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C'est royal, j'en dis pas plus!


j'ai envie mais c koi le principe enfin les fonctions en plus du skin , y-a pas un spy dedans ou ca reagit pas comme une barre de pub un peu ?


enfin pour la vie privée




Hotbar and Your Privacy




Hotbar is committed to your privacy. We will ask you for your personally identifiable information (such as name or email address) only when it is required to provide you with a specific service. We will never sell, rent or disclose your personally identifiable information to outside parties without your express consent unless compelled by law or court order to do so.




Hotbar is constantly evolving. New features are continuously being added to the site and Software. With these improvements, our privacy statement may evolve. If this should happen, we will inform you through our site's homepage and this privacy statement. Regardless of the aforementioned, we will never disclose your personally identifiable information to outside parties without your consent.




What Personally Identifiable Information We Gather and Track




In general, we do not gather from you without your specific permission any personally identifiable information when you surf this site and download or use the Software. In any event, we will not collect any personal information from children 13 years old and under.




We ask you to provide personally identifiable information in specific events, in which it is essential in order to provide you with one of the following services:




1. When you wish to send a message ("tell a friend") or skin by email from our site to your acquaintance(s). Each such message will be sent only once. We will never use your personally identifiable information gathered this way without your consent. In any event, we will never use the recipients' personally identifiable information.




2. When you wish to become a Hotbar Affiliate Site and integrate certain elements of our technology into your Web site (e.g. the ability to post skins on your site). We will use the personally identifiable information gathered this way (your name, email and site's URL address) to contact you with information and updates addressing Affiliate Sites. You may opt-out of this mailing list; see the opt-out section below. It is not required to become a Hotbar Affiliate Site in order to use this site and the Software.




3. When you wish to participate in contests that we conduct on this site, we ask you for your email so we can contact you when necessary. We will never use your personally identifiable information gathered this way for other purposes without your consent.




4. When you opt-in to one or more of our mailing lists to receive direct emails from us, that may include some information regarding our sponsors. We will send you direct emails (newsletters, updates etc.) every once in a while. You can always opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the opt-out section below.




5. When you wish to obtain services offered through the Software or our site that require the completion of a registration form, either on this site or on one of our Affiliate Sites. You will be explained before the registration to the service what is the use, if any, of the personally identifiable information and you will be given the opportunity to choose whether or not Hotbar, the relevant Affiliate Site or our sponsor (as the case may be) may use or share your personally identifiable information. In no event will we use the personally identifiable information without your consent.




What We Do With the Information We Gather and Track




When we gather personally identifiable information, it is for the main purpose of providing you with a quality service. In addition to the use of the personally identifiable information when providing the service itself as described above, this information may be used to identify broad demographic trends and generate aggregated statistics of usage and popularity of the services, so we can improve them. We will never share your personal information with third parties or Affiliate Sites.




Other activities in which you participate on the site and when you use the Software may be tracked anonymously, and will never be associated with your personally identifiable information. One or more of the available Software versions may provide URL-related services. The Software processes such services while you surf different sites on the World Wide Web and the URL addresses that you visit are not sent to our servers or associated with your personally identifiable information in any way.




Hotbar uses various methods to collect certain other kinds of information that cannot be personally identified with you, including "cookies," "referrers," IP addresses, GUIDs, operating metrics and environment variables.




IP address - Your IP address is a 12-digit number that is given to your computer by the Internet Service Provider every time you go on the Internet. The IP address enables sites that you visit to send data such as the Web page to your computer. IP addresses are automatically gathered by our Web server and help us diagnose problems with our server and the site's administration.




"Referrer" - A "referrer" is the information sent by your Web browser that references the Web URL you linked from, and is automatically gathered by our Web server. This information may be used to identify broad demographic trends that may be used to provide information tailored to your interests.




Environment Variables - Environment variables are things such as time, Web browser type, operating system or platform, and CPU speed. This information is generally used to ensure compatibility of the Software with your system and to identify broad demographic statistics.




Cookies - Cookies are tiny text files stored on the user's computer by the Web server and can be read only by the Web server that placed the file. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether or not to accept it. Cookies are used to deliver GUIDs and session information to our Web servers from the users' Web browser. If you choose to disable cookies, we will not be able to identify certain user-sessions in our web applications (like the account system). These applications will not work if cookies are disabled.




Hotbar works with third parties that serve ads to this site. To find out more about how DoubleClick manages the privacy of information in conjunction with serving ads on this site, please go to Hotbar also uses the services of Engage for the serving and/or targeting of ads, promotions and other marketing messages. To do this, Engage collects anonymous data through the use of cookies. To learn more about Engage, including your ability to opt out of the Engage system, go to




GUIDs - A Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) is an alpha-numeric identifier in the Software that is randomly generated by the Software during installation. A GUID is used to indicate a unique installation of Software and is found in many popular software applications. GUIDs may be used for statistical purposes or to personalize the content, services and promotions offered to you on this site and thereby enhancing your surfing experience. GUIDs may also be used to uniquely, however anonymously, identify visitors of this site when they access its pages.




Operating Metrics - Information regarding the usage of the Software by users in aggregate such as the average amount of time that the Software is operating, the number of click-through a service or specific link offered through the Software receives, and the preferred user customization of the Software (selection of different buttons, layouts, skins etc.). We may use the information to research the users' habits in aggregate and understand the popularity and effectiveness of the services we offer so we can improve them in the future.




The non-personal information gathered and tracked through our system will not be used by us to attempt to identify you personally.




This site may contain links to other sites not maintained by us including Affiliate Sites. Hotbar is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites and recommend you to review such sites' privacy statements.




Y'a pas une astuce a la Reshack pour rendre zoli son I.E ?


oé mais, bon, avec ad aware, ça doit protéger qd même non?


je viens de passer un coup de ad-aware tu sais quoi 28 spywares , en plus des que tu fais le menage et que tu les vire tu es obligé de rebooté car tu as egalement néttoyé ta BR donc au redemarrage plus rien tout a disparu, sans compter la place que ca te prend


si tu l'as encore jettes un ouil a c:program file tu sera surpris


bref ca aurai été sympa sans toutes ces merdes


mais il fallait essayer pour voir angryfire.gif






donc en gros j'avais raison c bourré de spy ? si on les shoote le soft marche plus , non ?


trop beau ces choses...

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