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À propos de TA-K-2-PT

  • Date de naissance 15/10/1980

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    Aime les bon FPS les potes et les gens bien cool et pas prise de tête .A part ca j'aime faire la fête jouer de la musique (je joue depuis longtemps de la batterie et je mix du harcore).Bref j'suis plutot normal et cool voila!!! A + les ami(e)s.

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Extrem Member (7/12)


Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Bonjour, Le problème à toujours était présent, et est à ce jour insolvable puisque l'ordinateur linux ainsi que l'odinateur windows sont down et avec les mêmes symptômes. Je garde ces deux pc et je verrais si je peux les faire auditer a un moment où a un autre. Parce si l'on essaie de voir sur le forum ensemble comment faire. Je suppose qu'il faudra faire différentes analyses, mais comment les faire sur deux ordinateurs qui ne boot même plus complètement ? Comme expliqué juste avant en s'acharnant un peu j'arrive a les faire booter après avoir dépassé différents blocage mais le pc a ce moment là freeze. J'avoue que j'en ai un peu marre de devoir passer un temps fou juste pour que les pc boot. Donc je préfère prendre le temps de trouver quelqu'un qui pourra auditer en direct les pc concerné. C'est quand même sympa d'avoir pris sur votre temps pour pouvoir m'aider.
  2. Re bonjour, le pc linux est a ce jour down, après une succession de problèmes, un exemple des sites internet n'étaient plus accéssible alors que d'autres oui, après avoir ré initialisé la connection wi-fi hop ça remarchait, puis a nouveau bloqué, dans le même temps clamscan détectait une fois 2 infections, que je nettoyais, puis par suite 7 infections que je nettoyait encore, et ainsi de suite. J'ai donc voulu re installer linux mint via un boot live linux depuis une clef usb, tout allait bien mais quand j'ai branché la livebox pour faire des mise a jour pouf tous c'est bloqué : Watchdog hard lockup cpu9, puis une fois ce blocage passé s'était les usb qui bloquait, puis une fois passé ce blocage le pc freeze ect donc pc linux down. J'ai donc utilisé un second pc portable pour intsaller windows, même sanction.
  3. Bonsoir, Bon le pc semble aller mieux, il souffle moins. J'ai pu constater via le soft Psensor que c'est bien les ventilos qui se mettent a tourner. Après plusieurs passage de la bombe dacomex et un nettoyage du capos ça c'est amélioré. J'avoue j'suis un peu parti dans tous les sens, comme je suis pas expert, je me suis un peu égaré c'est vrai. Bon comme je constatais que le pc soufflait lors de navigation internet je me suis penché d'abord sur une infection, puis sur le réseaux, bon plus je creusais plus j'étais dans le flou, du coup bha oui ç'est passé par plusieurs étapes. Mais avec vos interventions j'ai pu identifier la cause du soufflement et améliorer le truc, donc merci a vous. Je met le sujet en résolu.
  4. Salut, merci a vous deux pour vos interventions. je viens de passer un coup d'une bombe dacomex qui j'avais acheté chez ldlc, c'est une bombe spécifique pour nettoyer les pc. Pour le moment je l'ai passé dans les ouverture d'aération à gauche et à droite de l'ordi, et dans l'ouverture d'aération en dessous du pc. j'ai aussi mit un coup de chiffon sur tout le capot de l'ordi. je vais attendre de voir, si je constate que le pc continue de souffler, je vais essayer de voir quel materiel s'emballe, un ventilateur, ou le cpu. Je me souviens plus des soft qui permettent de voir ça, mais les retrouver ne sera pas compliqué. Quand a ouvrir l'ordi pour le nettoyer ça me semble un peu compliqué, je garde cette option pour plus tard au besoin. Merci a vous.
  5. Mon pc c'est le Asus Republic of gamer Zephyrus M GM501GM J'ai récupéré aussi ses caractéristique via l'outil hardinfo cf capture d'écran. Ce pc je l'ai depuis longtemps, je n'ai rien modifié dessus, toute mon installation, pc, livebox sont toujours les mêmes. J'ai testé le navigateur google chrome et fais une recherche en tapant zebulon, je ne suis pas aller sur le site, je m'en suis tenu a cette unique recherche. Le pc se met a souffler aussi. J'utilisais avant ma tour qui tourne sous windows, je me suis remis sur mon portable qui lui est sous linux car je veux me remettre a programmer un peu. Depuis que je ré utilise ce portable (environ 2mois), j'ai constaté qu'il souffle, de là à pouvoir affirmer que s'était le cas avant, je pourrais pas dire. Car je l'ai rangé dans un carton où il est resté plusieurs mois. Est ce que cela l'a abimé d'une façon ou d'une autre je ne pourrais pas dire. j'ai aussi exporté le rapport de hardinfo qui est un peu long, mais il ya notamment une partie reseau qui peux éventuellement être utile. Le rapport est disponible ici :
  6. voilà la sortie de la commande netstat -antpo : j'ai d'abord fermé mon navigateur, attendu que toutes les connections se coupe via tcpview, puis ré ouvert via mon navigateur sur la page de ce topic, rien d'autres et fait la commande netstat -antpo thibault@locanode-820:~$ netstat -antpo (Tous les processus ne peuvent être identifiés, les infos sur les processus non possédés ne seront pas affichées, vous devez être root pour les voir toutes.) Connexions Internet actives (serveurs et établies) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Adresse locale Adresse distante Etat PID/Program name Timer tcp 0 0* LISTEN - off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0* LISTEN - off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0* LISTEN - off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0* LISTEN - off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0* LISTEN - off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0* LISTEN - off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0* LISTEN - off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox keepalive (562,46/0/0) tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox keepalive (2,21/0/0) tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT - temps d'attente (22,09/0/0) tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp6 0 0 ::1:8307 :::* LISTEN - off (0.00/0/0) tcp6 0 0 ::1:631 :::* LISTEN - off (0.00/0/0) tcp6 0 0 :::25 :::* LISTEN - off (0.00/0/0) tcp6 0 0 :::443 :::* LISTEN - off (0.00/0/0) tcp6 0 0 :::902 :::* LISTEN - off (0.00/0/0) tcp6 0 0 2a01:cb14:c26:d60:35878 2600:1901:0:92a9:::443 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp6 0 0 2a01:cb14:c26:d60:53490 2a00:1450:4007:80d:::80 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox keepalive (5,28/0/0) tcp6 0 0 2a01:cb14:c26:d60:52290 2606:4700:e2::ac40::443 TIME_WAIT - temps d'attente (34,55/0/0) tcp6 0 0 2a01:cb14:c26:d60:50616 2400:52e0:1e02::107:443 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp6 0 0 2a01:cb14:c26:d60:49488 2a00:1450:4007:80e::443 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp6 0 0 2a01:cb14:c26:d60:46256 2a02:26f0:b80:3::210:80 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox keepalive (4,51/0/0) tcp6 0 0 2a01:cb14:c26:d60:49498 2a00:1450:4007:80e::443 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox off (0.00/0/0) tcp6 0 0 2a01:cb14:c26:d60:42594 2600:1901:0:38d7:::80 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox keepalive (1,95/0/0) tcp6 0 0 2a01:cb14:c26:d60:52430 2a00:1450:4007:806::443 TIME_WAIT - temps d'attente (22,08/0/0) tcp6 0 0 2a01:cb14:c26:d60:42596 2600:1901:0:38d7:::80 ESTABLISHED 20413/firefox keepalive (2,20/0/0) Je vais installer d'autres navigateur, je suis avec firefox developper edition, je vais voir avec firefox de base et aussi avec chrome.
  7. voici la sortie de la commande ip addr : thibault@locanode-820:~$ ip addr 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: wlo1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 30:24:32:ab:84:6b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlo1 valid_lft 86362sec preferred_lft 86362sec inet6 2a01:cb14:c26:d600:7438:dfe6:df2a:2fb9/64 scope global temporary dynamic valid_lft 86380sec preferred_lft 580sec inet6 2a01:cb14:c26:d600:2e1a:2c88:35db:25c7/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr noprefixroute valid_lft 86380sec preferred_lft 580sec inet6 fe80::b180:bfac:1a39:a709/64 scope link noprefixroute valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 3: vmnet1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state DOWN group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:50:56:c0:00:01 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global vmnet1 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 4: vmnet8: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state DOWN group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:50:56:c0:00:08 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global vmnet8 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever Je me permet de renvoyer a mon post de la page 2, celui avec la catpure de tcpview, où j'explique (et on le voit sur le screenshot), que je suis déconnecté du wifi que ma livebox est aussi débranchée, que les connections reste pourtant sur etablished. Dans l'hypothèse qu'un autre matériel maintienne la connection, je ne suis pas totalement sur que des commandes sur mon pc intérrogeant a priori la livebox puisse detecté ce possible problème.
  8. effectivement des connections sont parfois IPv6 parfois IPv4. voici la sortie de la commande ifconfig : thibault@locanode-820:~$ ifconfig lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536 inet netmask inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host> loop txqueuelen 1000 (Boucle locale) RX packets 297249 bytes 24131330 (24.1 MB) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 297249 bytes 24131330 (24.1 MB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 wlo1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 2a01:cb14:c26:d600:2e1a:2c88:35db:25c7 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x0<global> inet6 fe80::b180:bfac:1a39:a709 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link> inet6 2a01:cb14:c26:d600:7438:dfe6:df2a:2fb9 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x0<global> ether 30:24:32:ab:84:6b txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 813303 bytes 994881994 (994.8 MB) RX errors 0 dropped 1962 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 479736 bytes 77687195 (77.6 MB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
  9. Bonjour quelques compléments : voici l'ip local qui établie les connections, c'est toujours la même : 2a01:cb14:c26:d600:7438:dfe6:df2a:2fb9 lorsque j'essaie de la bloquer via iptable, la commande me renvoies ça : thibault@locanode-820:~$ iptables -A INPUT -s 2a01:cb14:c26:d600:7438:dfe6:df2a:2fb9 -j DROP iptables v1.6.1: host/network `2a01:cb14:c26:d600:7438:dfe6:df2a:2fb9' not found Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information. cette ip local établie pourtant bien plusieurs connections : a noter que lors de cet capture d'écran je suis déconnecté du wi-fi (cf l'icone en bas a droite a coté de l'icone rouge de la batterie), que ma livebox est débranchée aussi. J'ai attendu 5 a 6 min devant tcpview les connections restent sur le mode etablished, alors que ni mon pc ni ma livebox sont connecté. Après ces 5,6 minutes j'ai fermé mon navigateur est là les connections sont passées en time_wait puis se sont coupées. Il me semble que m'étant totalement déconnecté ces connections aurait du passer en time_wait puis se couper. Alors que non. Quel materiel peux donc maintenir ces connections ?
  10. Le pc sous Linux n’est effectivement pas le même pc que celui sous Windows. ma question porte bien sur mon pc Linux . voila jwhy c’est quoi ton mp ? Par curiosité. les connections connuent d'affluer sur mon pc linux : L'adresse ip local est toujours la même est n'est pas la mienne...... je me doutais fortement de qui etait derriere cette ip..... Le problème est matériel donc on peux faire 50milles scan du pc Linux ça ne changera rien. Le problème a de grandes chances de se situer au niveau de la livebox. Donc ?
  11. Bonjour, merci pour ton aide liens des rapports :
  12. Bonjour, je vais essayer de voir tout ça. au moment des commandes tcpkill j’étais sur YouTube avec une vidéo en pause rien d’autres. Aucun autres onglet ouvert. ce que je ne comprends pas c’est pourquoi autant de connection arrivent, et pourquoi mon pc portable qui a de bonnes performances se met à tourner autant à chacune de ses connections. une simple vidéo YouTube de mon point de vue ne devrait pas le faire tourner autant. Je vous tiens au courant dès que je peux. ah aussi lorsque j’ai Kill la première connection ( cf 1ere command) la vidéo YouTube n’a pas bougé pas eu de perte de connection ou quoique ce soit. merci. Édit : je viens de faire un test via DuckDuckGo en faisant une recherche le pc pareil se met à tourner fort mais effectivement les connections de mon post précédent n’apparaissent pas. J’ai bien lu l’article posté par jwhy effectivement ces connections peuvent venir de YouTube. Je sais plus du coup. Peut être un problème matériel ? Bon je vais essayer de voir tout ça .
  13. Bonjour, j'ai identifié les connections qui font tourner mon pc de façon intensives. J'ai préféré posté sur ce sujet plutôt que d'en créer un nouveau pour pas inondé le forum, si besoin je peux créer un noveau sujet, avous de me dire. Voic la liste des connections qui font que mon pc s'emballe, je les kill avec la commande tcpkill, mon pc se calme puis 'autres connection du même type arrive sans cesse : thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host [sudo] Mot de passe de thibault : tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host] > R 3463331168:3463331168(0) win 0 > R 3463331574:3463331574(0) win 0 > R 3463332386:3463332386(0) win 0 > R 2890456646:2890456646(0) win 0 > R 2890457147:2890457147(0) win 0 > R 2890458149:2890458149(0) win 0 > R 2890456646:2890456646(0) win 0 > R 2890457147:2890457147(0) win 0 > R 2890458149:2890458149(0) win 0 > R 2890456646:2890456646(0) win 0 > R 2890457147:2890457147(0) win 0 > R 2890458149:2890458149(0) win 0 > R 3463331231:3463331231(0) win 0 > R 3463331637:3463331637(0) win 0 > R 3463332449:3463332449(0) win 0 > R 3463331232:3463331232(0) win 0 > R 3463331638:3463331638(0) win 0 > R 3463332450:3463332450(0) win 0 > R 2890456647:2890456647(0) win 0 > R 2890457148:2890457148(0) win 0 > R 2890458150:2890458150(0) win 0 thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host] thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host [sudo] Mot de passe de thibault : tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host] thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host [sudo] Mot de passe de thibault : tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host] thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host [sudo] Mot de passe de thibault : tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host] thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host [sudo] Mot de passe de thibault : tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host] thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host [sudo] Mot de passe de thibault : tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host] thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host [sudo] Mot de passe de thibault : tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host] je suis pas convaincu que celà soit tout a fait normal. Merci de me donner votre avis svp.
  14. Samhain semble aussi détecté quelques trucs. Je préfère pas trop commencer a bidouiller tout ça, a savoir ce UID=102 non trusted, est ce que je dois faire la modif que samhain conseille ou non. J'attend de voir votre avis du coup. --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/games> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/gdm> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/gdm> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/nfs> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/nfs> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/nfs> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/nfs> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/pcmcia> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/pcmcia> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/pcmcia> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/pcmcia> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/scrollkeeper> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/scrollkeeper> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/texmf> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/texmf> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/mail> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/mail> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</etc/cups/certs> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</etc/cups/certs> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</etc/cups/certs> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</etc/cups/certs/0> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</etc/cups/certs/0> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</etc/cups/certs/0> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</etc/lvm/.cache> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</etc/lvm/.cache> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</etc/lvm/.cache> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</etc/motd> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</etc/motd> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</etc/motd> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</etc/sysconfig/hwconf> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</etc/sysconfig/hwconf> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</etc/sysconfig/hwconf> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/acpi-support/vbestate> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/acpi-support/vbestate> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/acpi-support/vbestate> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/cups/certs> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/cups/certs> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/cups/certs> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/cups/certs/0> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/cups/certs/0> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/cups/certs/0> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/gdm> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/gdm> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/gdm> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/gdm/.cookie> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/gdm/.cookie> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/gdm/.cookie> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/gdm/.gdmfifo> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/gdm/.gdmfifo> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/gdm/.gdmfifo> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/mysql> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/mysql> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/mysql> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/mysql/ibdata1> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/mysql/ibdata1> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/mysql/ibdata1> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/random-seed> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/random-seed> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/random-seed> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/slocate> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/slocate> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/slocate> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/slocate/slocate.db> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/slocate/slocate.db> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/slocate/slocate.db> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/slocate/slocate.db.tmp> INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/urandom> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/urandom> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/urandom> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- INFO : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/urandom/random-seed> CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/urandom/random-seed> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- CRIT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/urandom/random-seed> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- MARK : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<File check completed.>, time=<91>, kBps=<208389.744000> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------- NOTICE : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Finished writing baseline database.> ALERT : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<EXIT>, program=<Samhain>, status=<exit_success> ERROR : [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log> --------- sh_unix.c --- 1303 --------- The path element: /var/log in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users. To fix the problem, you can: - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file. ----------------------------------------------
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