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  • Pas encore inscrit ?

    Pourquoi ne pas vous inscrire ? C'est simple, rapide et gratuit.
    Pour en savoir plus, lisez Les avantages de l'inscription... et la Charte de Zébulon.
    De plus, les messages que vous postez en tant qu'invité restent invisibles tant qu'un modérateur ne les a pas validés. Inscrivez-vous, ce sera un gain de temps pour tout le monde, vous, les helpeurs et les modérateurs ! :wink:

Écran noir et freeze

Messages recommandés




Voici mon problème, toujours lors d'un jeu, mon écran devient noir et le son bloque,

impossible de retourner au bureau, RESET oblige

tous pilotes sont à jour, pc et écran d'origine

ma config: Windows seven 64 bits, acer aspire m3802

dual core E5300 2x 2,60GHz

8Giga de ram, Geforce nvidia GT220 1giga

une foi je peux jouer une aprem sans souci,un autre jour toute les 20min, sur jeu différent...


Quelqu'un peux t'il m'aider s'il vous plait? merci de votre attention


ps: sur certain jeux, aucun souci


Avant tout il faut voir si ta carte graphique supporte le jeux ,

Il y'a configuration requise


Il y'a configuration recommandé

Donc cherche d'abord du coté du jeux !

Tu peut essayé un site comme par exemple:

Les exigences du système pour les jeux vidéo sur

j'espère que tu trouvera un début de réponse ? sinon fait remonté le message ! :bigglasses:


ce n'est pas la cause

ex: aucun souci avec fallout3 ou new vegas, mais plante avec overlord 1 (et 2)call of ruarez 2 plante,call of duty black ops tourne sans aucun souci, avant napoleon total war tournais, maintenant une demi heure et black-out...

meme probleme apres reformatage...


ce n'est pas la cause

ex: aucun souci avec fallout3 ou new vegas, mais plante avec overlord 1 (et 2)call of ruarez 2 plante,call of duty black ops tourne sans aucun souci, avant napoleon total war tournais, maintenant une demi heure et black-out...

meme probleme apres reformatage...


Tu a quoi comme Antivirus ? Une bonne protection !?

PC optimisé ?

Sinon c'est ta Carte Mère ou ta Carte Graphique qui chauffe vois avec l'utilitaire ?

Le reformatage est la dernière solution ! :-?

  • Modérateurs
Posté(e) (modifié)

Bonjour Calys,


Pour la manip que je vais te proposer, l'inscription sur le forum est requise (c'est gratuit...).

Profites-en stp pour enregister ta config ds ton profil.


  • Télécharge ZHPDiag de Nicolas Coolman :
  • Enregistre le sur ton bureau
  • Clique droit sur l'icône puis « exécuter en tant quadministrateur »
  • Suis les instructions à l'écran
  • Clique sur l'icône LOUPE pour lancer l'analyse
  • Clique sur l'icône APPAREIL PHOTO pour copier le rapport, puis colle le dans ta prochaine réponse
  • Tu peux également trouver le rapport sous C:\Program Files\ZebHelpProcess\ZHPDiag.txt

Modifié par Tonton57

Bonjour Tonton,


Me voici inscrit, et voici le rapport:


Rapport de ZHPDiag v1.27.1604 par Nicolas Coolman, Update du 16/02/2011

Run by Jude at 16/02/2011 11:48:24

Web site : ZHPDiag Outil de diagnostic

Contact :


---\\ Web Browser

MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.0.7600.16385


---\\ System Information

Windows 7 Home Premium Edition, 64-bit (Build 7600)

Processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel

Operating System: 64 Bits

Boot mode: Normal (Normal boot)

Total RAM: 8191 MB (76% free)

System Restore: Activé (Enable)

System drive C: has 277 GB (60%) free of 458 GB


---\\ Logged in mode

Computer Name: JUDE-PC

User Name: Jude

All Users Names: Jude, HomeGroupUser$, Administrateur,

Unselected Option: O45,O61,O62,O65,O66,O82

Logged in as Administrator


---\\ Environnement Variables



%StartMenu%=C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu


---\\ DOS/Devices

C:\ Hard drive, Flash drive, Thumb drive (Free 277 Go of 458 Go)

D:\ Hard drive, Flash drive, Thumb drive (Free 47 Go of 458 Go)

E:\ CD-ROM drive (Not Inserted)

F:\ CD-ROM drive (Not Inserted)

H:\ CD-ROM drive (Not Inserted)



---\\ Security Center & Tools Informations

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center] AntiSpywareOverride: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center] AntiVirusOverride: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center] AntiVirusDisableNotify: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center] FirewallDisableNotify: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center] FirewallOverride: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center] UpdatesDisableNotify: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center] UacDisableNotify: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] AntiSpywareOverride: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] AntiVirusOverride: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] AntiVirusDisableNotify: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] FirewallDisableNotify: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] FirewallOverride: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] UpdatesDisableNotify: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] UacDisableNotify: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] NoActiveDesktopChanges: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] NoActiveDesktopChanges: Modified

[HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced] Start_ShowSearch: OK

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL] CheckedValue: Modified

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] EnableLUA: Modified



---\\ Recherche particulière de fichiers génériques

[MD5.9AAAEC8DAC27AA17B053E6352AD233AE] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Explorateur Windows.) (.31/10/2009 07:34:59.) -- C:\Windows\Explorer.exe [2870272]

[MD5.B5C5DCAD3899512020D135600129D665] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application de démarrage de Windows.) (.14/07/2009 02:14:45.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Wininit.exe [96256]



---\\ Processus lancés

[MD5.EAEB34D06AC35097031B0F11595012D7] - (.Egis Technology Inc. - MyWinLocker.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec\MyWinLocker 3\x86\mwlDaemon.exe [349480]

[MD5.72334F906C2E2B002CDD2FF9022FD957] - (.PixArt Imaging Incorporation - Registry Monitor.) -- C:\Windows\PixArt\PAC207\Monitor.exe [319488]

[MD5.5D817EACEA557B4B62232F3AA48C7D93] - (.BitTorrent, Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe [395128]

[MD5.390679F7A217A5E73D756276C40AE887] - (.Safer-Networking Ltd. - System settings protector.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe [2260480]

[MD5.785B3DE86D0A0707DC2C04ABF51A7248] - (.Pas de propriétaire - WlanCU MFC Application.) -- C:\Program Files\TRENDnet\TEW-424UB\WlanCU.exe [499712]

[MD5.D9CB30BF12B3670650C85637EA1AB6EA] - (.NewTech Infosystems, Inc. - Acer Backup Manager.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\NewTech Infosystems\Acer Backup Manager\BackupManagerTray.exe [261888]

[MD5.EF533F9D1E4F51C783D4349A7C3F518F] - (.Egis Technology Inc. - EgisUpdate Release Application.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec Egis Software Update\EgisUpdate.exe [199464]

[MD5.7B878518590E826F1F3A5B1D61D405F8] - (.AVAST Software - avast! Antivirus.) -- C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\AvastUI.exe [3396624]

[MD5.A58E05767687E1E636D160ECEA9BC8ED] - (.Pas de propriétaire - DivX Update.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Update\DivXUpdate.exe [1226608]

[MD5.57D8C4ED26DFD7EF0E2CB196FB8BFB54] - (.DivX, LLC - DivX Download Manager Service.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\DDMService.exe [63360]

[MD5.0E20A3213ED010FC4997D1EF48082ABC] - (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe [912344]

[MD5.BA9A09CF1B9503C363617F3748F6D791] - (.Mozilla Corporation - Plugin Container for Firefox.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugin-container.exe [16856]

[MD5.A0F1DFC9E47B2524213AFF32E26BE92D] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Lecteur Windows Media.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe [164864]

[MD5.0A84A029704B85D4EDEB07F4004F3BDB] - (.Nicolas Coolman - Diagnostic Tool.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ZHPDiag\ZHPDiag.exe [630784]



---\\ Mozilla Firefox, Plugins,Demarrage,Recherche,Extensions (P2,M0,M1,M2,M3)

P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [] - (.Cybelsoft - Plugin NPAPI -- C:\Program Files\\nphardwaredetection.dll

M0 - MFSP: prefs.js [Jude - l52zcgm4.default] Google

M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [Jude - l52zcgm4.default\] [] Tab Scope v1.1 (.Gomita.)

M2 - MFEP: prefs.js [Jude - l52zcgm4.default\{0545b830-f0aa-4d7e-8820-50a4629a56fe}] [] ColorfulTabs v1.1 (.Binary Turf.)



---\\ Internet Explorer, Démarrage,Recherche,URLSearchHook, Phishing (R0,R1,R3,R4)

R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = Google

R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page =

R0 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-377925454-3000789237-3922217386-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = Google

R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = Search

R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL =

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = Search

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL =

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = Search

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Extensions Off Page = about:noadd-ons

R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Security Risk Page = about:securityrisk

R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyEnable = 0

R1 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-377925454-3000789237-3922217386-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = Search

R3 - URLSearchHook: Microsoft Url Search Hook [64Bits] - {CFBFAE00-17A6-11D0-99CB-00C04FD64497} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Navigateur Internet.) (8.00.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255)) -- C:\Windows\System32\ieframe.dll

R4 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PhishingFilter,EnabledV8 = 1



---\\ Modification d'une valeur Ini (Changed inifile value, mapped to Registry) (F2)

F2 - REG:system.ini: UserInit=C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe,

F2 - REG:system.ini: VMApplet=C:\WINDOWS\system32\SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe



---\\ Browser Helper Objects de navigateur (O2)

O2 - BHO: Windows Live ID Sign-in Helper [64Bits] - {9030D464-4C02-4ABF-8ECC-5164760863C6} . (.Microsoft Corp. - Microsoft® Windows Live ID Login Helper.) -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WindowsLiveLogin.dll



---\\ Applications démarrées par registre & par dossier (O4)

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [mwlDaemon] . (.Egis Technology Inc. - MyWinLocker.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec\MyWinLocker 3\x86\mwlDaemon.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [RtHDVCpl] . (.Realtek Semiconductor - HD Audio Control Panel.) -- C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [PAC207_Monitor] . (.PixArt Imaging Incorporation - Registry Monitor.) -- C:\Windows\PixArt\PAC207\Monitor.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ProfilerU] . (.Saitek - Saitek SST Profile Launcher.) -- C:\Program Files\Saitek\SD6\Software\ProfilerU.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [saiMfd] . (.Saitek - Saitek MFD File System Driver.) -- C:\Program Files\Saitek\SD6\Software\SaiMfd.exe

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [uTorrent] . (.BitTorrent, Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [spybotSD TeaTimer] . (.Safer-Networking Ltd. - System settings protector.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [AlcoholAutomount] . (.Alcohol Soft Development Team - Alcohol Launcher.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\axcmd.exe

O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [sidebar] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gadgets du Bureau Windows.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [backupManagerTray] . (.NewTech Infosystems, Inc. - Acer Backup Manager.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\NewTech Infosystems\Acer Backup Manager\BackupManagerTray.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [EgisTecLiveUpdate] . (.Egis Technology Inc. - EgisUpdate Release Application.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec Egis Software Update\EgisUpdate.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [avast5] . (.AVAST Software - avast! Antivirus.) -- C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\avastUI.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [Adobe Reader Speed Launcher] . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe Acrobat SpeedLauncher.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\Reader_sl.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [Adobe ARM] . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [DivXUpdate] . (.Pas de propriétaire - DivX Update.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Update\DivXUpdate.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [DivX Download Manager] . (.DivX, LLC - DivX Download Manager Service.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\DDmService.exe

O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [PWRISOVM.EXE] . (.PowerISO Computing, Inc. - PowerISO Virtual Drive Manager.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerISO\PWRISOVM.exe

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\Run: [sidebar] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gadgets du Bureau Windows.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\Run: [sidebar] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gadgets du Bureau Windows.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-377925454-3000789237-3922217386-1000\..\Run: [uTorrent] . (.BitTorrent, Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-377925454-3000789237-3922217386-1000\..\Run: [spybotSD TeaTimer] . (.Safer-Networking Ltd. - System settings protector.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-377925454-3000789237-3922217386-1000\..\Run: [AlcoholAutomount] . (.Alcohol Soft Development Team - Alcohol Launcher.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\axcmd.exe

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-377925454-3000789237-3922217386-1000\..\Run: [sidebar] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gadgets du Bureau Windows.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\RunOnce: [mctadmin] C:\Windows\System32\mctadmin.exe (.not file.)

O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\RunOnce: [mctadmin] C:\Windows\System32\mctadmin.exe (.not file.)

O4 - Global Startup: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Utilitaire de configuration sans fil.lnk . (.Pas de propriétaire.) -- C:\Program Files\TRENDnet\TEW-424UB\WlanCU.exe



---\\ Autres liens utilisateurs (O4)

O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer (64-bit).lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Mozilla Firefox.lnk . (.Mozilla Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe

O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Shows Desktop.lnk - Clé orpheline

O4 - Global Startup: C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Window Switcher.lnk - Clé orpheline



---\\ Lignes supplémentaires dans le menu contextuel d'Internet Explorer (O8)

O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xport to Microsoft Excel . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office Excel.) -- C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office12\EXCEL.exe

O8 - Extra context menu item: Google Sidewiki... - (.not file.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Toolbar\Component\GoogleToolbarDynamic_mui_en_60D6097707281E79.dll



---\\ Winsock hijacker (Layered Service Provider) (O10)

O10 - WLSP:\000000000001\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Network Location Awareness 2.) -- C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll

O10 - WLSP:\000000000002\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur de service Sockets 2.0 de Microsoft Windows.) -- C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll

O10 - WLSP:\000000000003\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - LDAP RnR Provider DLL.) -- C:\Windows\system32\winrnr.dll

O10 - WLSP:\000000000004\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur Shim d’affectation de noms de messagerie.) -- C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll

O10 - WLSP:\000000000005\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur d’espace de noms PNRP.) -- C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll

O10 - WLSP:\000000000006\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur d’espace de noms PNRP.) -- C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll

O10 - WLSP:\000000000007\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corp. - Microsoft® Windows Live ID Namespace Provider.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WLIDNSP.DLL

O10 - WLSP:\000000000008\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corp. - Microsoft® Windows Live ID Namespace Provider.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WLIDNSP.DLL



---\\ Modification Domaine/Adresses DNS (O17)

O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{1475C761-93A8-4EDA-A634-16FC7BCEEF3D}: DhcpNameServer =

O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{8E604FAD-EF60-48F2-BA5A-F3587ECED00C}: DhcpNameServer =

O17 - HKLM\System\CS1\Services\Tcpip\..\{1475C761-93A8-4EDA-A634-16FC7BCEEF3D}: DhcpNameServer =

O17 - HKLM\System\CS1\Services\Tcpip\..\{8E604FAD-EF60-48F2-BA5A-F3587ECED00C}: DhcpNameServer =

O17 - HKLM\System\CS2\Services\Tcpip\..\{1475C761-93A8-4EDA-A634-16FC7BCEEF3D}: DhcpNameServer =

O17 - HKLM\System\CS2\Services\Tcpip\..\{8E604FAD-EF60-48F2-BA5A-F3587ECED00C}: DhcpNameServer =

O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: DhcpNameServer =



---\\ Clé de Registre autorun ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad (SSO/SSODL) (O21)

O21 - SSODL: WebCheck - {E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED} - CLSID or File not found.



---\\ Liste des services NT non Microsoft et non désactivés (O23)

O23 - Service: (avast! Antivirus) . (.AVAST Software - avast! Service.) - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\AvastSvc.exe

O23 - Service: (Greg_Service) . (.Acer Incorporated - Global Registration Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Registration\GregHSRW.exe

O23 - Service: (IAStorDataMgrSvc) . (.Intel Corporation - IAStorDataSvc.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel® Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe

O23 - Service: (Intel® PROSet Monitoring Service) - Clé orpheline

O23 - Service: (MWLService) . (.Egis Technology Inc. - MyWinLocker Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec\MyWinLocker 3\x86\MWLService.exe

O23 - Service: Nero BackItUp Scheduler 4.0 (Nero BackItUp Scheduler 4.0) . (.Nero AG - Nero BackItUp.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Nero\Nero BackItUp 4\NBService.exe

O23 - Service: (NTI IScheduleSvc) . (.NewTech Infosystems, Inc. - Backup Manager Module.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\NewTech Infosystems\Acer Backup Manager\IScheduleSvc.exe

O23 - Service: (nTuneService) . (.NVIDIA - NVIDIA Performance Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\nTune\nTuneService.exe

O23 - Service: (NVSvc) - Clé orpheline

O23 - Service: (SBSDWSCService) . (.Safer Networking Ltd. - Spybot-S&D Security Center integration.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SDWinSec.exe

O23 - Service: (StarWindServiceAE) . (.Rocket Division Software - StarWind iSCSI Target (Alcohol Edition).) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\StarWind\StarWindServiceAE.exe

O23 - Service: (Stereo Service) . (.NVIDIA Corporation - Stereo Vision Control Panel API Server.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe

O23 - Service: (UpdateCenterService) . (.NVIDIA - NVIDIA Update Center Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\System Update\UpdateCenterService.exe

O23 - Service: (Updater Service) . (.Acer - Acer Update Service.) - C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Updater\UpdaterService.exe



---\\ Enumération Active Desktop & MHTML Editor (O24)

O24 - Default MHTML Editor: Last - .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - (.not file.)



---\\ Tâches planifiées en automatique (O39)

[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [{1E40F84F-1EDB-4BDA-A93B-3DA28C262EF3}] (.Pas de propriétaire.) -- G:\Programmes\Alcohol120_complete\Alcohol120_trial_1.9.7.6221.exe (.not file.)

[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [{40865244-071D-4DBB-A3F0-6988C829C0F7}] (.Pas de propriétaire.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Atari\Act of War - Direct Action\ACTOFWAR.exe (.not file.)

[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [{56B4FF0D-722A-4D55-9CF8-2EA44AE642CA}] (.Pas de propriétaire.) -- C:\Users\Jude\Downloads\Command and Conquer Generals\Command & Conquer Generals\keygen.exe (.not file.)

[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [{86D6974B-8A47-4119-B35A-3BE1AB5A5426}] (.Pas de propriétaire.) -- C:\Users\Jude\Downloads\Command and Conquer Generals\Command & Conquer Generals\keygen.exe (.not file.)

[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [{8E31DAEF-9E02-4922-9C29-C1015FDB4AA1}] (.Pas de propriétaire.) -- F:\Programmes\daemon347.exe (.not file.)

[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [{8FFAEEB9-F728-4A0E-9893-FCA848F6B7D9}] (.Pas de propriétaire.) -- G:\Programmes\Alcohol120_complete\Alcohol120_trial_1.9.7.6221.exe (.not file.)

[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [{97781350-299A-4DF5-9D21-35ABF82174B1}] (.Pas de propriétaire.) -- F:\Programmes\daemon347.exe (.not file.)

[MD5.7F59E4F51DA9C9C6B29B881D8DD92400] [APT] [burn Notification] (.Acer.) -- C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer eRecovery Management\NotificationCenter\Notification.exe



---\\ Pilotes lancés au démarrage (O41)

O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\afd.sys (AFD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\afd.sys

O41 - Driver: (blbdrive) . (.Microsoft Corporation - BLB Drive Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\blbdrive.sys

O41 - Driver: (cdrom) . (.Microsoft Corporation - SCSI CD-ROM Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\cdrom.sys

O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\dfsc.sys (DfsC) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DFS Namespace Client Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dfsc.sys

O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\discache.sys (discache) . (.Microsoft Corporation - System Indexer/Cache Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\discache.sys

O41 - Driver: (mssmbios) . (.Microsoft Corporation - System Management BIOS Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\mssmbios.sys

O41 - Driver: (mwlPSDFilter) . (.Egis Technology Inc. - PSD Filter Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\mwlPSDFilter.sys

O41 - Driver: (mwlPSDNServ) . (.Egis Technology Inc. - MyWinLocker PSD Named Pipe Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\mwlPSDNServ.sys

O41 - Driver: (mwlPSDVDisk) . (.Egis Technology Inc. - MyWinLocker PSD Virtual Disk Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\mwlPSDVDisk.sys

O41 - Driver: (NetBIOS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - NetBIOS interface driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\netbios.sys

O41 - Driver: (NetBT) . (.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\netbt.sys

O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nsiproxy.sys (nsiproxy) . (.Microsoft Corporation - NSI Proxy.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nsiproxy.sys

O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\pacer.sys (Psched) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Planificateur de paquets QoS.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\pacer.sys

O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\system32\wkssvc.dll (rdbss) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote du sous-système de mise en mémoire t.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\rdbss.sys

O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\RDPCDD.sys (RDPCDD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Miniport.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\RDPCDD.sys

O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\RDPENCDD.sys (RDPENCDD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Encoder Miniport.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rdpencdd.sys

O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\RdpRefMp.sys (RDPREFMP) . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Reflector Driver Miniport.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rdprefmp.sys

O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\system32\tcpipcfg.dll (Tcpip) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote TCP/IP.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\tcpip.sys

O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\system32\tcpipcfg.dll (tdx) . (.Microsoft Corporation - TDI Translation Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\tdx.sys

O41 - Driver: (TermDD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Remote Desktop Server Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\termdd.sys

O41 - Driver: (VgaSave) . (.Microsoft Corporation - VGA/Super VGA Video Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\vga.sys

O41 - Driver: (vwififlt) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Virtual WiFi Filter Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\vwififlt.sys

O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\system32\rascfg.dll (Wanarpv6) . (.Microsoft Corporation - MS Remote Access and Routing ARP Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\wanarp.sys

O41 - Driver: (WfpLwf) . (.Microsoft Corporation - WFP NDIS 6.20 Lightweight Filter Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\wfplwf.sys



---\\ Logiciels installés (O42)

O42 - Logiciel: 7-Zip 4.65 - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- 7-Zip

O42 - Logiciel: 7-Zip 9.20 (x64 edition) - (.Igor Pavlov.) [HKLM] -- {23170F69-40C1-2702-0920-000001000000}

O42 - Logiciel: Acer Arcade Deluxe - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{2637C347-9DAD-11D6-9EA2-00055D0CA761}

O42 - Logiciel: Acer Arcade Deluxe - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {2637C347-9DAD-11D6-9EA2-00055D0CA761}

O42 - Logiciel: Acer Backup Manager - (.NewTech Infosystems.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{30075A70-B5D2-440B-AFA3-FB2021740121}

O42 - Logiciel: Acer GameZone Console - (.Oberon Media, Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {8ed9688e-4f79-4308-91ca-f1c37ca142b4}_is1

O42 - Logiciel: Acer Registration - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Acer Registration

O42 - Logiciel: Acer ScreenSaver - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Acer Screensaver

O42 - Logiciel: Acer Updater - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {EE171732-BEB4-4576-887D-CB62727F01CA}

O42 - Logiciel: Acer eRecovery Management - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {7F811A54-5A09-4579-90E1-C93498E230D9}

O42 - Logiciel: - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {287ECFA4-719A-2143-A09B-D6A12DE54E40}

O42 - Logiciel: Adobe AIR - (.Adobe Systems Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Adobe AIR

O42 - Logiciel: Adobe AIR - (.Adobe Systems Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {46C045BF-2B3F-4BC4-8E4C-00E0CF8BD9DB}

O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Adobe Flash Player ActiveX

O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Adobe Flash Player Plugin

O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Reader X (10.0.1) - Français - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {AC76BA86-7AD7-1036-7B44-AA0000000001}

O42 - Logiciel: Alice Greenfingers - (.Oberon Media.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {82C36957-D2B8-4EF2-B88C-5FA03AA848C7-112920767}

O42 - Logiciel: Backup Manager Advance - (.NewTech Infosystems.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {30075A70-B5D2-440B-AFA3-FB2021740121}

O42 - Logiciel: CCleaner - (.Piriform.) [HKLM] -- CCleaner

O42 - Logiciel: Call of Duty: Black Ops - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Call of Duty: Black Ops_is1

O42 - Logiciel: Configuration DivX - (.DivX, LLC.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- DivX

O42 - Logiciel: CrazyTalk Cam Suite - (.Reallusion.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {D1504C77-1B19-4AF0-8DEC-946666123B55}

O42 - Logiciel: D3DX10 - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {E09C4DB7-630C-4F06-A631-8EA7239923AF}

O42 - Logiciel: Dairy Dash - (.Oberon Media.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {82C36957-D2B8-4EF2-B88C-5FA03AA848C7-115053100}

O42 - Logiciel: Damnation - (.Codemasters.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {C3C697E8-9183-4088-994C-2662166830BC}

O42 - Logiciel: Dark Sector - (.Aspyr.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {67666EBD-2283-4102-B79D-613C5536E554}

O42 - Logiciel: Divinity II - Ego Draconis - (.dtp.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Divinity II - Ego Draconis_is1

O42 - Logiciel: Dream Day First Home - (.Oberon Media.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {82C36957-D2B8-4EF2-B88C-5FA03AA848C7-113832110}

O42 - Logiciel: EA Download Manager - (.Electronic Arts, Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- EADM

O42 - Logiciel: EAX Unified (SHELL) - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- EAX Unified (SHELL)

O42 - Logiciel: Empire Earth II - (.Sierra.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {DF315348-721C-40B8-BAE2-58C6C7D935A2}

O42 - Logiciel: Eye 110 - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {C679F9B9-C65D-4C65-BD6C-BF90B859E281}

O42 - Logiciel: FINAL FANTASY VIII - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- FINAL FANTASY VIII

O42 - Logiciel: Farm Frenzy 2 - (.Oberon Media.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {82C36957-D2B8-4EF2-B88C-5FA03AA848C7-11531173}

O42 - Logiciel: GPGNet - (.Gas Powered Games.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {C194D333-B84A-4BB7-B35E-060732D98DC4}

O42 - Logiciel: Galerie de photos Windows Live - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {488F0347-C4A7-4374-91A7-30818BEDA710}

O42 - Logiciel: Granny In Paradise - (.Oberon Media.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {82C36957-D2B8-4EF2-B88C-5FA03AA848C7-110551697}

O42 - Logiciel: Heroes of Hellas - (.Oberon Media.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {82C36957-D2B8-4EF2-B88C-5FA03AA848C7-113786380}

O42 - Logiciel: Hotkey Utility - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Hotkey Utility

O42 - Logiciel: Identity Card - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Identity Card

O42 - Logiciel: Intel® Network Connections - (.Intel.) [HKLM] -- PROSetDX

O42 - Logiciel: Intel® Network Connections - (.Intel.) [HKLM] -- {8C9B6B1F-0A8E-402A-A60C-110BBB38D67E}

O42 - Logiciel: Intel® Rapid Storage Technology - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {3E29EE6C-963A-4aae-86C1-DC237C4A49FC}

O42 - Logiciel: Junk Mail filter update - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {1F6AB0E7-8CDD-4B93-8A23-AA9EB2FEFCE4}

O42 - Logiciel: Lost Planet Extreme Condition - (.CapCom.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {AD281A87-2AD3-4CEB-AF85-468FD84698D8}

O42 - Logiciel: MSVCRT - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {8DD46C6A-0056-4FEC-B70A-28BB16A1F11F}

O42 - Logiciel: MSVCRT_amd64 - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {D0B44725-3666-492D-BEF6-587A14BD9BD9}

O42 - Logiciel: MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {86493ADD-824D-4B8E-BD72-8C5DCDC52A71}

O42 - Logiciel: MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {F662A8E6-F4DC-41A2-901E-8C11F044BDEC}

O42 - Logiciel: (64 bits) - (.Cybelsoft.) [HKLM] -- {80CF423D-D542-40C4-86DF-951CC31B125C}

O42 - Logiciel: Merriam Websters Spell Jam - (.Oberon Media.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {82C36957-D2B8-4EF2-B88C-5FA03AA848C7-112662477}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile FRA Language Pack - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {4B5F58F7-C7D1-3CE3-9B37-B657F0852643}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {86A4C6D9-29EE-4719-AFA1-BA3341862B83}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE Redistributable - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {1FDA5A37-B22D-43FF-B582-B8964050DC13}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{0B36C6D6-F5D8-4EAF-BF94-4376A230AD5B}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0015-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{AE187E0D-EBA5-4EE1-A397-BF1A577CB24C}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0016-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{AE187E0D-EBA5-4EE1-A397-BF1A577CB24C}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0018-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{AE187E0D-EBA5-4EE1-A397-BF1A577CB24C}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0019-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{AE187E0D-EBA5-4EE1-A397-BF1A577CB24C}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001A-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{AE187E0D-EBA5-4EE1-A397-BF1A577CB24C}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001B-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{AE187E0D-EBA5-4EE1-A397-BF1A577CB24C}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-002A-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{E64BA721-2310-4B55-BE5A-2925F9706192}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-002A-040C-1000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{B165D3C2-40AE-4D39-86F7-E5C87C4264C0}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0044-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{AE187E0D-EBA5-4EE1-A397-BF1A577CB24C}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-006E-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{B165D3C2-40AE-4D39-86F7-E5C87C4264C0}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Access MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0015-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Excel MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0016-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0044-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.4 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {AE3CF174-872C-46C6-B9F6-C0593F3BC7B8}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Office 64-bit Components 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-002A-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Outlook MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001A-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0018-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- PROPLUS

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proof (Arabic) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001F-0401-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proof (Dutch) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001F-0413-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001F-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001F-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proof (German) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001F-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001F-0C0A-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proofing (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-002C-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proofing Tools 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001F-0401-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{14809F99-C601-4D4A-9391-F1E8FAA964C5}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proofing Tools 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001F-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{A0516415-ED61-419A-981D-93596DA74165}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proofing Tools 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001F-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{ABDDE972-355B-4AF1-89A8-DA50B7B5C045}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proofing Tools 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001F-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{F580DDD5-8D37-4998-968E-EBB76BB86787}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proofing Tools 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001F-0413-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{D66D5A44-E480-4BA4-B4F2-C554F6B30EBB}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Proofing Tools 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001F-0C0A-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{187308AB-5FA7-4F14-9AB9-D290383A10D9}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Publisher MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0019-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Shared 64-bit MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {90120000-002A-040C-1000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Shared MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-006E-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Office Word MUI (French) 2007 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-001B-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition [ENU] - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {F0B430D1-B6AA-473D-9B06-AA3DD01FD0B8}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Silverlight - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {7299052b-02a4-4627-81f2-1818da5d550d}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {837b34e3-7c30-493c-8f6a-2b0f04e2912c}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {9A25302D-30C0-39D9-BD6F-21E6EC160475}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {1F1C2DFC-2D24-3E06-BCB8-725134ADF989}

O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Works - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {0214A441-A4AB-43A8-8DEF-2F73C5364673}

O42 - Logiciel: MioMore Desktop - (.Navman Technologies NZ Ltd.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {7617FC2E-EA1B-4F07-A0F5-5D5F437CB32D}

O42 - Logiciel: Module linguistique Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile FRA - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile FRA Language Pack

O42 - Logiciel: Mozilla Firefox (3.6.13) - (.Mozilla.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Mozilla Firefox (3.6.13)

O42 - Logiciel: MyWinLocker - (.Egis Technology Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {68301905-2DEA-41CE-A4D4-E8B443B099BA}

O42 - Logiciel: NTI Shadow - (.NewTech Infosystems.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {F04CAFE3-D52F-4EFC-A1E8-316BD4C525D6}

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Drivers - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- NVIDIA Drivers

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Logiciel système PhysX 9.10.0514 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.PhysX

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Performance - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{7C7F30F4-94E7-4AA8-8941-90C4A80C68BF}

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Performance - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {7C7F30F4-94E7-4AA8-8941-90C4A80C68BF}

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA PhysX - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B9DB4C76-01A4-46D5-8910-F7AA6376DBAF}

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Pilote 3D Vision 266.58 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.3DVision

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Pilote audio HD : - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_HDAudio.Driver

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Pilote graphique 266.58 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.Driver

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- NVIDIAStereo

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA System Monitor - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{E9CFBE78-ED91-4FCF-9E6F-210E477E527D}

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA System Monitor - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {E9CFBE78-ED91-4FCF-9E6F-210E477E527D}

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA System Update - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{65A92AAA-3D05-4C94-9F70-731C05E60C16}

O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA System Update - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {65A92AAA-3D05-4C94-9F70-731C05E60C16}

O42 - Logiciel: Napoleon: Total War - (.The Creative Assembly.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Steam App 34030

O42 - Logiciel: Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - (.Electronic Arts.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {83A606F5-BF6F-42ED-9F33-B9F74297CDED}

O42 - Logiciel: Nero 9 - (.Nero AG.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {d4503529-3837-4424-849c-02c27b56950c}

O42 - Logiciel: Oblivion - (.Bethesda Softworks.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {35CB6715-41F8-4F99-8881-6FC75BF054B0}

O42 - Logiciel: Oblivion - Horse Armor Pack - (.Bethesda Softworks.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {3ABEBD00-299D-4DCA-967F-B912163AB5EA}

O42 - Logiciel: Oblivion - Knights of the Nine - (.Bethesda Softworks.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {14C87AA7-08E6-419F-A165-998EBE5023D7}

O42 - Logiciel: Oblivion - Mehrunes Razor - (.Bethesda Softworks.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {EF295F5C-7B57-47AA-8889-6B3E8E214E89}

O42 - Logiciel: Oblivion - Orrery - (.Bethesda Softworks.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {EC425CFC-EE78-4A91-AA25-3BFA65B75364}

O42 - Logiciel: Oblivion - Spell Tomes - (.Bethesda Softworks.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {16D919E6-F019-4E15-BFBE-4A85EF19DA57}

O42 - Logiciel: Oblivion - Thieves Den - (.Bethesda Softworks.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {FFFFFD17-B460-41EB-93F1-C48ABAD63828}

O42 - Logiciel: Oblivion - Vile Lair - (.Bethesda Softworks.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {520F4B09-3A51-47A2-82B0-9FF1DC2D20FA}

O42 - Logiciel: Oblivion - Wizard's Tower - (.Bethesda Softworks.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {2F2E3D62-8B8C-448F-8900-451325E50948}

O42 - Logiciel: Original War - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Original War

O42 - Logiciel: Overlord - (.Codemasters.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {259A8A5E-2886-4BED-9EF1-D5485282CCC3}

O42 - Logiciel: Overlord II - (.Codemasters.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {E426CEC1-35C5-42BF-913E-6EF8F1211D01}

O42 - Logiciel: PS3 USB GAMEPAD - (.GASIA.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {D883EE9E-CC54-48F7-ABC0-50ADB60CDE0B}

O42 - Logiciel: PVSonyDll - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {3D3E663D-4E7E-4577-A560-7ECDDD45548A}

O42 - Logiciel: PowerISO - (.PowerISO Computing, Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- PowerISO

O42 - Logiciel: Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC}

O42 - Logiciel: Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader - (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {96AE7E41-E34E-47D0-AC07-1091A8127911}

O42 - Logiciel: Red Faction Guerrilla - (.Nom de votre société.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{A357EF4C-2B6F-4980-ACA9-B1E42A74D7F3}

O42 - Logiciel: Red Faction Guerrilla - (.Nom de votre société.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {A357EF4C-2B6F-4980-ACA9-B1E42A74D7F3}

O42 - Logiciel: Saitek SD6 Programming Software - (.Saitek.) [HKLM] -- {5BA42A14-51D9-45B4-A749-98D72981BFCF}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB2288621) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{5C497F0B-2061-4CC9-A61C-6B45B867354D}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB2288931) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{CD769337-C8AC-46DB-A7DC-643E50089263}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB2289158) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{210B16C0-CEBD-4DE9-B474-04A7E8735E16}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB2344875) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{6FC5C4C1-D7AE-44C3-94B7-6424FC3E752F}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB2345043) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{536FB502-775F-4494-BACE-C02CC90B7A5B}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB969559) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{69F52148-9BF6-4CDC-BF76-103DEAF3DD08}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB976321) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{7F207DCA-3399-40CB-A968-6E5991B1421A}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (KB2160841) - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4}.KB2160841

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft Office Access 2007 (KB979440) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{1142CCEC-ACA9-484B-BA90-C3A5CA1988C5}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft Office Access 2007 (KB979440) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{5A4E43D5-858F-49BD-BA72-8F30E1793060}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (KB2345035) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{B23002DD-34EC-4988-B810-A5E2A0BF04F1}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 (KB979441) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{1109D0B3-EFA3-4553-AAED-4C3E9AD130E8}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 (KB979441) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{8CCB781A-CF6B-4FCB-B6D8-59C64DF5C6DB}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 (KB982158) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{F5B70033-E79C-4569-90BF-BC9B4E4F3F46}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer (KB2413381) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{3DED0A62-44C8-4E00-A785-5212F297A9D9}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 (KB2284697) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{3A4CDE54-2403-483D-8D9A-15E3264410DF}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft Office Visio Viewer 2007 (KB973709) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{71127777-8B2C-4F97-AF7A-6CF8CAC8224D}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft Office Word 2007 (KB2344993) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{7A5B74FA-7A92-4FC9-821A-2DD5D4E73E48}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft Office system 2007 (972581) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{3D019598-7B59-447A-80AE-815B703B84FF}

O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Microsoft Office system 2007 (KB974234) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{FCD742B9-7A55-44BC-A776-F795F21FEDDC}

O42 - Logiciel: Spybot - Search & Destroy - (.Safer Networking Limited.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B4092C6D-E886-4CB2-BA68-FE5A88D31DE6}_is1

O42 - Logiciel: Star Defender 4 - (.Oberon Media.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {82C36957-D2B8-4EF2-B88C-5FA03AA848C7-114803710}

O42 - Logiciel: Steam - (.Valve Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {048298C9-A4D3-490B-9FF9-AB023A9238F3}

O42 - Logiciel: SuperCopier2 - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- SuperCopier2

O42 - Logiciel: Supreme Commander - (.Gas Powered Games.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {25A1E6A4-2DBD-4AC0-8650-8EA9A45B183D}

O42 - Logiciel: System Requirements Lab - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- SystemRequirementsLab

O42 - Logiciel: Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB2284654) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-002A-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{FB166E7C-8AA6-48C8-B726-1F25BEE7825A}

O42 - Logiciel: Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB967642) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{C444285D-5E4F-48A4-91DD-47AAAA68E92D}

O42 - Logiciel: Update for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 (KB2412171) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{752A0B7C-BD24-4362-AC86-AB63FEE6F46F}

O42 - Logiciel: Update for Outlook 2007 Junk Email Filter (KB2492475) - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_PROPLUS_{AB9C3240-8F97-4998-8911-3D40044124FC}

O42 - Logiciel: Utilitaire et pilote d’adaptateur USB 2.0 TEW-424UB sans fil - (.TRENDnet.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B1BDEA80-95CE-4DFB-B9D3-DC800E7F87B4}

O42 - Logiciel: VC80CRTRedist - 8.0.50727.4053 - (.DivX, Inc.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {5EE7D259-D137-4438-9A5F-42F432EC0421}

O42 - Logiciel: VLC media player 1.0.1 - (.VideoLAN Team.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- VLC media player

O42 - Logiciel: VirtualDub 1.9.6 Fr - (.Trad-Fr.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {1FF7993C-23B1-4C91-B1F6-09D13C57A06A}_is1

O42 - Logiciel: VirtualDub Plugin Pack Fr - (.Trad-Fr.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {D6E6B04E-0498-4794-B272-2EDE12E02837}_is1

O42 - Logiciel: Welcome Center - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Acer Welcome Center

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Driver Package - Realtek Semiconductor Corp. (RTL8187B) Net (07/18/2007 6.1097.0718.2007) - (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp..) [HKLM] -- CBD1B1A763C41C6983065D512C2ECBFB0E00AFC0

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WinLiveSuite

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {34319F1F-7CF2-4CC9-B357-1AE7D2FF3AC5}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Communications Platform - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {D45240D3-B6B3-4FF9-B243-54ECE3E10066}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live FolderShare - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {2075CB0A-D26F-4DAA-B424-5079296B43BA}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {1B8ABA62-74F0-47ED-B18C-A43128E591B8}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Installer - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {0B0F231F-CE6A-483D-AA23-77B364F75917}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Language Selector - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {5EB6F3CB-46F4-451F-A028-7F6D8D35D7D0}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live MIME IFilter - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {DA54F80E-261C-41A2-A855-549A144F2F59}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Mail - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {9D56775A-93F3-44A3-8092-840E3826DE30}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Mail - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {9FAE6E8D-E686-49F5-A574-0A58DFD9580C}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Messenger - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {6057E21C-ABE9-4059-AE3E-3BEB9925E660}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Messenger - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {EB4DF488-AAEF-406F-A341-CB2AAA315B90}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Movie Maker - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {6DEC8BD5-7574-47FA-B080-492BBBE2FEA3}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Movie Maker - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {92EA4134-10D1-418A-91E1-5A0453131A38}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live PIMT Platform - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {4CBABDFD-49F8-47FD-BE7D-ECDE7270525A}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Photo Common - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {A9BDCA6B-3653-467B-AC83-94367DA3BFE3}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Photo Common - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {C893D8C0-1BA0-4517-B11C-E89B65E72F70}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Photo Gallery - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {3336F667-9049-4D46-98B6-4C743EEBC5B1}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live SOXE - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {682B3E4F-696A-42DE-A41C-4C07EA1678B4}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live SOXE Definitions - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {200FEC62-3C34-4D60-9CE8-EC372E01C08F}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live UX Platform - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {CE95A79E-E4FC-4FFF-8A75-29F04B942FF2}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live UX Platform Language Pack - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {09F56A49-A7B1-4AAB-95B9-D13094254AD1}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Writer - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {3B9A92DA-6374-4872-B646-253F18624D5F}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Writer - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {A726AE06-AAA3-43D1-87E3-70F510314F04}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Writer - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {AAAFC670-569B-4A2F-82B4-42945E0DE3EF}

O42 - Logiciel: Windows Live Writer Resources - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {62687B11-58B5-4A18-9BC3-9DF4CE03F194}

O42 - Logiciel: X-Men Origins - Wolverine - (.Activision.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{7F0B94C6-828C-4EDE-A86B-ECF4D792B68D}

O42 - Logiciel: Xvid 1.2.1 final uninstall - (.Xvid team (Koepi).) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Xvid_is1

O42 - Logiciel: avast! Free Antivirus - (.Alwil Software.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- avast5

O42 - Logiciel: eSobi v2 - (.esobi Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{15D967B5-A4BE-42AE-9E84-64CD062B25AA}

O42 - Logiciel: msvcrt_installer - (.SAH.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {6068A42A-C1CF-45F2-9859-5DB16287FE5D}

O42 - Logiciel: neroxml - (.Nero AG.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {56C049BE-79E9-4502-BEA7-9754A3E60F9B}

O42 - Logiciel: µTorrent - (.Pas de propriétaire.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- uTorrent


---\\ HKCU & HKLM Software Keys


[HKCU\Software\ALWIL Software]




[HKCU\Software\Alcohol Soft]












[HKCU\Software\DT Soft]




[HKCU\Software\Electronic Arts]





[HKCU\Software\Gas Powered Games]



[HKCU\Software\IM Providers]

[HKCU\Software\Local AppWizard-Generated Applications]




[HKCU\Software\NVIDIA Corporation]



[HKCU\Software\Northcode Inc]



[HKCU\Software\Oberon Media]







[HKCU\Software\SFX TEAM]

[HKCU\Software\Safer Networking Limited]



[HKCU\Software\The Creative Assembly]




[HKCU\Software\WinRAR SFX]






[HKLM\Software\AGEIA Technologies]

[HKLM\Software\ATI Technologies]




[HKLM\Software\Bethesda Softworks]











[HKLM\Software\NVIDIA Corporation]






[HKLM\Software\Realtek Semiconductor Corp.]



[HKLM\Software\SRS Labs]



[HKLM\Software\Waves Audio]





---\\ Contenu des dossiers Programs/ProgramFiles/ProgramData/AppData (O43)

O43 - CFD: 27/08/2009 - 20:32:30 ----D- C:\Program Files\Acer

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:18:34 ----D- C:\Program Files\Acer Accessory Store

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 14:25:40 ----D- C:\Program Files\Alwil Software

O43 - CFD: 30/01/2011 - 23:11:34 ----D- C:\Program Files\CCleaner

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 14:23:20 ----D- C:\Program Files\Common Files

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:37:22 ----D- C:\Program Files\DIFX

O43 - CFD: 18/01/2011 - 23:50:04 ----D- C:\Program Files\DivX

O43 - CFD: 13/10/2009 - 05:25:18 ----D- C:\Program Files\DVD Maker

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:18:16 -SH-D- C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 22:37:00 ----D- C:\Program Files\Google

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 15:55:10 ----D- C:\Program Files\Intel

O43 - CFD: 10/02/2011 - 10:30:32 ----D- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer

O43 - CFD: 10/02/2011 - 15:49:00 ----D- C:\Program Files\

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 08:45:56 ----D- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 21:17:06 ----D- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:32:40 ----D- C:\Program Files\MSBuild

O43 - CFD: 12/01/2011 - 15:31:26 ----D- C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation

O43 - CFD: 23/10/2009 - 02:31:44 ----D- C:\Program Files\Realtek

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:32:40 ----D- C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies

O43 - CFD: 05/01/2011 - 15:05:48 ----D- C:\Program Files\Saitek

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 14:12:20 ----D- C:\Program Files\TRENDnet

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:09:28 --H-D- C:\Program Files\Uninstall Information

O43 - CFD: 13/10/2009 - 05:25:18 ----D- C:\Program Files\Windows Defender

O43 - CFD: 13/10/2009 - 05:25:18 ----D- C:\Program Files\Windows Journal

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 15:40:58 ----D- C:\Program Files\Windows Live

O43 - CFD: 19/12/2010 - 12:30:52 ----D- C:\Program Files\Windows Mail

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 15:04:46 ----D- C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:18:16 ----D- C:\Program Files\Windows NT

O43 - CFD: 13/10/2009 - 05:25:18 ----D- C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:32:40 ----D- C:\Program Files\Windows Portable Devices

O43 - CFD: 13/10/2009 - 05:25:18 ----D- C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 15:40:54 ----D- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 04:20:10 ----D- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Services

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 04:20:10 ----D- C:\Program Files\Common Files\SpeechEngines

O43 - CFD: 13/10/2009 - 05:25:18 ----D- C:\Program Files\Common Files\System

O43 - CFD: 27/08/2009 - 20:31:30 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Acer

O43 - CFD: 30/11/2010 - 11:26:50 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Adobe

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 14:25:42 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Alwil Software

O43 - CFD: 09/12/2010 - 20:35:00 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Apache

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:08:58 -SH-D- C:\ProgramData\Application Data

O43 - CFD: 20/01/2011 - 17:44:56 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Arcade Lab

O43 - CFD: 27/08/2009 - 20:25:46 ----D- C:\ProgramData\BackupManager

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:18:16 -SH-D- C:\ProgramData\Bureau

O43 - CFD: 23/10/2009 - 02:38:56 ----D- C:\ProgramData\CyberLink

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 20:27:28 ----D- C:\ProgramData\DAEMON Tools Lite

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:08:58 -SH-D- C:\ProgramData\Desktop

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 18:31:10 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Divinity 2

O43 - CFD: 18/01/2011 - 23:50:22 ----D- C:\ProgramData\DivX

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:08:58 -SH-D- C:\ProgramData\Documents

O43 - CFD: 02/01/2011 - 19:53:38 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Driver Whiz

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 18:23:58 ----D- C:\ProgramData\EA Core

O43 - CFD: 27/08/2009 - 20:43:32 ----D- C:\ProgramData\EgisTec

O43 - CFD: 04/12/2010 - 12:14:08 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Electronic Arts

O43 - CFD: 30/12/2009 - 20:53:38 ----D- C:\ProgramData\eSobi

O43 - CFD: 20/01/2011 - 19:19:24 ----D- C:\ProgramData\FarmFrenzy2

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:18:16 -SH-D- C:\ProgramData\Favoris

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:08:58 -SH-D- C:\ProgramData\Favorites

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 21:10:36 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Google

O43 - CFD: 13/01/2011 - 12:13:52 ----D- C:\ProgramData\InstallShield

O43 - CFD: 10/02/2011 - 15:49:00 ----D- C:\ProgramData\

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 14:23:40 ----D- C:\ProgramData\McAfee

O43 - CFD: 16/01/2011 - 12:07:36 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Media Center Programs

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:18:16 -SH-D- C:\ProgramData\Menu Démarrer

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 17:51:48 -S--D- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft

O43 - CFD: 09/02/2011 - 16:44:56 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft Help

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:18:16 -SH-D- C:\ProgramData\Modèles

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 21:33:54 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Nero

O43 - CFD: 16/02/2011 - 09:55:54 ----D- C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA

O43 - CFD: 12/01/2011 - 15:31:02 ----D- C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:18:58 ----D- C:\ProgramData\OEM

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 22:37:00 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Partner

O43 - CFD: 30/11/2010 - 21:01:42 ----D- C:\ProgramData\PlayFirst

O43 - CFD: 05/01/2011 - 15:06:00 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Saitek

O43 - CFD: 20/01/2011 - 10:18:44 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Sandlot Games

O43 - CFD: 27/08/2009 - 20:36:26 ----D- C:\ProgramData\SiteAdvisor

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 17:55:18 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Solidshield

O43 - CFD: 30/11/2010 - 18:34:30 ----D- C:\ProgramData\SpieleEntwicklungsKombinat

O43 - CFD: 15/02/2011 - 18:00:36 ----D- C:\ProgramData\Spybot - Search & Destroy

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:08:58 -SH-D- C:\ProgramData\Start Menu

O43 - CFD: 30/11/2010 - 21:16:38 ---AD- C:\ProgramData\Temp

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:08:58 -SH-D- C:\ProgramData\Templates

O43 - CFD: 20/01/2011 - 19:19:42 -SH-D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\.#

O43 - CFD: 21/01/2011 - 21:10:32 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Adobe

O43 - CFD: 19/12/2010 - 15:30:52 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Boilsoft

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 20:27:24 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\DAEMON Tools Lite

O43 - CFD: 10/02/2011 - 15:51:44 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\DivX

O43 - CFD: 10/02/2011 - 22:56:16 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\dvdcss

O43 - CFD: 30/12/2009 - 20:53:14 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\eSobi

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:59:12 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\GameConsole

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:54:58 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Google

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:19:00 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Identities

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 14:12:08 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\InstallShield

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 15:47:32 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Intel Corporation

O43 - CFD: 18/01/2011 - 23:50:22 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Local

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 17:19:14 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 08:44:40 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Media Center Programs

O43 - CFD: 21/01/2011 - 21:10:32 -S--D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft

O43 - CFD: 02/12/2010 - 00:36:36 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 22:40:04 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Nero

O43 - CFD: 01/12/2010 - 12:08:10 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\NVIDIA

O43 - CFD: 30/11/2010 - 21:01:42 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\PlayFirst

O43 - CFD: 04/01/2010 - 15:31:04 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Red Alert 3

O43 - CFD: 04/01/2010 - 15:30:52 R-H-D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\SecuROM

O43 - CFD: 11/02/2011 - 16:11:42 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Sierra

O43 - CFD: 30/11/2010 - 18:40:20 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\SpieleEntwicklungsKombinat

O43 - CFD: 04/12/2010 - 12:12:14 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Spore

O43 - CFD: 14/02/2011 - 11:42:04 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly

O43 - CFD: 16/02/2011 - 11:48:18 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent

O43 - CFD: 15/02/2011 - 22:26:04 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\vlc

O43 - CFD: 30/11/2010 - 11:43:32 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Windows Live Writer

O43 - CFD: 19/12/2010 - 23:07:58 ----D- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\WinRAR

O43 - CFD: 01/12/2010 - 14:06:54 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip

O43 - CFD: 23/10/2009 - 02:48:20 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer

O43 - CFD: 23/10/2009 - 02:39:30 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer Arcade Deluxe

O43 - CFD: 30/12/2009 - 21:12:30 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer GameZone

O43 - CFD: 09/12/2010 - 20:31:20 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision

O43 - CFD: 30/11/2010 - 11:26:50 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 20:39:42 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft

O43 - CFD: 13/02/2011 - 15:09:26 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Atari

O43 - CFD: 04/01/2010 - 14:05:28 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Cheat 'O Matic

O43 - CFD: 18/12/2010 - 19:55:48 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Civilization V

O43 - CFD: 15/02/2011 - 11:15:30 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Codemasters

O43 - CFD: 01/12/2010 - 14:21:52 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Command & Conquer Generals

O43 - CFD: 13/02/2011 - 13:25:08 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files

O43 - CFD: 05/01/2011 - 20:27:18 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Creative Labs

O43 - CFD: 23/10/2009 - 02:38:56 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Cyberlink

O43 - CFD: 02/01/2011 - 14:58:12 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\directx

O43 - CFD: 18/01/2011 - 23:50:22 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX

O43 - CFD: 27/08/2009 - 20:33:54 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec

O43 - CFD: 27/08/2009 - 20:33:56 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec Egis Software Update

O43 - CFD: 05/01/2011 - 20:24:36 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Eidos Interactive

O43 - CFD: 04/12/2010 - 12:14:06 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts

O43 - CFD: 27/08/2009 - 20:41:44 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\eSobi

O43 - CFD: 02/01/2011 - 15:12:56 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Fallout.New.Vegas

O43 - CFD: 09/01/2010 - 11:56:12 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games

O43 - CFD: 02/01/2011 - 14:46:36 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Franzis

O43 - CFD: 30/11/2010 - 20:56:08 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Free Download Manager

O43 - CFD: 15/02/2011 - 11:15:38 --H-D- C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information

O43 - CFD: 01/01/2011 - 22:52:08 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel

O43 - CFD: 10/02/2011 - 10:30:32 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 15:42:24 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 14:50:30 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 21:19:06 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 21:12:06 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office 2007

O43 - CFD: 15/02/2011 - 11:04:50 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight

O43 - CFD: 23/10/2009 - 02:43:02 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 21:19:02 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 21:17:00 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8

O43 - CFD: 18/12/2010 - 18:11:36 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Works

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 15:42:58 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft.NET

O43 - CFD: 26/01/2011 - 18:22:04 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mio Technology

O43 - CFD: 11/12/2010 - 11:42:32 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 21:19:14 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 19:04:46 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\MSXML 4.0

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 22:07:42 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Nero

O43 - CFD: 02/01/2011 - 15:49:10 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\NewTech Infosystems

O43 - CFD: 12/01/2011 - 15:32:02 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation

O43 - CFD: 29/12/2009 - 21:02:52 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Office 2007

O43 - CFD: 15/02/2011 - 11:03:40 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerISO

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 16:05:32 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Reallusion

O43 - CFD: 10/02/2011 - 17:54:28 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Realtek

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:32:40 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies

O43 - CFD: 12/12/2010 - 20:01:18 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Spybot - Search & Destroy

O43 - CFD: 14/02/2011 - 13:08:38 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam

O43 - CFD: 30/11/2010 - 12:10:54 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\SuperCopier2

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 15:57:48 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\SystemRequirementsLab

O43 - CFD: 23/10/2009 - 02:31:50 --H-D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Temp

O43 - CFD: 13/01/2011 - 12:15:54 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:57:08 --H-D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Uninstall Information

O43 - CFD: 30/11/2010 - 19:13:40 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\uTorrent

O43 - CFD: 05/12/2010 - 17:35:06 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN

O43 - CFD: 30/11/2010 - 18:49:22 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Virgin Interactive

O43 - CFD: 28/01/2011 - 12:15:10 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\VirtualDub

O43 - CFD: 13/10/2009 - 05:25:18 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Defender

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 15:41:46 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live

O43 - CFD: 19/12/2010 - 12:30:52 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Mail

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 15:04:46 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:32:40 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows NT

O43 - CFD: 13/10/2009 - 05:25:18 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Photo Viewer

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 06:32:42 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Portable Devices

O43 - CFD: 13/10/2009 - 05:25:18 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Sidebar

O43 - CFD: 19/01/2011 - 00:13:22 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\Xvid

O43 - CFD: 16/02/2011 - 11:48:38 ----D- C:\Program Files (x86)\ZHPDiag

O43 - CFD: 29/11/2010 - 15:40:54 ----D- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 04:20:10 ----D- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Services

O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 04:20:10 ----D- C:\Program Files\Common Files\SpeechEngines

O43 - CFD: 13/10/2009 - 05:25:18 ----D- C:\Program Files\Common Files\System



---\\ Derniers fichiers modifiés ou crées sous Windows et System32 (O44)

O44 - LFC:[MD5.29000000000000000000000054EE1800] - 16/02/2011 - 09:59:33 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log [652229]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.A0B08A0DF407A8396720CE779E3FFF71] - 16/02/2011 - 09:55:11 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\setupact.log [840]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.7F0A10CC62A99CB97BF3BB201C8340C9] - 16/02/2011 - 09:55:08 -S-A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\bootstat.dat [67584]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.A38AC5B5E838B8F01215547A72F47CF7] - 15/02/2011 - 11:19:17 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\DXError.log [198]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.5D30E5BDA5D9C414782BB5AF105A38D2] - 15/02/2011 - 11:19:17 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\DirectX.log [170456]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E] - 13/02/2011 - 16:08:48 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\setuperr.log [0]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.6818ADDC4F333889921A63BA5DC1AC90] - 11/02/2011 - 14:06:21 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\disney.ini [109]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.DCF94ED72ABF90ED02D6718CB962AD2E] - 11/02/2011 - 14:02:10 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\PerfStringBackup.INI [1549700]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.73AD9294E10249C2917FD0F4BF4CEF77] - 11/02/2011 - 14:02:10 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\perfc009.dat [106190]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.4D37252B835A804A3C5E66DC9140CCE7] - 11/02/2011 - 14:02:10 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\perfc00C.dat [130548]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.F61EC97375BCF1812A17B1DC6C3330EA] - 11/02/2011 - 14:02:10 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\perfh009.dat [615810]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.92D04B65D65B8BF53CA47837B9D90016] - 11/02/2011 - 14:02:10 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\perfh00C.dat [704242]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.118D0C2BF930641B0BF80E5875D91801] - 10/02/2011 - 17:54:27 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek USB Card Reader DLL.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\RtsUStor.dll [422504]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.470056FEA84BCD41A44B24C2BC7389C6] - 10/02/2011 - 17:51:03 ---A- . (.Khronos Group - OpenCL Client DLL.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\OpenCL.dll [67176]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.470056FEA84BCD41A44B24C2BC7389C6] - 10/02/2011 - 17:51:03 ---A- . (.Khronos Group - OpenCL Client DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\OpenCL.dll [57960]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.A716F7093466EF3EE9247D8A439D8297] - 10/02/2011 - 17:51:03 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA CUDA Video Decode API, Version 266.5.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\nvcuvid.dll [3112040]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.A716F7093466EF3EE9247D8A439D8297] - 10/02/2011 - 17:51:03 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA CUDA Video Decode API, Version 266.5.) -- C:\Windows\System32\nvcuvid.dll [2895976]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.25A093E6DDBDD8E46CDDA87F674CF3BC] - 10/02/2011 - 17:51:03 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA CUDA Video Encoder, Version 266.58.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\nvcuvenc.dll [2479720]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.25A093E6DDBDD8E46CDDA87F674CF3BC] - 10/02/2011 - 17:51:03 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA CUDA Video Encoder, Version 266.58.) -- C:\Windows\System32\nvcuvenc.dll [2251368]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.DC3808289CDE1F96C052CDD362183054] - 10/02/2011 - 17:51:03 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Compatible CUDA Driver, Version 266..) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\nvcuda.dll [6604904]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.DC3808289CDE1F96C052CDD362183054] - 10/02/2011 - 17:51:03 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Compatible CUDA Driver, Version 266..) -- C:\Windows\System32\nvcuda.dll [4941928]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.B1A1131B23753B81E12EC6F502F9E039] - 10/02/2011 - 17:51:03 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Compatible Compiler, Version 266.58.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\nvcompiler.dll [18580072]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.B1A1131B23753B81E12EC6F502F9E039] - 10/02/2011 - 17:51:03 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Compatible Compiler, Version 266.58.) -- C:\Windows\System32\nvcompiler.dll [13011560]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.2E956CDE56E36CFD67D1BFCB18CCA3D3] - 10/02/2011 - 17:51:03 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Compatible OpenGL ICD.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\nvoglv64.dll [20471912]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.B34D226171C838CB60AEA170374EDC84] - 10/02/2011 - 17:51:03 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Compatible Vista WDDM D3D Driver, Ve.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\nvd3dumx.dll [12859496]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.F691A1B6D5FC87CA210B5A7F796905DA] - 10/02/2011 - 10:31:58 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\FNTCACHE.DAT [425776]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.BF973CEDCD012D23F194BBF0A9B218E6] - 09/02/2011 - 16:42:36 ---A- . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 Font Driver.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\atmfd.dll [366080]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.158D85C26868E8A9903A726CE145F66B] - 09/02/2011 - 16:42:35 ---A- . (.Adobe Systems - Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 API Library..) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\atmlib.dll [46080]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.158D85C26868E8A9903A726CE145F66B] - 09/02/2011 - 16:42:35 ---A- . (.Adobe Systems - Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 API Library..) -- C:\Windows\System32\atmlib.dll [34304]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.BF973CEDCD012D23F194BBF0A9B218E6] - 09/02/2011 - 16:42:35 ---A- . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 Font Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\atmfd.dll [294400]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.258F638E9247CEDAFB8AF57A943D440F] - 03/02/2011 - 13:52:15 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\wininit.ini [124]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.C55E5A9162B76CD2F25F794BE5F0AE72] - 26/01/2011 - 18:27:40 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\tmp1 [911]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.E260CA2BFFE9B585F7B8D435BABF846C] - 26/01/2011 - 18:27:40 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\tmp2 [128]

O44 - LFC:[MD5.0AAF681770781C346A388B03FC421688] - 18/01/2011 - 19:44:32 ---A- . (.AVAST Software - avast! start-up scanner.) -- C:\Windows\SysNative\aswBoot.exe [237168]



---\\ Déni du service (Local Security Authority) (O48)

O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Authentication Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msv1_0.dll

O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Notification Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moteur du client de l’Éditeur de configuration de sécurité Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\scecli.dll

O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msv1_0.dll



---\\ MountPoints2 Shell Key (O51)

O51 - MPSK:{7be33a18-f4b0-11de-a625-002511a96514}\AutoRun\command. (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- G:\setup.exe (.not file.)



---\\ Trojan Driver Search Data (HKLM) (O52)

O52 - TDSD: \Drivers32\"msacm.l3acm"="C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm" . (.Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen - MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec for MSACM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm

O52 - TDSD: \drivers.desc\"C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm"="Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec" . (.Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen - MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec for MSACM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm



---\\ ShareTools MSconfig StartupReg (O53)

O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\AlcoholAutomount [Key] . (.Alcohol Soft Development Team - Alcohol Launcher.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\axcmd.exe

O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\ArcadeDeluxeAgent [Key] . (.CyberLink Corp. - Acer Arcade Deluxe Resident Program.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer Arcade Deluxe\Acer Arcade Deluxe\ArcadeDeluxeAgent.exe

O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\Hotkey Utility [Key] . (.Pas de propriétaire - Hotkey Utility.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Hotkey Utility\HotkeyUtility.exe

O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\IAStorIcon [Key] . (.Intel Corporation - IAStorIcon.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel® Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorIcon.exe

O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\NortonOnlineBackupReminder [Key] . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Norton Online Backup\Activation\NobuActivation.exe

O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\PlayMovie [Key] . (.Acer Corp. - Acer Arcade Deluxe PlayMovie Resident Progr.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer Arcade Deluxe\PlayMovie\PMVService.exe



---\\ Microsoft Control Security Providers (O54)

O54 - MCSP:[HKLM\...\CurrentControlSet\Control] - (SecurityProviders) - (.Microsoft Corporation - Credential Delegation Security Package.) -- C:\Windows\system32\credssp.dll

O54 - MCSP:[HKLM\...\ControlSet001\Control] - (SecurityProviders) - (.Microsoft Corporation - Credential Delegation Security Package.) -- C:\Windows\system32\credssp.dll



---\\ Microsoft Windows Policies System (O55)

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"=5

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "ConsentPromptBehaviorUser"=3

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableInstallerDetection"=1

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableLUA"=1

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableSecureUIAPaths"=1

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableUIADesktopToggle"=0

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableVirtualization"=1

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "PromptOnSecureDesktop"=1

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "ValidateAdminCodeSignatures"=0

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "dontdisplaylastusername"=0

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "legalnoticecaption"=

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "legalnoticetext"=

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "scforceoption"=0

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "shutdownwithoutlogon"=1

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "undockwithoutlogon"=1

O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "FilterAdministratorToken"=0



---\\ Microsoft Windows Policies Explorer (O56)

O56 - MWPE:[HKLM\...\policies\Explorer] - "NoActiveDesktop"=1

O56 - MWPE:[HKLM\...\policies\Explorer] - "NoActiveDesktopChanges"=1

O56 - MWPE:[HKLM\...\policies\Explorer] - "ForceActiveDesktopOn"=0



---\\ Liste des Drivers Système (O58)

O58 - SDL:[MD5.2F6B34B83843F0C5118B63AC634F5BF4] - 14/07/2009 - 02:52:21 ---A- . (.Adaptec, Inc. - Adaptec Windows SAS/SATA Storport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\adp94xx.sys [491088]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.597F78224EE9224EA1A13D6350CED962] - 14/07/2009 - 02:52:21 ---A- . (.Adaptec, Inc. - Adaptec Windows SATA Storport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\adpahci.sys [339536]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.E109549C90F62FB570B9540C4B148E54] - 14/07/2009 - 02:52:21 ---A- . (.Adaptec, Inc. - Adaptec StorPort Ultra320 SCSI Driver (X64).) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\adpu320.sys [182864]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.5812713A477A3AD7363C7438CA2EE038] - 14/07/2009 - 02:52:21 ---A- . (.Acer Laboratories Inc. - ALi mini IDE Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aliide.sys [15440]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.7A4B413614C055935567CF88A9734D38] - 14/07/2009 - 02:52:21 ---A- . (.Advanced Micro Devices - AHCI 1.2 Device Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\amdsata.sys [106576]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.F67F933E79241ED32FF46A4F29B5120B] - 14/07/2009 - 02:52:20 ---A- . (.AMD Technologies Inc. - AMD Technology AHCI Compatible Controller Driver for Windows -.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\amdsbs.sys [194128]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.B4AD0CACBAB298671DD6F6EF7E20679D] - 14/07/2009 - 02:52:21 ---A- . (.Advanced Micro Devices - Storage Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\amdxata.sys [28752]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.C484F8CEB1717C540242531DB7845C4E] - 14/07/2009 - 02:52:21 ---A- . (.Adaptec, Inc. - Adaptec RAID Storport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\arc.sys [87632]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.019AF6924AEFE7839F61C830227FE79C] - 14/07/2009 - 02:52:21 ---A- . (.Adaptec, Inc. - Adaptec SAS RAID WS03 Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\arcsas.sys [97856]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.6923740DB573B46FDDA13E1DF412C577] - 13/01/2011 - 09:37:12 ---A- . (.AVAST Software - avast! File System Access Blocking Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswFsBlk.sys [20560]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.DE001B988B58BFD453F667842655B22E] - 13/01/2011 - 09:37:23 ---A- . (.AVAST Software - avast! File System Minifilter for Windows 2003/Vista.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys [62032]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.E0D1002D7FA65DD023788B17F714E682] - 13/01/2011 - 09:37:34 ---A- . (.AVAST Software - avast! TDI RDR Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswRdr.sys [29264]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.C3EAFDC0F533425614430A112BA71E9A] - 13/01/2011 - 09:41:44 ---A- . (.AVAST Software - avast! self protection module.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswSP.sys [273488]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.0226FFBC420D8FB67BA3B9DBDD1F2DCA] - 13/01/2011 - 09:40:20 ---A- . (.AVAST Software - avast! TDI Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswTdi.sys [51792]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.B5ACE6968304A3900EEB1EBFD9622DF2] - 10/06/2009 - 21:34:23 ---A- . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet NDIS6.x Unified Driver..) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\b57nd60a.sys [270848]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.F09EEE9EDC320B5E1501F749FDE686C8] - 10/06/2009 - 21:41:06 ---A- . (.Brother Industries, Ltd. - Windows ME USB Mass-Storage Bulk-Only Lower Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\BrFiltLo.sys [18432]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.B114D3098E9BDB8BEA8B053685831BE6] - 10/06/2009 - 21:41:06 ---A- . (.Brother Industries, Ltd. - Windows ME USB Mass-Storage Bulk-Only Upper Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\BrFiltUp.sys [8704]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.43BEA8D483BF1870F018E2D02E06A5BD] - 14/07/2009 - 02:19:07 ---A- . (.Brother Industries Ltd. - Pilote Brother Série I/F (WDM).) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\BrSerId.sys [286720]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.A6ECA2151B08A09CACECA35C07F05B42] - 10/06/2009 - 21:41:10 ---A- . (.Brother Industries Ltd. - Brother Serial driver (WDM version).) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\BrSerWdm.sys [47104]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.B79968002C277E869CF38BD22CD61524] - 10/06/2009 - 21:41:10 ---A- . (.Brother Industries Ltd. - Brother USB MDM Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\BrUsbMdm.sys [14976]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.A87528880231C54E75EA7A44943B38BF] - 10/06/2009 - 21:41:10 ---A- . (.Brother Industries Ltd. - Brother USB Serial Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\BrUsbSer.sys [14720]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.3E5B191307609F7514148C6832BB0842] - 10/06/2009 - 21:34:28 ---A- . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom NetXtreme II GigE VBD.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\bxvbda.sys [468480]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.E19D3F095812725D88F9001985B94EDD] - 14/07/2009 - 02:52:31 ---A- . (.CMD Technology, Inc. - CMD PCI IDE Bus Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\cmdide.sys [17488]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.50AD8FC1DC800FF36087994C8F7FDFF2] - 10/06/2009 - 21:35:02 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel® Gigabit Network Connection NDIS 6 deserialized driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\e1y60x64.sys [281088]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.1F20AEAAD1BE0121647257235B788224] - 07/04/2010 - 16:04:00 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel® Gigabit Network Connection NDIS 6 deserialized driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\e1y62x64.sys [290008]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.0E5DA5369A0FCAEA12456DD852545184] - 14/07/2009 - 02:47:48 ---A- . (.Emulex - Storport Miniport Driver for LightPulse HBAs.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\elxstor.sys [530496]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.DC5D737F51BE844D8C82C695EB17372F] - 10/06/2009 - 21:34:33 ---A- . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom NetXtreme II 10 GigE VBD.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\evbda.sys [3286016]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.3036E340AA5859A9171046AED2B7EF22] - 17/01/2008 - 15:13:46 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\GF0268.sys [16432]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.F2523EF6460FC42405B12248338AB2F0] - 10/06/2009 - 21:31:59 ---A- . (.Hauppauge Computer Works, Inc. - Hauppauge WinTV 885 Consumer IR Driver for eHome.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\hcw85cir.sys [31232]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.0886D440058F203EBA0E1825E4355914] - 14/07/2009 - 02:47:48 ---A- . (.Hewlett-Packard Company - Smart Array SAS/SATA Controller Media Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\HpSAMD.sys [77888]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.FB9474441873FE2A93F0694AF66C5C34] - 20/09/2010 - 05:32:46 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - NDIS 6.1 Advanced Networking Services..) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iANSW60e.sys [157544]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.D7921D5A870B11CC1ADAB198A519D50A] - 05/11/2010 - 23:45:48 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver - x64.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iaStor.sys [438808]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.D83EFB6FD45DF9D55E9A1AFC63640D50] - 14/07/2009 - 02:48:04 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel Matrix Storage Manager driver - x64.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iaStorV.sys [410688]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.A87261EF1546325B559374F5689CF5BC] - 10/06/2009 - 21:37:05 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel Graphics Kernel Mode Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\igdkmd64.sys [6108416]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.5C18831C61933628F5BB0EA2675B9D21] - 14/07/2009 - 02:48:04 ---A- . (.Intel Corp./ICP vortex GmbH - Intel/ICP Raid Storport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iirsp.sys [44112]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.E4D623555C20FAB03FC952B23811D0D8] - 17/09/2010 - 04:02:24 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel® Network Adapter Diagnostic Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\iqvw64e.sys [32936]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.1A93E54EB0ECE102495A51266DCDB6A6] - 14/07/2009 - 02:48:04 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - LSI Fusion-MPT FC Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\lsi_fc.sys [114752]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.1047184A9FDC8BDBFF857175875EE810] - 14/07/2009 - 02:48:04 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - LSI Fusion-MPT SAS Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\lsi_sas.sys [106560]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.30F5C0DE1EE8B5BC9306C1F0E4A75F93] - 14/07/2009 - 02:48:04 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - LSI SAS Gen2 Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\lsi_sas2.sys [65600]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.0504EACAFF0D3C8AED161C4B0D369D4A] - 14/07/2009 - 02:48:04 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - LSI Fusion-MPT SCSI Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\lsi_scsi.sys [115776]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.A55805F747C6EDB6A9080D7C633BD0F4] - 14/07/2009 - 02:48:04 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - MEGASAS RAID Controller Driver for Windows 7\Server 2008 R2 for.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\megasas.sys [35392]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.BAF74CE0072480C3B6B7C13B2A94D6B3] - 14/07/2009 - 02:48:04 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation, Inc. - LSI MegaRAID Software RAID Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\MegaSR.sys [284736]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.6FFECC25B39DC7652A0CEC0ADA9DB589] - 02/06/2009 - 12:15:30 ---A- . (.Egis Technology Inc. - PSD Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mwlPSDFilter.sys [22576]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.0BEFE32CA56D6EE89D58175725596A85] - 02/06/2009 - 12:15:30 ---A- . (.Egis Technology Inc. - MyWinLocker PSD Named Pipe Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mwlPSDNserv.sys [20016]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.D43BC633B8660463E446E28E14A51262] - 02/06/2009 - 12:15:30 ---A- . (.Egis Technology Inc. - MyWinLocker PSD Virtual Disk Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mwlPSDVDisk.sys [60464]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.77889813BE4D166CDAB78DDBA990DA92] - 14/07/2009 - 02:48:26 ---A- . (.IBM Corporation - IBM ServeRAID Controller Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nfrd960.sys [51264]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.64DDD0DEE976302F4BD93E5EFCC2F013] - 06/05/2009 - 00:46:08 ---A- . (.NewTech Infosystems, Inc. - NTI CD-ROM Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\NTIDrvr.sys [18432]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.857FB74754EBFF94EE3AD40788740916] - 12/11/2010 - 00:10:49 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA HDMI Audio Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nvhda64v.sys [155752]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.F12C5F17D48D9F5C70E4408B3CCB5443] - 08/01/2011 - 04:27:00 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 266.58.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nvlddmkm.sys [12961640]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.8C1D181480796D7D3366A9381FD7782D] - 15/09/2009 - 14:59:30 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corp. - NVIDIA System Utility Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nvoclk64.sys [42088]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.3E38712941E9BB4DDBEE00AFFE3FED3D] - 14/07/2009 - 02:48:27 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA® nForce RAID Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nvraid.sys [149056]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.477DC4D6DEB99BE37084C9AC6D013DA1] - 14/07/2009 - 02:45:45 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA® nForce Sata Performance Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nvstor.sys [167488]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.3BBEE4CBCF1B8C0213B59CD564E57229] - 25/10/2007 - 18:30:52 ---A- . (.PixArt Imaging Inc. - PFC027.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\PFC027.SYS [684544]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.A53A15A11EBFD21077463EE2C7AFEEF0] - 14/07/2009 - 02:45:46 ---A- . (.QLogic Corporation - QLogic Fibre Channel Stor Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ql2300.sys [1524816]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.4F6D12B51DE1AAEFF7DC58C4D75423C8] - 14/07/2009 - 02:45:45 ---A- . (.QLogic Corporation - QLogic iSCSI Storport Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ql40xx.sys [128592]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.138ECE3E53DB1A808156C9F1E9AF5FC5] - 19/03/2007 - 16:02:32 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\RLVrtAuCbl.sys [49664]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.BC64B75E8E0A0B8982AB773483164E72] - 20/07/2009 - 11:52:38 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek® High Definition Audio Function Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\RTKVHD64.sys [1831968]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.945AB249D12CBE044782430C6013AA1A] - 31/03/2010 - 03:10:18 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corporation - Realtek RTL8187B NDIS Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\RTL8187B.sys [450048]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.BE29B0A3AC1E8BD02FFAB8CEE86BADFA] - 29/10/2010 - 16:11:42 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek USB Mass Storage Driver for 2K/XP/Vista/Win7.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\RtsUStor.sys [250984]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.3C9C363459ACFDAD1442C0614CEAEC53] - 12/09/2008 - 09:31:29 ---A- . (.Saitek - Saitek Magic Bus.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\SaiBus.sys [41216]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.24099C3D4EC943F875BF29F75987A3A6] - 12/09/2008 - 09:31:16 ---A- . (.Saitek - Saitek Hid Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\SaiK0836.sys [131584]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.4209E2925F65BC7C991DA5F85CC502AE] - 12/09/2008 - 09:31:29 ---A- . (.Saitek - Saitek Magic Mini Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\SaiMini.sys [16000]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.6CE6F98EA3D07A9C2CE3CD0A5A86352D] - 12/04/2010 - 09:55:00 ---A- . (.PowerISO Computing, Inc. - PowerISO Virtual Drive.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\scdemu.sys [91568]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.3EA8A16169C26AFBEB544E0E48421186] - 10/06/2009 - 21:37:19 ---A- . (.Macrovision Corporation, Macrovision Europe - Macrovision SECURITY Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\secdrv.sys [23040]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.843CAF1E5FDE1FFD5FF768F23A51E2E1] - 14/07/2009 - 02:45:45 ---A- . (.Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. - SiS RAID Stor Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\sisraid2.sys [43584]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.6A6C106D42E9FFFF8B9FCB4F754F6DA4] - 14/07/2009 - 02:45:46 ---A- . (.Silicon Integrated Systems - SiS AHCI Stor-Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\sisraid4.sys [80464]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.07000000000000000000000054EE1800] - 29/11/2010 - 00:00:00 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\sptd.sys [503352]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.F3817967ED533D08327DC73BC4D5542A] - 14/07/2009 - 02:45:55 ---A- . (.Promise Technology - Promise SuperTrak EX Series Driver for Windows.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\stexstor.sys [24656]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.2E22C1FD397A5A9FFEF55E9D1FC96C00] - 06/05/2009 - 00:46:08 ---A- . (.NewTech Infosystems Corporation - NTI CDROM Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\UBHelper.sys [16896]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.E5689D93FFE4E5D66C0178761240DD54] - 14/07/2009 - 02:45:55 ---A- . (.VIA Technologies, Inc. - VIA Generic PCI IDE Bus Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\viaide.sys [17488]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.5E2016EA6EBACA03C04FEAC5F330D997] - 14/07/2009 - 02:45:55 ---A- . (.VIA Technologies Inc.,Ltd - VIA RAID DRIVER FOR AMD-X86-64.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\vsmraid.sys [161872]

O58 - SDL:[MD5.089F3901476F632D0C98211BD84BD72F] - 25/10/2007 - 18:31:28 ---A- . (.PixArt Imaging Inc. - PFC027.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers\PFC027.sys [617088]



---\\ Liste des outils de nettoyage (O63)

O63 - Logiciel: ZHPDiag 1.27 - (.Nicolas Coolman.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- ZHPDiag_is1



---\\ Liste des services Legacy (O64)

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\afd.sys (AFD) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock.) - LEGACY_AFD

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\ASWFSBLK.sys - (.not file.) - aswFsBlk (aswFsBlk) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_ASWFSBLK

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys - aswMonFlt (aswMonFlt) .(.AVAST Software - avast! File System Minifilter for Windows 2.) - LEGACY_ASWMONFLT

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\ASWRDR.sys - (.not file.) - aswRdr (aswRdr) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_ASWRDR

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\ASWSP.sys - (.not file.) - aswSP (aswSP) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_ASWSP

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\ASWTDI.sys - (.not file.) - avast! Network Shield Support (aswTdi) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_ASWTDI

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\BEEP.sys - (.not file.) - Beep (Beep) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_BEEP

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\browser.dll (bowser) .(.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Explorateur d’ordinateurs.) - LEGACY_BOWSER

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\cdfs.sys - CD/DVD File System Reader (cdfs) .(.Microsoft Corporation - CD-ROM File System Driver.) - LEGACY_CDFS

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\clfs.sys (CLFS) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Common Log File System Driver.) - LEGACY_CLFS

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\cng.sys - CNG (CNG) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Kernel Cryptography, Next Generation.) - LEGACY_CNG

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\dfsc.sys (DfsC) .(.Microsoft Corporation - DFS Namespace Client Driver.) - LEGACY_DFSC

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\discache.sys (discache) .(.Microsoft Corporation - System Indexer/Cache Driver.) - LEGACY_DISCACHE

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Program Files\\Drivers\driverhardwarev2x64.sys - driverhardwarev2x64 (driverhardwarev2x64) .(.CybelSoft - Driver NT - LEGACY_DRIVERHARDWAREV2X64

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys - LDDM Graphics Subsystem (DXGKrnl) .(.Microsoft Corporation - DirectX Graphics Kernel.) - LEGACY_DXGKRNL

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\FASTFAT.sys - (.not file.) - FAT12/16/32 File System Driver (fastfat) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_FASTFAT

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\fileinfo.sys (FileInfo) .(.Microsoft Corporation - FileInfo Filter Driver.) - LEGACY_FILEINFO

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\fltmgr.sys (FltMgr) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de filtres de système de fichi.) - LEGACY_FLTMGR

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\FS_REC.sys - Fs_Rec (Fs_Rec) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_FS_REC

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\fvevol.sys (fvevol) .(.Microsoft Corporation - BitLocker Drive Encryption Driver.) - LEGACY_FVEVOL

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\http.sys (HTTP) .(.Microsoft Corporation - HTTP Pile du protocole.) - LEGACY_HTTP

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\hwpolicy.sys (hwpolicy) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Hardware Policy Driver.) - LEGACY_HWPOLICY

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\rascfg.dll (IpFilterDriver) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Objets de configuration RAS.) - LEGACY_IPFILTERDRIVER

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ksecdd.sys - KSecDD (KSecDD) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Kernel Security Support Provider Interface.) - LEGACY_KSECDD

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ksecpkg.sys - KSecPkg (KSecPkg) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Kernel Security Support Provider Interface.) - LEGACY_KSECPKG

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\lltdio.sys - Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver (lltdio) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Link-Layer Topology Mapper I/O Driver.) - LEGACY_LLTDIO

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\luafv.sys (luafv) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de filtre de virtualisation de fichi.) - LEGACY_LUAFV

O64 - Services: CurCS - (.not file.) - McAfee Inc. mfeavfk (mfeavfk) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_MFEAVFK

O64 - Services: CurCS - (.not file.) - McAfee Inc. mfehidk (mfehidk) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_MFEHIDK

O64 - Services: CurCS - (.not file.) - McAfee Inc. (mfehidk01) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_MFEHIDK01

O64 - Services: CurCS - (.not file.) - McAfee Inc. mfesmfk (mfesmfk) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_MFESMFK

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mountmgr.sys (mountmgr) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire des points de montage.) - LEGACY_MOUNTMGR

O64 - Services: CurCS - (.not file.) - MPFP (MPFP) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_MPFP

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\FirewallAPI.dll (mpsdrv) .(.Microsoft Corporation - API du Pare-feu Windows.) - LEGACY_MPSDRV

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\webclnt.dll (MRxDAV) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Fichier DLL du service DAV pour le Web.) - LEGACY_MRXDAV

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\wkssvc.dll (mrxsmb) .(.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Station de travail.) - LEGACY_MRXSMB

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\wkssvc.dll (mrxsmb10) .(.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Station de travail.) - LEGACY_MRXSMB10

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\wkssvc.dll (mrxsmb20) .(.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Station de travail.) - LEGACY_MRXSMB20

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\MSFS.sys - Msfs (Msfs) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_MSFS

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\msisadrv.sys - msisadrv (msisadrv) .(.Microsoft Corporation - ISA Driver.) - LEGACY_MSISADRV

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mup.sys (Mup) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Multiple UNC Provider Driver.) - LEGACY_MUP

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\mwlPSDFilter.sys - mwlPSDFilter (mwlPSDFilter) .(.Egis Technology Inc. - PSD Filter Driver.) - LEGACY_MWLPSDFILTER

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\mwlPSDNServ.sys - mwlPSDNServ (mwlPSDNServ) .(.Egis Technology Inc. - MyWinLocker PSD Named Pipe Driver.) - LEGACY_MWLPSDNSERV

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\mwlPSDVDisk.sys - mwlPSDVDisk (mwlPSDVDisk) .(.Egis Technology Inc. - MyWinLocker PSD Virtual Disk Driver.) - LEGACY_MWLPSDVDISK

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\nwifi.sys - NativeWiFi Filter (NativeWifiP) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de miniport WiFi natif.) - LEGACY_NATIVEWIFIP

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\ndis.sys (NDIS) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote NDIS 6.20.) - LEGACY_NDIS

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\ndisuio.sys - NDIS Usermode I/O Protocol (Ndisuio) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote d’E/S du mode utilisateur NDIS.) - LEGACY_NDISUIO

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\NDPROXY.sys - NDProxy (NDProxy) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_NDPROXY

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\netbios.sys - NetBIOS Interface (NetBIOS) .(.Microsoft Corporation - NetBIOS interface driver.) - LEGACY_NETBIOS

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\netbt.sys (NetBT) .(.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) - LEGACY_NETBT

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\NPFS.sys - Npfs (Npfs) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_NPFS

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\nsiproxy.sys (nsiproxy) .(.Microsoft Corporation - NSI Proxy.) - LEGACY_NSIPROXY

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\NTFS.sys - Ntfs (Ntfs) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_NTFS

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\NULL.sys - Null (Null) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_NULL

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\pcw.sys - Performance Counters for Windows Driver (pcw) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Performance Counters for Windows Driver.) - LEGACY_PCW

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\peauth.sys - PEAUTH (PEAUTH) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Protected Environment Authentication and Au.) - LEGACY_PEAUTH

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\pacer.sys (Psched) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Planificateur de paquets QoS.) - LEGACY_PSCHED

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\wkssvc.dll (rdbss) .(.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Station de travail.) - LEGACY_RDBSS

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\RDPCDD.sys (RDPCDD) .(.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Miniport.) - LEGACY_RDPCDD

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\RDPENCDD.sys (RDPENCDD) .(.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Encoder Miniport.) - LEGACY_RDPENCDD

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\RdpRefMp.sys (RDPREFMP) .(.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Reflector Driver Miniport.) - LEGACY_RDPREFMP

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\rspndr.sys - Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder (rspndr) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Link-Layer Topology Responder Driver for ND.) - LEGACY_RSPNDR

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\SCDEMU.sys - SCDEmu (SCDEmu) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_SCDEMU

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\SECDRV.sys - (.not file.) - Security Driver (secdrv) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_SECDRV

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\SPLDR.sys - (.not file.) - Security Processor Loader Driver (spldr) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_SPLDR

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sptd.sys - sptd (sptd) .(.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) - LEGACY_SPTD

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\srvsvc.dll (srv) .(.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Serveur.) - LEGACY_SRV

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\srvsvc.dll (srv2) .(.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Serveur.) - LEGACY_SRV2

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\srvnet.sys - srvnet (srvnet) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Server Network driver.) - LEGACY_SRVNET

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\tcpipcfg.dll (Tcpip) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Objets de configuration du réseau.) - LEGACY_TCPIP

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\tcpipreg.sys - TCP/IP Registry Compatibility (tcpipreg) .(.Microsoft Corporation - TCP/IP Registry Compatibility Driver.) - LEGACY_TCPIPREG

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\tcpipcfg.dll (tdx) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Objets de configuration du réseau.) - LEGACY_TDX

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\udfs.sys - udfs (udfs) .(.Microsoft Corporation - UDF File System Driver.) - LEGACY_UDFS

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\vga.sys - VgaSave (VgaSave) .(.Microsoft Corporation - VGA/Super VGA Video Driver.) - LEGACY_VGASAVE

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\volmgrx.sys (volmgrx) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote d’extension du gestionnaire de volum.) - LEGACY_VOLMGRX

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\volsnap.sys - Volumes de stockage (volsnap) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de cliché instantané du volume.) - LEGACY_VOLSNAP

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\vwififlt.sys - Virtual WiFi Filter Driver (vwififlt) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Virtual WiFi Filter Driver.) - LEGACY_VWIFIFLT

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\system32\rascfg.dll (Wanarpv6) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Objets de configuration RAS.) - LEGACY_WANARPV6

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\Wdf01000.sys - Kernel Mode Driver Frameworks service (Wdf01000) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Runtime de l’infrastructure de pilotes en m.) - LEGACY_WDF01000

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\wfplwf.sys - WFP Lightweight Filter (WfpLwf) .(.Microsoft Corporation - WFP NDIS 6.20 Lightweight Filter Driver.) - LEGACY_WFPLWF

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\wimmount.sys - WIMMount (WIMMount) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Wim file system Driver.) - LEGACY_WIMMOUNT

O64 - Services: CurCS - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\WudfPf.sys - User Mode Driver Frameworks Platform Driver (WudfPf) .(.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Drive.) - LEGACY_WUDFPF



---\\ File Associations Shell Spawning (O67)

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.bat> <batfile>[HKLM\..\open\Command] "%1" %* (.not file.)

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cpl> <cplfile>[HKLM\..\cplopen\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Control Panel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\control.exe

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cmd> <cmdfile>[HKLM\..\open\Command] "%1" %* (.not file.)

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.com> <comfile>[HKLM\..\open\Command] "%1" %* (.not file.)

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.exe> <exefile>[HKLM\..\open\Command] "%1" %* (.not file.)

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> <htmlfile>[HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.js> <JSFile>[HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WScript.exe

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.reg> <regfile>[HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Éditeur du Registre.) -- C:\Windows\regedit.exe

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> <FirefoxHTML>[HKCU\..\open\Command] (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.bat> <batfile>[HKCR\..\open\Command] "%1" %* (.not file.)

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cpl> <cplfile>[HKCR\..\cplopen\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Control Panel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\control.exe

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cmd> <cmdfile>[HKCR\..\open\Command] "%1" %* (.not file.)

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.com> <comfile>[HKCR\..\open\Command] "%1" %* (.not file.)

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.exe> <exefile>[HKCR\..\open\Command] "%1" %* (.not file.)

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> <FirefoxHTML>[HKCR\..\open\Command] (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.js> <JSFile>[HKCR\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WScript.exe

O67 - Shell Spawning: <.reg> <regfile>[HKCR\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Éditeur du Registre.) -- C:\Windows\regedit.exe



---\\ Start Menu Internet (O68)

O68 - StartMenuInternet: <FIREFOX.EXE> <Mozilla Firefox>[HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe

O68 - StartMenuInternet: <IEXPLORE.EXE> <Internet Explorer>[HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe



---\\ Search Browser Infection (O69)

O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} - (Bing) - Bing

O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {67A2568C-7A0A-4EED-AECC-B5405DE63B64} [DefaultScope] - (Google) - Google

O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {6A1806CD-94D4-4689-BA73-E35EA1EA9990} - (Google) - Google



---\\ Recherche particuliere à la racine de certains dossiers (O84)

[MD5.CF6C97886CA7F6275076035E43EF7A21] [sPRF] (.Sony DADC Austria AG - SecuROM DRM Dialog.) -- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Local\Temp\drm_dialogs.dll [65536]

[MD5.34A6118F41E66B678AA7A951FBCE7403] [sPRF] (.Sony DADC Austria AG - SecuROM dynamic-data module.) -- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Local\Temp\drm_dyndata_7410004.dll [208896]



---\\ Firewall Active Exception List (FirewallRules) (O87)

O87 - FAEL: "FPS-SpoolSvc-In-TCP-NoScope" |In - Domain - P6 - FALSE | .(...) -- C:\Windows\system32\spoolsv.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "FPS-SpoolSvc-In-TCP" |In - Public - P6 - FALSE | .(...) -- C:\Windows\system32\spoolsv.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "CoreNet-GP-LSASS-Out-TCP" |Out - Domain - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Windows\system32\lsass.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "RemoteSvcAdmin-In-TCP-NoScope" |In - Domain - P6 - FALSE | .(...) -- C:\Windows\system32\services.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "RemoteSvcAdmin-In-TCP" |In - Public - P6 - FALSE | .(...) -- C:\Windows\system32\services.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "MCX-Prov-Out-TCP" | Out - None - P6 - FALSE | .(.Microsoft Corporation - MCX2 Provisioning library.) -- C:\Windows\ehome\mcx2prov.exe

O87 - FAEL: "MCX-McrMgr-Out-TCP" | Out - None - P6 - FALSE | .(.Microsoft Corporation - Media Center Extender Manager.) -- C:\Windows\ehome\mcrmgr.exe

O87 - FAEL: "NetPres-In-TCP-NoScope" |In - Domain - P6 - FALSE | .(...) -- C:\Windows\system32\netproj.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "NetPres-Out-TCP-NoScope" |Out - Domain - P6 - FALSE | .(...) -- C:\Windows\system32\netproj.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "NetPres-WSD-In-UDP" |In - None - P17 - FALSE | .(...) -- C:\Windows\system32\netproj.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "NetPres-WSD-Out-UDP" |Out - None - P17 - FALSE | .(...) -- C:\Windows\system32\netproj.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "NetPres-In-TCP" |In - Public - P6 - FALSE | .(...) -- C:\Windows\system32\netproj.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "NetPres-Out-TCP" |Out - Public - P6 - FALSE | .(...) -- C:\Windows\system32\netproj.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "{49152850-A155-4685-9802-AC25BE4BFAF8}" |In - Public - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\ONENOTE.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "{DBB6CC7E-4E69-4FC1-A5C4-639FE60A2E2D}" |In - Public - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\ONENOTE.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "{EF58EF6D-B431-4E55-ACB2-8A4292019774}" | In - None - P17 - TRUE | .(.Acer Incorporated - Acer Arcade Deluxe.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer Arcade Deluxe\Acer Arcade Deluxe\Acer Arcade Deluxe.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{1F892248-6105-4D34-85E0-EF3799F08E41}" | In - None - P17 - TRUE | .(.Acer Corp. - Acer Arcade Deluxe PlayMovie.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer Arcade Deluxe\PlayMovie\PlayMovie.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{9B8E6FE1-8A93-4301-8483-5CD586688392}" | In - None - P17 - TRUE | .(.Acer Corp. - Acer Arcade Deluxe PlayMovie Resident Program.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer Arcade Deluxe\PlayMovie\PMVService.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{2BFBCFD9-566F-4420-A7C4-3B24DBFC39B0}" | In - None - P17 - TRUE | .(.Acer Incorporated - Acer HomeMedia.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer Arcade Deluxe\HomeMedia\HomeMedia.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{8F433340-E0F3-4468-A459-3C3378CE211C}" |In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Windows\system32\spoolsv.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "{E87BB193-6108-437D-A373-B4F64F01E4DE}" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.CybelSoft - Service de détection matériel.) -- C:\Program Files\\maconfservice.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{688071DE-3414-4E93-8302-981BBC8195D6}" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.CybelSoft - Service de détection matériel.) -- C:\Program Files\\maconfservice.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{43AEF9EE-9DE6-46A5-B9CD-F322D01880A8}" | In - None - P17 - TRUE | .(.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Live Messenger.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Messenger\msnmsgr.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{9A2D713A-1AD7-462A-B961-2797FDD12155}" | In - None - P17 - TRUE | .(.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Live Sync.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Sync\WindowsLiveSync.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{3DF633C1-70CB-41FB-B843-3BE503BFD0E2}" |In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\\maconfservice.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "{5CF7D810-4A4C-426E-8B6A-169A52356DFA}" |In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\\maconfservice.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "{9518B566-BC8F-404D-88B6-84277CEEEAA7}" | In - None - P17 - TRUE | .(.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Live Communications Platform.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Contacts\wlcomm.exe

O87 - FAEL: "TCP Query User{68F7A9B7-56D4-4EDC-AE21-138D1D1D8B7D}C:\program files (x86)\free download manager\fdm.exe" |In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\program files (x86)\free download manager\fdm.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "UDP Query User{7ADA73B8-EB1C-4CF9-AEE6-5CC9B5DE7929}C:\program files (x86)\free download manager\fdm.exe" |In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\program files (x86)\free download manager\fdm.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "{7B997020-FCD3-410D-8FF8-40834A2EC60C}" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.Electronic Arts - Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Launcher.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Need for Speed Hot Pursuit\Launcher.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{F67D3D89-8563-4DCF-950E-E8C3EAA5A326}" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.Electronic Arts - Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Launcher.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Need for Speed Hot Pursuit\Launcher.exe

O87 - FAEL: "TCP Query User{1C03C84C-62C8-45E5-9BAA-F9B1F0C2C9E8}C:\program files (x86)\electronic arts\need for speed hot pursuit\nfs11.exe" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.Electronic Arts.) -- C:\program files (x86)\electronic arts\need for speed hot pursuit\nfs11.exe

O87 - FAEL: "UDP Query User{64BDFB56-E4B6-4D3B-A7DA-92AAEB603188}C:\program files (x86)\electronic arts\need for speed hot pursuit\nfs11.exe" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.Electronic Arts.) -- C:\program files (x86)\electronic arts\need for speed hot pursuit\nfs11.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{23B9538A-215B-4AD6-9ECC-F46555867592}" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.Codemasters - Damnation.) -- D:\Jeux\Damnation\Binaries\DamnGame.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{BF8638D6-48AD-4001-B89C-6A4D8F0F6D19}" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.Codemasters - Damnation.) -- D:\Jeux\Damnation\Binaries\DamnGame.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{271EF840-8578-48E4-A616-A8C88CF3FFE8}" | In - None - P6 - TRUE | .(.BitTorrent, Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{BC59A09B-2743-4C0C-9471-9FFFA7A505B8}" | In - None - P17 - TRUE | .(.BitTorrent, Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe

O87 - FAEL: "TCP Query User{C77BEE25-2AD1-48C8-8B83-F252377115A9}D:\jeux\far cry 2\bin\farcry2.exe" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.Ubisoft Entertainment - Far Cry® 2.) -- D:\jeux\far cry 2\bin\farcry2.exe

O87 - FAEL: "UDP Query User{9F420C23-DEFA-4449-A47E-5D2B9808D37F}D:\jeux\far cry 2\bin\farcry2.exe" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.Ubisoft Entertainment - Far Cry® 2.) -- D:\jeux\far cry 2\bin\farcry2.exe

O87 - FAEL: "TCP Query User{45742862-CE2E-4D8E-86EE-5FFFE6E5B0F6}D:\jeux\call of duty - black ops\blackops.exe" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- D:\jeux\call of duty - black ops\blackops.exe

O87 - FAEL: "UDP Query User{2AC5BC4B-7BA5-46FA-90CA-43B5B25B91C8}D:\jeux\call of duty - black ops\blackops.exe" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- D:\jeux\call of duty - black ops\blackops.exe

O87 - FAEL: "TCP Query User{873FFB6C-5258-4679-9B7D-144323499A7F}C:\program files (x86)\videolan\vlc\vlc.exe" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\program files (x86)\videolan\vlc\vlc.exe

O87 - FAEL: "UDP Query User{922F9D32-8964-4CA4-86D2-6439B3932D56}C:\program files (x86)\videolan\vlc\vlc.exe" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\program files (x86)\videolan\vlc\vlc.exe

O87 - FAEL: "TCP Query User{3DB02AC9-7E10-426E-9A04-F63695597AF9}C:\program files (x86)\activision\apache air assault\apache.exe" |In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\program files (x86)\activision\apache air assault\apache.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "UDP Query User{0E8C289D-2DC2-4F1B-A2AC-D0844AD9E860}C:\program files (x86)\activision\apache air assault\apache.exe" |In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\program files (x86)\activision\apache air assault\apache.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "TCP Query User{34D83418-9506-4122-B131-9F322096B30B}C:\program files (x86)\atari\act of war - direct action\actofwar.exe" |In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\program files (x86)\atari\act of war - direct action\actofwar.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "UDP Query User{D873DA2F-E1B2-4DBE-9518-EF75721F2CAD}C:\program files (x86)\atari\act of war - direct action\actofwar.exe" |In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\program files (x86)\atari\act of war - direct action\actofwar.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "TCP Query User{6A6FAD75-3ABA-478E-B49F-A5DA6BAFB04D}D:\jeux\lost planet\lostplanetdx10.exe" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.CAPCOM CO., LTD. - Pas de description.) -- D:\jeux\lost planet\lostplanetdx10.exe

O87 - FAEL: "UDP Query User{A777FAB6-1810-4123-AE32-7F60EB111C90}D:\jeux\lost planet\lostplanetdx10.exe" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.CAPCOM CO., LTD. - Pas de description.) -- D:\jeux\lost planet\lostplanetdx10.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{564EF538-0578-4995-83DC-68E882ACB6E1}" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.Raven Software - X-Men Origins: Wolverine.) -- D:\Jeux\X-Men Origins\Binaries\Wolverine.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{A23DF073-54AF-40B1-9CDD-89D56D36888F}" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.Raven Software - X-Men Origins: Wolverine.) -- D:\Jeux\X-Men Origins\Binaries\Wolverine.exe

O87 - FAEL: "TCP Query User{72E7E4F4-8B04-4D35-A84B-B6895CF65B20}D:\jeux\dark sector\ds.exe" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.Digital Extremes - Dark Sector.) -- D:\jeux\dark sector\ds.exe

O87 - FAEL: "UDP Query User{A98250F4-9409-4EF0-A353-2FD8245A7BCA}D:\jeux\dark sector\ds.exe" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.Digital Extremes - Dark Sector.) -- D:\jeux\dark sector\ds.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{D616FF58-48FD-44BA-9FE2-7C667343E4EA}" |In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\Gas Powered Games\GPGNet\GPG.Multiplayer.Client.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "{C8181B3F-0766-43ED-9828-74DC0D501765}" |In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\Gas Powered Games\GPGNet\GPG.Multiplayer.Client.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "{2693FD9C-CDCA-471F-BA2D-A9CA5BA6C6E5}" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.Gas Powered Games - Supreme Commander Application.) -- D:\Jeux\Supreme Commander\Supreme Commander\bin\SupremeCommander.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{2C1F1B3C-BF34-42C3-B5F9-7C4734A597B2}" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.Gas Powered Games - Supreme Commander Application.) -- D:\Jeux\Supreme Commander\Supreme Commander\bin\SupremeCommander.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{B703CC81-0EEC-44C8-B737-6D758A737EEB}" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.Gas Powered Games - GPGNet: Supreme Commander.) -- D:\Jeux\Supreme Commander\GPGNet\GPG.Multiplayer.Client.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{09CCC007-1BBD-479F-A9AC-697155BCE5D3}" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.Gas Powered Games - GPGNet: Supreme Commander.) -- D:\Jeux\Supreme Commander\GPGNet\GPG.Multiplayer.Client.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{204CC1BD-3279-44E2-A438-BF0F4CB505EE}" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- D:\Jeux\Overlord 2\Overlord2.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{A865BE0F-2C85-4584-BC6C-CBF164F57535}" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- D:\Jeux\Overlord 2\Overlord2.exe

O87 - FAEL: "TCP Query User{83EE9C62-5BF5-44CE-9E0E-564640B85CB8}D:\jeux\overlord 2\overlord2.exe" | In - Public - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- D:\jeux\overlord 2\overlord2.exe

O87 - FAEL: "UDP Query User{ABA36617-3318-4256-8468-7B1DEBDBBBEE}D:\jeux\overlord 2\overlord2.exe" | In - Public - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- D:\jeux\overlord 2\overlord2.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{527A272A-C114-485A-8AF4-F763B8A7A1BC}" |In - Public - P6 - TRUE | .(...) -- E:\fscommand\CKSocketServer.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "{41C0BFC5-C299-4A11-A9E9-F2B92E32CF35}" |In - Public - P17 - TRUE | .(...) -- E:\fscommand\CKSocketServer.exe (.not file.)

O87 - FAEL: "{8F5397E1-F853-4B83-85B7-0269C0124130}" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.CybelSoft - Service de détection matériel.) -- C:\Program Files\\x64\maconfservice.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{3B5560FF-BBEA-4A55-BBA3-30F74694F043}" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.CybelSoft - Service de détection matériel.) -- C:\Program Files\\x64\maconfservice.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{ECAF1A7B-6C88-4CD3-8EB0-39FBD70C531E}" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.Valve Corporation - Steam.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{AA993F8F-583D-4A9E-A586-8C0AEE46124B}" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.Valve Corporation - Steam.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{594D8368-6487-4771-8DC6-98ACDE0BB1E7}" | In - Private - P6 - TRUE | .(.The Creative Assembly Ltd - Napoleon: Total War.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\napoleon total war\Napoleon.exe

O87 - FAEL: "{24BBC1E5-AFA4-450B-808D-065E7A998CB6}" | In - Private - P17 - TRUE | .(.The Creative Assembly Ltd - Napoleon: Total War.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\napoleon total war\Napoleon.exe



---\\ Etat général des services non Microsoft (EGS) (SR=Running, SS=Stopped)

SR - | Auto 13/01/2011 40384 | (avast! Antivirus) . (.AVAST Software.) - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\AvastSvc.exe

SR - | Auto 04/06/2009 1150496 | (Greg_Service) . (.Acer Incorporated.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Registration\GregHSRW.exe

SR - | Auto 05/11/2010 13336 | (IAStorDataMgrSvc) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel® Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe

SR - | Auto 05/11/2010 0 | (Intel® PROSet Monitoring Service) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Windows\system32\IProsetMonitor.exe

SS - | Demand 24/01/2011 420864 | (maconfservice) . (.CybelSoft.) - C:\Program Files\\x64\maconfservice.exe

SR - | Auto 06/08/2009 311592 | (MWLService) . (.Egis Technology Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\EgisTec\MyWinLocker 3\x86\MWLService.exe

SR - | Auto 29/09/2008 935208 | Nero BackItUp Scheduler 4.0 (Nero BackItUp Scheduler 4.0) . (.Nero AG.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Nero\Nero BackItUp 4\NBService.exe

SR - | Auto 12/08/2009 62208 | (NTI IScheduleSvc) . (.NewTech Infosystems, Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\NewTech Infosystems\Acer Backup Manager\IScheduleSvc.exe

SR - | Auto 22/03/2010 276584 | (nTuneService) . (.NVIDIA.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\nTune\nTuneService.exe

SR - | Auto 22/03/2010 0 | (NVSvc) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\Windows\system32\nvvsvc.exe

SR - | Auto 26/01/2009 1153368 | (SBSDWSCService) . (.Safer Networking Ltd..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SDWinSec.exe

SR - | Auto 28/05/2007 275968 | (StarWindServiceAE) . (.Rocket Division Software.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\StarWind\StarWindServiceAE.exe

SS - | Demand 13/02/2011 407336 | (Steam Client Service) . (.Valve Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Steam\SteamService.exe

SR - | Auto 07/01/2011 378984 | (Stereo Service) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe

SR - | Auto 06/11/2009 282728 | (UpdateCenterService) . (.NVIDIA.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\System Update\UpdateCenterService.exe

SR - | Auto 04/07/2009 240160 | (Updater Service) . (.Acer.) - C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Updater\UpdaterService.exe

SR - | Auto 14/07/2009 20992 | C:\Windows\system32\wuaueng.dll (wuauserv) . (.Microsoft Corporation.) - C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe



---\\ Recherche Master Boot Record Infection (MBR)(O80)

Stealth MBR rootkit/Mebroot/Sinowal/TDL4 detector 0.4.1 by Gmer, GMER - Rootkit Detector and Remover



---\\ Recherche Master Boot Record Infection (MBRCheck)(O80)

Written by ad13, http://ad13.geekstog

Run by Jude at 16/02/2011 11:50:26

Use the desktop link 'MBRCheck' to have full report




---\\ Liste des émulateurs de CD/DVD (Hook du MBR)

O58 - SDL:[MD5.07000000000000000000000054EE1800] - 29/11/2010 - 00:00:00 ---A- . (.Pas de propriétaire - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\system32\drivers\sptd.sys [503352]




End of the scan (1140 lines in 02mn 02s)(0)



j'espere qu'il te sera plus utile qu'a moi et qu'il t'aidera à trouver le mal dont je souffre...

  • Modérateurs
Posté(e) (modifié)

Salut Calys,


Il y a pas mal de choses à faire :


1. Désinstalle tout ce qui est P2P : ces cochonneries sont génératrices de problèmes, dysfonctionnements, voire de virus ou autre susceptibles de causer des dommages importants.



  • Télécharge AD REMOVER de C-XX, puis enregistre-le sur le bureau
  • Lien : Téléchargement de AD REMOVER
  • L'installation de AD REMOVER requiert que toutes les applications soient fermées
  • Comme tu utilises W7, désactive provisoirement l'UAC :
  • Clic droit/exécuter comme administrateur sur l'icône AD REMOVER placée sur le bureau
  • En cas de réaction du pare-feu, accepte de manière à laisser tourner le programme
  • Après avoir cliqué sur "Scanner", tu trouveras le rapport sous C:\Ad-Report : merci de le poster ds ta réponse
  • Clic droit/exécuter comme administrateur sur l'icône AD REMOVER placée sur le bureau
  • En cas de réaction du pare-feu, accepte de manière à laisser tourner le programme
  • Après avoir cliqué sur "Nettoyer", tu trouveras le rapport sous C:\Ad-Report Clean : merci de le poster également ds ta réponse
  • Remarques :
    - le bureau va disparaître : pas d'inquiétude, cette étape fait partie du processus
    - pense à réactiver l'UAC


3. Tu utilises plusieurs anti-virus => source de ralentissements, voire de conflits

=> régle de base = 1 seul anti-virus + 1 seul anti-malwares + 1 seul pare-feu.

A faire :

  • désinstalle : Spybot S&D (obsolète, inefficace, et même à l'origine de problèmes) et Avast
  • désactive Windows Defender
  • installe Antivir de Avira (très bon anti-virus) : "]Tutorial Antivir Personal Edition Classic | malekal's site[/url]
  • installe Malwarebytes' antimalware - MBAM (très bon anti-malwares) :


4. On en profite pour vérifier le disque dur :

  • Démarrer / Exécuter / tape cmd / clique sur OK / lance l'utilitaire chkdsk en tapant la commande suivante : chkdsk c: /f /r, puis valider par Enter
  • La commande /f corrige automatiquement les erreurs rencontrées
  • La commande /r détecte les "bad sectors" (secteurs endommagés) du disque et récupère les informations qui y sont toujours lisibles
  • Un redémarrage est en général nécessaire afin que chkdsk puisse s'exécuter correctement :
  • => redémarre le PC et chkdsk s'exécutera automatiquement
  • Ce scan peut prendre un certain temps selon la taille de ton disque et le nombre de réparation à effectuer
  • Lorsque la vérification est terminée, le PC redémarrera normalement sous Windows

5. Limite tes programmes au démarrage : démarrer > exécuter > taper msconfig > démarrage > tout décocher sauf l'anti-virus, le pare-feu et la connexion internet


6. Le disque dur D est trop chargé : il ne te reste plus que 47 Go sur 458 Go => essaie de faire en sorte qu'il te reste au moins 15% de place


--> J'attends donc 2 rapports

Modifié par Tonton57

Salut Tonton,


Toutes les étapes ont été faite avec succès sauf la vérification du disque dur; le pc a planté durant l'étape 4 du scan au démarrage, plus d'affichage ni activité du pc.


Le centre de maintenance me demande d'activer le pare-feu, je supprime la surveillance de ce problème?


Autre question: es ce que la réparation des erreurs registre automatique de CCleaner est elle conseillé?


voici le rapport du scan de AD Remover:




Mis à jour par TeamXscript le 16/02/11

Contact: AdRemover[DOT]contact[AT]gmail[DOT]com

Site web: TeamXscript : AD-Remover - FindyKill - UsbFix - SEAF


C:\Program Files (x86)\Ad-Remover\main.exe (SCAN [1]) -> Lancé à 12:50:53 le 17/02/2011, Mode normal


Microsoft Windows 7 Édition Familiale Premium (X64)

Jude@JUDE-PC (Acer Aspire M3802)


============== RECHERCHE ==============




Clé trouvée: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{A078F691-9C07-4AF2-BF43-35E79EECF8B7}



============== SCAN ADDITIONNEL ==============


**** Mozilla Firefox Version [3.6.13 (fr)] ****


HKLM_MozillaPlugins\ (x)

HKLM_MozillaPlugins\ (x)

HKLM_Extensions|{23fcfd51-4958-4f00-80a3-ae97e717ed8b} - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\firefox\html5video

HKLM_Extensions|{6904342A-8307-11DF-A508-4AE2DFD72085} - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\firefox\wpa


-- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\FireFox\Profiles\l52zcgm4.default --

Extensions\ (Tab Scope)

Prefs.js -, C:\\Users\\Jude\\Pictures

Prefs.js - browser.startup.homepage, hxxp://

Prefs.js - browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone, rv:

Prefs.js - privacy.popups.showBrowserMessage, false




**** Internet Explorer Version [8.0.7600.16385] ****


HKCU_Main|Default_Page_URL - hxxp://

HKCU_Main|Search Page - hxxp://

HKCU_Main|Start Page - hxxp://

HKLM_Main|Default_Page_URL - hxxp://

HKLM_Main|Default_Search_URL - hxxp://

HKLM_Main|Search Page - hxxp://

HKLM_Main|Start Page - hxxp://

HKCU_ElevationPolicy\{5A2B74C8-C246-4196-A3B7-F262073E5733} - C:\Program Files (x86)\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe (x)

HKCU_ElevationPolicy\{780F4070-3DBF-4D95-AC40-1C75467DBF3D} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Free Download Manager\fdm.exe (x)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{07d873dc-b9b9-44f5-af0b-fb59fa54fb7a} - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wpcer.exe (x)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{0a402d70-1f10-4ae7-bec9-286a98240695} - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winfxdocobj.exe (x)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{5F17E524-3447-4c7d-8E5F-4EFF31CDE3B7} - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\DDMService.exe (DivX, LLC)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{64903E32-AE0B-408D-909C-09A08791F28D} - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\dwpBroker.exe (DivX, LLC)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{70f641fd-9ffc-4d5b-a4dc-962af4ed7999} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iedw.exe (x)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{A078F691-9C07-4AF2-BF43-35E79EECF8B7} - C:\Program Files (x86)\ClickPotatoLite\bin\10.0.646.0\Weather.exe (x)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{A6E2003F-95C5-4591-BA9A-0093080FDB5C} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oberon Media\OberonBroker\\OberonBroker.exe (?)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{B43A0C1E-B63F-4691-B68F-CD807A45DA01} - C:\Windows\system32\TSWbPrxy.exe (x)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{D802E3EF-2513-4661-972E-BAD737EFBA88} - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX OVS Helper\OVSHelperBroker.exe (DivX, LLC.)

HKLM_Extensions\{DFB852A3-47F8-48C4-A200-58CAB36FD2A2} - "?" (?)

BHO\{326E768D-4182-46FD-9C16-1449A49795F4} - "DivX Plus Web Player HTML5 <video>" (C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\npdivx32.dll)

BHO\{593DDEC6-7468-4cdd-90E1-42DADAA222E9} - "DivX HiQ" (C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\npdivx32.dll)




C:\Program Files (x86)\Ad-Remover\Quarantine: 0 Fichier(s)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Ad-Remover\Backup: 1 Fichier(s)


C:\Ad-Report-SCAN[1].txt - 17/02/2011 12:51:06 (3978 Octet(s))


Fin à: 12:51:46, 17/02/2011


============== E.O.F ==============



Voici le rapport de nettoyage:




Mis à jour par TeamXscript le 16/02/11

Contact: AdRemover[DOT]contact[AT]gmail[DOT]com

Site web: TeamXscript : AD-Remover - FindyKill - UsbFix - SEAF


C:\Program Files (x86)\Ad-Remover\main.exe (CLEAN [1]) -> Lancé à 12:53:52 le 17/02/2011, Mode normal


Microsoft Windows 7 Édition Familiale Premium (X64)

Jude@JUDE-PC (Acer Aspire M3802)


============== ACTION(S) ==============




(!) -- Fichiers temporaires supprimés.



Clé supprimée: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{A078F691-9C07-4AF2-BF43-35E79EECF8B7}



============== SCAN ADDITIONNEL ==============


**** Mozilla Firefox Version [3.6.13 (fr)] ****


HKLM_MozillaPlugins\ (x)

HKLM_MozillaPlugins\ (x)

HKLM_Extensions|{23fcfd51-4958-4f00-80a3-ae97e717ed8b} - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\firefox\html5video

HKLM_Extensions|{6904342A-8307-11DF-A508-4AE2DFD72085} - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\firefox\wpa


-- C:\Users\Jude\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\FireFox\Profiles\l52zcgm4.default --

Extensions\ (Tab Scope)

Prefs.js -, C:\\Users\\Jude\\Pictures

Prefs.js - browser.startup.homepage, hxxp://

Prefs.js - browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone, rv:

Prefs.js - privacy.popups.showBrowserMessage, false




**** Internet Explorer Version [8.0.7600.16385] ****


HKCU_Main|Default_Page_URL - hxxp://

HKCU_Main|Default_Search_URL - hxxp://

HKCU_Main|Search bar - hxxp://

HKCU_Main|Start Page - hxxp://

HKLM_Main|Default_Page_URL - hxxp://

HKLM_Main|Default_Search_URL - hxxp://

HKLM_Main|Search bar - hxxp://

HKLM_Main|Search Page - hxxp://

HKLM_Main|Start Page - hxxp://

HKCU_ElevationPolicy\{5A2B74C8-C246-4196-A3B7-F262073E5733} - C:\Program Files (x86)\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe (x)

HKCU_ElevationPolicy\{780F4070-3DBF-4D95-AC40-1C75467DBF3D} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Free Download Manager\fdm.exe (x)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{07d873dc-b9b9-44f5-af0b-fb59fa54fb7a} - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wpcer.exe (x)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{0a402d70-1f10-4ae7-bec9-286a98240695} - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winfxdocobj.exe (x)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{5F17E524-3447-4c7d-8E5F-4EFF31CDE3B7} - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\DDMService.exe (DivX, LLC)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{64903E32-AE0B-408D-909C-09A08791F28D} - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\dwpBroker.exe (DivX, LLC)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{70f641fd-9ffc-4d5b-a4dc-962af4ed7999} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iedw.exe (x)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{A6E2003F-95C5-4591-BA9A-0093080FDB5C} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oberon Media\OberonBroker\\OberonBroker.exe (?)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{B43A0C1E-B63F-4691-B68F-CD807A45DA01} - C:\Windows\system32\TSWbPrxy.exe (x)

HKLM_ElevationPolicy\{D802E3EF-2513-4661-972E-BAD737EFBA88} - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX OVS Helper\OVSHelperBroker.exe (DivX, LLC.)

HKLM_Extensions\{DFB852A3-47F8-48C4-A200-58CAB36FD2A2} - "?" (?)

BHO\{326E768D-4182-46FD-9C16-1449A49795F4} - "DivX Plus Web Player HTML5 <video>" (C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\npdivx32.dll)

BHO\{593DDEC6-7468-4cdd-90E1-42DADAA222E9} - "DivX HiQ" (C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\npdivx32.dll)




C:\Program Files (x86)\Ad-Remover\Quarantine: 0 Fichier(s)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Ad-Remover\Backup: 17 Fichier(s)


C:\Ad-Report-CLEAN[1].txt - 17/02/2011 12:53:55 (3911 Octet(s))

C:\Ad-Report-SCAN[1].txt - 17/02/2011 12:51:06 (4116 Octet(s))


Fin à: 12:54:41, 17/02/2011


============== E.O.F ==============



Je te remercie pour ta patience et ton attention.

  • Modérateurs
Posté(e) (modifié)

Salut Calys,


1. Clic droit/exécuter comme administrateur sur l'icône AD REMOVER placée sur le bureau et choisis l'option "désinstaller".

Si ce n'est déjà fait, réactive l'UAC.



Toutes les étapes ont été faite avec succès sauf la vérification du disque dur; le pc a planté durant l'étape 4 du scan au démarrage, plus d'affichage ni activité du pc.

Procède comme suit :


  • Démarrer > Accessoires > Invite de commandes > Click Droit sur invite de commandes et tu choisis "exécuter en tant qu'administrateur"
  • Lance l'utilitaire chkdsk en tapant la commande suivante : chkdsk c: /f /r, puis valide par Enter
  • La commande /f corrige automatiquement les erreurs rencontrées
  • La commande /r détecte les "bad sectors" (secteurs endommagés) du disque et récupère les informations qui y sont toujours lisibles
  • Un redémarrage est en général nécessaire afin que chkdsk puisse s'exécuter correctement :
    => redémarre le pc et chkdsk s'exécutera automatiquement
  • Ce scan peut prendre un certain temps selon la taille de ton disque et le nombre de réparation à effectuer
  • Lorsque la vérification est terminée, le PC redémarrera normalement sous Windows


Le centre de maintenance me demande d'activer le pare-feu, je supprime la surveillance de ce problème?

Il faut effectivement activer le pare-feu



es ce que la réparation des erreurs registre automatique de CCleaner est elle conseillé?

Cette manip est fortement déconseillée. Au mieux elle n'apporte rien, au pire elle peut te causer des dommages irréversibles.

Par contre CCleaner, pour toutes ses autres fonctions, est un programme intéressant dont il faut régulièrement se servir.



  • Télécharge HijackThis de TrendMicro sur ton bureau : kthis.html
  • Procède à son installation.
  • Lorsque l'installation est terminée, lance-le :
    - soit par un clic droit sur l'icône + "lancer en tant qu'administrateur"
    - soit par Démarrer > Tous les Programmes > HijackThis > HijackThis
  • Clique sur "Do a system scan and save a logfile"
  • Le rapport va s'afficher automatiquement dans le bloc-note
    --> Copie/colle stp son contenu dans ton prochain post
  • Le rapport se trouve également ici : C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Hijackthis\Hijackthis.log
  • Tu peux te servir de ce tuto :


6. Teste ta RAM avec Memtest86+ :

A te lire - Bonne soirée,


Modifié par Tonton57

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