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Posté(e) (modifié)
I wanted to post everything in an easy to read layout, in a way which I hope will coax horus to answer. You will see everything is back. I was in the process of editing my post while you were posting :P.

If "magic program" is meant to be the "ultimate program which is our way of saying people should remove everything but Spyware Terminator"...

When did I ever suggest this? I am not one of the people going around suggesting people "uninstall" certain safe programs because they are "not good".

When did Crawler ever suggest this? No where does Crawler say "avoid software that is not Spyware Terminator". If we find that there is a compatability issue, as we found with Zone Alarm, we will alert the user of a possible incompatability in the install notes, but we won't say REMOVE XXXX IMMEDIATELY like some users here on this forum choose to do.


Are you seriously blaming our software for deciding to integrate antivirus, HIPS protection, and domain protection (in the form of Web Security Guard)? This is not a meant to force removal of other software. We are merely improving our software.




Il est facile de dialoguer sur un site en français en anglais. De la sorte, beaucoup de personnes se trouvent exclues du dialogue. C'est ce qu'on appelle la démocratie à l'envers.

Il est tout aussi facile de palabrer durant des jours et des heures, en argucies techiques où l'utilisateur moyen ou débutant est vite largué.

Ce qui permet de faire virer le dialogue à un combat d'experts, exlusion faite des "petits" ! Triste exemple de collaboration !


Il est par contre, par du tout évident de répondre à une question claire comme celle que je vous ai adressé, sur ce post, en date du 12 juillet à 19h38, message # 102, sur un lien TRES PRECIS, qui est celui-ci, et faire profiter à tout le monde de clarifications attendues :



Lorsque ce lien, toujours sur ce site, aura été supprimé, c'est à dire lorsque qu'il n'y aura plus aucun doute sur votre logiciel, qu'il aura été réhabilité une bonne fois pour toute à partir de preuves enregistrées, vos paroles pourront être reçues comme exactes.


Jusque là, vous continuerez à pédaler dans le yaourt.


Je vous remercie de m'avoir lu.


Bonne journée à vous.

Modifié par bleuet

Posté(e) (modifié)

Hi Tokar !


About safety and security stuff, I like to read serious and professional stuff like :


* SpyBot Search & Destroy


* ProcessGuard - Process Guard


* SpywareBlaster , that's real profesional and trustful stuff !


Pierre Pinard is a real specialist, and you seem to be the perfect contrary. There's nothing professional reading you, the only thing you said is "Just trust me !". My mother tell me not to trust stranger :P


Quatre kits de sécurité pour 4 budgets (dont un entièrement gratuit) , that's real profesionnal stuff too.


You want us to trust a log surrounded by a lot of doubtful matter ? You're not speaking seriously about ST, you don't give profesional explanation, you just try to avoid the real discussion telling us "Just trust me !".


ST is a log who must protect the PC at the front line, and you aren't able to have solid arguments like the ones we can read on Assiste for example.


You wrote

..The Crawler toolbar has the same intents as Google Toolbar, Yahoo! Toolbar, etc. Research would probably show that people prefer to use a toolbar instead of using the search engine webpage (in other words, Google Toolbar instead of, Yahoo! Toolbar instead of, etc.). Being in a market with several other search engines who have their own toolbars, it is only smart to have our own toolbar which searches our search engine so that our search engine is on a level playing field with all the others. However it should be noted that our toolbar searches Crawler AND Google, Yahoo!, MSN and

...but did you read :

Barres d'outils (ToolsBar) :

Comment coller au plus près de vos mots-clés et des urls visitées pour vous espionner. Les barres d'outils surveillent les habitudes d'utilisation d'Internet. Elles utilisent aussi l'identifiant du produit Windows pour identifier l'ordinateur sur un serveur distant.


Rarement utiles et toujours avec des arrières pensés, leurs installations sont faites sans notre consentement. Elles pullulent actuellement et sont toujours implantées lors de visites sur des sites piégés qui sont rémunérés au nombre de barres installées. Leur but est de toujours être au plus près de vos habitudes de navigation, de vos Mots-clés et de vos favoris. L'une des plus célèbres barres est celle de Google qui, si elle ne se sert pas de pièges mais d'appâts pour vous inciter à aller la chercher et l'installer (elle n'est pas agressive), agit tout de même en spyware de tracking et profiling


Traduction AltaVista vaguement "améliorée" par mes soins :
How to stick closest to your key words and the urls visited to spy you. The toolbars monitor the practices of use of Internet. They use also the identification of the Windows product to identify the computer on a distant waiter


Seldom useful and always with thought backs, their installations are made without our assent. They currently pullulate and are always established at the time of visits on trapped sites which are remunerated by the number of bars installed. Their goal is always to be closest to your practices of navigation, your Key words and your favourites. One of the most famous bars is that of Google which, if it is not useful of traps but of soft foods to encourage you to go to seek it and install it (it is not aggressive), acts all the same as spyware of alignment and profiling

CrawlerToolbar is installed by default during the installation of ST if we forget to choose not to installed it !!!It's real criminal stuff !! What about the beginner ?? Fuck the ToolBar ! ST is dangerous from the very beginning !


About the CCleaner Yahoo Toolbar, Assiste and Zebulon always tell clearly not to installed it ! CCleaner v1.40.520 - Slim , without Toolbar. It seems that a ST without the CrawlerToolbar exist, but where, it's not clearly indicated on the main site !


Why ST is by default with the CrawlerToolbar ? To make money and steal informations, isn't it ? Do you really read Crawler LLC , it's seems to be criminal and illegal stuff !


Friendly, and thank you to be more profesionnal, we are loosing our time with your response, there is other very good stuff, ST looks to be just one more log, and very dangerous with is Toolbar !


EDIT : sorry for my poor english...

Modifié par horus agressor
Posté(e) (modifié)

Hello Tokar, hello everybody.


I just want to say something about toolbars and other bundled softwares : I hate those practices and it always get me angry when a soft comes with bundeled soft like CCleaner with the Yahoo Toolbar. When installing a new version of CCleaner I always pass through the steps without reading ( :P ) and I always get the Yahoo Tollbar installed, why ? Because the defaut choice is to INSTALL the toolbar, the checkbox is by default checked and someone like me that don't want to loose time reading stupids installator text got the software because of a stupid little checkbox not clearly visible and checked. And what's the result ? The toolbar is installed, I have to uninstall it manually and it ALWAYS leaves traces in the registry ! :P


I took CCleaner as an example but I'm sure it is the same with ST and CT.


I know that most people are in the same situation than me, but just think a while, what did people asked ? nobody asked to get the toolbar installed with the main software ! And are the toolbars REALLY useful ? My answer (I said mine) is NO, a toolbar is not useful, the only thing it does is making the browser heavier than it is, slowing it down and taking space on the screen, you can perfectly find and search using the websites or the little searchbox at the top left-corner of your browser (in Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer 7 etc...), most browser also include popups blocker etc... so finally the toolbar stay there, nobody use it but it is there... On my computer, I don't have any toolbar and I am perfectly able to find what I need on the web.


I wonder what installer does the default link point to... I would not be surprised if it is the one with the bundled softs, with the little checkbox that nobody gives much attention to and that is checked, between the ones concerning the readme file and the desktop shortcuts :P .


Despite they don't want it, most people will get CT and the other stuff installed, because of the automatism that humans develops.


Another point not clear is the society that develops ST, like it has been said on assiste or in this thread, just some pages ago. And can you give me a proof that CT does not collect users informations ? I'm sure google does so why not Crawler ? By the way, IBIS and Crawlers have a very charged past concerning spying users...


Have a nice day.

Modifié par med365
CrawlerToolbar is installed by default during the installation of ST if we forget to choose not to installed it !!!It's real criminal stuff !! What about the beginner ?? Fuck the ToolBar ! ST is dangerous from the very beginning !




Horus, si tu lis le message que j'ai écrit juste au dessus de celui-ci tu verras que je suis d'accord avec toi, cependant je ne pense pas qu'il soit nécessaire d'être agressif et virulent, "Fuck the toolbar" n'est pas le meilleur argument qu'on puisse trouver pour exprimer son désaccord. Nous sommes sur un forum d'entraide, un lieu d'échange, ne l'oublie pas, je comprends que tu sois en colère mais ne te laisse pas emporter, c'est un conseil amical :P

Posté(e) (modifié)

Could you please put your opinions on hold right now?. You are completely avoiding my post.


Your opinions are your opinions, I am not going to argue anymore your opinions. It is futile for me to try to convince you of anything since it does not solve the problem I have, which is the Craptheque page.


Horus, you have openly admitted to using our software for TWO WEEKS!


I've tested ST about 2 weeks


Again Horus I ask you to address these claims:


Claim #1) Crawler offers a lot of free software of the trojan kind. In your testing did you find any trojan?

Claim #2) No software is free, there must be revenue somwhere - stealing private info, spyware, adware. In your testing did you find any of these practices?

Claim #3) The toolbar BHO is given a negative connotation. Did you find Crawler Toolbar BHO to be as safe as other popular toolbars (Google, Yahoo!, etc.)?

Claim #4) The toolbar installs by means of drive-by ActiveX download. Did you find this to be true?

Claim #5) Crawler and ST are on the dark side of the net and always have been. Did you find any information pointing you to a "dark" side of the net (which I take to mean Adware, Spyware, Malware, privacy theft, information sale, etc.)?

Claim #6) Spyware Terminator is sending information. Did you find Spyware Terminator to be sending any information outside of what is standard for security programs (update information, and community settings similar to Windows Defender, Ad-aware, spysweeper, counterspy,e tc.)?

Claim #7) Spyware Terminator removes competitor products. You alluded to the fact that you tested Spyware Terminator on a machine with SSM, SpyBot, and Spyware Blaster. Did Spyware Terminator attempt to remove any of these competing products?

Claim #:P Spyware Terminator removes spyware and adware competitors, thus alluding to a claim that Spyware Terminator itself is spyware/adware. Did you determine Spyware Terminator to be spyware/adware/etc.?

Claim #9) All of our software is using Trojans. Did you find any trojans in our software?



I kindly ask you to address each claim as you have tested our software. And I would like you to speak based on what you saw while testing. Not what saw, or what cyrilcvcf saw, not what cornflower saw. What you saw.


Again, you still continue to avoid these issues.

Modifié par Tokar
Bof, à l'ouest rien de nouveau, quoi !


Pour moi, fin de la discussion !


Feel free to leave at any time, but you are not helping your cause by avoiding those simple claims made by Craptheque page.

Posté(e) (modifié)

It seems like a few people have a bias seeing as how certain people, who are qualified to answer, are not answering the claims made in Message #115 (taken directly from

Modifié par Tokar
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