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Messages recommandés

  megataupe a dit :
Je viens de poster l'info sur le forum Websécurité :


Wow ! Le forum de JeanBal, mon idole il y a quelques années ! Merci megataupe ! :P


Hi John,

  Hunter a dit :
Hello Everyone,


:P  Yes, I have been reading that thread and those translations each day and many other threads at your Forum. Thank you for helping this crazy are working so hard for me. I am again embarrassed. Even  lordtoniok gives me a translation for this Victorian English.


This is fun  :P


embarrassed??? Crazy American???

Where did you see this?

You're very welcome, John! Members at Zeb' are feeling proud to count you as a member here!

Feel free to ask for translation/explanations!


:-P our beer is as fresh as yours, no problem! :-(


:P our beer is as fresh as yours, no problem! :P




mais, (your beer) = d'une plus haute qualité....


Bonsoir, les amis des GSF!

Bonsoir John!


merci pour votre assistance aujourd'hui! flowers.gif


by/de: Eagle1 (Propriétaire)@ Net-Integration:

Posted: Aug 16 2005, 07:16 PM


Net-Integration is not sending any spam but only appears to be doing so. The net-integration domain account account was disabled for the majority of the day while the source of the spamming was sought. The ISP ( that is hosting malware was notified several hours ago and they have not done anything about it so far.


Let it be clarified that Net-Integration does not appear to have been hacked which seems to be a widespread comment. Logs are being reviewed to determine if source can be identified and we will keep all posted.

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