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bleme avec Shepherd


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Bonjour à tous.


J'ai installer le progamme "Shepherd";mais impossible de le faire fonctionner. mon systeme se met à ramer.Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider;Merci


ci-dessous le readme de Shepherd Verison 2.x for Windows 95/NT July 6, 1998










Shepherd 2.x is a hardware monitoring tool that can detect temperature,


voltage, and r.p.m for CPU and system fans and can retrieve important


system information through the Desktop Management Interface. If an


abnormal condition occurs, Shepherd will generate a sound event to catch


the attention of users.








1. Operating System: Windows 95/NT.


2. Disk Storage Space: 2 MB


3. Hardware System: a DMI BIOS is required.


4. Display: Color Palette above 256 colors.








1.Hardware Monitoring Chip:




LM75 : a Digital Temperature Sensor produced by National




LM78 : a Microprocessor System Hardware Monitor produced by


National Semiconductor.


GL518SM : a Microprocessor System Hardware Monitor produced by Genesys.


(located on the EISCA v1.0 compliant fan)


W83781D : a Hardware Monitoring IC produced by Winbond.




2. Chipset Supported:




Intel PIIX4 series (TX,EX,LX,BX).








[How to Use Shepherd]




In the same directory of this readme file you will find an executable


file named setup.exe. Run this setup file. Notice: You must be an


administrator because this setup procedure will install a driver named


"ShepDrv.sys" into your system. After successful installation, your


system will be restarted and a folder named "Shepherd 2.0" will be


inserted into your Start menu. Double-Click the Shepherd Icon and then


Shepherd will be launched. To exit Shepherd, move your mouse arrow onto


the Shepherd Icon on the Taskbar notification area and then click the right


button. A Popup menu will appear. Choose the Exit item.










Some hardware management software such as LDCM, System Monitor (bundled


with your EISCA v1.0 compliant fan) will conflict with Shepherd. Do not


try to use them at the same time.








e Shepherd

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Euh... LM75, LM78, WinBond, PIIX4 ...


que des vieux chips utilisés sur les CM VX et TX !


Préfère-lui MotherBoard Monitor (dispo dans les Downloads de Zebulon) qui supporte bien plus de chipsets (il les autodétecte lui-même, d'ailleurs) et qui ne m'a jamais posé de problème sur quelque machine que ce soit (récente ou non)

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MBM te fait ramer ta bécane ??


wow !


Y'a eu des mises à jour pour ton BIOS récemment ? As-tu les derniers drivers de ta carte-mère ?


Dans les "settings" tu as mis l'intervalle de mesure à combien ? (5 secondes c'est raisonnable)

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Merci encore pour l'aide (aussi prompte ).


Mais comme je l'ai dit je débute ; donc pour moi le language ,les termes et les interventions sur mon PC me semble encore du chinois!


Si tu peux être un peu plus explicite (simple) et me donner des tuyaux sur les mises à jours : Bios, carte mère etc..., je t'en serais très reconnaissant.


Encore merci

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Y'a eu des mises à jour pour ton BIOS récemment ?  



A voir sur



As-tu les derniers drivers de ta carte-mère ?



A voir sur


En particulier les sections "IDE" "Patches&Utilities" et "Others" (au cas où il y aurait quelque chose)



Dans les "settings" tu as mis l'intervalle de mesure à combien ? (5 secondes c'est raisonnable)



Là je parlais des réglages de MBM... (clic-droit, "Settings" et sur le tout premier écran qui s'ouvre y'a l'intervalle de mesures)








[ Ce Message a été édité par: KewlCat le 2001-07-31 01:25 ]

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Merci encore une nouvelle fois ( un vrai travail d'investigation).


Toutefois j'aurais encore besoin de ton aide.


En ce qui concerne la mise à jour du BIOS de la carte mère, voici ce que j'ai trouvé:


-Choose Board type => Slot1=>Via chipset=>


6ASA => 6ASA0=> PCB : 6ASA M10X.


En ce qui concerne : IDE , Patchs et Other voici le resultat:( Si tu peux encore me dépatouiller tout ça :zen )
















Xstore Pro




















HighPoint IDE Drivers




Get !


HPT370 ATA100 Utility V0.6




Win98 v1.11.0403


Win2000 v1.11.0403


NT4.0 v1.11.0403




File size : 116K




Get !


HPT370 ATA100 Utility V0.5




Win98 v1.0.3b


Win2000 v1.0.3b


NT4.0 v1.0.3b




File size : 100K




Get !


HPT368 IDE driver for Win2000 v1.08


Get !


HPT368 IDE driver for Win9x v1.05


Get !


HPT368 IDE driver for Win NT v1.08


VIA Bus Master IDE Drivers




Get !


IDE driver for Win31 / Win9x / Win NT / DOS / NetWare / UNIX / OS/2 v3.2.11


SIS IDE Bus Master Drivers




Get !


IDE drivers for Windows 2000


Get !


IDE drivers for Win31 / Win9x / Win NT / NetWare / OS/2


IDE-5SBA SIS 551x IDE Driver for 5SBA1/2/3 V3.1


IDE-5SEM SIS 551x IDE Driver for 5SEM V4.1


ALI IDE Bus Master Drivers




Get !


ALI driver for Win9x /Win NT










Xstore Pro Bus Master Drivers


XStore Pro v1.10 for Chaintech Mainboards (HTTP)


XStore Pro v1.10 for Chaintech Mainboards (FTP)


Chaintech joined hands with HighPoint Technologies to bring you, totally FREE of charge


XStore Pro Busmaster IDE Drivers for Win95/98




XStore Pro are busmaster drivers which can improve the performance of your harddisk by up to 60% (depending on memory and system configuration) and system performance to up to 10% compared to the standard drivers of Intel/Microsoft. The XStore Pro busmaster drivers will take advantage of today's systems large memory configurations by using a technology called "read-ahead caching after seeking". The performance gains reached with XStore Pro will increase with larger main memory sizes. 32MB is a minimum requirement for significant increases in disk and system performance, but a minimum of 64MB is required for maximum benefits.




¡@ Highpoint Website Support




HighPoint Technical Support E-Mail






INTEL IDE Bus Master Drivers




Download Ultra ATA Storage Driver v6.03.009


Download Intel Bus Master IDE Drivers for NT v2.01 ( BX chipset only )


Download Intel Bus Master IDE Drivers for OS/2 v3 ( BX chipset only )


BM Win95 3.02 Latest Intel Busmaster IDE Drivers !


Please note that the Intel Busmaster drivers should only be used on :




Windows 95 Retail


= version 4.00.950


Windows 95 OSR 1


= version 4.00.950a


The following versions of Windows 95/98, which already include busmaster drivers, should NOT use these drivers :




Windows 95 OSR 2.0/2.1


= version 4.00.950b


Windows 95 OSR 2.5


= version 4.00.950c


Windows 98 Retail


= version 4.10.1998






BM NT 4.0 Intel Bus Master IDE Drivers (v1.67) for all Intel FX/HX/VX/TX/LX/BX based 5xxx/6xxx mainboards


(NT 4.0 driver)


BM Win95 Intel Bus Master IDE Drivers (v3.00) for all Intel FX/HX/VX/TX/LX/BX based 5xxx/6xxx mainboards (Windows 95 retail and OSR1 only !)




BM OS2 Latest Intel Bus Master IDE Drivers for all Intel FX/HX/VX/TX/LX based 5xxx/6xxx mainboards (OS2 version)


IDE-5IEM Intel Bus Master IDE Driver for 5IEM V2.1




















Award Utility


Shepherd System Monitor Utility














Chipset INF Files for Intel


Reversion PV2.6


Get !


VIA registry for USB and Power management function


PX4PATCH Removes exclamation marks in front of the IDE controller and/or PCI Bridge that appear after installing Windows 95


This patch can be used for the following versions of Windows 95:




Windows 95 Retail = version 4.00.950


Windows 95 OSR 1 = version 4.00.950a


Windows 95 OSR 2.0/2.1 = version 4.00.950b




SETUPEX Same as above mentioned PX4PATCH, but this version is especially and only to be used on Windows 95 OSR 2.5 = version 4.00.950c


TSR2000 Y2K utility should be installed on 486/586 systems with a BIOS earlier than June 1996 in order to overcome the Y2K problem. The utility can be installed on December 31, 1999 and can be removed as soon as the year 2000 starts.


For more information please refer to our special Y2K support page




ZVHDD This utility should be installed in order to enable the Suspend-to-Disk function on ACPI enabled systems (only Slot 1 based systems with 2MB BIOS ROM and using latest BIOS updates !). In order to make ACPI work you will need an ACPI compatible BIOS and Windows 98 should be installed with ACPI support enabled. Also, you will need ACPI compatible display drivers ! At this moment (October 1998) only ATI has these drivers ready. Please check your display card manufacturer for more information on ACPI compatible drivers. Execute the ZVHDD utility in Windows 98. Please note that this utility only works for IDE harddrives. Do NOT use this utility with SCSI drives !


Award Flash Utility




Download DMI Configuration Utility 2.30u


Flash v7.53 Latest BIOS Flash v7.53 for all mainboards


Flash v7.08 BIOS Flash v7.08 for all Socket 7 and Slot 1 mainboards


Flash v5.35 BIOS Flash v5.33 for Intel VX/HX/TX based mainboards


Flash v5.0 BIOS Flash v5.0 for 486 and early 586 mainboards


Shepherd System Monitor Software




Get !


¡@Shepherd 2000 for Win9x






Other Utilities




Get !


SIS VGA Utility v1.03




File 1 2 3


Intel Security Driver version v1.03.001




Get !


VIA PCI IRQ Routing Miniport Driver






Small utility enables soft switching off of an ATX power supply under DOS






Video for Windows v1.1e

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