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Invité Patrik06

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Invité Patrik06

Bonjour, :)



Depuis quelques temps maintenant, j'ai un souci avec mon ordinateur :


Après avoir été aidé par un Helper qui a "désinfecté" ma machine avec les logiciels habituels en pareil cas, certes, l'ordinateur "gratte" moins mais le nombre de plantages n'a pas diminué...


Il y a d'incessants écrans bleus qui surviennent à n'importe quel moment, et de façon aléatoire. La plupart du temps, juste avant, la souris se bloque et l'écran est figé.


Lors d'un plantage, l'ordinateur a jugé nécessaire de lancer une vérification de l'intégrité d'un disque.


- Puis :


CHKDSK a vérifié les index, les descripteurs de sécurité

compacté les descripteurs de sécurité

vérifié le journal USN...


Là aussi, sans problèmes apparents...


J'ai effectué moi-même plusieurs tests de maintenance sans résultats.

L'outil de diagnostic mémoire n'a rien décelé d'anormal apparemment.


J'en déduis (selon le rapport joint), que le problème viendrait essentiellement de drivers dans le dossier system32.

Le driver de la carte graphique nVidia, le driver d'avast, entre autre.

Mais je ne sais pas si j'ai raison... :-?


J'ai récemment effectué la mise à jour SP1 pour windows 7 pensant que cela règlerait peut-être le problème mais non.


Que dire d'autre pour vous aider...?


Ah oui, Firefox se comporte bizarrement, il plante souvent. L'autre jour, il ne voulait plus se lancer. J'ai été obligé de redémarrer et il a fonctionné à nouveau.


Autre chose :


Deux fenêtres s'ouvrent souvent avec ce message :


- Gestionnaire de fenêtres du Bureau a cessé de fonctionner et a été arrêté.

- Explorateur windows a cessé de fonctionner...Explorateur windows redémarre.


Voilà, j'ai essayé d'être le plus complet possible.


En espérant que vous pourrez m'aider à résoudre ce problème par vos connaissances et vos conseils avisés. ;-)


Merci beaucoup par avance !




Et voici le rapport de Whocrashed:



Crash Dump Analysis

Crash dump directory: C:\Windows\Minidump

Crash dumps are enabled on your computer.

On Tue 08/11/2011 20:00:01 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110811-16972-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: i8042prt.sys (i8042prt+0x1203) 
Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x1, 0x6, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF8E339203)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\i8042prt.sys
product: Système d’exploitation Microsoft® Windows®
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: Pilote de port i8042
Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. 
The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time. 

On Tue 08/11/2011 20:00:01 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\memory.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: i8042prt.sys (i8042prt+0x1203) 
Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x1, 0x6, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF8E339203)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\i8042prt.sys
product: Système d’exploitation Microsoft® Windows®
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: Pilote de port i8042
Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. 
The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time. 

On Tue 08/11/2011 03:37:42 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110811-13774-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntfs.sys (Ntfs+0x9D749) 
Bugcheck code: 0x50 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC2, 0x1, 0xFFFFFFFF886CE749, 0x0)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ntfs.sys
product: Système d’exploitation Microsoft® Windows®
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: Pilote du système de fichiers NT
Bug check description: This indicates that invalid system memory has been referenced.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. 
The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time. 

On Tue 08/11/2011 03:05:39 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110811-12511-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntkrnlpa.exe (nt+0x415DB) 
Bugcheck code: 0xA (0x14, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF82CA4F4D)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: NT Kernel & System
Bug check description: This indicates that Microsoft Windows or a kernel-mode driver accessed paged memory at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. 
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver which cannot be identified at this time. 

On Tue 08/11/2011 02:52:53 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110811-15022-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: aswsnx.sys (aswSnx+0x175BA) 
Bugcheck code: 0x1000008E (0xFFFFFFFFC000001D, 0xFFFFFFFF8D82D5BA, 0xFFFFFFFFAB8CFC8C, 0x0)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswsnx.sys
product: avast! Antivirus System
company: AVAST Software
description: avast! Virtualization Driver
Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode program generated an exception which the error handler did not catch.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. 
A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: aswsnx.sys (avast! Virtualization Driver, AVAST Software). 
Google query: aswsnx.sys AVAST Software KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED_M

On Mon 07/11/2011 23:09:52 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110811-13790-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: dxgmms1.sys (dxgmms1+0x9FC3) 
Bugcheck code: 0x1000007E (0xFFFFFFFFC000001D, 0xFFFFFFFF90186FC3, 0xFFFFFFFF8A6CDA1C, 0xFFFFFFFF8A6CD600)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: DirectX Graphics MMS
Bug check description: This indicates that a system thread generated an exception which the error handler did not catch.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. 
The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time. 

On Mon 07/11/2011 05:06:47 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110711-13899-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntkrnlpa.exe (nt+0x41D1B) 
Bugcheck code: 0x7F (0xD, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: NT Kernel & System
Bug check description: This bug check indicates that the Intel CPU generated a trap and the kernel failed to catch this trap.
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver which cannot be identified at this time. 

On Sun 06/11/2011 18:47:35 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110611-14601-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: nvlddmkm.sys (nvlddmkm+0x199E3) 
Bugcheck code: 0x7F (0xD, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nvlddmkm.sys
product: NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 185.93 
company: NVIDIA Corporation
description: NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 185.93 
Bug check description: This bug check indicates that the Intel CPU generated a trap and the kernel failed to catch this trap.
A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: nvlddmkm.sys (NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 185.93 , NVIDIA Corporation). 
Google query: nvlddmkm.sys NVIDIA Corporation UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP

On Sun 06/11/2011 04:48:51 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110611-14274-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntkrnlpa.exe (nt+0x256611) 
Bugcheck code: 0x1000008E (0xFFFFFFFFC0000006, 0xFFFFFFFF82E59611, 0xFFFFFFFFA702F6EC, 0x0)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: NT Kernel & System
Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode program generated an exception which the error handler did not catch.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. 
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver which cannot be identified at this time. 

On Sun 06/11/2011 00:34:43 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110611-14976-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntkrnlpa.exe (nt+0x415DB) 
Bugcheck code: 0xA (0x33, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF82C3B3D5)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: NT Kernel & System
Bug check description: This indicates that Microsoft Windows or a kernel-mode driver accessed paged memory at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. 
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver which cannot be identified at this time. 

On Sun 06/11/2011 00:08:10 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110611-13899-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: win32k.sys (win32k+0xC7916) 
Bugcheck code: 0x1000008E (0xFFFFFFFFC0000005, 0xFFFFFFFFFFB1B198, 0xFFFFFFFFA7A0FBBC, 0x0)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\win32k.sys
product: Système d’exploitation Microsoft® Windows®
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: Pilote Win32 multi-utilisateurs
Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode program generated an exception which the error handler did not catch.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. 
The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time. 

On Sat 05/11/2011 23:10:37 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110611-13790-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: nvlddmkm.sys (nvlddmkm+0x294F04) 
Bugcheck code: 0xBE (0xFFFFFFFF8ED38C90, 0x74007121, 0xFFFFFFFF8078ABB4, 0xA)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nvlddmkm.sys
product: NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 185.93 
company: NVIDIA Corporation
description: NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 185.93 
Bug check description: This is issued if a driver attempts to write to a read-only memory segment.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. 
A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: nvlddmkm.sys (NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 185.93 , NVIDIA Corporation). 
Google query: nvlddmkm.sys NVIDIA Corporation ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY

On Sat 05/11/2011 19:19:18 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110511-15366-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntkrnlpa.exe (nt+0x415DB) 
Bugcheck code: 0xA (0xFFFFFFFFF4A00033, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF82C9ED1F)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: NT Kernel & System
Bug check description: This indicates that Microsoft Windows or a kernel-mode driver accessed paged memory at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. 
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver which cannot be identified at this time. 

On Sat 05/11/2011 18:25:04 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110511-16380-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: dxgmms1.sys (dxgmms1+0x19F03) 
Bugcheck code: 0x7F (0xD, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: DirectX Graphics MMS
Bug check description: This bug check indicates that the Intel CPU generated a trap and the kernel failed to catch this trap.
The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time. 


14 crash dumps have been found and analyzed. 2 third party drivers have been identified to be causing system crashes on your computer. It is strongly suggested that you check for updates for these drivers on their company websites. Click on the links below to search with Google for updates for these drivers: 

nvlddmkm.sys (NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 185.93 , NVIDIA Corporation)

aswsnx.sys (avast! Virtualization Driver, AVAST Software)

If no updates for these drivers are available, try searching with Google on the names of these drivers in combination the errors that have been reported for these drivers and include the brand and model name of your computer as well in the query. This often yields interesting results from discussions from users who have been experiencing similar problems.

Read the topic general suggestions for troubleshooting system crashes for more information. 

Note that it's not always possible to state with certainty whether a reported driver is actually responsible for crashing your system or that the root cause is in another module. Nonetheless it's suggested you look for updates for the products that these drivers belong to and regularly visit Windows update or enable automatic updates for Windows. In case a piece of malfunctioning hardware is causing trouble, a search with Google on the bug check errors together with the model name and brand of your computer may help you investigate this further. 

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Salut ,


tu peux tenter une réparation du systeme a partir du cd de windows ,tu réinstalle l'os mais sans formater .Soit et je pense que ses la meilleur solution vu que ton pc était infecté ,et qu'il me semble endommagé ,ses de formater et de repartir sur une base saine .Généralement quand le pc est infecté , même si on réussi a tout réparer ,ce n'ai qu'un sursis avant un formatage .

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Bonsoir, :-)



Merci de ta réponse.


Mon PC va pas bien alors... :sad:


En ce qui concerne les virus, je ne sais pas si il y en avait vraiment vu que la désinfection n'a pas changé grand chose. Ou alors avast n'a pas joué son rôle...


J'ai créé il y a quelques temps le disque de réparation système. Est-ce que cela pourrait aussi m'être utile ? Et comment car je ne sais pas m'en servir :oops:


Un logiciel nettoyeur de registres peut-être...?


Vous l'aurez compris l'option reformatage est vraiment le dernier recours pour moi. :wink:


MERCI encore !

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Le cd de réparation du systéme ne permettra pas de réparer les fichiers potentiellement endommagé dans ton cas .Ce disque permet seulement de relancer windows si il devient impossible de démarrer sur celui-ci ,cet a dire qu'il répare seulement les fichiers de boot , ou il permet de réaliser des test mémoire etc.. .Dans notre cas il nous faut le cd windows 7 original pour tenter une réparation du systéme .


Tente ceci ,tu va dans démarrer tu tape dans la barre de recherche rapide cmd .Tu clique sur le lien s'affichant dans les résultats .De la une fenêtre apparait ,tu tape sfc /scannow ,avec cette commande un scan de ton systéme va se lancer qui va durer plus ou moins longtemps ,il se peut qu'il te demande le cd de windows 7 ,a la fin de ce scan met le résultat sur le forum .

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Merci de ta réponse et de ces informations ;-)


Je vais donc tenter ce que tu conseilles, c'est intéressant !

En espérant ne pas avoir besoin du cd original de windows 7 car c'est le fils de mon amie à qui appartient l'ordinateur qui l'a et il n'est pas sur place... :(


Au mieux je poste les infos reçues.


Bonne soirée

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Alors, voilà les deux rapports logs CBS créés :


A la fin de l'analyse çà a dit :


La protection des ressources windows a trouvé des fichiers endommagés mais n'a pas réussi à tous les réparer.



Lignes avec Repairing, Repaired, ou "cannot" :

2011-11-15 20:01:24, Info                  CSI    00000199 [sR] Repairing 1 components


2011-11-15 00:41:59, Info                  CSI    00000074 [sR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"StaticCache.dat" of Microsoft-Windows-Font-StaticCache, Version = 6.1.7600.16385, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
2011-11-15 19:58:21, Info                  CSI    00000134 [sR] Cannot repair member file [l:40{20}]"SpeechUXTutorial.exe" of Microsoft-Windows-Speech-UserExperience, Version = 6.1.7601.17514, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch



Lignes ave [sR] :
2011-11-15 00:39:11, Info                  CSI    00000009 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:39:11, Info                  CSI    0000000a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:39:17, Info                  CSI    0000000c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:39:17, Info                  CSI    0000000d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:39:17, Info                  CSI    0000000e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:39:23, Info                  CSI    00000010 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:39:24, Info                  CSI    00000011 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:39:24, Info                  CSI    00000012 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:39:30, Info                  CSI    00000014 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:39:31, Info                  CSI    00000015 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:39:31, Info                  CSI    00000016 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:39:33, Info                  CSI    00000018 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:39:34, Info                  CSI    00000019 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:39:34, Info                  CSI    0000001a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:39:40, Info                  CSI    0000001c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:39:40, Info                  CSI    0000001d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:39:40, Info                  CSI    0000001e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:39:46, Info                  CSI    00000020 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:39:47, Info                  CSI    00000021 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:39:47, Info                  CSI    00000022 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:39:51, Info                  CSI    00000024 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:39:52, Info                  CSI    00000025 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:39:52, Info                  CSI    00000026 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:39:58, Info                  CSI    00000028 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:39:59, Info                  CSI    00000029 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:39:59, Info                  CSI    0000002a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:40:03, Info                  CSI    0000002c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:40:04, Info                  CSI    0000002d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:40:04, Info                  CSI    0000002e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:40:07, Info                  CSI    00000030 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:40:08, Info                  CSI    00000031 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:40:08, Info                  CSI    00000032 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:40:16, Info                  CSI    00000034 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:40:16, Info                  CSI    00000035 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:40:16, Info                  CSI    00000036 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:40:24, Info                  CSI    00000038 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:40:25, Info                  CSI    00000039 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:40:25, Info                  CSI    0000003a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:40:30, Info                  CSI    0000003f [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:40:31, Info                  CSI    00000040 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:40:31, Info                  CSI    00000041 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:40:37, Info                  CSI    00000044 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:40:38, Info                  CSI    00000045 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:40:38, Info                  CSI    00000046 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:40:45, Info                  CSI    0000004a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:40:46, Info                  CSI    0000004b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:40:46, Info                  CSI    0000004c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:40:56, Info                  CSI    00000056 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:40:56, Info                  CSI    00000057 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:40:56, Info                  CSI    00000058 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:41:05, Info                  CSI    0000005a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:41:05, Info                  CSI    0000005b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:41:05, Info                  CSI    0000005c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:41:13, Info                  CSI    0000005e [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:41:13, Info                  CSI    0000005f [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:41:13, Info                  CSI    00000060 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:41:21, Info                  CSI    00000062 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:41:21, Info                  CSI    00000063 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:41:21, Info                  CSI    00000064 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:41:29, Info                  CSI    00000066 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:41:30, Info                  CSI    00000067 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:41:30, Info                  CSI    00000068 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:41:38, Info                  CSI    0000006a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:41:39, Info                  CSI    0000006b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:41:39, Info                  CSI    0000006c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:41:52, Info                  CSI    00000070 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:41:52, Info                  CSI    00000071 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:41:52, Info                  CSI    00000072 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:41:59, Info                  CSI    00000074 [sR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"StaticCache.dat" of Microsoft-Windows-Font-StaticCache, Version = 6.1.7600.16385, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
2011-11-15 00:42:02, Info                  CSI    00000076 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:42:03, Info                  CSI    00000077 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:42:03, Info                  CSI    00000078 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:42:24, Info                  CSI    0000007a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:42:24, Info                  CSI    0000007b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:42:24, Info                  CSI    0000007c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:42:30, Info                  CSI    0000007e [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:42:30, Info                  CSI    0000007f [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:42:30, Info                  CSI    00000080 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:42:35, Info                  CSI    00000082 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:42:35, Info                  CSI    00000083 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:42:35, Info                  CSI    00000084 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:42:38, Info                  CSI    00000086 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:42:38, Info                  CSI    00000087 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:42:38, Info                  CSI    00000088 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:42:50, Info                  CSI    000000a2 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:42:50, Info                  CSI    000000a3 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:42:50, Info                  CSI    000000a4 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:42:57, Info                  CSI    000000aa [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:42:58, Info                  CSI    000000ab [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:42:58, Info                  CSI    000000ac [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:43:02, Info                  CSI    000000ae [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:43:02, Info                  CSI    000000af [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:43:02, Info                  CSI    000000b0 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:43:08, Info                  CSI    000000b2 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:43:09, Info                  CSI    000000b3 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:43:09, Info                  CSI    000000b4 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:43:15, Info                  CSI    000000b6 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:43:15, Info                  CSI    000000b7 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:43:15, Info                  CSI    000000b8 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:43:27, Info                  CSI    000000ba [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:43:27, Info                  CSI    000000bb [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:43:27, Info                  CSI    000000bc [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:43:34, Info                  CSI    000000be [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:43:35, Info                  CSI    000000bf [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:43:35, Info                  CSI    000000c0 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:43:38, Info                  CSI    000000c2 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:43:39, Info                  CSI    000000c3 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:43:39, Info                  CSI    000000c4 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:43:51, Info                  CSI    000000c6 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:43:52, Info                  CSI    000000c7 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:43:52, Info                  CSI    000000c8 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:43:59, Info                  CSI    000000ca [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:44:00, Info                  CSI    000000cb [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:44:00, Info                  CSI    000000cc [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:44:07, Info                  CSI    000000ce [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:44:07, Info                  CSI    000000cf [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:44:07, Info                  CSI    000000d0 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:44:17, Info                  CSI    000000d3 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:44:18, Info                  CSI    000000d4 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:44:18, Info                  CSI    000000d5 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:44:30, Info                  CSI    000000fa [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:44:31, Info                  CSI    000000fb [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:44:31, Info                  CSI    000000fc [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:44:41, Info                  CSI    000000fe [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:44:42, Info                  CSI    000000ff [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:44:42, Info                  CSI    00000100 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:45:04, Info                  CSI    00000102 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:45:04, Info                  CSI    00000103 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:45:04, Info                  CSI    00000104 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:45:22, Info                  CSI    00000107 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:45:23, Info                  CSI    00000108 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:45:23, Info                  CSI    00000109 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:45:35, Info                  CSI    0000010b [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:45:35, Info                  CSI    0000010c [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:45:35, Info                  CSI    0000010d [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:45:43, Info                  CSI    0000010f [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:45:43, Info                  CSI    00000110 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:45:43, Info                  CSI    00000111 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:45:51, Info                  CSI    00000113 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:45:52, Info                  CSI    00000114 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:45:52, Info                  CSI    00000115 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:45:59, Info                  CSI    00000118 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:46:00, Info                  CSI    00000119 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:46:00, Info                  CSI    0000011a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:46:08, Info                  CSI    0000011c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:46:08, Info                  CSI    0000011d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:46:08, Info                  CSI    0000011e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:46:23, Info                  CSI    00000120 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:46:23, Info                  CSI    00000121 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:46:23, Info                  CSI    00000122 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:46:33, Info                  CSI    00000125 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:46:33, Info                  CSI    00000126 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:46:33, Info                  CSI    00000127 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:46:41, Info                  CSI    00000129 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:46:42, Info                  CSI    0000012a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:46:42, Info                  CSI    0000012b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:46:50, Info                  CSI    0000012d [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:46:51, Info                  CSI    0000012e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:46:51, Info                  CSI    0000012f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:47:03, Info                  CSI    00000132 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:47:03, Info                  CSI    00000133 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:47:03, Info                  CSI    00000134 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:47:10, Info                  CSI    00000136 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:47:11, Info                  CSI    00000137 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:47:11, Info                  CSI    00000138 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:47:19, Info                  CSI    0000013a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:47:20, Info                  CSI    0000013b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:47:20, Info                  CSI    0000013c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:47:27, Info                  CSI    0000013f [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:47:28, Info                  CSI    00000140 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:47:28, Info                  CSI    00000141 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:47:37, Info                  CSI    00000143 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:47:37, Info                  CSI    00000144 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:47:37, Info                  CSI    00000145 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:47:44, Info                  CSI    00000147 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:47:45, Info                  CSI    00000148 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:47:45, Info                  CSI    00000149 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:47:53, Info                  CSI    0000014b [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:47:54, Info                  CSI    0000014c [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:47:54, Info                  CSI    0000014d [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:48:02, Info                  CSI    00000150 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:48:03, Info                  CSI    00000151 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:48:03, Info                  CSI    00000152 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:48:12, Info                  CSI    00000154 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:48:13, Info                  CSI    00000155 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:48:13, Info                  CSI    00000156 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:48:22, Info                  CSI    00000158 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:48:23, Info                  CSI    00000159 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:48:23, Info                  CSI    0000015a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:48:30, Info                  CSI    0000015c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:48:31, Info                  CSI    0000015d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:48:31, Info                  CSI    0000015e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:48:35, Info                  CSI    00000160 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:48:35, Info                  CSI    00000161 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:48:35, Info                  CSI    00000162 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:48:43, Info                  CSI    00000164 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:48:43, Info                  CSI    00000165 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:48:43, Info                  CSI    00000166 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:48:51, Info                  CSI    00000168 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:48:51, Info                  CSI    00000169 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:48:51, Info                  CSI    0000016a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:48:57, Info                  CSI    0000016c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:48:58, Info                  CSI    0000016d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:48:58, Info                  CSI    0000016e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:49:02, Info                  CSI    00000170 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:49:03, Info                  CSI    00000171 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:49:03, Info                  CSI    00000172 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:49:09, Info                  CSI    00000174 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:49:10, Info                  CSI    00000175 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:49:10, Info                  CSI    00000176 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:49:28, Info                  CSI    00000178 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:49:28, Info                  CSI    00000179 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:49:28, Info                  CSI    0000017a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:49:55, Info                  CSI    0000017c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:49:56, Info                  CSI    0000017d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:49:56, Info                  CSI    0000017e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:50:06, Info                  CSI    00000180 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:50:07, Info                  CSI    00000181 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:50:07, Info                  CSI    00000182 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:50:15, Info                  CSI    00000184 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:50:16, Info                  CSI    00000185 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:50:16, Info                  CSI    00000186 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:50:19, Info                  CSI    00000188 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:50:19, Info                  CSI    00000189 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:50:19, Info                  CSI    0000018a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:50:24, Info                  CSI    0000018c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:50:25, Info                  CSI    0000018d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:50:25, Info                  CSI    0000018e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:50:32, Info                  CSI    00000190 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:50:33, Info                  CSI    00000191 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 00:50:33, Info                  CSI    00000192 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:50:41, Info                  CSI    00000194 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 00:50:41, Info                  CSI    00000195 [sR] Verifying 1 components
2011-11-15 00:50:41, Info                  CSI    00000196 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 00:50:41, Info                  CSI    00000198 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:42:49, Info                  CSI    00000009 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:42:49, Info                  CSI    0000000a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:42:53, Info                  CSI    0000000c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:42:53, Info                  CSI    0000000d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:42:53, Info                  CSI    0000000e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:42:56, Info                  CSI    00000010 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:42:57, Info                  CSI    00000011 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:42:57, Info                  CSI    00000012 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:01, Info                  CSI    00000014 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:02, Info                  CSI    00000015 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:02, Info                  CSI    00000016 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:03, Info                  CSI    00000018 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:04, Info                  CSI    00000019 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:04, Info                  CSI    0000001a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:07, Info                  CSI    0000001c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:08, Info                  CSI    0000001d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:08, Info                  CSI    0000001e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:11, Info                  CSI    00000020 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:12, Info                  CSI    00000021 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:12, Info                  CSI    00000022 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:14, Info                  CSI    00000024 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:15, Info                  CSI    00000025 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:15, Info                  CSI    00000026 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:19, Info                  CSI    00000028 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:19, Info                  CSI    00000029 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:19, Info                  CSI    0000002a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:22, Info                  CSI    0000002c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:22, Info                  CSI    0000002d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:22, Info                  CSI    0000002e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:25, Info                  CSI    00000030 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:25, Info                  CSI    00000031 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:25, Info                  CSI    00000032 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:30, Info                  CSI    00000034 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:30, Info                  CSI    00000035 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:30, Info                  CSI    00000036 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:36, Info                  CSI    00000038 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:36, Info                  CSI    00000039 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:36, Info                  CSI    0000003a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:40, Info                  CSI    0000003f [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:40, Info                  CSI    00000040 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:40, Info                  CSI    00000041 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:44, Info                  CSI    00000044 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:44, Info                  CSI    00000045 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:44, Info                  CSI    00000046 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:50, Info                  CSI    0000004a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:50, Info                  CSI    0000004b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:50, Info                  CSI    0000004c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:43:59, Info                  CSI    00000056 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:43:59, Info                  CSI    00000057 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:43:59, Info                  CSI    00000058 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:44:05, Info                  CSI    0000005a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:44:05, Info                  CSI    0000005b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:44:05, Info                  CSI    0000005c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:44:10, Info                  CSI    0000005e [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:44:11, Info                  CSI    0000005f [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:44:11, Info                  CSI    00000060 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:44:15, Info                  CSI    00000062 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:44:16, Info                  CSI    00000063 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:44:16, Info                  CSI    00000064 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:44:20, Info                  CSI    00000066 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:44:21, Info                  CSI    00000067 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:44:21, Info                  CSI    00000068 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:44:27, Info                  CSI    0000006a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:44:27, Info                  CSI    0000006b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:44:27, Info                  CSI    0000006c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:44:37, Info                  CSI    00000070 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:44:37, Info                  CSI    00000071 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:44:37, Info                  CSI    00000072 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:44:46, Info                  CSI    00000074 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:44:47, Info                  CSI    00000075 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:44:47, Info                  CSI    00000076 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:45:04, Info                  CSI    00000078 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:45:05, Info                  CSI    00000079 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:45:05, Info                  CSI    0000007a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:45:09, Info                  CSI    0000007c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:45:10, Info                  CSI    0000007d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:45:10, Info                  CSI    0000007e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:45:13, Info                  CSI    00000080 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:45:14, Info                  CSI    00000081 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:45:14, Info                  CSI    00000082 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:45:16, Info                  CSI    00000084 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:45:16, Info                  CSI    00000085 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:45:16, Info                  CSI    00000086 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:45:27, Info                  CSI    000000a0 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:45:27, Info                  CSI    000000a1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:45:27, Info                  CSI    000000a2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:45:33, Info                  CSI    000000a8 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:45:33, Info                  CSI    000000a9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:45:33, Info                  CSI    000000aa [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:45:37, Info                  CSI    000000ac [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:45:37, Info                  CSI    000000ad [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:45:37, Info                  CSI    000000ae [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:45:43, Info                  CSI    000000b0 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:45:43, Info                  CSI    000000b1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:45:43, Info                  CSI    000000b2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:45:49, Info                  CSI    000000b4 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:45:49, Info                  CSI    000000b5 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:45:49, Info                  CSI    000000b6 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:45:59, Info                  CSI    000000b8 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:45:59, Info                  CSI    000000b9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:45:59, Info                  CSI    000000ba [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:46:05, Info                  CSI    000000bc [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:46:06, Info                  CSI    000000bd [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:46:06, Info                  CSI    000000be [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:46:09, Info                  CSI    000000c0 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:46:09, Info                  CSI    000000c1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:46:09, Info                  CSI    000000c2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:46:20, Info                  CSI    000000c4 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:46:20, Info                  CSI    000000c5 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:46:20, Info                  CSI    000000c6 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:46:26, Info                  CSI    000000c8 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:46:27, Info                  CSI    000000c9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:46:27, Info                  CSI    000000ca [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:46:33, Info                  CSI    000000cc [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:46:33, Info                  CSI    000000cd [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:46:33, Info                  CSI    000000ce [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:46:42, Info                  CSI    000000d1 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:46:43, Info                  CSI    000000d2 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:46:43, Info                  CSI    000000d3 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:46:54, Info                  CSI    000000f8 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:46:54, Info                  CSI    000000f9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:46:54, Info                  CSI    000000fa [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:47:04, Info                  CSI    000000fc [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:47:04, Info                  CSI    000000fd [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:47:04, Info                  CSI    000000fe [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:47:24, Info                  CSI    00000100 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:47:24, Info                  CSI    00000101 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:47:24, Info                  CSI    00000102 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:47:40, Info                  CSI    00000105 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:47:40, Info                  CSI    00000106 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:47:40, Info                  CSI    00000107 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:47:50, Info                  CSI    00000109 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:47:50, Info                  CSI    0000010a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:47:50, Info                  CSI    0000010b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:47:57, Info                  CSI    0000010d [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:47:57, Info                  CSI    0000010e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:47:57, Info                  CSI    0000010f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:48:04, Info                  CSI    00000111 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:48:05, Info                  CSI    00000112 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:48:05, Info                  CSI    00000113 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:48:11, Info                  CSI    00000116 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:48:11, Info                  CSI    00000117 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:48:11, Info                  CSI    00000118 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:48:19, Info                  CSI    0000011a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:48:19, Info                  CSI    0000011b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:48:19, Info                  CSI    0000011c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:48:33, Info                  CSI    0000011e [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:48:33, Info                  CSI    0000011f [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:48:33, Info                  CSI    00000120 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:48:42, Info                  CSI    00000123 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:48:42, Info                  CSI    00000124 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:48:42, Info                  CSI    00000125 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:48:49, Info                  CSI    00000127 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:48:49, Info                  CSI    00000128 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:48:49, Info                  CSI    00000129 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:48:57, Info                  CSI    0000012b [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:48:57, Info                  CSI    0000012c [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:48:57, Info                  CSI    0000012d [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:49:09, Info                  CSI    00000130 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:49:09, Info                  CSI    00000131 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:49:09, Info                  CSI    00000132 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:49:15, Info                  CSI    00000134 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:49:16, Info                  CSI    00000135 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:49:16, Info                  CSI    00000136 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:49:23, Info                  CSI    00000138 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:49:23, Info                  CSI    00000139 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:49:23, Info                  CSI    0000013a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:49:30, Info                  CSI    0000013d [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:49:30, Info                  CSI    0000013e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:49:30, Info                  CSI    0000013f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:49:38, Info                  CSI    00000141 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:49:39, Info                  CSI    00000142 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:49:39, Info                  CSI    00000143 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:49:45, Info                  CSI    00000145 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:49:45, Info                  CSI    00000146 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:49:45, Info                  CSI    00000147 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:49:53, Info                  CSI    00000149 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:49:53, Info                  CSI    0000014a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:49:53, Info                  CSI    0000014b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:52:21, Info                  CSI    00000009 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:52:21, Info                  CSI    0000000a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:52:25, Info                  CSI    0000000c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:52:25, Info                  CSI    0000000d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:52:25, Info                  CSI    0000000e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:52:29, Info                  CSI    00000010 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:52:29, Info                  CSI    00000011 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:52:29, Info                  CSI    00000012 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:52:33, Info                  CSI    00000014 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:52:34, Info                  CSI    00000015 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:52:34, Info                  CSI    00000016 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:52:36, Info                  CSI    00000018 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:52:36, Info                  CSI    00000019 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:52:36, Info                  CSI    0000001a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:52:40, Info                  CSI    0000001c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:52:41, Info                  CSI    0000001d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:52:41, Info                  CSI    0000001e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:52:45, Info                  CSI    00000020 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:52:45, Info                  CSI    00000021 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:52:45, Info                  CSI    00000022 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:52:49, Info                  CSI    00000024 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:52:49, Info                  CSI    00000025 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:52:49, Info                  CSI    00000026 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:52:54, Info                  CSI    00000028 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:52:54, Info                  CSI    00000029 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:52:54, Info                  CSI    0000002a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:52:57, Info                  CSI    0000002c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:52:57, Info                  CSI    0000002d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:52:57, Info                  CSI    0000002e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:53:00, Info                  CSI    00000030 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:53:00, Info                  CSI    00000031 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:53:00, Info                  CSI    00000032 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:53:06, Info                  CSI    00000034 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:53:06, Info                  CSI    00000035 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:53:06, Info                  CSI    00000036 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:53:13, Info                  CSI    00000038 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:53:13, Info                  CSI    00000039 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:53:13, Info                  CSI    0000003a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:53:17, Info                  CSI    0000003f [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:53:17, Info                  CSI    00000040 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:53:17, Info                  CSI    00000041 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:53:22, Info                  CSI    00000044 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:53:23, Info                  CSI    00000045 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:53:23, Info                  CSI    00000046 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:53:28, Info                  CSI    0000004a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:53:29, Info                  CSI    0000004b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:53:29, Info                  CSI    0000004c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:53:38, Info                  CSI    00000056 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:53:38, Info                  CSI    00000057 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:53:38, Info                  CSI    00000058 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:53:45, Info                  CSI    0000005a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:53:45, Info                  CSI    0000005b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:53:45, Info                  CSI    0000005c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:53:51, Info                  CSI    0000005e [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:53:51, Info                  CSI    0000005f [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:53:51, Info                  CSI    00000060 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:53:57, Info                  CSI    00000062 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:53:57, Info                  CSI    00000063 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:53:57, Info                  CSI    00000064 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:54:03, Info                  CSI    00000066 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:54:03, Info                  CSI    00000067 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:54:03, Info                  CSI    00000068 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:54:10, Info                  CSI    0000006a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:54:11, Info                  CSI    0000006b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:54:11, Info                  CSI    0000006c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:54:21, Info                  CSI    00000070 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:54:21, Info                  CSI    00000071 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:54:21, Info                  CSI    00000072 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:54:30, Info                  CSI    00000074 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:54:30, Info                  CSI    00000075 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:54:30, Info                  CSI    00000076 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:54:47, Info                  CSI    00000078 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:54:47, Info                  CSI    00000079 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:54:47, Info                  CSI    0000007a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:54:51, Info                  CSI    0000007c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:54:51, Info                  CSI    0000007d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:54:51, Info                  CSI    0000007e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:54:55, Info                  CSI    00000080 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:54:55, Info                  CSI    00000081 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:54:55, Info                  CSI    00000082 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:54:57, Info                  CSI    00000084 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:54:58, Info                  CSI    00000085 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:54:58, Info                  CSI    00000086 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:55:07, Info                  CSI    000000a0 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:55:07, Info                  CSI    000000a1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:55:07, Info                  CSI    000000a2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:55:12, Info                  CSI    000000a8 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:55:13, Info                  CSI    000000a9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:55:13, Info                  CSI    000000aa [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:55:16, Info                  CSI    000000ac [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:55:16, Info                  CSI    000000ad [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:55:16, Info                  CSI    000000ae [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:55:21, Info                  CSI    000000b0 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:55:22, Info                  CSI    000000b1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:55:22, Info                  CSI    000000b2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:55:26, Info                  CSI    000000b4 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:55:27, Info                  CSI    000000b5 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:55:27, Info                  CSI    000000b6 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:55:34, Info                  CSI    000000b8 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:55:35, Info                  CSI    000000b9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:55:35, Info                  CSI    000000ba [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:55:40, Info                  CSI    000000bc [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:55:40, Info                  CSI    000000bd [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:55:40, Info                  CSI    000000be [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:55:43, Info                  CSI    000000c0 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:55:43, Info                  CSI    000000c1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:55:43, Info                  CSI    000000c2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:55:51, Info                  CSI    000000c4 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:55:51, Info                  CSI    000000c5 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:55:51, Info                  CSI    000000c6 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:55:57, Info                  CSI    000000c8 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:55:57, Info                  CSI    000000c9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:55:57, Info                  CSI    000000ca [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:56:02, Info                  CSI    000000cc [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:56:02, Info                  CSI    000000cd [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:56:02, Info                  CSI    000000ce [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:56:10, Info                  CSI    000000d1 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:56:11, Info                  CSI    000000d2 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:56:11, Info                  CSI    000000d3 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:56:21, Info                  CSI    000000f8 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:56:21, Info                  CSI    000000f9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:56:21, Info                  CSI    000000fa [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:56:29, Info                  CSI    000000fc [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:56:29, Info                  CSI    000000fd [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:56:29, Info                  CSI    000000fe [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:56:47, Info                  CSI    00000100 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:56:48, Info                  CSI    00000101 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:56:48, Info                  CSI    00000102 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:57:02, Info                  CSI    00000105 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:57:02, Info                  CSI    00000106 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:57:02, Info                  CSI    00000107 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:57:11, Info                  CSI    00000109 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:57:11, Info                  CSI    0000010a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:57:11, Info                  CSI    0000010b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:57:17, Info                  CSI    0000010d [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:57:17, Info                  CSI    0000010e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:57:17, Info                  CSI    0000010f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:57:23, Info                  CSI    00000111 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:57:24, Info                  CSI    00000112 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:57:24, Info                  CSI    00000113 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:57:29, Info                  CSI    00000116 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:57:29, Info                  CSI    00000117 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:57:29, Info                  CSI    00000118 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:57:36, Info                  CSI    0000011a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:57:36, Info                  CSI    0000011b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:57:36, Info                  CSI    0000011c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:57:48, Info                  CSI    0000011e [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:57:48, Info                  CSI    0000011f [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:57:48, Info                  CSI    00000120 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:57:56, Info                  CSI    00000123 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:57:56, Info                  CSI    00000124 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:57:56, Info                  CSI    00000125 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:58:03, Info                  CSI    00000127 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:58:03, Info                  CSI    00000128 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:58:03, Info                  CSI    00000129 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:58:10, Info                  CSI    0000012b [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:58:11, Info                  CSI    0000012c [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:58:11, Info                  CSI    0000012d [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:58:20, Info                  CSI    00000130 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:58:20, Info                  CSI    00000131 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:58:20, Info                  CSI    00000132 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:58:21, Info                  CSI    00000134 [sR] Cannot repair member file [l:40{20}]"SpeechUXTutorial.exe" of Microsoft-Windows-Speech-UserExperience, Version = 6.1.7601.17514, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
2011-11-15 19:58:26, Info                  CSI    00000136 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:58:26, Info                  CSI    00000137 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:58:26, Info                  CSI    00000138 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:58:32, Info                  CSI    0000013a [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:58:33, Info                  CSI    0000013b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:58:33, Info                  CSI    0000013c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:58:38, Info                  CSI    0000013f [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:58:38, Info                  CSI    00000140 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:58:38, Info                  CSI    00000141 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:58:45, Info                  CSI    00000143 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:58:46, Info                  CSI    00000144 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:58:46, Info                  CSI    00000145 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:58:51, Info                  CSI    00000147 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:58:51, Info                  CSI    00000148 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:58:51, Info                  CSI    00000149 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:58:57, Info                  CSI    0000014b [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:58:57, Info                  CSI    0000014c [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:58:57, Info                  CSI    0000014d [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:59:05, Info                  CSI    00000150 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:59:05, Info                  CSI    00000151 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:59:05, Info                  CSI    00000152 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:59:14, Info                  CSI    00000154 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:59:14, Info                  CSI    00000155 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:59:14, Info                  CSI    00000156 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:59:23, Info                  CSI    00000158 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:59:23, Info                  CSI    00000159 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:59:23, Info                  CSI    0000015a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:59:30, Info                  CSI    0000015c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:59:30, Info                  CSI    0000015d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:59:30, Info                  CSI    0000015e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:59:34, Info                  CSI    00000160 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:59:34, Info                  CSI    00000161 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:59:34, Info                  CSI    00000162 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:59:40, Info                  CSI    00000164 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:59:40, Info                  CSI    00000165 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:59:40, Info                  CSI    00000166 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:59:46, Info                  CSI    00000168 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:59:47, Info                  CSI    00000169 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:59:47, Info                  CSI    0000016a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:59:52, Info                  CSI    0000016c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:59:53, Info                  CSI    0000016d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:59:53, Info                  CSI    0000016e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 19:59:57, Info                  CSI    00000170 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 19:59:57, Info                  CSI    00000171 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 19:59:57, Info                  CSI    00000172 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 20:00:03, Info                  CSI    00000174 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 20:00:03, Info                  CSI    00000175 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 20:00:03, Info                  CSI    00000176 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 20:00:20, Info                  CSI    00000178 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 20:00:20, Info                  CSI    00000179 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 20:00:20, Info                  CSI    0000017a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 20:00:45, Info                  CSI    0000017c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 20:00:45, Info                  CSI    0000017d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 20:00:45, Info                  CSI    0000017e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 20:00:54, Info                  CSI    00000180 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 20:00:54, Info                  CSI    00000181 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 20:00:54, Info                  CSI    00000182 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 20:01:02, Info                  CSI    00000184 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 20:01:02, Info                  CSI    00000185 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 20:01:02, Info                  CSI    00000186 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 20:01:05, Info                  CSI    00000188 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 20:01:05, Info                  CSI    00000189 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 20:01:05, Info                  CSI    0000018a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 20:01:09, Info                  CSI    0000018c [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 20:01:10, Info                  CSI    0000018d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 20:01:10, Info                  CSI    0000018e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 20:01:16, Info                  CSI    00000190 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 20:01:17, Info                  CSI    00000191 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components
2011-11-15 20:01:17, Info                  CSI    00000192 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 20:01:24, Info                  CSI    00000194 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 20:01:24, Info                  CSI    00000195 [sR] Verifying 1 components
2011-11-15 20:01:24, Info                  CSI    00000196 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 20:01:24, Info                  CSI    00000198 [sR] Verify complete
2011-11-15 20:01:24, Info                  CSI    00000199 [sR] Repairing 1 components
2011-11-15 20:01:24, Info                  CSI    0000019a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction
2011-11-15 20:01:25, Info                  CSI    0000019c [sR] Repair complete
2011-11-15 20:01:25, Info                  CSI    0000019d [sR] Committing transaction
2011-11-15 20:01:25, Info                  CSI    000001a1 [sR] Verify and Repair Transaction completed. All files and registry keys listed in this transaction  have been successfully repaired




Je n'y comprends pas grand chose... :-?


A vous de me dire.


Merci encore ! :-)

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Alors j'ai fait le chkdsk /f/r :


Cela a duré à peu près 1h30. A la fin de celui-ci, je n'ai pas eu de résultats ou de rapport sur l'écran...

Windows a redémarré presque de suite. Je ne sais pas si c'est normal... :-?

Je m'attendais à avoir une fenêtre sur le bureau, mais rien.

Par contre en cherchant (je fais que çà), j'ai trouvé dans C: un fichier bootsqm.dat qui a été généré par chkdsk il me semble.


Est-ce que c'est çà le rapport d'analyse...

Et comment l'ouvrir.


J'avoue qu' "il" commence à me rendre fou !!! :outch:


Merci :-)

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