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Messages recommandés


Juste pour info, le forum vient d'être mis à jour.


Voici les bugs corrigés depuis la version 2.1.4


1. [ACP] If your ACP session times out, and you click on a template group, or template bit, you are redirected back to that page after logging in without the ACP wrapper

2. Using the search engine, members can read invisible posts and topics if the Mode is set to Manual, or is set to Full Text, with Advanced Method enabled.

3. Secondary member groups not honored for forum and topic tracker emails

4. API - member information is reset by the topics/posts API, can cause problems if API is used from within IPB source files where member information needs to be checked again later

5. My Assistant does not close properly if you do not have access to view the board

6. Admin logs show login name instead of display name

7. Submit button does not work in Firefox if you hit the back button on a form

8. Renaming an emoticon folder in the ACP causes the emoticons not to show up on the post screen

9. Users are able to post new topics to root categories (even though setting indicates they should not be able to)

10. Subscription Manager currency editor only allows up to 3 digits before the decimal point

11. Certain conditions can cause regex sql to print bad html

12. Hardcoded text

13. Smilies always insert at end of fast reply area

14. [RTE] IE - insert list does not work properly as of 2.1.4

15. [RTE] PHP variables used in the fast reply result in a regex error

16. Settings page sets all field types to 30 for input fields (instead of text)

17. Bad upload url getting inserted on install

18. Avatar setting under User Profiles is not used anylonger

19. Deleting a forum assigned to an RSS import causes a bad entry in the forum cache

20. [ACP] Number of registered members count does not update when adding a member from the ACP

21. open_basedir can produce php warning on some php versions if load limit is to be checked

22. [ACP] Changing the last registered member's name/display name does not update the stats

23. With force login enabled, the http_referer is not set, and users are not redirected back to the page they requested

24. [RSS] Some php versions returning inaccurate times for RSS imported articles if feed does not supply the time

25. Rebuild tools not running on the correct number of items at a time

26. Lost password form will not allow you to complete request if Script/Bot control is set to 'None'

27. RTE - Multiple font tag attributs (i.e. size and color) get nested into one tag and one value is not honored as a result

28. Doublequotes used in the prefix/suffix field when editing a group cause the form field to break

29. Max email length was increased, however the DB column was not updated in 2.1.4

30. Apostrophe's are converted to html entities when clicking 'More Options' from the Fast Reply

31. HTML used for table header in Messenger functions causes a small second th row

32. Personal photo popup window not dynamically sized, can result in scrolling

33. Minor javascript error in the pm card popup when logged in as a guest

34. Only one calendar event per day showing in forthcoming calendar events on board index

35. Inconsistent HTML used for profile view

36. Unterminated html tag for smilie table

37. Approving/unapproving posts from within a topic, the moderator action is not logged

38. Task Manager goes to top of page when you click link to see Cron CURL code

39. Minor typo in ipb_settings.xml

40. Forum inline moderation - 'With Selected' defaults to 1 if no topics selected

41. no_reg variable evaulated instead of being set in index.php when board is offline

42. UTF-8 charsets double decoded incorrectly when using AJAX

43. New ACP restrictions against Admin Splash page undesirable for some users - added a new perm key specifically for Admin Splash page

44. System javascript error in IE6 when using AJAX if using Russian character set

45. Some of the index.html files are outdated (refer to free copy of IPB)

46. 0 byte index.html file causes upload issues with some FTP clients

47. SQL error for specific versions of MySQL using specific filtering options on forum view (ambiguous column error)

48. Email topic emails not applying email settings properly

49. Profile does not show anoynmous user location if group has ability to view anonymous users

50. Contact member emails not applying email settings properly


Chouette la réponse flash marche dans le jeu débile :P

Invité tesgaz

Salut Yann,


c'est vrai que le script de IPB est payant, mais de l'autre coté faut quand même dire qu'ils sont au top des bugs et des mises à jour




Salut Yann,

Ce n'est pas que ce soit bien difficile à comprendre :P mais est-il normal que les boutons soient passés en anglais ? :P


F5 est une touche magique :-P


salut yann


est ce que tu as la traduction de ton post 1 sur les améliorations ?


j'ai du mal avec l'anglais... :P:P

Invité tesgaz
est ce que tu as la traduction de ton post 1 sur les améliorations ?


j'ai du mal avec l'anglais...


option 1 - mets des baffes aux boulets en direct live :P

option 2 - si l'option 1 ne fonctionne pas, le script boulet prend le relais, envoi de jet de tomate depuis les enceintes de ton pc, attention bien se mettre devant pour tout recevoir

option 3 - commande de pizza automatique

option 4 - mise en place des bieres fraiches dans le frigo sur port USB

option 5 - gel de l'écran à partir de 7000 metres d'altitude

option 6 - etc...


omg une faute :P !! -- Gen


Au fait Yann ? T'as pas oublier le favicon.ico de zebulon, j'ai celui de IPB et malgré des F5 ou Ctrl+F5


option 1 - met des baffes aux boulets en direct live :P

option 2 - si l'option 1 ne fonctionne pas, le script boulet prend le relais, envoi de jet de tomate depuis les enceintes de ton pc, attention bien se mettre devant pour tout recevoir

option 3 - commande de pizza automatique

option 4 - mise en place des bieres fraiches dans le frigo sur port USB

option 5 - gel de l'écran à partir de 7000 metres d'altitude

option 6 - etc...

ça c'est de l'amélioration utile ! :P


je m'disais aussi que j'avais une petite faim


avec les heures passées devant zebulon... :P:P:-P

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