2)

[21:32:52] Killing all core threads


Folding@Home Client Shutdown.



--- Opening Log file [February 24 10:03:08 UTC]



# Windows GPU Console Edition #################################################



Folding@Home Client Version 6.23


Folding@home - Main





Launch directory: C:\Users\Adrien\AppData\Roaming\Folding@home-gpu

Arguments: -verbosity 9 -advmethods


[10:03:08] - Ask before connecting: No

[10:03:08] - User name: []_Speed70 (Team 51)

[10:03:08] - User ID: 6C710566539A9A8

[10:03:08] - Machine ID: 2


[10:03:09] Loaded queue successfully.

[10:03:09] Initialization complete

[10:03:09] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[10:03:09] + Attempting to get work packet

[10:03:09] - Autosending finished units... [February 24 10:03:09 UTC]

[10:03:09] Trying to send all finished work units

[10:03:09] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[10:03:09] - Autosend completed

[10:03:09] - Will indicate memory of 3069 MB

[10:03:09] - Detect CPU. Vendor: GenuineIntel, Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 6

[10:03:09] - Connecting to assignment server

[10:03:09] Connecting to

[10:03:13] Posted data.

[10:03:13] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (

[10:03:13] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[10:03:13] Loaded queue successfully.

[10:03:13] Connecting to

[10:03:14] Posted data.

[10:03:14] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 99250)

[10:03:17] - Downloaded at ~32 kB/s

[10:03:17] - Averaged speed for that direction ~44 kB/s

[10:03:17] + Received work.

[10:03:17] + Closed connections


[10:03:17] + Processing work unit

[10:03:17] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[10:03:17] Core found.

[10:03:17] Working on queue slot 01 [February 24 10:03:17 UTC]

[10:03:17] + Working ...

[10:03:17] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 01 -priority 96 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 6004 -version 623'



[10:03:17] *------------------------------*

[10:03:17] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[10:03:17] Version 1.22 (Mon Dec 8 12:57:56 PST 2008)


[10:03:17] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[10:03:17] Build host: amoeba

[10:03:17] Board Type: AMD

[10:03:17] Core :

[10:03:17] Preparing to commence simulation

[10:03:17] - Looking at optimizations...

[10:03:17] - Created dyn

[10:03:17] - Files status OK

[10:03:17] - Expanded 98738 -> 492188 (decompressed 498.4 percent)

[10:03:17] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=98738 data_size=492188, decompressed_data_size=492188 diff=0

[10:03:17] - Digital signature verified


[10:03:17] Project: 5733 (Run 3, Clone 566, Gen 222)


[10:03:18] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[10:03:18] Entering M.D.

[10:03:24] Run: exception thrown during GuardedRun

[10:03:24] Run: exception thrown in GuardedRun -- Gromacs cannot continue further.

[10:03:24] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=0

[10:03:24] Work fraction=0.0000 steps=0.

[10:03:28] logfile size=0 infoLength=0 edr=0 trr=23

[10:03:28] - Writing 635 bytes of core data to disk...

[10:03:28] Done: 123 -> 124 (compressed to 100.8 percent)

[10:03:28] ... Done.


[10:03:28] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[10:03:32] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[10:03:32] Sending work to server

[10:03:32] Project: 5733 (Run 3, Clone 566, Gen 222)



[10:03:32] + Attempting to send results [February 24 10:03:32 UTC]

[10:03:32] - Reading file work/wuresults_01.dat from core

[10:03:32] (Read 636 bytes from disk)

[10:03:32] Connecting to

[10:03:33] Posted data.

[10:03:33] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~1 kB/s

[10:03:33] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1 kB/s

[10:03:33] + Results successfully sent

[10:03:33] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[10:03:37] Trying to send all finished work units

[10:03:37] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[10:03:37] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[10:03:37] + Attempting to get work packet

[10:03:37] - Will indicate memory of 3069 MB

[10:03:37] - Connecting to assignment server

[10:03:37] Connecting to

[10:03:38] Posted data.

[10:03:38] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (

[10:03:38] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[10:03:38] Loaded queue successfully.

[10:03:38] Connecting to

[10:03:39] Posted data.

[10:03:39] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 99288)

[10:03:41] - Downloaded at ~48 kB/s

[10:03:41] - Averaged speed for that direction ~45 kB/s

[10:03:41] + Received work.

[10:03:41] Trying to send all finished work units

[10:03:41] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[10:03:41] + Closed connections


[10:03:46] + Processing work unit

[10:03:46] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[10:03:46] Core found.

[10:03:46] Working on queue slot 02 [February 24 10:03:46 UTC]

[10:03:46] + Working ...

[10:03:46] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 02 -priority 96 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 6004 -version 623'



[10:03:46] *------------------------------*

[10:03:46] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[10:03:46] Version 1.22 (Mon Dec 8 12:57:56 PST 2008)


[10:03:46] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[10:03:46] Build host: amoeba

[10:03:46] Board Type: AMD

[10:03:46] Core :

[10:03:46] Preparing to commence simulation

[10:03:46] - Looking at optimizations...

[10:03:46] - Created dyn

[10:03:46] - Files status OK

[10:03:46] - Expanded 98776 -> 492188 (decompressed 498.2 percent)

[10:03:46] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=98776 data_size=492188, decompressed_data_size=492188 diff=0

[10:03:46] - Digital signature verified


[10:03:46] Project: 5732 (Run 4, Clone 627, Gen 230)


[10:03:46] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[10:03:46] Entering M.D.

[10:03:53] Run: exception thrown during GuardedRun

[10:03:53] Run: exception thrown in GuardedRun -- Gromacs cannot continue further.

[10:03:53] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=0

[10:03:53] Work fraction=0.0000 steps=0.

[10:03:57] logfile size=0 infoLength=0 edr=0 trr=23

[10:03:57] - Writing 635 bytes of core data to disk...

[10:03:57] Done: 123 -> 124 (compressed to 100.8 percent)

[10:03:57] ... Done.


[10:03:57] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[10:04:00] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[10:04:00] Sending work to server

[10:04:00] Project: 5732 (Run 4, Clone 627, Gen 230)



[10:04:00] + Attempting to send results [February 24 10:04:00 UTC]

[10:04:00] - Reading file work/wuresults_02.dat from core

[10:04:00] (Read 636 bytes from disk)

[10:04:00] Connecting to

[10:04:01] Posted data.

[10:04:01] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~1 kB/s

[10:04:01] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1 kB/s

[10:04:01] + Results successfully sent

[10:04:01] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[10:04:06] Trying to send all finished work units

[10:04:06] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[10:04:06] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[10:04:06] + Attempting to get work packet

[10:04:06] - Will indicate memory of 3069 MB

[10:04:06] - Connecting to assignment server

[10:04:06] Connecting to

[10:04:07] Posted data.

[10:04:07] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (

[10:04:07] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[10:04:07] Loaded queue successfully.

[10:04:07] Connecting to

[10:04:08] Posted data.

[10:04:08] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 97101)

[10:04:10] - Downloaded at ~47 kB/s

[10:04:10] - Averaged speed for that direction ~45 kB/s

[10:04:10] + Received work.

[10:04:10] Trying to send all finished work units

[10:04:10] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[10:04:10] + Closed connections


[10:04:15] + Processing work unit

[10:04:15] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[10:04:15] Core found.

[10:04:15] Working on queue slot 03 [February 24 10:04:15 UTC]

[10:04:15] + Working ...

[10:04:15] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 03 -priority 96 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 6004 -version 623'



[10:04:15] *------------------------------*

[10:04:15] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[10:04:15] Version 1.22 (Mon Dec 8 12:57:56 PST 2008)


[10:04:15] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[10:04:15] Build host: amoeba

[10:04:15] Board Type: AMD

[10:04:15] Core :

[10:04:15] Preparing to commence simulation

[10:04:15] - Looking at optimizations...

[10:04:15] - Created dyn

[10:04:15] - Files status OK

[10:04:15] - Expanded 96589 -> 489152 (decompressed 506.4 percent)

[10:04:15] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=96589 data_size=489152, decompressed_data_size=489152 diff=0

[10:04:15] - Digital signature verified


[10:04:15] Project: 5737 (Run 4, Clone 575, Gen 223)


[10:04:15] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[10:04:15] Entering M.D.

[10:04:21] Run: exception thrown during GuardedRun

[10:04:21] Run: exception thrown in GuardedRun -- Gromacs cannot continue further.

[10:04:21] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=0

[10:04:21] Work fraction=0.0000 steps=0.

[10:04:25] logfile size=0 infoLength=0 edr=0 trr=23

[10:04:25] - Writing 635 bytes of core data to disk...

[10:04:25] Done: 123 -> 124 (compressed to 100.8 percent)

[10:04:25] ... Done.


[10:04:26] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[10:04:29] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[10:04:29] Sending work to server

[10:04:29] Project: 5737 (Run 4, Clone 575, Gen 223)



[10:04:29] + Attempting to send results [February 24 10:04:29 UTC]

[10:04:29] - Reading file work/wuresults_03.dat from core

[10:04:29] (Read 636 bytes from disk)

[10:04:29] Connecting to

[10:04:33] Posted data.

[10:04:33] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~0 kB/s

[10:04:33] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1 kB/s

[10:04:33] + Results successfully sent

[10:04:33] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[10:04:37] Trying to send all finished work units

[10:04:37] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[10:04:37] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[10:04:37] + Attempting to get work packet

[10:04:37] - Will indicate memory of 3069 MB

[10:04:37] - Connecting to assignment server

[10:04:37] Connecting to

[10:04:38] Posted data.

[10:04:38] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (

[10:04:38] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[10:04:38] Loaded queue successfully.

[10:04:38] Connecting to

[10:04:39] Posted data.

[10:04:39] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 99148)

[10:04:41] - Downloaded at ~48 kB/s

[10:04:41] - Averaged speed for that direction ~46 kB/s

[10:04:41] + Received work.

[10:04:41] Trying to send all finished work units

[10:04:41] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[10:04:41] + Closed connections


[10:04:46] + Processing work unit

[10:04:46] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[10:04:46] Core found.

[10:04:46] Working on queue slot 04 [February 24 10:04:46 UTC]

[10:04:46] + Working ...

[10:04:46] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 04 -priority 96 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 6004 -version 623'



[10:04:46] *------------------------------*

[10:04:46] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[10:04:46] Version 1.22 (Mon Dec 8 12:57:56 PST 2008)


[10:04:46] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[10:04:46] Build host: amoeba

[10:04:46] Board Type: AMD

[10:04:46] Core :

[10:04:46] Preparing to commence simulation

[10:04:46] - Looking at optimizations...

[10:04:46] - Created dyn

[10:04:46] - Files status OK

[10:04:46] - Expanded 98636 -> 492188 (decompressed 498.9 percent)

[10:04:46] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=98636 data_size=492188, decompressed_data_size=492188 diff=0

[10:04:46] - Digital signature verified


[10:04:46] Project: 5734 (Run 2, Clone 565, Gen 220)


[10:04:46] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[10:04:46] Entering M.D.

[10:04:53] Run: exception thrown during GuardedRun

[10:04:53] Run: exception thrown in GuardedRun -- Gromacs cannot continue further.

[10:04:53] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=0

[10:04:53] Work fraction=0.0000 steps=0.

[10:04:57] logfile size=0 infoLength=0 edr=0 trr=23

[10:04:57] - Writing 635 bytes of core data to disk...

[10:04:57] Done: 123 -> 124 (compressed to 100.8 percent)

[10:04:57] ... Done.


[10:04:57] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[10:05:01] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[10:05:01] Sending work to server

[10:05:01] Project: 5734 (Run 2, Clone 565, Gen 220)



[10:05:01] + Attempting to send results [February 24 10:05:01 UTC]

[10:05:01] - Reading file work/wuresults_04.dat from core

[10:05:01] (Read 636 bytes from disk)

[10:05:01] Connecting to

[10:05:02] Posted data.

[10:05:02] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~1 kB/s

[10:05:02] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1 kB/s

[10:05:02] + Results successfully sent

[10:05:02] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[10:05:06] Trying to send all finished work units

[10:05:06] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[10:05:06] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[10:05:06] + Attempting to get work packet

[10:05:06] - Will indicate memory of 3069 MB

[10:05:06] - Connecting to assignment server

[10:05:06] Connecting to

[10:05:07] Posted data.

[10:05:07] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (

[10:05:07] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[10:05:07] Loaded queue successfully.

[10:05:07] Connecting to

[10:05:08] Posted data.

[10:05:08] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 97101)

[10:05:10] - Downloaded at ~47 kB/s

[10:05:10] - Averaged speed for that direction ~46 kB/s

[10:05:10] + Received work.

[10:05:10] Trying to send all finished work units

[10:05:10] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[10:05:10] + Closed connections


[10:05:15] + Processing work unit

[10:05:15] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[10:05:15] Core found.

[10:05:15] Working on queue slot 05 [February 24 10:05:15 UTC]

[10:05:15] + Working ...

[10:05:15] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 05 -priority 96 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 6004 -version 623'



[10:05:15] *------------------------------*

[10:05:15] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[10:05:15] Version 1.22 (Mon Dec 8 12:57:56 PST 2008)


[10:05:15] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[10:05:15] Build host: amoeba

[10:05:15] Board Type: AMD

[10:05:15] Core :

[10:05:15] Preparing to commence simulation

[10:05:15] - Looking at optimizations...

[10:05:15] - Created dyn

[10:05:15] - Files status OK

[10:05:15] - Expanded 96589 -> 489152 (decompressed 506.4 percent)

[10:05:15] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=96589 data_size=489152, decompressed_data_size=489152 diff=0

[10:05:15] - Digital signature verified


[10:05:15] Project: 5737 (Run 4, Clone 575, Gen 223)


[10:05:15] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[10:05:15] Entering M.D.

[10:05:21] Run: exception thrown during GuardedRun

[10:05:21] Run: exception thrown in GuardedRun -- Gromacs cannot continue further.

[10:05:21] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=0

[10:05:21] Work fraction=0.0000 steps=0.

[10:05:25] logfile size=0 infoLength=0 edr=0 trr=23

[10:05:25] - Writing 635 bytes of core data to disk...

[10:05:25] Done: 123 -> 124 (compressed to 100.8 percent)

[10:05:25] ... Done.


[10:05:25] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[10:05:29] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[10:05:29] Sending work to server

[10:05:29] Project: 5737 (Run 4, Clone 575, Gen 223)



[10:05:29] + Attempting to send results [February 24 10:05:29 UTC]

[10:05:29] - Reading file work/wuresults_05.dat from core

[10:05:29] (Read 636 bytes from disk)

[10:05:29] Connecting to

[10:05:30] Posted data.

[10:05:30] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~1 kB/s

[10:05:30] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1 kB/s

[10:05:30] + Results successfully sent

[10:05:30] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[10:05:34] EUE limit exceeded. Pausing 24 hours.

[10:07:15] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2)

[10:07:15] Killing all core threads


Folding@Home Client Shutdown.



--- Opening Log file [February 24 10:26:49 UTC]



# Windows GPU Console Edition #################################################



Folding@Home Client Version 6.23


Folding@home - Main





Launch directory: C:\Users\Adrien\AppData\Roaming\Folding@home-gpu

Arguments: -verbosity 9 -advmethods


[10:26:49] - Ask before connecting: No

[10:26:49] - User name: []_Speed70 (Team 51)

[10:26:49] - User ID: 6C710566539A9A8

[10:26:49] - Machine ID: 2


[10:26:49] Loaded queue successfully.

[10:26:49] Initialization complete

[10:26:49] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[10:26:49] + Attempting to get work packet

[10:26:49] - Will indicate memory of 3069 MB

[10:26:49] - Detect CPU. Vendor: GenuineIntel, Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 6

[10:26:49] - Connecting to assignment server

[10:26:49] Connecting to

[10:26:49] - Autosending finished units... [February 24 10:26:49 UTC]

[10:26:49] Trying to send all finished work units

[10:26:49] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[10:26:49] - Autosend completed

[10:26:50] Posted data.

[10:26:50] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (

[10:26:50] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[10:26:50] Loaded queue successfully.

[10:26:50] Connecting to

[10:26:51] Posted data.

[10:26:51] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 99141)

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J'ai bien remis les fréquence normal et pourtant j'ai toujours le même problème je rajoute aussi que cela fait un moment que je n'avais plus mis en route F@H ses peut-être la cause mais je suis pas sur et non je n'utilise aucun autre programme vue que je le laisse tournée quand je ne me sert pas de mon ordi ses le but non ? :D

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Salut Speed et Anthome,


J'vais essayer de rajouter mon p'tit grain de sel a toute votre discussion ;)


Tout d'abord le plus simple : le "Ask before connecting" sert simplement a demander si tu veux qu'il te demande ton avis a chaque fois qu'il se connect a Stanford (tu devais t'en douter). Il n'y a pas de raison que cela soit en rapport avec ton problème, a priori. Si il n'y a pas de valeur ca prend la valeur par defaut, c'est a dire le NO.


Ensuite on pouvait espérer un problème de WU foireuse mais d'aprés le log que tu fournis il y en a plusieurs, donc pas ca non plus (ou alors c'est vraiment pas de bol :D)


J'vais donc y aller de mes questions :

D'abord des génériques : Sous quel environnement fais-tu tourner FAH (XP, Vista, Seven, Linux,...)? As-tu un client CPU qui tourne aussi? As-tu utilisé les variables d'environnement pour optimiser l'utilisation de ta carte graphique?


On va deja essayer de voir si c'est pas une interaction avec un quelconque programme :

Tu dis que tu le lance que quand tu te sers pas de l'ordi : as tu la mise en veille qui se lance?

As tu essayé de ré-installer le programme? Dés fois ca peu suffire...


C'est aussi possible que ca signifie que ta carte montre des signes de faiblesse, quand tu regarde dans le catalyst tes températures sont-elles bonnes? les ventilos tournent ils correctement?


Voili-voilou déjà quelques pistes a explorer...

A ++


Modifié par ju&ges
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Tout fonctionne normalement je n'ai pas de mise en veille et aucun programme en conflit et déjà réinstaller F@H et je tourne sous vista 32bits voilà :)


Pour se qui et du ventilos il marche correctement et puis j'ai 3 ventilot de 120mm dans mon boitier plus un de 200mm au dessus donc pour se qui des T° je suis bon :)

Modifié par speed70
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Une chtite tournée à tous/toutes. :biere:


A ben bon courage speed, mon savoir étant bien mince je vais bien étaler histoire de participer.


Chez Kacaostat tu es listé en inactif mais déjà à 3605 points ça veut simplement dire que tes wus sont reçues par stanford mais rapportent 0 point. D'après le log la wu est bien téléchargée, le core Gpu 11 beta démarre mais plante direct sans commencer à calculer.



-advmethods : ne sert que pour le CPU , à supprimer mais pas sur que ça suffise à faire des problèmes.


Ask before connecting" il y a marquer no est-ce-que ses normal?

oui il se débrouille tout seul pour renvoyer sa Wu et en prendre une autre sans te demander. (Ça au moins ça marche d'après ton log).


GPU Core - Beta< Beta des fois ça bugue donc c'est pas grave.


UNSTABLE_MACHINE [10:05:34] EUE limit exceeded. Pausing 24 hours.[February 24 10:05:29 UTC]

Normalement l'ordi a raté trop de WUs à la suite pour Unstable machine, tu risque de plus avoir de WU pendant 24 heures, c'est pour pas saturer le serveur . Pas grave.

(j'ai lu qu'il y a au moins un des core GPU qui aime pas être overclocké)


Tu pourrais effacer tout le répertoire et retélécharger avec le tuto, le client a parfois une date limite d'utilisation et le core 11 que tu as est en beta :tu repartira avec des fichiers à jour.


Je te laisse avec les questions de Ju qui es plus expérimenté pour les réglages.



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Alors si je comprend bien il faut que j'attende 24h avant de ravoir une wu


Sinon j'ai déjà tout réinstaller en prenant le client sur le site de folding@home mais sa ne change rien même supprimant tout quand je le réinstalle j'ai de nouveau tout comme si cela avais sauvegarder alors que j'ai bien tout supprimer :mhh:

Modifié par speed70
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Je viens de lire que le redémarrage complet de l'ordinateur remet à 0 le compteur de WU (pour pas attendre 24 h)


Bizarre sur cet article de 2009 ils parlent du core 11 version 1.24 alors que ton log montre le core 11 version 1.22.

Google Traduction

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