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Nouveau MB-Clean. (ex Mbam-clean)


Messages recommandés



Désinstallation de MalwareBytes... toutes versions.




Nouveau MB-Clean réalisé:



What is mb-clean.exe?


mb-clean.exe (aka Malwarebytes Cleanup Utility) is a tool developed by Malwarebytes to assist in fully removing the following products:

All versions of Malwarebytes 3.x

All versions of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.x

All versions of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.x

All versions of Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit 1.x


Note: mb-clean.exe will eventually replace the legacy version of "mbam-clean.exe".


When to use mb-clean.exe?

If you are having trouble uninstalling any of the supported products mentioned above

If you are having trouble upgrading to a newer version

If you are getting access denied or failed to delete errors during removal

If real-time protection is having trouble starting


What operating systems can I use mb-clean.exe on?

Windows 10 (32/64-bit)

Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit)

Windows 8 (32/64-bit)

Windows 7 (32/64-bit)

Windows Vista (Service Pack 1 or later, 32/64-bit)

Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later, 32-bit only)


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